Hi everyone,
Thank you for your sweet comments on last weeks post! I am still blushing :-) I was happy to read you liked my photo's so much. It's always fun to decorate the garden and the table for guests. To make special dishes and fairytale like bouquets.
Wish I could invite you all to one of my next lunches or tea parties. Although my allotment garden is large, it's not big enough to seat you all! Perhaps I will do a giveaway one day, at which you can win a place at my tea table. Ha, ha!! Wouldn't that be fun! Well, you never know :-)
After a dark week with lots of grey skies and rain, I am creating my own sunshine today. I am adding a bit of yellow to my post, to lighten up the darkness. The weather is too awful, to make photo's in the garden. Hopefully I will be able to show you the first roses in bloom next week. For now, you will have to do with belated bunnies and Easter eggs instead. I believe this was the first Easter ever, we celebrated outdoors. Hope many more will follow!
I made a roast beetroot, feta and lentil salad, and a Pea and watercress soup. They were both quite tasty! If you are interested in the recipes, you can click the links above.
Wishing you a happy weekend! Please send some sunshine to Rotterdam!
Madelief x

Dank je wel voor al weer deze prachtige zonnige foto's. Het weekend kan al niet meer stuk.
Heerlijk dat beetje zon wat je ons doet toekomen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet is hier onstuimig met een zeer harde klap onweer waardoor er een aantal sirenes voorbij kwamen.
Desondanks wens ik je een mooi weekend!
Liefs, Gerry
Here in Hamburg it's raining all day long which puts down my mood extremely! Seeing your "sunny" photos, improve this mood immensely :). I hope weather will change soon so that I can work in the garden, there is so much work to do...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a nice weekend,
Today our weather is rather crummy, foggy and cloudy. Your photos are always so lovely with such brilliant color. Wouldn't I love to join you at your tea table! As a child, I wanted to go o Holland after reading Hans Christian Anderson's tales. And I still do, but I need to renew my passport. Have a wonderful week end.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh my, such beautiful photos.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy weekend
Met jouw kleurrijke foto's maak je van vandaag toch nog een stralende dag. Hoewel er al veel water is gevallen, is het weer toch wel heel boeiend. Zojuist scheen de zon met op de achtergrond een hele zwarte lucht. Het groen van de bomen steekt er prachtig tegen af, terwijl ook de zon schijnt en de regenboog zichtbaar wordt. Je moet niet in zo'n bui staan, maar droog in de woonkamer is het een waar spektakel.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk vind de paarse bloem op de derde foto onder de tekst van je post zo mooi. Mag ik je vragen welke bloem dat is? Je zult wel denken...daar heb je haar ook weer ;-).
Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend, Madelief. Ik denk dat we helaas weinig in de tuin kunnen zijn, ik hoop dat dat volgende week beter wordt.
Liefs, Ingrid
Lieve Madelief. Ja wat hebben we een naar weer he maar je hebt wel de zon op je blog getoverd. Iprachtige foto,s.ik was weer een paar dagen in Londen met mijn kleindochters maar daar was het niet veel beter. De jonge dames wilden het liefst maar shoppen dus dat hebben we dan natuurlijk gedaan. Weer voor hyde park e.d. Was het echt niet. Ik heb niet veel foto,s gemaakt want Londen was grijs. Maar het was toch heerlijk. Mijn voeten zijn nu helaas in staking. :((((
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLieve groeten van Riet
Ik heb trouwens het vermoeden dat het de allium is, maar weet het niet zeker omdat je bloemen kleiner lijken. Maar ze zijn er niet minder mooi om hoor! Wat een prachtige kleur!
Dear Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch lovely sunshine colours! It has rained here today and very blustery, but this evening - the sun has come out and its lovely now - I shall send some your way for the weekend.
I'm hoping for sunshine tomorrow to go lilac gathering in the woods. There are tree after tree of lilacs so I always feel an armful bought home to put in a vase or two won't hurt:-)
Enjoy your volunteering this weekend.
A lovely sunny post.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI believe we're in for a rainy weekend here in London, so very happy to share some of your good weather.
Hope you have a lovely weekend,
Liz x
Dat ziet er heel gezellig uit!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn inderdaad ik zou heel graag eens n kopje thee
bij je komen drinken, maar ik vrees het is erg ver
bij ons vandaan...
