One of my friends turned the age, when you are considered too old to work, but too young to retire. To celebrate this milestone, we took her on a royal outing, to Soestdijk Palace in Baarn.
My friend, who is called Beatrix, like our former queen, was dressed for the occasion. Wearing an orange cardigan and wrap. Orange being the colour of the Dutch royal family. My other friend, who is called Wilhelmina, after Beatrix's grandmother, was smartly dressed as well. I felt slightly out of place in my retro punk outfit ;-)
For over six decades, Soestdijk Palace was the home of queen Juliana and her husband prins Berhnard, until their death in 2004. Nowadays it's open to the public.
The middle part of the palace was built in the 17th century as a country house. Over the years it has been extended and refurbished. During the French invasion of Holland in 1795, it became the home of Louis Bonaparte, Napoleons brother. When the palace was once again in Dutch hands, it was presented to William II in 1815, for his services at the battle of Waterloo. In one of the reception rooms you can see a large painting by Pieneman of Prince William holding the French army for two days, before Waterloo.
We enjoyed the splendour of the 17th century palace with it's amazing windows and paintings, beautiful china and glassware and impressive chandeliers. Some of the curtain edgings, looked remarkably contemporary. Guess they liked pompons too :-)
The garden was designed by Zochers in the English landscape style. I think it will look lovely in April, when the rhododendrons are in bloom.
If you are interested in visiting the palace or gardens. Please have a look at the palace's website. Hope you enjoyed my royal outing. It's a bit different from what I usely post. More colour next week!
Thank you for your kind comments on my last post too. I enjoyed celebrating with you :-)!
Wishing you a lovely week ahead!
Madelief x
Photo 5 by ANP

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pics of an amazing palace. Looks like you had a great day with your royally-named girlfriends, and you cut a dashing figure in your tartan wrap!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een geweldig mooie foto's weer! Ik moet ook zeker een keertje naar Soestdijk. Lang geleden, toen ik nog in Soest woonde en in Baarn werkte, fietste ik er iedere dag langs!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes van Ellebel
I enjoyed the lovely tour.Thank You so much.How fun to tour with friends-Blessings Denise
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief - What a lovely outing to celebrate your friends birthday.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI do admire and like the stately avenue of trees.
You look charming in your retro punk, so pleased that you showed us, and your friend of a certain age is looking very glamorous in her deep orange wrap.
So serene there; you all were lovely!
What a lovely palace, thank you for sharing your day and for giving us a snapshot of your Royal family. Beautiful photos as always. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJane xx
O wat een leuke post! Net 'blauw bloed' gekeken en nu dit:) Staat al heel lang op mijn lijstje om eens te doen. Moet echt gaan zie ik, wat ziet het er mooi uit. Prachtige foto's heb je gemaakt en wat een gezellig cadeau voor je vriendin. En je ziet er trouwens prima uit hoor, net als altijd. Lieve groet
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief, this is so fun to follow your TOUR! I am an admirer of European royalty, and the rich history behind the scenes. What a lovely palace with the most beautiful chandeliers and décor! You look fantastic, ready to go out in the chilly air, but full of hope for spring!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt really is a joy to always visit you because you just radiate kindness. You are beautiful! Anita
We have the same tartan poncho! I love the beautiful crystal chandelier and the landscape around the palace.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSo good to be surrounded by friends!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely outing you describe here with some history about The Kingdom of The Netherlands.
Having come home just a couple of days ago from the Province of Limburg, I can't but correct you on the fact that HOLLAND is NOT the country name but only consists of two Provinces. There are 10 more Provinces in the entire Kingdom of The Netherlands and the French invasion also happened in Limburg...
Being an American citizen for 20 years now, I'm still very proud of my birth country and in our many programs about The Netherlands, we've always presented it in the correct way.
You can read here:
Wishing you a happy weekend and enjoy your mild weather. It was unreal the way you are already ahead of us and we're so sad that we've lost hundreds of perfect Japanese magnolia blossoms... they are all brown now. Lucky we got to see them for one day, before we had two nights of -5°C frost again. That did the trick.
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI do so hope you are still on your well-deserved pink cloud of success following your previous post.
Don't you just love that Royal family photograph? It must have been a very lovely day spent in the company of dear friends.
Paleis Soestdijk heb ik nog nooit bezocht, maar zo te zien is het de moeite waard. Gezellig om dit met twee vriendinnen te doen. Het paleis is niet alleen mooi, ook de omgeving is daar prachtig. Ik weet dat nog van een aantal jaren terug, toen we daar dicht in de buurt waren.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk wens je een heel fijn weekend, lieve Madelief. Ondertussen tel ik de dagen af ;-).
Veel liefs, Ingrid
Wat een leuk koninklijk uitje Madelief.......fijn weekend...liefs van mij hoor...x !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh dear and sweet friend, thank you for coming by! Enjoy your outing in Amsterdam! How I'd love to see that great city one day! XOXOXOX
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Madelief. What beautiful photos from the castle. Love the park around too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWish you a great sunday.
