'No mum, please don't wear your hat' 'You will capture everyone's attention'. 'It's just too much!' 'You'll be the laughing stock of Rotterdam''. ;-)
Whenever I try to wear one of my hats, this is what happens. My hat always ends up in the back of my closet, where it came from.
When I look back at my childhood in the late sixties and seventies, I remember my grandparents, aunts and uncles wearing a hat, when leaving the house. Partly for protection, but for decorative purposes as well. How I admired them. They looked so sophisticated.
I have fond memories too of one of my neighbours, a tall and well groomed gentleman in his eighties, who always tipped his hat whenever we met. I was in my early twenties at the time and just a girl, but this gesture made me feel like a lady.
Last week when at a dinner party, my friends and I got talking about hats. Having seen the films Carol and The Danish girl, in which some fine examples of stylish hats are worn. My friends and I came to the conclusion that we all have hats in our closet, but lack the confidence to actually wear them.
One of my friends and I made a pact. On our next visit to the cinema we would wear one of our hats.
When arriving home later that evening, she sent me a text, saying: 'It's always terribly windy at the Kop van Zuid......... (the part of town where the cinema is.)........' I replied: 'No excuses, let's do it!'
It's four more weeks before we go. Having second thoughts already...........she may be right, it is terribly windy at the Kop van Zuid indeed.
Are you into hats?
Enjoy your week!
Madelief x
* The old black and white photo's are by the Séeberger brothers
* The hats, gloves and jewellery are vintage finds.

Madelief, I think you would capture attention if wearing a flour sack, haha! Not your hats but your overall beauty my dear. That said, and the photos of you are just lovely, I think you and your girlfriends should definitely have a 'girls' night out' wearing your hats. Of course nothing too high and wide for the cinema perhaps, but that sweet black beret you are wearing would be fine!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, I'm into and love hats and have lots. Many for Summertime include straw with bigger brims (I have my hair colored and need to protect it in the sun!), and old comfy cotton ones for garden chores. The ones I wear now include my favorite casual plum felted wool fitted cloche from Germany, several dressy cloches in steel blue, chocolate, and black, all with small brims on which I often pin a silk flower, and a black chenille knitted pull-on for a quick grocery run when my hair needs doing or it's very windy. I also take hats on ships, which I seem to be on often, always a sun hat, and also what we call a 'ball cap' here - that's a baseball cap. I don't advertise baseball teams as such, mine are all from safari camps I've stayed in when in Africa. I like them for walking as I can tuck my hair behind my ears and pull the visor part down to shield eyes from the sun.
. . . . . and speaking of ladies wearing hats, any news from our fabulous mutual friends in Budapest by chance?
Madelief, please give us your opinion of the The Danish Girl. I want to see it but hesitate because I love Eddie Redmayne, but don't know if I truly want to see him in this role!
Hope you are having fun on Valentine's Day - is it a big celebration in the Netherlands?
Hugs - Mary
Just left you a message Mary x
VerwijderenWat leuk Madelief. Het staat je erg goed. Ik ben ook gek op hoeden , ze staan me goed, zegt men,maar draag ze ook niet vaak.Toen ik 70 werd vroeg ik aan mijn vriendin wanneer ik nou oud genoeg was om een hoed te gaan dragen want vroeger droegen alle dames een hoed. haha. Vorig jaar heb ik een leuk winterhoedje gekocht bij de Bijenkorf en dat draag ik nu regelmatig.Een zonnehoed draag ik ook wel.Toen mijn zoons trouwden heb ik natuurlijk ook een hoed gedragen en dat maakt je outfit beslist af.Leuk dat jullie nou afgesproken hebben om ze te gaan dragen en wanneer je dochters trouwen ga je ze natuurlijk ook dragen. Iets om naar uit te kijken.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLieve groet van Riet
Lieve Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPersoonlijk heb ik helemaal niets met hoeden, ze staan mij ook niet. Maar bij jou vind ik ze echt helemaal passen, wat zijn je foto's ook leuk!! Je hebt er duidelijk lol in ;-). Ik ben benieuwd of de gemaakte afspraak doorgaat...je dochters zullen wel weer hun opmerkingen hebben. Dat zou hier niet anders zijn.