En ja het weer...wat moeten we daar nog over zeggen...
Toch n fijn weekend!
Lijkt me een heerlijke salade hoor....en ja je kleurtjes schijnen weer vandaag !!...heel fijn weekend lieverd....geniet...x !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love Kerria japonica, mine has finished blooming.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour salad seems very tasty, yum!!!
Oh al ben ik heel kleurloos in mijn eigen bestaan, ik kan toch zo enorm genieten van je bloementuin.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn die mooie gedekte tafel uit je vorige post, wauw wat had je weer je best gedaan meid.
Helaas is het nu totaal geen weer om buiten bezig te zinn, maar je foto's hebben hetzelfde effect als de zon...
Stralende kleuren, prachtig zoals de bloemen bij jou altijd overkomen.
Fijn weekend
Liefs lia
Your meal sounds delicious and the table is set beautifully. Enjoy!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOooo Madelief, wat is het toch altijd smullen die mooie foto's van je en zeker nu met die overheerlijke salade van je. Het water loopt in mijn mond. Die give away voor je teaparty lijkt me een heel goed plan :-), dan doe ik graag mee hoor! Pascale X
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPurple bowl with green soup (spinach or watercress, I wonder?): one of my favourite colour combinations, I think.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm back from a holiday in England, visiting my parents, and it's wonderful to soak up the sunshine on this grey day thanks to you, Madelief.
Warmest wishes as always,
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwe don't have sun in Austria, too - but may be tomorrow? Then I will send some sun to you! :o)) Loved your sunny, happy-making colors! :o))
Warm hugs to you,
PS: And the giveaway sounds like a great idea ;o))
(⁀‵⁀,) ✿
I'm sorry to say we're not expecting much sunshine here in South East England anytime soon, 'blustery showers' is the description from the weather forecast. Lovely pictures of sunnier times in your garden. Have a great weekend, whatever the weather!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJane x
Madelief! Do you know my friend, that it is YOU who has inspired me to try my photography more this summer? The way you decorate your table and set up colors in the garden, it has given me more ideas. I have always enjoyed white flowers because I love the way they appear at night under the full moon. Your table is always set so perfectly, and even though I have no family here or even a lot of friends to invite over, I can at least set things up to take photos. The yellow you are using is a great way to bring sunshine on a cloudy day, and we are having a weekend full of rain. But we are finally getting our spring and the tender leaves are starting to open.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI so wish you could have a giveaway for a place at your table! The joy that would bring. Have a lovely weekend my friend, and thank you again for coming by to ask how I am feeling. So much better.
XOXO Anita
So beautiful, the salad looks delicious! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt looks like a little piece of paradise in your garden. I love the little tin; such a gorgeous colour. I wish I could send you some sun but we are waiting on some today, too. "Happy Mother's Day", Madelief. Hugs, Deb
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love that you have made your own sunshine on the overcast day, with all the pretty golds and yellow flowers. We have sun shining here and wish I could send over some your way.
The birthday party looked really beautiful and must have been fun with your family and friends.
Wishing you a happy weekend and Mothers Day
For a chance to see that windmill and enjoy some pea and watercress potage, I'd be there in a jiffy Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAll the best,
You and your eye are heroes (heroines?) of mine, and I am so excited to see that I have that same yellow tin!!! It's packed now because I am moving, but I'm thrilled to be able to pull it out at the other end, and try to make it look even half as elegant as yours does!! As always, you are a great inspiration!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI feel so good after looking at all these floral pictures!!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy weekend Madelief!!!!
xxxxxx ale
dear madelief, i hope the sun is shining by now, but your photos are truly glowing, you really do generate your own light. thank you so much for the delicious recipes, i am really happy to have the weekend off, and hopefully spend some time trying out some new dishes.i hope you have a lovely weekend (and see the sun!) xoxo lori
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWonderful wonderful colors,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenso shining and cheerful!
Have a sunny weekend!
Hoi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJa wat zonneschijn kunnen we wel weer gebruiken. Het is nu grijs buiten en de regen dreigt... Niets aan dus.
Wat heerlijk om dan deze fleurige foto's te zien van jullie paasfeestje... Dit is weer genieten. Lekker ook de linkjes naar de recepten, die lijke me verrukkelijk!
