This year my January garden is different from other years. I can't remember having a hydrangea in bloom in January before. The white hellebore is two months early and my star of Bethlehem bulbs are a mass of pretty white flowers. Even the hazel tree is full of catkins. It all just beautiful.
There are buds and sprigs everywhere. I can see the yellow heads of the Daffodils and the purple heads of the crocuses. There are little sprigs of grape hyacinth everywhere. Even the tulips and the alliums are above ground.
Everywhere around me is birdsong. Normally January is a quiet month in the garden, but now it is as if the birds have been around all winter.
My head is full of ideas. The book grow your own cut flowers by Sarah Raven on my bedside table. I decided to grow a cutting garden in the beds in front of our garden house. I ordered seeds of the penstemon barbatus and the penstemon hartwegii, salvia patens cambridge blue, zinnia elegance dream and purple prince, Antirrhinum majus maximum 'Madame Butterfly' and Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sea Shells Mixed'. I already bought seeds of several varieties Sweet Peas. Can't wait for the season to begin. Have you made plans for your garden yet?
Before I forget, thank you for you lovely comments on my last post. They make me feel flattered and embarrassed at the same time. I am glad you enjoyed it! I have to add that I do not always look like this :-)
Enjoy your day!
Madelief x