Beautiful palace, what a nice way to spend a day,
Thank you for sharing. I have indeed enjoyed this virtual tour. Beautiful palace and splendid interiors.My attention was caught straight away by the fabulous drapes at the top of an ornate pillar and a wonderful painted ceiling in one of the photos... quite impressive!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt certainly is a perfect outing to go on with friends.
keep well
Amanda :-)
Een koninklijk uitje samen met vriendinnen, moet fantastisch geweest zijn! En jullie zien er alledrie ook fantastisch uit!
Sounds like you had a lovely day out. I love visiting Royal palaces, the chandeliers are always magnificent!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenV xxx
Mooie foto's van jullie bezoek aan Soestdijk. Lijkt me leuk om daar ook eens te gaan kijken. Fijne zondag, lieve groet
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat a beautiful palace and I loved seeing all the opulent chandeliers and decorating.
Glad that you had a fun day out with your friends and thanks for sharing your photos - love the tartan wrap.
Happy weekend
Everything is so beautiful! What a nice way to celebrate a birthday. I love that the royal color is orange!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief, it surely looks as if you and your friends chose a very splendid place for your celebration. From your photographs, I would say that each of you all looks very stylish!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOur own NYC weather was a bit better today (over the freezing point, before we get more snow tomorrow afternoon which will last into Monday morning.) So...I ventured out for a great walk in Central Park and on my way home popped into my neighborhood Barnes & Noble shop and found the Victorian Homes magazine with your beautiful china photograph on the cover and the charming articles inside.
Of course, I bought the issue, and it was such a pleasure to read the articles when I got home and to also see those pretty pictures, knowing that other folks will now be able to visit your posts. Once again, congratulations to you on being featured in this way.
(Thank you also for your kind comment over at my place.) xo
such a beautiful place to visit with your friends!!!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyour retro punk outfit rocks!!!! ;oD
xxxxxx Ale
Hello Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for sharing your beautiful day with your friends. You all look beautiful and happy and the weather looked pleasant too. You are all so stylish and I love your tartan
Have a wonderful week
Helen xx
Thank you for sharing your beautiful day at the palace with friends, Madelief! You look so happy and all dressed warm in your beautiful wraps against the early spring weather. I love the photos of the lovely palace and the amazing grounds - the tree lined path is my favorite. Thank you for taking us along to see the beauty.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA hug xo
Hoi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk ben hier samen met Ben een aantal jaar geleden ook geweest. We kregen een rondleiding door het paleis, waarbij je dan toch net wat meer hoort dan wanneer je zonder gids rond zou lopen. Wij waren ook onder de indruk maar dan vooral van de soberheid waarmee het woongedeelte van Juliana en Bernard was ingericht...
De tuinen vonden we ook prachtig, je kunt er een heerlijke wandeling maken...
Het was heel leuk om het even door jouw ogen, of cameralens, weer te zien...
Leuk dat jullie dit met de vriendinnen deden.
Ik wens je een heerlijke zondag,
Lieve groet,
Wow, what a beautiful and interesting place. Your photos are wonderful.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTracey xx
The Palace is beautiful Madelief - it's wonderful how we can have a peep inside the royal homes now!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe grounds and trees are immaculately kept too and I love the bronze statue of Queen Juliana and Prince Berhnard.
I will visit your link to see inside the palace too! Thank you!
Shane xox
een mooi dagje uit
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat a beautiful place. Love that avenue of trees. I feel I could spend hours wandering about there it looks so tranquil. The photograph of the family made me smile, it could have been taken at my wedding as most of my guests were dressed like that. Was it taken in the 60s? You all look very chic to me and I adore your tartan wrap. X
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDarling Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA very royal outing indeed. As you know, we just love poking around Country houses and the like so this was a real treat for us. So many interesting details in the palace. The curtains, as you say, are really fabby and we also liked the look of the screen in the Dining Room. Not sure what it is about screens.......perhaps always wondering what is hidden behind them.......but we really like them.
The landscaped gardens look very pleasant. Perfect for wandering and looking at the early spring flowers. The carpet of Snowdrops is so pretty. And wonderful to have all those mature trees too they look so majestic....quite royal themselves!
And, as always, darling Madelief, you look so chic. The tartan wrap is fun and looks so good on you. Teamed with the 'punk rock' look, it is wonderfully of the moment. Lovely!
Hoping that your weekend is a happy and restful one. Not long now until we are there.....yippee!
Met recht een koninklijk uitstapje met vriendinnen die Beatrix en Wilhelmina heten.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes, Janneke
A beautiful and enlightening post, you look gorgeous!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAs usual beautiful pictures-nothing more pleasurable than an outing with the girlfriends.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love going on virtual adventures with you!! ;) It does look like such a pleasant day out both because of the venue and, especially, the friends! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand you in your 'retro punk' outfit.... ha! How cute is that?! ;) Perfect outfit for a photographer! ;)
and it looks like you're preparing for a royal visit from the Hattats, too! ;) Lucky you!!! :)
I hope that you have a lovely, peaceful week, dear friend!