Ik wens jou ook een heerlijk weekend en als ik wat zonneschijn vind stuur ik een deel jouw kant uit...
Lieve groet,
Your photos bring some sunshine and happiness, regardless of the weather Madelief. Thank your for your wonderful blog. Hope you have a happy Mother's day.
Deine Fotos zaubern immer Sonnenschein ins Zimmer, auch wenn es regnet!
Ooooo. Dankjewel Madelief.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe flowers in your garden are very similar to those I plant - I just wish I had your colourful china and pretty glassware to arrange them in. Wishing you a sunny weekend.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOp jouw foto's schijnt altijd de zon!! Mooie theekopjes zie ik weer... En die lange, gedekte tafels... zoooo mijn smaak, love it!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijn Weekend!
Liefs, Heidi
It is always, always, a feast for the eyes to visit your posts, and this one also includes a delicious looking salad dish too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderende joyeuses et pimpantes couleurs
BeantwoordenVerwijderenc'est un régal de venir sur votre page
on est éblouie
edith (iris) France
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou certainly do have quite a knack for picking up colors that go so well together! Even the food dishes match the plates and china you use with the typical fresh flowers...
Sending you hugs and wishing you a happy and sunny Mother's Day weekend!
Madelief, the cadmium yellow tones really do sing of sunshine! Your Easter bunny garden feast looks so beautiful and also light-filled. I will have to give those recipes a try. The salad ingredients intrigue me because I don't think I have ever before combined them in one dish. Many thanks for the inspiration.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe've had a lots of wet and cloudy days over here this week. Today, Saturday, I will return return to work, and understand that warm sunny (even summer-like) weather will arrive this afternoon.
Oh to win a place at your tea table....swoon...better than winning the lottery xxxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe orange colours really sing out, everything looks so inviting as usual!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI wish I could send you some sun Madelief but I'm afraid we don't have that much either!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love all your golden yellows., :)
V x
Wish that we could but we have 60 mile an hour winds here! beautiful colourful photos, so cheerful for everyone thank you xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSweet Madelief! Your wonderful comment just came to me, and I send you a tight hug! We were supposed to get rain, but the morning was so lovely. We took a walk and saw so many rabbits, bluejays and other wonderful spring creatures! We then came home to have tea, and the clouds are now rolling in. But next weekend will be the weekend I am cleaning up my garden to get it ready for a photo shoot. Yes, I will share my photos if they are decent! I am on the look out for a lovely lace table cloth but other than that, I have all I need to get a lovely photo.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy day my beautiful and remarkable friend! Anita
You set up the loveliest of tables... what a joy to eat at your house...
Na een regenachtige en sombere dag wordt ik helemaal vrolijk van al deze mooie foto's!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijn weekend. X
I love your blog. And the sunny photo's are lovely! It's a pleasure
BeantwoordenVerwijderento read and see your nice posts.Hope you have a nice weekend,
Madelief, in your beautiful garden!
Hoe mooi en zonnig zijn je foto's weer. Ik word er blij van.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijn weekend, lieve groet,
Hi Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos always bring sunshine to my day! LOVE. XO
Happy Mother's Day,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Oh how lovely to meet a kindred spirit from across the ether! Your choice of flowers and colours are wonderful - I think that we do indeed share very similar tastes - I love a nice bit of china and a nice bit of fabric to go with it.....a little too much perhaps in our house!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope that the sun is shining in Rotterdam today - keep in touch
Best wishes
Feliz dia das mães , parabèns seu trabalho é belissÃmo.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy Mother´s Day! Congratulations, your work is amazing!
Darling Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow perfectly this post reflects your strong spirit. If the sun will not shine outside, you make your own sunny pictures instead. What a wonderful philosophy for life that is. Sometimes it is all too easy to see everything as grey and depressing especially when the weather is dreary and there seem too many problems to solve, but one can make one's own sunshine. There are people like you who literally radiate light when they come into a room and your blog posts really shine out. How lovely that we can bask in the sunlight with you!
You have such a great eye for composition, whether it be in a photograph or a table setting. You create beauty all around you and that makes you so very special.
We are late appearing here but shall be on time for the plane!
Hi dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh it is so nice to see some sun... the weather here was also very awful the whole week.
Love your colorful decoration :)
Happy week for you!
