zondag 24 augustus 2014

Can I please move in?

The girls and I visited Scotney castle, a National Trust property in East Sussex (England) many times before, but this time we were able to enter the Victorian country mansion on top of the hill. What a surprise it was! As if the lady who once lived here, Elizabeth Hussey, had just left the house to do some shopping. It felt warm and cosy, and was filled to the brink with vintage treasures.  We were all impressed by the quirkiness and authenticity of the place.  As Elizabeth Hussey was a cat lover, you can see prints and other sort of treasures, with images of cats on it, all over the place. The house is even said to have a cat in residence, called 'Puss Puss'. Unfortunately we did not have the joy to meet her/him  :-)!

Anyway, we spent far more than the half hour we were allowed to, inside the house. Afterwards we had a walk through the garden, which looked green and lush. There were not many borders, but the ones we saw looked bright and colourful. The ponds around the castle, with the water lilies in full bloom, made the castle look like one out of a fairy tale.

Before I wish you a Happy weekend, I have to apologise for not popping over to yours blogs as often as I liked to. I am enjoying the last days of the summer holiday. Although I started work again, I take days off now and then, to have lunch or dinner with friends and family and do fun things with my daughters. Next week I will spend a few days in Limburg (in the south of our country) with my parents, visiting relatives. Will you keep your fingers crossed it will be dry for a few days? Last week felt like autumn in Rotterdam. I am already wearing my boots and scarf. It's crazy weather in The Netherlands :-)

Have a Happy week ahead!


Madelief x

76 opmerkingen:

  1. Lieve Madelief,

    Alleen de ligging van het huis is al waanzinnig...zo mooi tussen al het groen in een heuvelachtig gebied! De inrichting van het huis is niet mijn smaak ;-), maar wel helemaal in stijl....grappig dat jullie het gevoel hadden dat de vrouw des huizes elk moment binnen kon komen wandelen.

    Ik wens je nog een fijne en zonnige week. Zelf ben ik aankomende week ook nog vrij, maar ik weet nog niet of ik misschien toch ga werken. Dat wilde ik afgelopen donderdag en vrijdag al wel gaan doen, maar aangezien ik mij niet lekker voelde, ben ik toch thuis gebleven. Ik hoop ook op beter weer. Ik wens je veel plezier in het mooie Limburg, een prachtige omgeving om te verblijven!

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  2. That's a coincidence - I posted about old Scotney Castle last week, but we didn't have time to visit the 'new' Victorian house. You have captured some wonderful pictures of it - as you say, just as though Betty Hussey has popped out to the shops! Great tour.

  3. Scotney Castle is such a romantic spot - you have captured the inside of the house beautifully.
    Re: your comment on my 'Gate' post - the church is not Painswick, but another church nearby.
    I did not realise that you had visited my area of the Cotswolds - Painswick is very close to my home.
    Fingers crossed that the weather is perfect for your trip♡

  4. Heel mooi weer hoor Engeland echte geniet foto's injectie zondag en geniet van je dagen met je ouders...liefs Ria...x!...

  5. If you move in, please reserve a guest room for me!

  6. I think that home was made just for you, very colourful and elegant, I'm a big, big fan of NT properties, they preserve them expertly :) xxx

  7. You are so lucky to be able to get inside and take all these beautiful photos. Ahh the glory of living in Europe, so easy access to different countries. Thank you for taking me to every beautiful places your visited.
    Hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend Madelief.


  8. Prachtig! Daar zou ik zo naartoe willen.
    Fijne zondag!

  9. Oh Madelief,
    What a beautiful place and one that I haven't been to even though it is very close to where my sister lives !! Isn't it funny that, very often, visitors from other countries see far more than those who have lived here all of their lives ?!!
    Your photographs are beautiful and, that herbaceous border is stunning { it also gives us all some good ideas about what to plant }
    It is very autumnal here too and it's only August …. far too early. Enjoy the last days of Summer Madelief and don't worry about blogging ….. there will be plenty of time for blogging in the Winter !! Have a lovely time in Limberg. XXXX

