Do you know remember the book 'The country diary of an Edwardian lady'? I read it as a teenager. It's a posthumous publication (1977) of the seasonal notes and drawings by teacher and Artist Edith Holden (1871 - 1920).
She made the drawings and notes in 1906, on her walks through the British countryside. I recently found it on a flea market, hidden in a stack of old garden and cookery books. Such a lovely find. It brought back lots of happy childhood memories.
While I am sitting behind my laptop, with the book lying open on the table, a musty smell wafts by. Despite the smell, the book is still in a good condition. Now and then I pick it up, have a look at the beautiful illustrations and read Edith's observations on flora and fauna.
In this post some photo's of observations I captured on camera during the preparation of a garden lunch ;-). They are not as pretty as the drawings Edith made, but I hope they will do :-). The lady and gentlemen wearing a straw hat are my parents, helping me out in the garden.
Wishing you a fabulous weekend!
Madelief x

Was für ein herrlich farbenprächtiges Gartenparadies, liebe Madelief! Niemand fängt dieses sommerliche Glück mit all seiner Leuchtkraft so schön ein, wie du! Der gedeckte Tisch ist so traumhaft (ich liebe diese Tassen) und vielen Dank auch für den Buchtipp, das klingt wundervoll! Ein himmlisches Wochenende und allerliebste Grüße,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenbis bald, herzlichst Jade
Wat gaaf dat je dit boek onlangs een keer gevonden hebt, ik kende het overigens niet. Lief dat je ouders niet alleen aanschoven maar ook de handen uit de mouwen zo'n mooie maar ook grote tuin is altijd wel iets te doen. Je moeder heeft zich wat kleding betreft ook zó mooi aangepast aan de kleurrijke tuin.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk wens je een heel fijn weekend Madelief, wat boffen we toch met dit mooie weer! Veel liefs, Ingrid
Heerlijke genet post weer lieve madelief.....fijn dat je dit nog met je ouders kunt doen ook !.,.,x!...liefs van mij.....fijn weekend...x!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou can view the film version of Diary of an Edwardian Lady on You Tube.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI watched it just a few weeks ago and it's great.
Lil Bit Brit
Christy... Thank you for sharing the YouTube info. I have spent a blissful rainy Saturday here in South Georgia USA watching all 12 segments of the series! Thank you, Madelief, for your beautiful photos, sentiments and a glimpse of your lovely parents! Blessings... Susan
VerwijderenO'daar zijn mijn trommeltjes van! Wat leuk!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBedankt voor de tip ;)
What beautiful photos, nice to have help in your lovely garden! I actually picked this book up in a charity store, paged through it and put it down! What was I's a lovely book and I love that your book smelled musty, just like old books should! Have a lovely weekend! Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou have a very beautiful garden Madelief ! I have this book ! A poem of every day, illustrated with a lot of love for Nature and animals, I adore this wonderful diary of Mrs Edith Holden.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you Madelief for wonderful photos and to speak about this beautiful book.
Nice week-end !
Nath xx
The pictures are wonderful!!!!!!!!!! So, So beautiful! Thanks for sharing!Hugs, Manuela
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch beautiful photographs. The table setting wonderful. I like the red and white polka dots. Your guests will feel very special. Old books are such treasures for their art work. Many friends are reading tablets now and it just is not the same. I fear that the joy of reading and artistry of writing will be lost in the electronics. A lovely post today.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI guessed that was your lovely parents helping you out. I remember the book very well, cannot remember where I put it though. I remember everyone went mad to buy it when it first came out - as you mention her illustrations are charming.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenShe had a tragic end to her life. She drowned in the river Thames near Kew Gardens. It was thought that she had been trying to reach some chestnut buds on a bough hanging over the river, but because it was out of reach had used her umbrella handle to try and break it off, she slipped and fell into the river.
It seems to me as a fantastic book, also because of the 'handwritten'pages.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely pictures with your parents, they fit in fluently ;)
Love all the photos, and feel your passion, that makes it even more beautiful.