Wat een heerlijke zonnig terugblik op pasen, kunnen we wel gebruiken. Wat een herfstig kil weer is het de laatste dagen. Lieve groet
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMooi Madelief.
What lovely yellows you have captured in your pretty flowers and photos! Appreciate the rain as it brings growth and beauty to your garden. Your posts and photos are always rays of sunshine. Today was Mother's Day in the USA so I am sending you good wishes. Smiles...Susan
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI enjoyed seeing your sunny colours here so much Madelief! We had a very showery and blustery weekend here too! Wishing you a happy week and lots of sunshine.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHelen xox
Such floral delights in your last post and this. Your allotment is quite perfect :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnd what a pretty yellow tin.
Alway the greatest use of color in your postings. I really enjoy that! Jack
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGlad you could recreate the sunshine from your garden. Those recipes look lovely and just the food for summer we now just need the sunshine! Sarah x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmy dear, it has been such a long time since my last visit here on your lovely blog, but when i read the last post about your cute birthday party, i was thrilled as usual ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyour decoration is just too lovely and i really love every single detail! it must be such a pleasure to sit in your garden and enjoy a cup of tea and a piece of cake :)
have a wonderful week!
Hello dearest Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour yellows are perfect for grey days! So perfectly matched with the french style tea caddy and beautiful teacups!
Delicious food - I've had the roasted baby beetroot and lentil salad recently - I'll post a photo soon and let you know!
My pair of old cane chairs is similar to yours - I must look out for some pretty floral fabric to make new cushion covers for next Summer!
It would be the highlight of Summer - to join you in your stunning garden for tea - fingers crossed I just might do that one day!
I thought of you yesterday Madelief, I was in a book shop and noticed a book by Anne Frank's step sister Eva Schloss - titled After Auschwitz - have you heard of it?
You create such beauty with everything you do - another inspiring post thank you!
Much love
Shane x
Wonderful images, like everytime! That would be a great giveaway :-)
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour sunny post just brightens up a very grey, dull and rainy day! I´d love to send some sunshine to Rotterdam but unfortunately at the moment we don´t have any sunshine either. :-( There is so much to do in the garden but it is just too wet. We´ve just had a short hailstorm and when I look out of the window into the garden I can see a lot of snails creeping across the patio...
Hmm, beetroot, lentil and feta salad sounds delicious, thanks very much for the recipe!
Liebe Grüße, Bärbel
Dear Madelief..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe all seem excited and no wonder a possibility of a wining ticket one day....To meet up and take tea with lovely, lovely like minded folks at your table..Sounds delightful! hehe..
I always love the sunshine in your pretty pictures..
Fingers and toes crossed that your weather brightens up soon..We have lovely sunshine today and boy does it lift the spirits..
hugs Maria x
I predict that a Florist come Tea Room come Gift Shop named Madelief would have them queuing round the block in Rotterdam Madelief! You have such a unique signature and talent that always bring sunshine to my computer.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief, I am working on another blog, tinsrose.com don't work.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI don't know what to do, and I am not healthy enough to manage it. So I am
writing on my other blog at the moment, here is the adress.
You always treat us to the most beautiful images. Hope you are well and the sun is shining on you today. M x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief...you always share so many lovely moments with us and your photo´s are stunning!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTake care and have a beautiful friday...
This is what I enjoy so much about blogging (when I get to it, that is ;)) - it's like a thankful journal - a way of looking at everything that is light and bright in our lives. On top of that, it's a little bit of creative burst, which is one of the happiest things that I know of! :) It makes me so happy! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand, then, of course, you are right - these are very cheery and pretty images! (Garsh! How I love that chippy bench!) But, alas, we have a forecast that shows, at least, ten days of relentless clouds and showers.... but I love this weather just as much as sun! :) The only trouble being, I have no sun to send you! ;) :)
Wow ! I love the violet colour, purple and olive green are beautiful wedding. Your table is a fairy table !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou can take photos when it is raining, you will see pearls of rain on flowers, it is wonderful. I like rain.
I send you sun in my comment, it is already a little too hot...snifff :-)
Nice and sweet week-end Madelief, in your dream garden.
Nath x
OMG, what a photos:)) And gorgeous garden!;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreetings from France:)
Love the sunny yellow tin and the flowers, so pretty as are all your posts Madelief. Hugs Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch gorgeous sunny colours!