  10. Such a warm and charming home--it certainly does look lived in. What a treat! I'm glad you are getting out for adventures and fun times with family and friends. xo Jen

  11. Hoi Madelief, wat heb je weer prachtige foto's gemaakt! Zo leuk om een kijkje te mogen nemen in dit wel heel bijzonder interieur. lieve groet, Haikey

  12. What a beautiful house this is - the inside seems more house than castle, though the situation in the water reminds me very strongly of a beautiful house that is no longer private, but a Valk hotel - it is the Kasteel Ter Worm, near Heerlen. It was one of my favourite walks in the 80's when we lived near Heerlen. I envy you a trip to Limburg - one of my favourite cities is Maastricht, in South Limburg. Have a wonderful visit!

  13. Hi dear Madelief, this is definitely a place I will visit and I love the lovely green gardens as well. Our weather was superb this weekend but yes, the weather is doing crazy things at the moment. Hope you have a wonderful few days with your family and that the weather is nice and sunny! Hugs Sharon

  14. Wat een prachtige omgeving en een sfeer die je moet voelen...helemaal op elkaar afgestemd, dat moet goed aanvoelen Madelief.
    Geniet nog even van deze mooie dagen met elkaar.

    Lieve groet, Eefie

  15. Hello Madelief

    I can see why you were tempted to stay at this beutiful home. So colourful and with "a lived in" type of welcoming home.
    I will hope for good weather for your visit to your family.

    Helen xx

    1. Even a Victorian country mansion can be warm and cozy. Surely, Elizabeth had a wonderful life in this idyllic setting! Your photos are stunning as always. Safe travels and enjoy your time with family. Smiles...Susan

  16. how incredible! yes, it looks as if it were made for you, oh if only!! enjoy the last days of summer madelief, i am crossing my fingers for fair weather for you

  17. oops, pressed send too soon, meant to add : XXX beautiful photos my friend (and your sweet girls too).

  18. Als ik jou foto's zie verlang ik weer om naar Engeland te gaan. En we hebben het in de planning staan voor Juni 2015. Ik hoop dat je in ons mooie Limburg een paar mooie dagen hebt. Hoop sowieso dat het weer wat beter gaat worden, ook al moeten we morgen weer aan de slag. Want dit is helemaal niks...
    Fijne avond
    Liefs Lia

  19. Ooo I'm going to add this stunning place to my list of places to visit in my van... if my body ever lets me go out to play again... thanks for sharing the beauty Madelief. x

  20. Wat leuk al die uitstapjes die je maakt Madelief! Prachtige foto's van Engeland. Veel plezier in Limburg!
    Pascale X

  21. Dear Madelief, what a HAPPY PLACE! From those adorable red and white polka dot cups and plates to the lush gardens, this is truly a place for real rest and relaxation. What a great summer that has been for many of us, for the rain has fed our gardens, and family and friends have filled our days with joy.

    I start teaching again tomorrow! Many happy wishes for a great end of August experience! Anita

  22. What a wonderful place - I would like to move in myself I think.

  23. What a lovely place to visit... thank you for sharing your vacation with all of us Madelief.

  24. Je bent niet de enige die al weer een sjaal om heeft. Wat is het soms koud. En eigenlijk vind ik het nog te vroeg voor de verwarming, dus een dik vest aan en een plaid over mijn benen.
    Maar jullie hebben een prachtig kasteel bezocht met de tuin erbij.
    Ik wens je een heel goed weekend in Limburg samen met je ouders. Maastricht is een mooie stad.

    Liefs, Gerry

  25. just gorgeous isn't it, your pictures are just lovely.... maybe they might let you share ha ha xx

  26. I lived in Kent for over 20 years, and love Scotney Castle, but have never come across the house on the hill. Intriguing! The weather is pretty crazy in the UK too.

  27. Dearest Madelief,
    One would want to stay and linger for a while... Especially in combination with good weather it looks very inviting.
    So glad you had a lovely time with the girls.
    Enjoy your visit in Limburg, my province of birth.

