vrijdag 25 februari 2011

On my knees

I left work early today to do some work in the garden. There is still so much to do before the gardening season starts. The veranda and terrace are full of branches that we have to make mulch of and there are still trees that we have to prune. I am always a sort of excited when I walk the path to our garden. How will it look like, will everything be ok, will there be something new in bloom? The best way to see it all is on your knees, with your nose just a few centimeters above the ground. I could see the pulmonaria pink haze, the blue crocusses and the white helleborus in bloom. The helleborus purpurascens and the daffodils won't be long. I could already see the buds. The leaves of the acquilegia's and the lady in the bath were just visible. I can't wait for it all to grow. While sitting there two long tailed tits came flying by and a treecreeper worked it's way up the big pine tree. How beautiful nature is! 

While sitting in my garden house contemplating what would be my next gardening project I decided I might as wel stack some cups and plates to join Irma's Stapelen op vrijdag.  I hope it won't be long before I can use it all again for a tea party. I plan to host one in May or June and perhaps invite some blogfriends who live nearby.

Today is the day that I would announce the winner of my giveaway. This time the book will be send to Germany, to Susi from Susi's gelbes Haus. Susi congratulations to you!! Will you please mail me your name and address so that I can send 'Bazaar Style' on it's way?!

All the other ladies thank you very much for taking part in my giveaway and leaving comments on my blog. Unfortunately I haven't been able to reply to you all. I am sorry about that, but I hope you will forgive me.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Lieve groet, Madelief 

83 opmerkingen:

  1. Zucht Madelief wat prachtig allemaal,al je kopjes en je tuin gaat vast weer een plaatje worden,echt genieten de voorjaarsbloeiers,ik heb cyclaampjes gekocht voor de tuin,ik zit weer boordevol inspiratie door je post,ik wens je een heerlijk weekend toe,lieve groet Joke.

  2. Sjeetje wat een heerlijke foto's! Je stapels zijn super en zo kleurrijk, ik hou er echt van!

    Susi, gratuliere!:)

    Fijn weekend Madelief...

    Veel groetjes, Veronique

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh dear Madelief..
    I love your cups soooo much.. There sooooo lovely.. and your flowers ;O)) I love this..
    Kisses Susi

  4. Hi Madelief,
    You have a lot of pretty teacups too! So lovely to be able to get down on your knees and see the beauty up close.
    You would be shocked to see all the big snowflakes coming down here right now-it is pretty but I am so looking forward to getting into the garden again.Canadian winters are long and I think this one especially.
    A bloggers tea party would be fun-too bad I am not closer.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  5. Hej Madelief

    CONGRATULATIONS to the winner Susi!
    How wonderful YES Spring looks like it is definitely on the way in your neck of the woods!
    It will be a looong time coming here.
    Back to London next week and I can enjoy all the beauty of Spring there.
    Madelief all your china is soo exquisite!
    I LOVE the red polka dot, vibrantly dashing through, your china cabinet with all your coloured glass too is wonderful.
    Have a wonderful weekend wonderful you!

  6. Ahhh wat een mooie stapeltjes heb je hier ook!!! Ik moet geloof ik ook maar een tuinhuisje aanschaffen om nog wat meer serviesgoed kwijt te kunnen! Gelukkig heb ik wel de buitenkast, al staat-ie op instorten. Ik heb nu inmiddels ook weer zin om aan de slag te gaan in de tuin, ja de lente komt er aan! Fijn weekend!

  7. Such a lovely post.I love to watch nature unfolding.After one of the worst winters ever,there are little green shoots popping up everywhere....Your tea cups are so pretty..I am going to join in too....watch this space.
    Anne x

  8. Ge-wel-di-ge stapels!! Wat is dat met stapeltjes servies??! Ik word er echt lyrisch van! Je servieskast is ook heelll fijn om naar te kijken :-)

    Fijn weekend!

