The coming days my spare bedroom is in use. Yesterday my aunt arrived for the weekend and on Wednesday the girls and I welcome two special guests from Budapest. Jane and Lance....only four more days to go :-)!!
I have been running around the house like a maniac, a bucket of water, a mop and the vacuum cleaner constantly by my side. Ha, ha, this is how it must feel when you run a B&B. I have been looking forward to the coming weeks for months. Can't wait to catch up with my friends and to show them my home town: the amazing city of Rotterdam!
When my visitors have left. I will cross the English Channel, for a short holiday. My friends and I rented a cottage in The Cotswolds, in a little village close to Chipping Campden. We will roam the English countryside, visit castles and gardens and most probably chat a lot. I don't think I will be around much the coming two weeks. I hope you don't mind too much?!
Today's photo's were taken in the garden, during a period of two weeks time. You can see the first rose in bloom (Tom Tom), lots of alliums, different varieties of lupins, Delphinium Black Night and my lawn covered in daisies. Don't you just hate to cut the grass when it's full of those little white flowers?! :-)
Before I go, I would like to thank Stephanie from one of my favourite blogs Millesfeuilles, for the amazing stole she sent me. Stephanie, I am still speechless...... Your stole is so incredibly beautiful! It must have taken you hours! I posted a photo on Instagram, so if you would like to see how it looks, you can find a link in my sidebar. Thank you to Frances from the sweet blog By Surprise too, who sent me a lovely line of bunting with little hearts. A big hug and kiss to you both!
Wishing you a Happy weekend! I hope I will spend part of it in the garden with my aunt and daughters, sipping tea.
Madelief x

Lieve Madelief. Wat staat je tuin er prachtig bij, een waar lustoord. Je hebt eer van je werk. En je krijgt gezellige gasten. Wat fijn dat we van dat prachtige weer krijgen. Heerlijk voor de tuin.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe gaat naar Chipping Cambden. daar zijn wij ook geweest tijdens onze rondreis een paar jaar geleden.dat is zo,n mooi plaatsje. De hele Cotcwolds zijnprachtig. Wat zal je genieten.
Ik wens je heel fijne weken en sterkte met het links rijden. |:))) in the Cotswolds. Het is even wennen.
Lieve groeten van Riet.
Looking beautiful. Have fun with your visitors and a wonderful holiday in the UK. The countryside here is wonderful this year, so much blossom everywhere. x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love the magenta and purples in your garden at the moment - I have the same Alliums - my favourites. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful but busy time with all your visitors - enjoy your trip to England - it is fantastic in the countryside at the moment - hope the weather keeps good for you - it makes such a difference to see new places when the sun is shining.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDearest Madelief:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat can we possibly say? We are beside ourselves with excitement and are so looking forward to being with you again, to meeting the girls, to spending time in the garden, which is looking positively magical [and we love the daisies], and to seeing something of your home town. But best of all will simply be being together.
And how nice that you have a holiday in England already planned. It will be fun too to talk about what you might do when you are there.
Now we must go and check on our tickets AGAIN!!! See you on Wednesday. J&L, xxx
hoi madelief jeetje een heel druk weekje dus maar ook wel erg leuk en het weeer is super een b&b runnen is nog niet zo relaxed als het lijkt vaak maar wat leuk dat je gasten hebt uit hongarije en je tante is dat de tante waar je laast verbleef uit limburg ! veel plezier dit weekend de lupines zijn prachtig en heel veel plezier en fijne mini vakantie in the heart of engeland cotswolds gewenst veel plezier! nog twee leuke tips kelmschott manor is ook erg leuk om te bezoeken als je tijd hebt het was het country house van william morris je kan het huis bezichtigen en de tuinen en er is een tea room bij erg leuk en sudeley castle is ook het bezoeken waard het is maar een kleine tip maar ik vond ze prachtig deze huizen weet ook niet of je er al geweest bent groetjes en veel plezier leon10
BeantwoordenVerwijderenenjoy your friends and the coming holiday in England!!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenxxxxxx Ale
Lieve Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe hebt drukke maar ook hele gezellige dagen voor de boeg en aansluitend ook nog eens een heerlijk reisje naar Engeland. Wat bof je met het mooie weer voor je gasten uit Boedapest. Je tuin staat er prachtig bij, daar kun je de komende dagen veel thee gaan drinken.
Ik wens je heel veel plezier, geniet er van, ook in the Cotswold. Het is je van harte gegund. Veel foto's maken hoor (maar dat doe je toch wel), zodat we er straks ook van kunnen mee genieten.