Lovely greetings, MJ
Wat staat je tuin er prachtig bij Madelief en je kan zo lekker veel plukken. Fijn dat je ouders je helpen,er is genoeg te doen in deze tijd van het jaar. Ik hoop dat het nog een poosje zulk heerlijk weer blijft en ik ben al dagen aan het tellen :))))))
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk wens je een fijn weekend
Das Buch, was ein wundervoller Fund!!! Ich liebe speziell das Foto Deines Vaters mit dem Strohhut!
Of course, I remember the book.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have it and The Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady (dating 1905)as well and also her biography by Ina Taylor (The Edwardian lady - The story of E. Holden). The last one is full of informations and by reading it you really understand who was this charming artist. I have these books since 1989 and they are my bedside books beside many others of the same spirit. They are so inspiring and so timeless.
Dit is op en top zomer, Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEen prachtige gedekte buitntafel, een mooie bloemige tuin en vazen met plukbloemen. Ja, echt mooi!
En wat ik dan ook zie is dat jouw voorliefde voor kleur niet van een vreemde komt!
Een mooi weekend!
Lieve groet,
Liebe Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderendas Buch kenne ich leider nicht, aber ich kenne das Gefühl, wenn man auf Flohmärkten etwas sieht, das einen plötzlich an die Kindheit erinnert. Deshalb haben bei mir schon ein hellblaues Puppengeschirr von Melitta, und einige Stücke aus den 50er Jahren, die meine Oma auch hatte, Einzug gehalten. Denn immer wenn ich sie in die Hand nehme, erinnere ich mich an die wunderschöne Zeit bei meiner Oma, die süßen Kirschen in ihrem Garten und die Gemüsebeete, den Tante-Emma-Laden in der gleichen Straße mit den großen Bonbongläsern und der Milch, die aus dem Zapfhahn kam, die benachbarten Pferdekoppeln, das Heidelbeer- und Pilzesammeln im Wald hinter Omas Haus. Eine wunderbare Zeit die ich dort hatte.
Deine gedeckte Tafel sieht sehr sehr einladend aus und das Foto aus Deinem Garten mit den alten Gießkannen erinnert mich ebenfalls an die gute alte Zeit. So schön und stimmungsvoll ist dieses Bild. Und der Eindruck, den dieses Foto vermittelt, hebt sich wohltuend ab von unserem viel zu oft hektischen Alltag ab.
Ein schönes Sommerwochenende wünsche ich Dir,
Oh my sweet and dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYOU HAVE captured the charm and gentleness of the thrush and the colors of berries she feeds her young; the berries, the tablecloth, the plates, your garden....we could go on and on how your skills work in tandem with your camera to bring the classics BACK, ALIVE AND FRESH! Master photography here, lovely heart-felt moment. HUGS!!!!! Anita
I still have the book I bought in the 1970's! I loved it then and learnt a lot about plants and nature from it. I remember having a duvet cover with some of the pictures on as a teenager. Brings back memories! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI used to have that book--my father gave it to me. I can't find it now though. It's lovely--wish I still had it. Love your fresh reds and the polka dots are adorable!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAfter garden work I'll bet there was a refreshing libation of some sort and maybe some biscuits on your gorgeous china?
I still have my copy of that book, it is beautiful !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour observations are very pretty too!
Happy weekend Madlief,
V xxx
Ha Madelief! wat ziet het er weer gezellig uit in je tuin.! het boek vind ik ook zo mooi! Wat lief dat je ouders je komen helpen in de tuin; EN Fijn dat je ze beiden nog hebt.Ze zien er allebei nog gezond en actief uit.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBen je de tuin aan het opruimen; Verwacht je soms belangrijk bezoek Binnenkort op de tuin?? :)
groetjes Fleur
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat was a great treasure find that book!
So you have always liked what you love to do. Did your Parents have such type of garden also?
Your Dad makes me feel pitiful for him having to clip the lawn with his scissors! That would be impossible to do so here. Don't know how small your lawn surface is but having to stoop down for doing this is hard at an older age...
Enjoy your summer colors while they last.
My mother bought this book in the 1970's I too, enjoying looking through it then and when my mother died the book came home with me. I frequently look through it. I wish I could draw, I have to take photos of nature and flowers instead. I hope you had a lovely garden lunch and your parents enjoyed it too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSarah x
Madelief, I do know that Diary well, although for some reason I never bought a copy for myself. Perhaps in time I will be as fortunate as you, and find one "crosses my path."
