Things have changed in the garden. As my youngest daughter and I sit in the garden house, sipping tea, my eyes wander over the front part, with the huge pine tree, the lawn and the raised beds. I try to see what it is that makes it feel different: there are fat buds on the trees, the first blossoms and grape hyacinths appear, the daffodils are almost in bloom.....but I don't think that's all of it.......
As I remove several big branches out of a tree, tiny birds, I think they must be finches, race past me, missing me by an inch. It's like they play some sort of children's game. At that moment it hits me. It's the birds and the birdsong! When it's not there, somehow you don't really miss it, but once you can hear them sing again, you realise that you did, and very much so!
It's like they have all come out from their hiding places. Such a pleasure to have them in the garden once more. Although it's a cold and windy day, there is definite hint of spring in the air.
Have a good new week!
Madelief x
Wat heerlijk hè, dat de lente weer in aantocht is...ik kan daar toch zo van genieten! Hoewel het hard waaide heb ik vanmiddag ook een tijd in de tuin gewerkt, lekker in het zonnetje. Er moest nog het een en ander gesnoeid worden en er lag nog veel bladafval. Bij elkaar vegen had bijna geen zin, want elke keer nam een windvlaag het blad weer mee en rolde alles bij mij vandaan ;-). Dus ik heb beweging genoeg gehad, maar het was wél genieten. Bovendien staat de tuin er weer mooier bij! Jouw tuin trouwens ook, zo fijn dat alles weer langzaam begint uit te lopen. Dat je de vogels weer zo goed hoort, is een echt lente-teken!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk wens je een fijne week, Madelief! Veel liefs, Ingrid
What a beautiful picture of the vase of flowers. I could live happily in a room with those colours.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's always interesting to see how a garden changes with the growth - or removal - of a tree. Have fun!
Dear Madelief, I simply love you grape hyacinths!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnd I wish I could hear the birdsongs in your garden!:)
Tja ...ik vind het nog erg fris hoor.....moet hier ook nog wel wat doen op de terrassen maar brrr...niksvoor mij nu...ik wacht nog even.....liefs fijne week van mij x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI agree Madelief. I look forward to the birdsong every year and while it is still a few weeks away here in my garden. I will get the same thrill as I always do every year when I will wake up to it. It's almost like they descend all at once and sit in the tree that is right out my bedroom window.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour little grape hyacinths are so pretty in your photos. Beautiful-beautiful-beautiful!
sending hugs...
So lovely your photos are i havent been able to visit didnt have wi-fi for a few minutes glad to be back... Spring is just around the corner the winter flew by. I lobe to hear the birds singing. Happy Sunday with love Janice
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOur gardens are about at the same stage. The grape hyacinth and the tiny starlike Scilla poking their heads through and the daffodils waiting to burst and show their sunny faces. We are so excited though this year as we have a pair of robins building a nest not 4 feet from our kitchen door and within full view from my sewing room window. Could be the first thing that has slowed my machines down this year as I watch fascinated by their busyness. Have a lovely week. Xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderen. . . . Madelief, I just love seeing beautiful you working in your English (perhaps?) muck boots - I always look so grimy in my garden!!! Your grape hyacinths are the prettiest I've seen - the ones that grow here look really skimpy compared to your lovelies. Yes, a breath of Spring was in the air here today - 65F and brilliant sunshine, people in shorts and tee shirts already!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a great week dear.
Mary -
You're just a bit behind us here in Oregon, USA.. I have a big bouquet of daffodils, a tiny jar of Narcissus, and 2 tinier jars of wild sweet Violets gracing my table. I can't wait for the Lilacs to burst forth! LOVE all your images! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden is coming alive! How delightful to hear the birds and see them playing in the trees. Lovely, lovely grape hyacinths.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat heerlijk om de uurtjes te grijpen als het zonnig weer is. Kan zo genieten van jouw tuin. Nu helemaal want deze tuin hier ligt prachtig maar is gras en veel coniferen. Dus veel weghalen, wat er niet thuishoort. Wel al een beetje een plan in mijn hoofd en op papier. Maar voordat je weer zo,n prachtige tuin hebt, dat duurt toch echt wel heel wat jaartjes. Maar weer planten sparen en zien te vergaren. Wat is jouw tuin prachtig en wat een heerlijk gevoel om stukje bij beetje op te schonen, heerlijk buiten en later met rozige wangen nagenieten in de warmte van je huis. Prachtig de blauwe druifjes en het longkruid op het vaasje. dat is het ultieme voorjaar binnen halen.
groet Pauline
I got two trays of muscari on Friday and can't wait to pot them up in some old plant pots...just beautiful :) xxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt is lovely to hear the chirping of the birds again as they flit around finding mates and nest building - the blue of your grape hyaciths compliment your blogs background beautifully.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJA! Ik hoor ze ook weer vrolijk fluiten in de ochtend en ook als het donker wordt gaan ze nog even zingen naar elkaar! Hier fladderen ze ook weer af en aan en het is altijd weer een feestje om te zien.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet geeft meteen het gevoel dat het gelukkig weer voorjaar wordt!
Kan niet wachten om je tuin weer In Bloom te zien lieve Madelief.
Tot snel! liefs xx Lia
These have to be one of my favorite flowers dearest Madelief, and you captured them SO WELL, with your signature style perfection. I can't believe that March is almost here, and then April, then FUN in the SUN for us all!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnjoy a beautiful day of playing with the earth.
So nice to have blooms already in your garden. Love the photos of you working happily in the garden and your daughter enjoying her tea.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt looks like we will get an early spring her this year......I am looking forward to waking up to the sound of birds again too.
Have a lovely week,
Blauwe druifjes, wat hou ik daar toch van! XX Esther
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJa, het wordt Lente!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat ziet je tuin er al weer mooi opgeknapt uit na de winter.