  9. Wat een mooie stapels, O, al je foto's zijn even mooi.
    Ik geniet er van.

    Gezellig weekend

  10. How lovely to be reminded that Spring is on its way I am sure that your garden will be beautiful when everything flowers, just like your teacup collection. Congratulations to your giveaway winner. Have a lovely weekend, I think I know where you will be spending your time! Linda

  11. Hey Madelief! Dus jij gaat ook met de neus bijna tegen de grond op zoek naar de lente?

    Leuke, kleurrijke stapel! Mooi!

    Groetjes en fijn weekend,

  12. Madelief, I know exactly what you mean. There is so much work to be done outside. It seems like this year there are more branches on the ground, and there certainly are enough of those spiny balls from the sweet gum trees laying around. Even though dog has been getting some of those caught between her "toes", and we will go rolling if you step on one! More things are blooming over here too, so anxious for spring to be on its way, but I guess it will be here soon enough. You have such a pretty collection of tea cups; would love to have a cup of tea with you someday!
    Hope you have a beautiful sunny weekend.
    Take Care,

  13. Dear Madelief,

    Isn't it such a wonderful thing when the garden wakes up from winter and all the new buds and flowers start appearing. It is such an exciting time and yes, nature is so beautiful.
    Congratulations to Susi, she will be thrilled.

    Have a happy weekend

  14. Heb een heel gezellig weekend......visite net weg...pfffff...morgen werken......zuchttt....liefs van mij....xxx

  15. Good evening Madelief,

    Your garden wakes up quite slowly and goes out of the Winter. The Winter ends are very attractives, very poetic... You always arrange your beautifuls objects with élegance.

    I wish you a marvellous and nice week-end.
    Lieve Groet,

  16. Hi Madelief!

    Everything looks so lovely and lush and I know that it must be wonderful to stand in your garden and appreciate it's beauty and admire all your handy work. I love the white table with the teapot and the row of bottles on the outside sill.

    I am sorry I didn't win the giveaway but congrats to Susi - lucky girl!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend and I can't wait to see more shots of your beautiful garden space, Stephie x

  17. Beautiful collection of cups and saucers.

    I wish I could get down on my knees to do the gardening, but I think I would find it difficult to get up again with my back problem!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, happy gardening, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  18. Hoi Madelief, herkenbaar zo met je neus boven de aarde met het jonge spul. Zit er ook steeds boven..hi..hi. Ik probeer ze wakker te schudden!! Prachtig dat frisse nieuwe groen!!
    Geweldige foto's, leuk dat gemixte servies.
    Fijn weekend, groetjes Anja.

  19. Wat een prachtige kopjes, en heerlijk om te zien hoe ook de lente in de tuin z'n intrede doet. Ik wens je een schitterend weekend! @nne

  20. Wat een heerlijk sfeertje om langzaam bij wakker te worden op een relaxte zaterdagmorgen...mijn dag kan al niet meer stuk. Even wegdromen in jou tuin en sfeer die daar bij hoort..dankjewel Madelief. Woonde ik maar dicht bij jou...zucht...
    Liefs, Renny

  21. Dear Madelief,
    I hope you are fine and that the sun laughs at Madeliefcity ?!
    I do also love this early spring time and to watch how nature wakes up slowly. If you need someone who helps you watching and snooping your blossoms, I could borrow you "little" Duke. He´s an expert in that and could show you a new technique :-)
    I am wondering if you have a new roomer in your garden house, because you wrote, that you have a lady in the bath there....Will you introduce her to us ? :-)))

    (I think it is pure luxury to have a bathroom in a garden house, but anyway...)


    Have a very sunny and warm weekend !

    Lieve groet

  22. Langzaam aan vceranderd ook onze tuin in de lentesfeer. Knoppen die uitkomen...bolletjes boven de grond...heerlijk. Prachtige foto's heb je geplaatst. Da's even genieten hoor.
    Fijn weekend, Trudie.

  23. It is so exciting at this time of year, when things seem to stir in the garden, and every day there is a new bud or flower to see. I do love your cups, last week I went to a lovely little restaurant in Lyme Regis and they only use pretty old cups and saucers, if you want to take a peek their website is: http://www.teaanddiningroom.com/ so if you are ever over here do take a look!