  28. Dag Madelief,

    O zoet Engeland met je vele verborgen schatten van landschappelijk schoon.
    Je toont ons hier een tafereel vol magie en tover, een feeërieke wereld vol nostalgie.
    Je hebt het gevoel dat hier elk ogenblik een postkoets kan langskomen met Byron en Keats aan boord...
    Ik wens je nog veel mooie ontdekkingen...


  29. Dear Madelief,

    What a beautiful place and can see why you would want to move in and spend time here.
    Looks like a very happy place with all the lovely colours and interesting things.
    Enjoy your time away with your family in Limburg and the rest of summer

  30. What a great Tour!
    The weather in Germany feels like Oktember :-)

  31. A lovely tour - I can feel the personality of Elizabeth Hussey in all of the rooms. I especially love the colorful kitchen things and the views from afar are wonderful. I like the borders with the burgundy foliage among the blue flowers. Enjoy the last days of summer. We are cooling here, too. Hugs xo Karen

  32. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat een heerlijk huis is dat! Ik sluit me bij je aan en zou er ook zo in willen trekken. Wat een heerlijk sfeertje en wat een fantastische spullen. Zulke uitstapjes daar houmik van...
    Ik wens je een heerlijke nieuwe week en ga zeker duimen voor een paar droge dagen...

  33. Can i go with you? ik wil daar ook wonen! XXEsther

  34. I hope that you have a good time on your visit to Limburg. Now, I reckon that you can move into the house with one proviso - that I can move it too!! It looks just wonderful, so homey and comfortable, and how lovely to see so much colour too. It really is a lovely house. I hope that I can visit someday. xx

  35. It is beautiful! and it does have the feel of wanting to just move in and take up residence.
    Love the Indian Tea canister so much. How lovely it would be to walk here.

  36. Hi Madelief!
    It's so nice to see this through your eyes. What a beautiful place you have brought us! I am sending positive vibes for a bright sunny weekend for your with family. It has been a record sunny and hot July for us but today is the first day of sun since July 29th! Can you imagine! Although we have had lots of rain, it has been warm.
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  37. hello
    comme c'est beau
    autant l'interieur que l'exterieur
    on voudrait être là , assise dans l'herbe au prés du chateau , parmi les fleurs
    bonne journée
    edith (iris) France

  38. Darling Madelief,

    We have never been to Scotney Castle and have so enjoyed our virtual tour with you. Your photographs always capture the essence of place and we could easily imagine ourselves walking with you through the delightful gardens and peering into every nook and cranny of Elizabeth Hussey's house. What fun it would have been.

    The National Trust does present its properties wonderfully well. As you say, it is as if the occupants have simply stepped out of the room for a moment to allow one to walk through! So many lovely touches, such as the small posy of fresh flowers. Still, that is exactly the kind of care and attention which we know you give to your own beautiful house and garden.

    Enjoy a wonderful time with your parents and make the most of these last days of summer. Yes, Autumn is definitely in the air!

  39. Helemaal mee eens. Een nachtje slapen lijkt me heerlijk. Fijne vakantie! Groetjes,


  40. Oh prachtig, ik vind het ook helemaal bij je passen. Wat een sfeervolle locatie, het huis, de tuin, echt sprookjesachtig.
    Wat mooi dat het huis nog aanvoelt alsof de bewoonster er nog woont. Ik denk dat de fantasie meerder malen met je op de loop is gegaan..en de voorraadplanken hadden volgens mij de jouwe kunnen zijn! ;-)
    Jullie moeten hier op en top van genoten hebben.

    En nu samen met je ouders bezoekjes brengen waarvan de mensen wel thuis zijn. Ik wens je heel veel plezier Madelief en hoop dat de weergoden jullie goed gezind mogen zijn.

    Wens je fijne, gezellige dagen!