Dikke kus, Ingrid
Have lots of fun and happy times together, and may the sun shine brightly on you all♡
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden looks absolutely stunning. So pretty!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGood morning Madelief, lovely photos of your exquisite garden again....hope you enjoy your few days with Jane and Lance as well as your time in the Cotswold (I hope the weather is fine for you!) Have a great weekend! Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for yours pretty photos:)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief, your garden is so beautiful! Have a nice weekend, hugs from Portugal:) Manuela
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's about the purples today on your blog beautiful! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy your visitors and your holiday.
Happy weekend,
V xxx
Je tuin ziet er geweldig uit, veel plezier met je gasten, dat komt vast helemaal goed, ook gezien de weersvoorspelling.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch a B & B feeling I've had for decades as we got so many guests staying with us and mostly for 3 or 4 weeks or longer. But it does make you have the entire place ship shape. Good for you that afterward you can enjoy some time off yourself. Leaving the garden behind, only to catch up afterwards. Yesterday I was lucky for being able to do some weeding, the heavy rains had quit. Made pulling weeds easy.
Happy weekend and enjoy your guests!
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyour visitors from abroad will be so happy in the "B&B Madelief". And no wonder that you like daisies and don't want to cut them - madelief means daisy, isn't it? :o) Great, your spring garden with those wonderful lupines and other pretties - and a cottage in The Cotswolds sounds GREAT, too!!! Have a good time, my dear - enjoy it!
Warm hugs & Groetjes, Traude
Dear, dear Madelief! You are going to host JANE AND LANCE? That is spectacular! And you got a stole from Stephanie? I adore her work and hope to one day purchase one from her...her work is indeed so lovely! And then there is the gift from dear Francis....what a joy to see the work of her hands and heart!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour flowers are bringing me joy my friend. We still are in a bit of a freeze here but things are turning green, slowly. Thank you for your ray of sunshine, all year round. AND you are going to be the most welcoming guest as you receive your friends! LOVE, Anita
I knew the charming Hattats were coming to visit! How wonderful that they will share the beauty of your amazing garden right at its peak of bloom. Have a wonderful time together then enjoy your holiday in England (my much-missed home), it will be special in the Cotswolds at this lovely time of year.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI found your beautiful blog via Lance and Jane - I'll be back to enjoy your Dutch garden often Madelief.
Happy weekend - Mary in North Carolina
Ooh Madelief, what a small world! Only yesterday Jane & Lance commented and joined my little blog, so in turn I joined theirs ... I am making the assumption that their blog is Hattatt as they are called Jane and Lance and come from Budapest? How lovely!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is picture perfect, and what a wonderful setting in which to host a tea party for your guests. Enjoy the sunshine my lovely, and have a fabulous time with your friends.
Love Claire xxx
Hi Madelief, your garden looks so beautiful, especially the alliums - I'm enjoying alliums in my garden too. Hope you have a lovely weekend with your guests and that you have a lovely holiday in the Cotswolds. There is so much to see there, I will look forward hearing about it and the photos of course! I'm off to the Chelsea Flower Show on Wednesday with my lovely friend Gill (Gillyflower), can't wait! Jane xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPS Your stole is lovely - such a beautiful colour!
The flowers in the colored glass are so beautiful. You will have a good time snowing your friends the city. Sometimes that's the only way we get out and about to see the sights of own homes. Take lots of photos in England to share. The Cotswolds are beautiful.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief, I smiled at the image of your and your bucket and vacuum cleaner...I am sure you looked as elegant as always! What special fun you are about to have enjoying the company of your guests. To have that trip to the Cotswalds follow soon thereafter really does put delicious icing on an already splendid cake.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a fine time. Yes, of course we will miss your posts, but somehow I think you will be taking some photographs that might eventually be shared.
Best wishes to you and yours. xo
De foto lens die je me adviseerde heb ik inmiddels in bezit. Een nieuwe dimensie in het fotograferen moet ik je zeggen. Bedankt voor de tip. Heel fijne dagen in Engeland. Ik hoop erover te lezen in je volgende blog. Genieten...
Beautiful photos of spring in your garden! We are quite a bit behind you, but it is lovely to have a peek at what's coming. I hope you have a wonderful time with all your company - Lance and Jane....many of us will be envious!....and with your travels. Best wishes!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is looking so pretty. have a wonderful time with the Hattatts.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope that you have a great time with your visitors and that you also enjoy your trip over here to England, the Cotswolds should be really beautiful at this time of year, so I hope that you love it! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat heb je toch een fantastische tuin, Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb weer heerlijk genoten!