  24. Hoi Madelief,

    Ik zag je in gedachten al helemaal voor me...blij de tuin in wandelend en kruipend door het groen om vervolgens helemaal happy te concluderen dat de lente er echt aan zit te komen :)!

    Je stapel met servies is zo mooi, gelukkig heb je nog heel veel kopjes om mee te stapelen zodat we daar nog niet van af zijn!!

    Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend, helaas is het deze dagen zacht en regenachtig maar gisteren pakken ze je niet meer af :)

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  25. Liebe Madelief,

    du hast Recht , es ist noch sooooviel im Garten zu tun, bevor es " richtig " losgeht!! Ähnlich sieht es auch bei mir aus, seit gestern sit Sonne und ich möchte dei Rosen und Büsche scshneiden, aber es kann ja nochmal Frost kommen !!!
    Deine tassensammlung ist einzigartig !!! Soooviele und ich liebe den Blick in den Schrank !!! Und alles soo schöne Dinge...
    Deine Gläser gefallen mir auch !!!

    Wünsche dir ein wundervolles Wochenedne,
    mit viel Zeit im Garten ,

    lieber Gruß,


  26. Oh wat heerlijk om weer in de tuin te kunnen 'rommelen' he...
    Het kan mij ook niet snel genoeg lente worden!
    Ik geniet wederom van je mooie foto's, een lust voor het oog!
    Ik wens je een fijn weekend met hopelijk niet teveel regen...
    Bisous uit Versailes,

  27. Wat een kleurrijke stapel, en wat heb je een mooie kast gevuld met servies, glazen en alles wat nodig is voor een mooie tafel! Leuk om weer plannetjes te maken he...ik hoop deze week ook wat in de tuin te kunnen doen. En en langs het tuincentrum voor wat nieuws en bloeiends! Zo'n zin in de lente....lieve groetjes en fijn weekend!






  29. How many beautifuel cups you have....I wish I have lived near you,so I could have joined the tee party in your garden...
    have a wonderfuel day dearest...

  30. Lucky you. We are weeks away from being able to work in our garden. The ground is either too frozen or too wet to touch. So I'll just enjoy your life.

    If you like,join us on Monday with a picture or two of flowers in your house. Always a pleasure to catch a glimpse of your beautiful home.

    xo Jane

  31. Helaas regent het hier want wij hadden plannen voor een ontdekkingstocht door de tuin. Hopelijk morgen.. fijn weekend!

  32. Dear Madelief, your china looks so stunning. It seems you have millions of cup...:-)...enough to have tea all day long in diffrent beautiful cups, right?!;-)...
    We are invited tonight and I can not wait to wear my new stuff:-)...I will surly show on my blog recently!!!Hughs Anja

  33. Such beautiful, beautiful pictures, Madelief, I read your blog and always come away feeling so inspired. My garden needs lots of attention! Last year I had 5 different nests in my garden because I had left things to get a bit overgrown and thei birds all found places to hide! My heart was in my mouth as I watched the fledglings struggle to fly, hopping about on the grass! Nature is so beautiful. Happy weekend, Em x

  34. I love your garden and your porcelain, dear Madelief! Thanks for sharing always this pleasure!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!!
    It is hot around here. We are on vacation, far from home. We will be back in two weeks. Aila is happy and playing a lot. She stays in the pool all day long!!
    Kisses, dear friend!!

  35. Dearest Madelief,

    Do you know, I feel like it was me, looking through your eyes and feeling your heart as you walked down the path, going to see what you would discover. What silly words but - I could just feel it! =] I could feel my knees in the dirt and smell the earth. sigh. I can almost hear spring birds chirping, too. However, we got a good foot of snow, yesterday.

    Keep the news on the garden coming. I'm living vicariously!!!

    Love, Katy Noelle xo

  36. Dear Madelief,

    your pictures are sooooo great. I love your cups (I got the pip cups, too).

