maandag 28 november 2016

Enjoying autumn

Time flies when you are having fun! The last couple of have weeks have gone by in a haze: visiting Dordrecht with two sweet friends on a bright autumn day, admiring the photo's by German fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh at an exhibition in the Kunsthal in my home town Rotterdam, discovering the beautiful old town of Gorinchem with my boyfriend, and baking a pie or two.  

If you like chocolate and walnuts, the pie on my photo's is perfect for you.
It's a 'heavy' pie, because of the huge amount of chocolate, nuts and cream that goes in, but the taste is delicious,  and it looks beautiful too. You can find the recipe here. Unfortunately it's in Dutch only. I tried to find a similar recipe in English, but somehow the pies all differ in size and ingredients. 

This week I will bake something special for our Sinterklaas celebration. Hopefully I can show you the recipe next time. Have you been baking too lately? Would love to hear if you have a recipe you can recommend to me!

Have a great week ahead!


Madelief x

You can find me on Instagram and Pinterest too.

My photo's were taken in Dordrecht (Huis van Gijn, Huis Roodenburch), Gorinchem and Rotterdam) 


21 opmerkingen:

  1. Een hele mooie serie herfstfoto´s Madelief.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  2. Wonderful images of Autumn days in Holland. Your chocolate pie looks divine too! Sarah x

  3. Ik ga voor de taart! Groetjes Hetty

  4. Wat een prachtige foto's! Ben benieuwd naar het Sinterklaas recept. Vieren het hier in Sparta met de nederlandse club a.s zondag. Ik maak banketstaaf. Recept uit een heel oud Margriet prisma kookboekje dat ik als studente mee naar Amsterdam kreeg!

  5. Fabulous photographs as always, but I especially love those of the water and the gardens full of leaves! What a glorious season Autumn is. I am so glad that you are finding happiness again, not that you have ever made your readers anything but! Hugs Jenny x

  6. Lovely to see you here Madelief! Your pictures are so beautiful and atmospheric! So glad you are busy and happy :)
    Helen xox

  7. Happy to know your life is good Madelief - lovely trips, comfortable Autumn weather, vintage shopping and gallery viewing, baking a delectable pie, yum! Oh, and the boyfriend too of course!!!

    I'm into bread baking right now - go see my post today - it's the easy kind and turns out so well!
    Hugs - Mary

  8. The colors in your photos are great. I have really enjoyed them.

  9. It is such a joy to see your beautiful and aesthetically pleasing photographs!

    GOD MORGEN from me here at the kitchen table in Norway with my 2.cup of coffee.

  10. What lovely times you have been having! Your pie looks delicious!

  11. Beautiful photographs Madelief .... and delicious too !!! It's so lovely to hear that you are having a wonderful time .... I'm so happy for you. XXXX

  12. Dearest Madelief,
    What a lovely area you live in and with some good light, you can create dreamy photos all around you.
    Love the chocolate pie but the link to the Dutch recipe goes nowhere... Too bad!
    Enjoy this very special time of the year and its many cozy evenings.

  13. Love the mood in your pictures, so beautiful! Great places too...
    Have a lovely friday, take care!

  14. Oh, such glorious photos, dear Madelief. I have savored every one, especially the pie! So glad that you are enjoying some happy times. Sending hugs xo Karen

  15. Wat een heerlijke foto's weer! Dordrecht staat nog steeds op mijn verlanglijstje van "nog te bezoeken Hollandse stadjes", maar Gorinchem komt daar nu ook bij!
    Fijn weekend!
    Groetjes van Ellebel

  16. Leuk weer een blogpost van je! heb je wel een beetje gemist:) Wat een mooie herfstige plaatjes. Je hebt leuke dingen gedaan en lees ik daar nou boyfriend? Wat fijn! Mooi weekend en lieve groetjes

  17. Ik ben gek op de herfst en als ik jou foto's zie weet ik weer precies waarom. XX Esther

  18. Madelief,

    Je toont ons hier een waaier
    van beelden, indrukken...
    Waarbij wij ingetogen kunnen genieten
    van de fijne en aangename dingen des levens…

    Wat anders is de herfst
    dan vergankelijke bladeren
    in het dofgouden licht...
    Het ijle verlangen van de wind
    naar een nieuwe lente...

  19. Your photos are always so beautiful.~like looking through a beautiful magazine.

    I am happy for you that life is good and lots to enjoy!


  20. Best wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR Madelief!
    Warm hug from Titti


Thank you for your lovely words.