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour own garden is having a wonderful summer. It's grand to see that your parents are contributing to the garden's beauty.
Hello Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat a lovely book... I will have to look for it in my travels. Have a great weekend!
Madelief, your table settings and garden are so lovely and full of vibrant colours. The book seems very intriguing and a treasure of information worth reading. Have a wonderful weekend!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis is summer! You are a wonderful gardener and it´s amazing to see your plants growing.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely hugs
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful post and yes, I know the book and have it in my book shelf - my Mother in law gave it to me one year for Christmas. Isn't it lovely with all the pretty illustrations and poems. How beautiful your photos are and great that your parents were able to help you in the garden. Love the table and all your pretty flowers.
happy weekend
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt is so nice to have your Dear Parents helping you in your lovely garden. What a pretty table you have set for a sweet summer luncheon. I have the beautiful book in my collection and treasure it very much. Your photos are very lovely.
Enjoy your weekend
Hugs to you
Oh, your garden is fantastic and that table is gorgeous.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWish you a great weekend
Just lovely Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love how your Mum's skirt blends perfectly with your garden ...
My favourite is the last picture ... a beautiful posy xxx
Oh how wonderful to have your parents join you in your little paradise. The table setting looks so inviting, very colourful and full of positive energy. Looking at your photos makes me happy.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you Madelief for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.
Hej Madelief, op deze ietwat grijze dag is het dubbel genieten van je kleurrijke post over jullie heerlijke tuin. Fijn dat je ouders nog mee kunnen helpen in de tuin. Fijn dat je het boek weer in je bezit hebt. Lieve groet,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh ja , dat boek heb ik ook en dus nu weer tevoorschijn gehaald .......
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk had het op school op een kastje in de gang met iets uit de tuin er altijd bij .
Oh wat mis ik dat allemaal .
Ik berust erin dat mijn tuin dit jaar is wat het is .......
Deze week kwam mijn vriendin van de kleuteropleiding ...... op de koffie en
ik kreeg een prachtige HORTENSIA van haar ......Voor mijn nieuwe tuin !
Ik had haar alweer 10 jaar niet gezien ......we schrijven wel !
Zij is na 40 jaar juf en schoolleider zijn nu gestopt op haar school DE MARGRIET in BLIJDORP
een Daltonschool ..... en geeft nu les op de opleiding voor schoolleiders !
Bijzonder om elkaar al zo lang te volgen .
Ik geniet van jouw paradijs en ben heel blij dat ik mee kan genieten !
Heerlijk weekend gewenst
Oh wat mooi! Ik ben wel een beetje jaloers op je tuin! :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn wat een leuke ouders heb je!
Groetjes, Chrissie
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh my, another gorgeous post. Where to begin? Your photography-amazing. The flowers you grow-breathtaking-what joy you must receive from growing and sharing them. Your arrangements-fabulous. Your dishes-homey and sweet. I always delight in your posts. I have that book too and it is a treasure.
Greetings from Long Island, New York.
Please come and visit us at Lady B's Time for Tea
All the best, Ruthie
Thank you for your kind comment Ruthie. I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but could not find it.
VerwijderenHappy week!
Madelief x
Dear Madelief, fantastic memories you describe here,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand you have very lovely and young parents :)) that
can help you in the garden. How lucky you are...and
your photos is so beautiful, you are an artist, I think...
Madelief, wat leuk dat moeder ook zo helemaal bij je fleurige post past. Fijn dat ze je kunnen helpen. Het is weer genieten in je tuin!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijn weekend verder,
Yes...I do know this book! I had her journal may years ago...lovely lovely inspiring work. Just look at your garden tea! Such pretty dishes..enjoy the time with your darling parents my friend. xoxo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet zijn wel echte plaatjes! Supermooi! Ziet fleurig en gezellig uit!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijn Weekend!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe maakt altijd de mooiste tuin foto's en zo kleurrijk,zo smaakvol!!!
Ik heb weer zoveel genoten van alle klein hoeken van jou fantastische tuin......:)))*
Wens je een hele mooi zondag,
Liefs en groetjes,
Hoi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOoohh zucht, ik kan alleen maar dromen van een tuin als de jouwe... Wat een heerlijkheid. En dan die feestjes die je daar kunt geven, aan die prachtig gedekte tafels... Ik hoop dat je dat nog heel lang en heel vaak kunt doen...