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    viele liebe und sonnige Grüße
    sendet Dir

  37. Inderdaad nog even en we kunnen weer genieten van het tuinleven! Kan niet wachten tot je ons weer laat mee genieten van je prachtige tuin!
    Liefs Michaja

  38. Oh Madelief you have thee most beautiful collection I have ever seen...that red floral plate...oh Momma!

  39. ik heb maar een klein tuintje maar heb van de week toch al een groencontainer gevild met balderen en rommel..hele klus toch nog laat staan als je een grote tuin hebt
    je fotos zijn prachtig..ik geniet van al je mooie servies en lieve kopjes
    gefeliciteerd voor de winnaar
    liefs hannie

  40. Prachtig, prachtig...is al dat mooie servies van jou? En dat daar alles in je kast ook?
    Wat geniet ik toch keer op keer van je mooie kleuren......en straks weer je prachttuin...

    De JDL is idd deze keer vol lieve kleurtjes...
    Het zal je vast plezieren....
    Fijn weekend

  41. Die tuin van jou word straks weer een plaatje. En heerlijk gestapeld met die mooie kopjes....

    fijn weekend, lia

  42. Its fabulous that you can start to see the life out there, your pictures are really pretty and I love the cups
    Happy Weekend xx
    Lynn xx

  43. I love your teacups! Your photos are inspiring me to get my collection out. The color combinations are super cheerful, just delightful.
    I have to say I'm a little jealous of the fact you can go out and garden, ha,ha. I'm still under snow here in Alaska. My gardening won't start up till may!! Your photos will have to keep me content till then!! :o)
    Have a great weekend!
    Chris :o)

  44. Dear Madelief,

    your collection of beautiful teacups is amazing and I love them all. The bluewhite jar and the bluewhite bowl are very adorable too.
    In our garden only the white helleborus is blooming now but I wait on spring because the question is: Will our wisterias have their first bloom and how big will our ramblerrose "Veilchenblau" before it will bloom? I´m excited.

    Have a nice sunday,

  45. Ohhh my god.. Madelief.... thank you very very much.. I not read this..
    thanks.. I write you a mail ;O)
    Kisses Susi

  46. Madelief.. have you came my mail???
    I have a error on my emails..
    thanks for answer..

  47. Hoi Madelief, ik kan me voorstellen dat je al weer zin hebt om lekker in de tuin bezig te zijn. Laat het zonnetje er maar doorkomen, dan groeit en bloeit het allemaal wel weer. Ik verlang er ook naar om al even in het zonnetje thee te drinken, wat lijkt dat nog ver weg, vond het echt vies weer vandaag.
    Leuk het stapelen met servies, zo heerlijk fleurig.
    Susi,veel plezier met het boek,
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  48. Je neemt wel risico's zeg met je stapel. Maar mooi is ie wel!

  49. OOhh....Madelief wat maak jij mij blij met deze prachtige foto`s!! heerlijk deze kleuren en bloemen ja...helemaal mijn ding en ook zo lekker veel;-)

    Liefs, Jeanette

  50. I love your cabinet full of lovely vintage treasures, really beautiful!

  51. Fantastiques photos : je suis sous le charme de cette jolie vaiselle superposée !

  52. Dearest Madelief,

    You are a very organized and busy bee! Naturally your garden will yield again lots of pretty views. Enjoy your pre-spring period.
    Sending you warm sunny rays your way from Georgia where we got 26°C today; about all week long very sunny and warm.

    Lots of love,


  53. Wat heerlijk om een "echt" tuinpad te hebben, zucht....! Hier is het een open vlakte met schommels, trampo en droogmolen, zeer idyllisch zoals je je kunt voorstellen!
    Ik ben even met je meegelopen, en heb al een klein beetje lente opgesnoven! Heerlijk hè, al die tekenen van nieuw leven, laat de lente nu maar komen!
    Nog een fijne zondag, lieve groetjes Elly