Graag wil ik je heel veel plezier toewensen met je bezoek en een fantastische vakantie in Engeland!
Liefs, Gerry
Lieve Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenna 2 weken vakantie ben ik even bij mijn blogvriendinnen aan het bijlezen.
Wat ziet je tuin er geweldig uit en alweer zo anders dan een paar weken geleden toen ik er was.
Ook hier in mijn tuin is het genieten van alles, na 2 weken is er zoveel veranderd! Heerlijk!
Wat een gezellige weken ga je tegemoet.
Leuke logees EN naar de Cotswolds!
Je weet het hè, als er een plekje vrij komt................... :)
Mn koffer staat al klaar!
Ik wens je hele fijne weken en geniet ervan!
Ik hoor de verhalen graag als je weer terug bent.
heel veel liefs
Dear Madelief, your garden is looking beautiful, especially the alliums. I'm sure you will have enjoyed tea in the garden today with the girls and your aunt - the weather is just perfect, especially after all the rain! Have a great time with Jane and Lance too - how exciting. I've just read their comment above:-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a good break here in England with your friends, I know you've been to the Cotswolds many times before and love it! Enjoy!
Zo te lezen heb je heerlijke geniet dagen voor de boeg.....zalig zeg.......visite en dan nog een lekker uitje.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGeniet er maar heerlijk van....enne....vergeet geen foto's te maken hè? Geniet ik later nog even met je na ;)
En je tuinbeelden....tja....val in herhaling.....maar gewoonweg een feestje.
Tot snel
Your garden is beautiful, have fun with your visitors.
I would indeed have a difficult time cutting the lawn if it had little daisies there. I have been wanting some of those little daisies so I could make a daisy chain. As usual your flowers are just lovely. Enjoy your guests and travels to the Cotswolds. How I love the Cotswold and it would be so delightful to share it with good friends.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden so beautifully blooming. Enjoy your time with family. Most of all, enjoy and have a safe trip to the Cotswolds. That will be relly fun visiting castles around the UK.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPretty, pretty! Enjoy your guests and have a lovely holiday! Photos, please? Smiles...Susan
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is so very beautiful and I know you must spend so much time out there.
Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine.
Enjoy your time with your visitors from abroad and then your holiday away in the Cotswolds.
Sending hugs
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have just returned from Paris and my heart is full of joy and gratitude to read how much how you like your stole. Thank you for your kind words and enjoy the anticipation of awaiting your friends' arrival.
fascinantes couleurs
BeantwoordenVerwijderendes lupins magnifique
profiter bien de vos journées avec vos amies
edith (iris) France
Hi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos never cease to amaze, the clarity and composition always is so gorgeous! Don't work too hard cleaning and enJOY your time with family and friends. Wishing you, too, joy-filled days on your holiday to England. XO
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenenjoy your nice visits with your aunt and your friends and have much fun in the Cotswolds! Although I really feel very happy for you, I also will miss you and your wonderful posts during this time! But perhaps you will find some time for instagram ;)
Hugs, Barbara
Het bloeit en groeit allemaal prachtig bij je Madelief! Ik wens je hele fijne en gezellige dagen in Engeland. We kunnen vast wel op je blog genieten van mooie foto's van je uitstapje. Liefs Pascale
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTha Hattatts and the Cotswalds! You have wonderful things to look forward to! I want to live in your summer house.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is so beautiful! Enjoy your time with your friends!
Your garden is PURE MAGIC dear Madelief!!! I could sit in every single photos and stay for days.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a wonderful time with your visitors. They will love their amazing surroundings.
Have a beautiful time in the Cotswolds.
sending hugs...
Hello Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is stunning and your guests must be thrilled to be sharing it with you. Hope you have a great time.
Have a lovely week,
Liz x
Such very beautiful garden pictures, your flowers are so pretty! (I have often planted lupins but they are always immediately eaten by snails!) Enjoy your visitors! And how exciting you are going to the Cotswolds! Wishing you a wonderful trip with lots of sunny garden days.x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHelen xox
Hi Dear,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenif you see a person you don't know sitting in your garden and smile - it's me! So wonderful and charming! Great to be your guest!
Have a wonderful time and sunny days
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWens je een hele mooi dagen samen met jou vrienden!
Ik kan het voorstellen nu al wat voor prachtige fotos zou komen here bij jou na jou vacantie tijd.....
Liefs en groetjes,
Je tuin is een droom.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet is zo fijn om er van mee te mogen genieten, dank je!