Veel liefs, Ingrid
You look great in your hat Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet staat je goed Madelief! Ik zou het zeker vaker doen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk hou er ook wel van maar inderdaad, je valt er wel mee op.
En wat dan nog? Ja inderdaad, je mag er zijn en met hoed ben je net even wat eleganter en vrouwelijker. Ik draag wel mutsen in de winter, leuke mooie mutsen dan hè, niet van die skimutsen.
Maar ja met die winters van tegenwoordig komen die ook al bijna de kast niet meer uit...
Wel foto's hè van jullie 'bios-met-hoed-uitje' hahaha...
Lieve groet, MJ
A most LOVELY and happy post, surprising and full of light, as the Dutch Masters caught! MADELIEF, I LOVE YOUR HAT! When I was living in Nice France, I was laughed at for wearing my hat! YES! Until I found out why, I thought I'd just fit in. Evidently in Nice, no one wears a hat unless you are part of a wedding party! HAHAHAHHAHA....but even here, if you wear a stylish hat, you are stared at. But who cares. I DON'T! I still wear a hat when I feel like it, and you certainly have captured a style that is divine. YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKeep on wearing your crown my friend. YOU REIGN!
Staat je wel hoor..!!....vind de baret het leukst staan...fijne week liefs Ria x❤️❤️❤️
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDo wear your hats Madelief - you look so stunning and very beautiful in them♡
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNow, next time stand your ground and be brave and WEAR your adorable hats!
Here in the South it is quite normal to see ladies wearing hats and why not?!
I myself have to be in the mood for wearing one of mine I must say but I've always loved them.
Sending you hugs for Valentine's Day with sweet memories!
I love hats. For many years, when The Great Dane was in the air force and there were foreign posting a hat and gloves were de rigeur. It was in the time of Diana, Princess of Wales, and hats were making a bit of a comeback. I still have a few hat boxes in the closet and love the way a hat finishes an outfit. My mum always wore a hat, and still, in the care home, she wears a little hat most days. Yesterday she wore a beret with a jeweled humming bird on it. Très Chic!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love hats and the older I get the more that I don't care what others may think. It's my life to enjoy and if what I am doing isn't hurting someone else then so be it, and I've never seen a hurtful hat. The truth is that when you start being brave enough to wear your hats . . . it will inspire others scaredy-cats to do it too, instead of just dreaming about it. I say be the trend setter instead of the trend follower . . . you just might surprise yourself in how many compliments you will receive. :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKeep Smiling.
Connie :)
Prachtige foto's! Beeldige hoeden! En ja, ik ben dol op hoeden... Heb ook een heel behoorlijke collectie. ;-) Ook een aantal hoedjes (en hoeden!) uit Engeland trouwens, waar ik een tijdje gewoond heb. Inmiddels best alweer lang geleden...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPS. Wat een prachtige wit-zwarte klokken rok heb je aan. In love!
Verwijderen*klokkende* rok, bedoelde ik...
VerwijderenDeze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
VerwijderenGreat post! You look great in a hat...go for it!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love hats and do wear them in summer.
Have a good week!
You always look so chic my dear Madelief! Hat or no hat! Such a fun post my dear. I loved every beautiful photo.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI look just barely OK in hats, and don't wear them often except my garden hats, but I really love a cloche hat on anybody!
sending hugs...