  54. Heerlijke foto's weer van je servies Madelief! Dankjewel voor je leuke reactie op creJJtion, ja het is iderdaad cadeaupapier met aan de achterkant zeshoeken. Het is van HouseDoctor, wist je dat? Zij hebben echt prachtige dingen, www.housedoctor.dk voor het geval je het niet kent.
    Fijne zondag!
    liefs van Maaike

  55. Hi Madelief,
    I am just picturing you on your knees in the garden trying to pull out leaves and buds out of the ground by virtue of your eyes. ;-) I had to look up the expression "Lady in the bath", I didn´t know this name for Bleeding heart and think it sounds a lot nicer for this beautiful flower.
    Thanks very much for your nice words. I´m OK! I always have so many ideas for my blog but it seems there is never enough time. I wish my day had 48 hours...

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  56. How pretty your cups are!!! I love cups with flower decor!
    Have a nice sunday,

  57. It is a sure sign of spring at Madeliefs. I can not wait to stroll through your gardens.

  58. hallo,

    wat heb je dog leuke erg schatige service.
    Ik hou erg van deze mooi service.

    groetjes Conny

  59. I love the photography on your blog - beautiful. Love those teacups!! Swoon ;) XOL

  60. Ha Madelief.Dank je wel voor je lieve woorden. Ik begin op te knappen maar ik ben zo slap als een vaatdoek. Dus doe ik maar wat kalm aan. Vandaag de laatste vakantiekleren gestreken en opgeruimd . Dat is altijd zo´n klus. Wat leuk al die stapelfoto´s.Daar ga ik beslist ook aan mee doen , ik heb ook een kleine honderd kop en schotels die meestal in de kast staan. Ik kan nooit voorbij kop en schotels lopen, moet altijd wat kopen. Waanzinnig eigenlijk.
    LIeve groeten van Riet

  61. Hi
    Yes it was me where you found the b&b in Tenterden, Kent. I do hope you have a lovely time. I am sure you will love it!

  62. Ik zie prachtige kopjes en schoteltjes in een evenzo prachtig tuinhuis in een hele mooie tuin die de komende maanden nog mooier zal worden met al de prachtige bloemen. Mooie foto's weer, lieve Madelief.
    Ik ga de slingers ophangen, hier in Brugge, we slapen in House of Seasons. Dat bleek een heel goede keus, het zijn appartementen, vorig jaar geopend, schoon, ruim, genieten.
    Een gezellige avond nog en alvast een fijne nieuwe week xxxx

  63. Congratulations to the winner and thank you for sharind your beautiful tea cups collection.
    I wish you a happy new week Madelief,

  64. I like your sweet floral and polka-dot teacups, your cupboard and the bark(?) basket. We saw our first green in the backyard today, so we are behind you. But spring is on it's way! Bess

  65. Dear Madelief
    How exciting...a new season is on its way and I can just imagine how you must feel walking down your garden path...! I love your tea cups and I know your tea party will be beautiful and something special to remember!
    Have a lovely week and enjoy seeing new life in your garden!

  66. Lieve Madelief, wonderful images of your collection of pretty cups and of your awakening garden! I'm longing to be allowed to work in the garden, too! But it is still too cold here ... Oh, and my warmest congrats to Susi!!!
    Lots of Küschelbüschel to you, groetjes, Traude :o)

  67. Good Morning, dear Madelief-

    I wanna thank you for your visits and comments- it makes me always happy!

    Your photos are wonderful and make me looking forward to the spring life...

    In the moment I still enjoy the silence of the winter...

    A big hug- Ines

  68. Dear Madelief, yes nature is wonderful and i'm smiling about the sentence,with my nose two centimeters above the ground.... yes you are really a gardener :))
    Your fotos are so nice and I think its warmer than here, because the spring flowers are coming out.
    Your teacups are almost fantastic and I think you have more then hundred, thats right?
    A teaparty in your garden must be wonderful!
    Sorry that I'm not here for a while, but the time is runnig. Tomorrow is the first of March, I can't believe it.
    HAve a nice and sunny week and have a look for your knees :))
    lieve groetjes

  69. Your pretty images always make me so happy...I am wishing I could get my hands into my garden...snow snow snow has decided to come visit us. Your china dishes and cups are soooo pretty...they really do make my heart sing. xooxxo Hugs for a great MONDAY! xoxoxo

  70. Oooh, such lovely photos! And I am quite envious of your glorious gardening weather. We are still in the midst of winter, and spring seems ever so long way away. Yet I am forever hopeful that it will arrive here too. In the mean time I shall enjoy your delightful photos of your spring buds and flowers. And your incredibly pretty china!