Heel veel plezier met je vrienden en in Engeland gewenst,
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJust updated one of my earliest posts and I did mention you in it. Don't know if you ever had a chance to read it... Edible Flowers ←click and find out at the very bottom about Sheila Pickles, former director of Penhaligon's, the exclusive London perfume house who wrote the lovely hard cover book of 182 pages: The Complete Language of Flowers.
A must have for you with your lovely garden!
Hope you have a wonderful time with your Aunt and Jane and Lance. I'm sure they will have a wonderful time with you and will love seeing you beautiful garden too, it looks as if all the flowers are putting on a welcome show too. Sarah x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy being a host, and then your well-deserved break in the Cotswolds. Long may our beautiful weather continue, so you can have a warm and sunny time. Your garden looks just delicious! Ours in our country cottage is still a jungle, but we are discovering treasures all the time; we can only get down there at weeknds and holidays.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een prachtige bloemenpost weer Madelief, altijd genieten!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet is je vergeven als je er een paar weekjes niet bent, haha...maar ik neem aan dat je ons wel zult verblijden met prachtige plaatjes uit de Cotswolds.
Maak me maar lekker want deze regio staat met stip bovenaan mijn verlanglijstje als vakantie bestemming wanneer onze jongste ook niet meer met ons meegaat...nog een jaartje...of twee...
Heel veel plezier gewenst, samen met je vrienden en geniet ook van het mooie weer, extra fijn!
Fijne vakantie en lieve groet, MJ
Das sind wunderschöne Impressionen mit einem tollen Blütentraum.Ach herrlich wie sich im Moment der Garten wandelt und alles ist jeden Tag spannend! ich wünsche Dir eine zauberhafte Zeit Belinda
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope you have a wonderful time with your friends Madelief, I know they will love seeing your garden for real! It's all looking so beautiful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy your trip to the UK too!
Gill xx
What chance have friends to spend a few days in your beautiful garden ! Your flowers are fantastic. I wish you a wonderful and sweet stay in the Cotswolds, a place that I love too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you for your beautiful photos, Madelief.
Nice evening,
Nath x
Oh my goodness, what a divinely beautiful blog you have! I am so pleased to have found it. It is full of beautiful things. I do hope you enjoy your stay in the Cotswolds. Sleep well, eat well, visit much and enjoy our lovely green countryside. Imogen x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat leuk dat Jane en Lance naar je toe komen.....!! spannend hoor...geniet maar lekker.....veel plezier in Engeland ook......liefs van mij...x !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWil je ze de groeten doen van mij??...liefs Ria...x !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief, ooh your garden is just gorgeous, all those blues and purples, I just love it, they must be coming out especially for your visitors! Have a wonderful time with your friends J&L, and a fabulous trip to England. Looking forward to hearing all about it on your return. With much love, Linda xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA cottage in the Cotswolds......I am turning a little green with envy Madelief.......what a wonderful time you will have with your friends in such a beautiful part of the world. Look forward to seeing the pics,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a great time with your visitors, I'm sure you are the perfect host and they won't want to leave.....
Your garden photos are gorgeous, so love those blue Lppins.
As much as I love the Autumn colour here, I do enjoy SPring time and all the blooms..
Claire Xx
Sweet Birdy Love
Have lots of fun with your guests and enjoy your trip to the Cotswolds. I can tell you it's looking very lovely over here xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh you show us so many beautiful pictures again...amazing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWish you a great week, take care Madelief!
Love Titti
I hope you have a wonderful time with your guests! Looking forward to more beautiful photos after your trip!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is looking splendid!!! Especially the lupines which I cannot grow in DC. Have a wonderful time with Jane and Lance! Please tell them hi from Loi :) And enjoy your trip to England. Cheers
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is a picture - oh those glorious lupins!
I can't grow them in Auckland as our climate is temperate and just doesn't get cold enough during Winter to set the bulbs.
The Cotswolds is such a pretty part of England, we stayed at Burford a quintessential english village - just lovely!
The english gardens are a joy to behold. One day I would love to visit Highgrove, Prince Charles garden.
Enjoy your time with the Hattats - I'm sure there won't be a speck of dust to be found!!
Happy days
Shane xox
how utterly fabulous......I can smell the scent....have a wonderful trip!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHope you are enjoying your company and have fun on your little holiday! Glad you are finding joy around every corner my friend. xoxo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh my - how do your lupins escape the slugs! Mine were eaten within 24 hours sadly.....
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis is a lovely time of year for gardening isn't it
Best wishes