You are so stylish and fashionable and model thin.. you're gorgeous! I do hope you wear your hat and more than just once too.. you look faboo! I have a beautiful navy blue hat a la Downton Abbey that I had made to wear for a singing performance in period clothing ca. 1915. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis is a post full of happiness and beauty. You look marvelous in your hats, Madelief! Wear them, do. I like hats, but wear them most of all in the summertime to protect my hair and eyes from the sun. I have a big brimmed straw hat that I wear to outdoor weddings and such events. Cotton hats for boating and gardening. In the winter I have a crocheted slouchy cap that protects my ears and head from the cold, and a grey wool cloche with a small brim for dress. Wouldn't it be wonderful if hats made a comeback? They look so chic.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief...you have some beautiful hats and they really look great on you! Enjoy every minute wearing them!
I say go for it Madelief! You always look so chic, a hat would never look wrong on you. Xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou look lovely in your hat. You must definitely wear it!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenjolie Madame
BeantwoordenVerwijderenje suis souvent en noir et blanc , soit le haut ou le bas inversé
les petits chapeaux j'adore cela donne une finition à la tenue très élégante
c'est comme un bijoux en plus
en France on appel ça un BIBI
c'est un bel accessoire de mode
il ne faut pas hésiter
bonne journée
gros bisous
ooh ik hou ervan!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFijne dag
You look wonderful in your hats and should wear them with pride! M x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk vind je hoedjes echt ongelooflijk mooi en ik zou willen dat ze nog steeds het modebeeld konden bepalen. Ik heb de afgelopen jaren met heel veel bewondering naar de serie Downton Abbey gekeken, en ben tot de conclusie gekomen dat ik, waar het de kleding betreft echt veel te laat ben geboren. Die kleding en ook de hoeden, zelfs aan tafel worden de hoedjes gedragen, zijn super prachtig fantastisch...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDus lekker dragen Madelief, ik heb er geen en zou het misschien ook niet durven.
Fijne nieuwe week,
Madelief, thanks so much for all the wonderful vintage photographs and...particularly, the glorious color photographs of you and your hats. You look grand in those hats! Please do wear them often, and bring some additional joy to those folks fortunate to see you.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am a great admirer of hats, always have been, always will be! xo
Wonderful post, how stylish you are Madelief...and such interesting vintage photos too. I love hats! I wish we all wore them regularly the way people used to do :) You look lovely in yours and should definitely wear them at every opportunity!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a great week.
Helen xox
You are so glamorous and definitely suit hats!! I think that you should wear one all the time! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love this post Madelief! You look simply lovely in that beautiful red dress and that vintage hat! I love hats and I do wear them often, summer and winter. Where I live near the sea everyone wears some form of hat to keep warm and in summer to ward of the sun if it gets a little too hot. My personal favourites are felt berets, black and red ones, and I have a Scottish Tam (or Beret) which I bought in Edinburgh made from Scottish tweed and has a delightful blackbird feather pin, which when really cold I do love to wear with my thick winter coats. In summer I like to wear a straw hat for walking on the beach or sometimes just a white cotton hat. I'm a real hat lover and my middle daughter Honeybee loves wearing hats too! I'd love to buy a fedora, but we had such a mild winter I couldn't justify buying it. Sometimes you think people are staring but often they are just admiring how lovely you look and wishing they could wear one too! Hope you have fun wearing your hat! Sharon x
BeantwoordenVerwijderendoen! wat kan jou het schelen dat er mensen kijken? en tegen de wind heb je twee handen die 'm even vast kunnen houden ;). Ik heb twee hoeden en draag ze regelmatig én graag! Omdat het kan!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief, you look dashingly beautiful in your hat and the beautiful pink frock. I agree with you when you say one needs an injection of confidence. I do love hats. I wear straw hats in the summertime or when in a sunny climate. I have a black hat which I purchased from a Montreal designer about 20 years ago and it is still fashionable and has a casual/dressy feel.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope you and your friend have the confidence to wear your hats to the cinema