The palace looks simple outside but the interiors are beautiful and grand. Your shawl looks so chic too Madelief. I would enjoy visiting this place too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh wat leuk, wist niet dat het zo mooi is van binnen! Ga ik onthouden!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLiefs, Heidi
Hi dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenit seems to be a wonderful trip with your girl friends - as you know I also love castles and wonderful old houses. Especially the old chandeliers are so gorgeous!!!
A fine week!
Wat een heerlijke post... ik hou van ons koningshuis. XX Esther
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat leuk zeg Madelief! Ik heb het ooit van buiten gezien, maar nog nooit van binnen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat n prachtige foto´s en n leuk uitje!
Nog gefeliciteerd voor je vriendin!
Fijne avond!
So lovely, dear Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt seems you all have enjoyed this trip!
Have a good start in a wonderful new week with a lot of nice impressions!
Hugs Christine
Wat een koninklijk uitstapje Madelief! Zo te zien hebben jullie het gezellig gehad. Pascale X
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you for sharing the details of your day with your friends. What a lovely Palace... we will have to make sure and visit it this summer while we do our home exchange in Zeist.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope you are doing well Madelief, take care.
Dear Madelief, thank you for this tour to Soestdijk! I am really a royalist and
BeantwoordenVerwijderenfollow all the european royal houses. Some of them, as your new king,
Willem-Alexander, I like very much. He is a "king Charming". I think he looks
very popular and "ordinary" to be a royal, like our royal family in Norway. But
the tour to Soestdijk was a fantastic expirience to me, I love it. And I love
your country very much.
I like this place!
oh WOW how gorgeous! what a fabulous day, how i would love to visit this palace! you live in the most beautiful place, such history. i think you all look lovely and most important, warm! you are beautiful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenp.s. congratulations on your cover! so very exciting! have to find the magazine now!
Dearest Madelief,
why "retro punk outfit"? ;o)) I think you look like a member of the royal family - although the British Royals! :o)) Honorable enough for such a majestic place in any case. The Soestdijk Palace is beautifully furnished, so pretty chandeliers and murals and gorgeous dining tables. And I especially like the park with its alley and the wonderful lake - it has such a quiet charisma, and I am delighted about the snowdrops in the grass!
Warm hugs my dear,
Traude ♥♥♥
Dear Madelief, thank you so much for commenting on my room makeover, sometimes I am at a loss at how to respond. I'll definitely keep you updated on the progress, we complete the room on Saturday so I shall post shortly afterwards. I love this post as I love visiting historical places too. This one seems so beautiful inside and out. I can see it's still chilly, but you look stunning in your tartan wrap! I love the chandeliers, I have one exactly the same, but without the candles, and I suppose mine cost a lot less than that at the palace! So glad you are getting out and's good to see you smile. Have a lovely week! Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNice pictures. Glad you had a nice day out.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
I enjoyed this post, Madelief...I love to visit historic places and this is such a beautiful palace! I loved the cutains with the colourful pom pom trim, it is so pretty and surprisingly contemporary. You look lovely in your tartan wrap! So glad you had a lovely day out with your friends, and thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWishing you a happy week ahead.
Helen xxx
What a wonderful idea to spend the day together with your friends at this castle. And funny that the names are equal to the Royals :)! I just read about the publication in the Victorian Home - Congratulations Madelief!!! Well deserved :).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHugs from Barbara
Thank you for taking us along on the birthday outing. The palace and grounds are fabulous. The lane of trees is amazing...makes me want to amble down that road! You all look very chic and comfortable...the orange wrap is fun and your tartan is lovely. Thanks for dropping by to visit me...the hints of Spring are wonderful here! Smiles...Susan
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI enjoyed this post a lot. A lovely outing and lovely photos to make me feel as if I was there with you, in your tartan!
I particularly like the chandelier.
Bye for now
Wat prachtig zeg! Het zal je huis maar zijn. En dan dat schitterende plafond, en die gordijnen! Het is echt een paleisje.
~ Lovely to see you smiling and enjoying special times, here with closest friends, Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSimply lovely to take a peek with you too...
With kindest thoughts..
Maria x
Dear Madelief, What a wonderful thing to do to celebrate such a special birthday. Their home and garden look fantastic. You tartan is lovely too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSarah x
The palace is so lovely Madelief! Your photos are always so beautiful and these so it off perfectly.It looks like you girls had a great time exploring it and it's beautiful grounds.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI was excited to see that you were published in a lovely publication! I will have to find this one too.
sending hugs...
What a wonderful place ... perfect for a day our with your friend's ... and you look great! M xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSounds like the most perfect outing. Happy Birthday to Beatrix!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis was really an royal outing...and a lovely outing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSo kind to take us with you to see allt his, love it!
Have a great weekend...
Love Titti
What a wonderful way to celebrate and whys a gorgeous place xxx