De blauwe druifjes zijn prachtig.
Heerlijk om je zo lekker bezig te zien!
Liefs, Gerry
How wonderful! Here it is rainy or stormy or both together. And if it´s sunny, I almost have other things to do. I am looking forward to work in the garden!
Ja, ik heb het ook al gehoord. Vanmorgen nog. Van nu af aan in een spurt naar de lente. Heerlijk. Groetjes Hetty
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello, I have just discovered your blog and I love your posts!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful photography of your garden and the Muscari.
I also happen to think you look fabulous with a hat ;)
Thank You~
Gorgeous photos! Can't wait for Spring!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh my, you have spring already. Beautiful photos from your garden. Here we have tons of snow and cold. I sooo want spring.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHugs from here
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIndeed, in the quietness of work, it surprises you that once again the birds come fluttering by and have started their concert of SPRING and new life. They are happy and busy in searching, selecting and building their nests.
That brings hope for all of us and as we gather the remnants of winter, like many broken branches that got shaken out of the trees by strong winds, we discover new life showing up all around us.
Yes, a cup of tea is a bliss for wrapping your hands around! LOVE to do that myself.
Sending you hugs and enjoy the new beauty.
Daisy, I have enjoyed your garden for a very long time but have never commented. Today, I read your blog after a walk through my garden and I reminded myself the bird feeders need refilling. Spring comes late here in the northwest part of the USA, but I was hoping to see the robin I rescued last spring. She came back to visit and followed me around the garden for months. Maybe she will make her nest here. The chickadees are the most friendly and will chatter like crazy to let me know the feeders are empty. I hope they are all back soon, along with the daffodils! In the meantime, there is a lot of garden clean-up waiting for me.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Annie,
VerwijderenThank you so much for your sweet comment. Before you know it, spring arrives and with it the birds and flowers. Good luck on the cleaning. There is still some pruning for me to do as well!
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou have shared the perfect Spring post - love the grape hyacinths, blue sky, blossoms and that you have little birds playing there. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos.
Hope you have a happy week
You look so very happy hauling that load. A good day's work. The grape hyacinths are so pretty, especially because of the shade of blue and then combine them with the pretty pink and they are stunning. We do have bulbs poking little heads out of the soil, but they are weeks away from blooming. I am impatient. I'll enjoy your spring beauty a bit longer.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenbien jolie ces premières couleurs du printemps
BeantwoordenVerwijderenet le début d'un dur labeur
Your beautiful garden looks so full of spring promise! Those blue grape hyacinths are a lovely shade! You both deserved a cup of tea after your hard work! It is so good to be outside in the garden again isn't it? Sarah x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely to see those pretty views of your garden, Madelief! The hyacinths are the most wonderful shade of blue - like the sky. It is such a good feeling to spend the day playing in the dirt - giving your cheeks some color and fluffing up your hair - nature's beauty treatment! Such a lovely little helper you have :) Hugs xo K
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden looks so clean and ready for Spring. The birds are definitely a joy when in the garden.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello dear Madelief, your blog is my number one read for inspiring garden photos and I am never disappointed when I see your delightful photos so bright and cheerful and you in your garden getting stuck into making it all pretty. Can't wait to see how your garden grows this year. It is so lovely to hear birds chirping isn't it....a sure sign of spring in the air! Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeerlijk he, de lente weer in de lucht! Alvast een heel fijn weekend, Anita xx
VerwijderenOh Madelief, I love all the BLUE in your post - so springlike and pretty - and I love your smile! And it's true, there is much more music in the air now. When we were at the mountain hut it was so fine to hear so many birds in the wood... (I think I will post the photos of the hut in 2 days... We had nearly every kind of weather there ;o)))
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLots of Küschelbüschels and groetjes,
Oh my goodness! Such beautiful flowers! I love the blue! So happy to have found your blog.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh it is! Absolutely gorgeous Madelief x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love these little blue hyacinths, they are so lovely and your photos are amazing. I can really imagine how much fun you had working in the garden. At the moment it is very cold outside, but I am looking forward to going out and dig in the earth! Have a nice weekend, love Barbara
hello dear Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGrape hyacinths are one of my favourite spring flowers - I love them so much and they take me back to my childhood and the fragrant Tussie Mussies my mother made!
The birds bring life back to the garden don't they?
I've thought about you recently as the dahlias in my garden are blooming, well one is and I'm waiting to see what the other five will look like!
Enjoy your Spring days Madelief and it's lovely to see your daughter enjoying the garden too!
Shane x
Je hebt gelijk! Het zijn de vogels die maken dat je opeens zo'n blij voorjaarsgevoel krijgt, buiten. Ondanks regen, wind en nachtvorst voel je het opeens: de lente komt eraan! Iets eerder in Rotterdam dan in Drenthe, maar ook hier zie ik de knoppen zwellen en hoor ik, eindelijk weer, de opgewonden vogelgeluiden. Heerlijk!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief! I think your garden is beautiful, it makes me long for spring, the first wonderful flowers and listen to the birds singing! It is the most lovely time of the year, I think.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have signed up to follow your blog by email since you haven't got another place to "click in",
Wishing you a nice weekend and a wonderful springtime.
Best wishes, Ida
Your garden is really a green dream! Today we have a very grey and dull weather here so my inspiration is zero...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWell, have a great sunday Madelief, take care!
mooi die blauwe druifjes het begint nu echt voorjaar te worden in je tuin en dat zie je begin is er en voor je het weet is het april ohhhh dat mag van mij heel snel zijn heerlijk
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos are wonderful, Madelief, really wonderful !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI wish you a nice ans sweet end of Winter