  71. Hoi!
    Ik kwam toevallig op je blog en vind je bonte kopjes prachtig. Wat stapelt dat mooi zeg!!

  72. Ik vermoed dat jij nooit twee keer hetzelfde kopje gebruikt om thee te drinken... Wat een kleurige verzameling!

    Lieve groetjes, Annelies

  73. It is funny how the earliest,bravest little Spring flowers make one scrabble around on the ground to appreciate them - as if Nature is asking us to genuflect to Her arrival in Spring! Bx

  74. hola linda: hermosas imagenes!!
    besos, mely

  75. oh my dear Madelief, this is absolutely adorable!!! you have the best collection of beautiful tea cups ever and playing to stuck them must have been an enjoyable moment, with lots of careful movements though....
    and thinking of your garden and being at your knees is something I love!!!!
    hugs my dear

  76. Hi Madelief,
    All your stacked cups are so much fun! Your garden already looks lovely!
    Have a wonderful week.
    Ingrid xx

  77. Dear Madelief!

    Oh how I would LOVE to have a good nose around your garden, garden house and cupboard with all its treasures!! I don't think I could ever get get bored looking at all your lovely bits and pieces! How did your collection of teacups start?

    Thank you for the link!! I was amazed at how much beautiful free stuff is available - had been on some of these sites before, but usually the nice stuff costs you.... Have not gone for anything yet - the choice is too great...:)

    Looking forward to seeing your shoes!!!!!

    HAve a cozy evening!!!!

    nicola x

  78. Good evening Madelief!!!

    :) Oh yes - the website is HOT news - was only launched today....I shall look later too...! I am not all that excited about it yet, but can see getting drawn in to it.....and am planning my cupcakes for the day already (in red white and blue of course...:)..) There shall be several street parties in the village...I guess I will stay put - London will be crazy!! Although I think anyone who will get a chance to stand on Pall Mall will get quite show to see - something they are VERY good at, the English!! I have friends coming over that weekend- they booked BEFORE the wedding was announced and will be in London for it - I hope they will take the chance and join in, a picnic in one of the  parks  with BIG screen, tath sort of thing...just to be part of the atmosphere....not too much chance to be right in it I think, people will sleep on the streets to secure a good spot (CRAZY! Having said that - I once did it at Wimbeldon and got to see Becker and Edberg in the Final!! SO it can be worth it!!) (Oh - that was when I was  MUCH younger...:) and actually with 2 Dutch friends!!).

    :) What would Kate wear? - yes, it made me smile too - the posters can actually be personalized - a rather nice company/website called notonthehighstreet.com - great for gifts when one really  does not  know what to give.....and I jsut found another one inside their catalouge, this one reads: What would Delia do? And instead of the crown it has a little chef’s hat - now that one could happily find a space on my kitchen wall for a while :)

    I think it is lovely - that you collect the pretty cups- so anyone who knows you well and sees one, will never be short of a present for you!!!!

    And THANK you for the invite - as we said before - you never know!!!!!

    Have a lovely evening -or what is left of it - evening pas FAR too quickly!!

    Nicola x

    p.s Facebook -I am on, yes, but hardly EVER do anything - I still do not really see the point of it and am not sure I understand it properly either...and as you said, blogging is enough (and MUCH nicer too!!!)

  79. Hello Madelief,
    This week is a cold but sunny week here. I am going to get some plants this afternoon and will be gardening this week end, so much to do! i love your tea cups and all you treasures in your garden house. Nice week end, hugs Catherine

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Thank you for your lovely words.