    Liefs, Helena

  41. What a LOVELY place...Yes, I really would like to move in, that´s for sure!
    Take care,

  42. How I love these photos of the places one only dreams of on this side of the Atlantic!

    Madelief, thank you for your well-wishes for this day! I go into my first course today in less than an hour. I just wanted to come by to thank you for your virtual hug! Anita

  43. I'm just happy when you can pop[ in for a brief read! It's more important that you are our ambassador to lovely places.

    Keep traveling and taking pictuires.

    xo J

  44. Ziet er zo echt Engels uit! Heerlijk, lijkt wel een film waar je in beland was. Ik hoop niet dat je nu naar Limburg bent, want dan heb je vast regen:( Maar het wordt beter! Lieve groet

  45. Mooiii die plaatjes van Scotney Castle, wij hebben dat ook meerdere keren gezien, vindt het altijd zo romantisch. En wat fantastisch dat jullie de mansion van Elizabeth Hussey van binnen konden zien, het ziet er inderdaad uit alsof er gewoon nog iemand woont. Veel plezier in Limburg!
    O ja, ik heb deze zomer ook geen open tuindagen georganiseerd e.d., had het te druk met zorg voor hoogbejaarde ouders. Maar wat in het vat zit verzuurt niet, hoop volgende zomer eens een aantal blogsters uit te kunnen nodigen, lijkt me echt leuk.

  46. Hello Madelief! Wij waren ook in Engeland met vakantie, en ook in East Sussex. Kijk maar eens op mijn blog. Het was mijn eerste ervaring met Engeland (op London na, daar ben ik een aantal keren geweest)
    Maar hoe mooi is de countrysite!
    Scotney Castle ziet er erg leuk uit. Wij waren op Petworth place, ook zo mooi! En Sissinghurst, so lovely!

  47. The Estate is so beautiful and elegant. I wouldn't mind living there too. The garden is so lush and colourful too.

  48. Dear Madelief, stunning photographs as always and although I didn't love the house when I visited Scotney Castle last summer, I really like it now that I am seeing it through your eyes! You have captured the best of it. The reason I visited Scotney Castle last summer is because the castle was the inspiration of a favourite book of mine "I capture the castle" by Dodie Smith (best known for writing 101 Dalmatians) and so I especially wanted to visit it. If you have not read this romantic novel (not romantic in a slushy way!) then I urge you to. Its beautifully written and very hopeful. Imogen xx

  49. Prachtig Madelief. Daar waar het lijkt of de bewoners even weg zijn en elk moment terug kunnen komen vind ik de mooiste plekken. Deze wilde ik toevoegen aan mijn lijstje, maar het stond er al op. Fijne en zonnige week, lieve groet

  50. Ha Madelief; Wat prachtig allemaal! Ik zou ook wel daar willen blijven wonen! Wat een mooi, grappig huis! groetjes Fleur

  51. What a wonderful place ... you have captured it beautifully with your photos.
    I hope you have a lovely time with your parents and the weather is kind to you.
    M xx

  52. The inside of Scotney castle looks so wonderful, it must have been a fantastic home. I put some jeans on last week the first time since the end of May! Hope you have a good time in Limberg. Sarah x

  53. Dit is inderdaad een geweldige plek, het straalt van de foto's af en als je daar gaat wonen.............
    dan ga ik mee! Je kan vast wel hulp gebruiken in de tuin :)
    Dit zijn de pareltjes in de vakantie en in je leven, op zo'n plek te mogen rondlopen en genieten en inspiratie te krijgen.............
    Ik ga nog een keer je foto's bekijken!
    heel veel liefs en fijne dagen in Limburg!

  54. Stunning pics as always Madelief. I've yet to visit Scotney Castle, don't know why as it's practically on our doorstep! The Victorian mansion looks superb - looking at all your previous posts and pictures, I think you would be very happy there!! Alas the weather has turned here too, the last couple of days have been wet and ghastly. Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Jane xx

  55. I really must visit this beautiful place, it is gorgeous, the grounds are just stunning. I have visited East Sussex many times before but as yet have never stopped by here. Definitely something to add to the list of things to do next year :) x x x

  56. What a wonderful castle and garden ! The inside is very vintage, but nice. It's crazy weather here in France, also. But I love rain, whatever the weather, I am delighted.
    Nice wednesday Madelief, and happy stay in the green Limbourg and the very beautiful town of Maastricht...