Ik geniet van een afstandje met je mee hoor...
Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend,
Lieve groet,
It's sounds like a delightful book Madelief! You have the best garden helpers ever! I just love your beautiful colorful amazing style my friend!!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhugs from here...
What a pretty setting! Everything looks so cheery :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have the same book and I love it. You garden looks beautiful, so is your table! We are lucky to have such good weather. I wish you a nice end of August.
i LOVE that book and have bought a few thrifted copies, giving them away at times, they are so special. and your parents, sigh. love that they are there with you, and you are all in the garden together, that makes it heaven on earth to me. lovely beautiful post as always dear madelief.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenxxxxxxxx lori
Hello Madelief....yes, I had (still have) that lovely book and I loved it so much when it was published, it actually influenced the design work I was producing at the time! Lovely to see your pictures of it today, and all your other gorgeous garden and strawberry photos....delicious post!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWishing you a happy week.
Helen x
Good afternoon precious Madelief!!! THANK YOU for coming to visit my post! Oh, my poetry class was such an eye-opening lesson for me in the area of writing poetry. It is not easy to do, that is, GOOD poetry. And it can take months to produce a good poem! But I thank you for enjoying my blog, which is a combination of many sensory prompts: PHOTOS, MUSIC, and few words. I am having to learn to write and ONLY write, allowing words to do what at the moment, photos and music do. But I'm determined to do it.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWishing you a great week of new discoveries and JOY! Anita
Dear Madelief...I have my Mum's lovely book! and i treasure it...Like you must do having your wonderful folks on this beautiful post! Treasure them both...Thank you for a kind visit, I am only travelling with my thoughts.....I am wishing you a week of kindness....Hugs Maria x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt is so nice to see your parents helping you in the garden. I am loving red and white a lot lately so your china,spoons etc are really catching my eye.I don't see red and white polka dot china here yet.Your bouquets are lovely as always too.
Enjoy these last weeks of summer in your beautiful garden.
What a wonderful post. This book will be my holiday-reading...
your garden looks amazingly beautiful, so much to admire here ;0)x
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni do love that book, i have it and adore it x
I never cease to be amazed and inspired by your beautiful garden ... it is a true 'box' of delights, and such wonderful colour :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhallo madelief het boek niet maar het ziet er uit als een mooi oud vintage tuin en planten en natuur boek met prachtige tekeningen je tuin ziet er ook weer prachtig uit zijn dat aarbeien uit eigen tuin ! groetjes en mooie week gewenst leon10
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCharming and beautiful post. Love all the dotty patterns and all the strong reds. Your mother looks lovely in her floral skirt!
Have a continued wonderful summer!
xoxo Ingrid
Your garden table is laid so beautiful - I like the bowls with dots! And your parents with their hats really do fit in your lovely garden, it looks so romantic and idyllic! Enjoy your fleamarket find even if it smells a little bit :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYours Barbara
Hi Madelief - I love the book and illustration but have to confess to never owning a copy. Think I may have to rectify that.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI also love the red, white and aqua colour scheme you have going on there for tea.
Nina x
Hi Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove the colours, the tables,the details, everything!!!
Your blog is so cute.
Have a wonderful holidays.
Madelief, what a pretty picture that aqua bowl of berries makes! And I love your polka dot cups and dishes; so very pretty. Lovely photos and thank you for stopping by for tea and leaving your nice comment.
Hello Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have a copy of this book and love it. It gives a warm feeling when I read and see her drawings. Your parents look beautiful and seem to know how to garden.
Helen xx
I have that book too and still love the beautiful illustrations. Your garden looks a picture too. M x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt never ceases to amaze me how beautiful your photos are. Each one is such a visual treat! Thank you for recommending, The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I have never read it before but it sounds right up my alley. Hope you're having an enjoyable August! ♥
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos are just wonderful and full of color, I'm glad that I came to visit today.. my days have been kind of dreary, thank you for sharing them..with love Janice..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat's it Madelief you just put your feet up while poor Mum and Dad do all the hard graft:) Now we know the secret of your magical garden:) Hope you are enjoy some of this lovely sunshine this week.