Hope you had a wonderful Christmas? Since my husband passed away, Christmas has not been the same. On special days like this the girls and I miss him even more. He should have been celebrating with us.
We did our best to enjoy the festivities. Baking and cooking always helps, so does inviting people around. We had Christmas dinner with the family, which was lovely!
I made another Bundt cake and some chocolate truffles to serve with the tea and coffee afterwards. It was a great success and a joy to work in my new kitchen :-)
I added the recipe for the chocolate truffles below. They are not difficult to make.
You need:
* 60 gr of butter
* 250 gr dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
* 125 ml double cream
* 3 tubes of sprinkles
* amaretto, espresso, orange zest and juice (if you like)
Melt the butter au bain marie on a low flame. Then chop the chocolate and add to the mixture. Little bits at a time. When melted, take it from the fire and add the double cream. Stir until you have a smooth mixture. You can add flavourings if you like, for example amaretto, espresso or zest and a juice of an orange.
Leave to cool and chill for about three/four hours. You can use a mellon baller to shape the truffles or you can do it by hand. When finished you can coat them with sprinkles. You can store them in the fridge for about three days.
Wishing you all a lovely New Year's eve! Thank you for your kind comments and friendship over the year!
Madelief x