    Nath xxx

  57. Oh my God! That is so very dreamy!
    I'm sending your blog entry to my friend - we plan to visit gems like this one in the near future.
    Wonderful photos you've taken, Madelief. The onewith the yellow and purple bouquet my the window is such an inspiration and I'll try to recompose that one of these days, until my Graham Thomas rose finishes its flush.

    Also, I hear you about the weather - it's the same here in Luxembourg and what's even more depressing is that I'm looking at the forecast to only see more rain and cold :(

  58. What a romantic house and garden. Great photos too! So glad you are enjoying yourself Madelief. I do hope you get good weather for visiting your parents and friends, but I am sure you will have a good time whatever the weather.Lots of love to you, Linda xx

  59. Thank you very much, dear Madelief, for this beautiful introduction to Scotney Castle. Wouldn't it be grand if some magic wand would grant your wish to move in? I must confess, I would also like to have such a powerful magic wand! The grounds are so appealing, and the interior of the house seems to be a true home sweet home. Right down to the Bovril!

    Have a fine time with your parents. xo

  60. Hoi Madelief, wat super mooi fotos. Erg leuk om te bekijken.

    groetjes Conny

  61. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  62. Dearest Madelief -
    I didn't know the indoor-ambiente, but when I saw the amazing garden and read that there lives a cat called Puss, I was quite sure that I've seen and read about this place before - and seen photos of the cat. And so it was! So if you want to see photos of Puss of Scotney you can visit The Country Charme Blog of Christl and scroll down to the end of the post: http://www.country-charme.com/wordpress/?p=2292
    I really want to visit this place one time, too...
    Hope the weather was nice to you and your familiy!!! We need nice weather on Saturday, too, because some (more) of our friends will come to a little Barbecue into our garden... but in Austria is some kind of wet autumn, too... (but today there was sun!!! :o))
    Warm hugs, my dear!!!
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

  63. I love visiting houses like this...a snapshot in time. looks like beautiful countryside too x

  64. This this would be such a lovely place to call home.



  65. Wonderful. I love the style, the interiors and exteriors, too! The English
    is so charming and full of beauty.

  66. Scotney Castle is a beautiful place and the gardens very peaceful. Glad you enjoyed it.

  67. Scotney Castle is a beautiful place and the gardens very peaceful. Glad you enjoyed it.

  68. Oh, Madelief, thanks very much for the photos of the interior of this house! I visited Scotney Castle just about 2,5 weeks ago, but didn´t managed to visit the house, because I spent far too much time in the beautiful gardens, especially around the ruin and the ponds. Afterwards my ticket for the house was expired and there was a long queue in front of the house...It´s really a shame that I missed it, it looks very promising with all those cat pictures (you know I am a cat lover too :-)).

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  69. Lovely photos of Scotney Castle Madelief! We too were surprised last time we went to find we could see inside the country house. Glad you enjoyed your visit.
    Gill xx

  70. Lieve Madelief, als je dan toch intrekt in dit prachtige huis, zou er dan nog een piepklein logeerkamertje voor mij over zijn? Ik neem weinig ruimte in. Wil alleen zo nu en dan in die kelder rondkijken. En een cream tea in de tuin nuttigen. Meer niet.
    En blogs lezen, wat mij betreft is dat nooooooit een verplichting!
    Groetjes, Kyra

  71. Oh wat wil ik weer graag naar Engeland/Schotland/Wales...whatever...als het maar dit soort plaatjes en gevoel oplevert...
    Na een jaartje Frankrijk wil ik wel weer deze kant op...zucht...
    Echt fantastische foto's en wat een schitterende plek.
    Bedankt voor het meenemen naar dit wonderschone stukje Engeland.

    Lieve groet, MJ

  72. I visited Scotney about 30 years ago with my parents, must go again. Live that bright and cheery pantry!


Thank you for your lovely words.