Oh Madelief .... you MUST wear your hats ... they look amazing. I love hats and have quite a few. Mine are more everyday hats but whenever I go to a wedding I always wear a posh hat !! I think it shows your individuality and it just takes a bit of confidence. Once you get into the routine it becomes second nature.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou really do look wonderful in all of the photographs .... I particularly like the one with your mustard cardigan thrown over your shoulder ..... I think that you should embark on a modelling career !! Let us know how you get on at the cinema ..... you might have to take your hats off when the film starts !!!!! XXXX
Ik heb geen " hoedengezicht" dus ook geen dilemma's. Ik denk dat je zonder hoed zal gaan! Groetjes Hetty
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI think it suits you beautifully.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNina x
Ik zeg doen .... het staat je hartstikke goed!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk ben zelf ook gek op hoeden en draag ze graag ook al heb je inderdaad meer bekijks. Ik ben benieuwd en hoop op een update, met hoed weliswaar ;-) Anita xx
Your hats do look far too good to leave in the closet, they need to be worn! I too remember my parents and grandparents wearing hats when I was a child. There were 2 has my mother had which were covered in flowers I loved trying them on! You need to come to our annual hat festival in Bridport, everywhere would look at your hats and just admire them. Sarah x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI agree with you that hats are elegant ! i remember I had a moment in my twenties where I used to wear sophisticated hats .... but it didn't last long!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenxxxxx Ale
Dearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyou definitely SHOULD wear your hats! Whether or not windy, you look enchanting with a hat. And it's good to attract attention if you are a beautiful woman !!! Oh - and you have seen the movie "The Danish Girl"?!?! This movie I want to watch too - it sounds very intersting and I think it's full of aesthetics!
Lots of hugs & groetjes
Ben dol op hoeden, maar ja hier draagt niemand een hoed. Leuk idee om samen met hoed naar de bioscoop te gaan, ik zou het gewoon doen want een hoed staat je goed.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroet, Janneke
Oh, Madelief! I love your hats! I have several lovely hats that I am afraid to wear, too! I think we should be brave and wear them. Don't you look adorable :) I hope you do....Hugs xo Karen
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh so lovely hats! So female and I WISH I could wear one...maybe on a wedding or a very fashionable party. You look great in your hat Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA great post and best wishes for a happy week...
if ANYONE ..... than most certainly YOU .
BeantwoordenVerwijderenabsolutely ..... no doubt .......
love love love this post and pictures .
you and your friend must pick some fancy tearooms and restaurants and set the trend !
my daugther wears them all the time !
Thank you for sharing , made me smile all over
and thank you for encouraging me !
Madelief I love this post!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm definitely into hats, bags and gloves. It's what we wore when I was in my 20's.
We often went to the races and dressed up and in summer we wore pretty wide brimmed straw hats.
I've been wearing one this summer when I go out and I've had lots of compliments from friends and ladies in shops!
Wearing a hat and gloves raises the standard of dress and gives us an air of confidence!
DO IT dear Madelief - don't listen to the girls!
Shane x
Hi,you are so glamorous,you certainly suit a hat,I do not but my elder daughter looks wonderful in her vintage hats and wears them so stylishly,I wish I could!It is lovely when a gentleman tips his hat.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou have accessorized to perfection! Black and red look fabulous together. And the polka dots are playful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello Madelief, what a wonderful post! I think you are a very stylish woman and you look great in a hat. I think it is a matter of confidence. I love hats on others but not on me.I think your daughters would soon get used to it if you keep on wearing them, and they will probably admire you for it.Who knows you may start a trend in Rotterdam! Have a lovely relaxing weekend. Love Linda xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenME ENCANTAN LOS SOMBREROS!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenESTOS SON ELEGANTISIMOS..
Amazing photos, I'm with you all the way Madelief, they look so incredibly chic and stylish, smart and sophisticated, and just looked so right with the fashions of the era. Id love the whole bag/gloves/silk scarf/hat combi to come back in fashion so we closet hat lovers can come out without feeling out of place.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGo for it when you visit the cinema with your friend, you look so good in them!
Gill xx
Dear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFabulous photos of you modelling the hats and I always think they finish a smart outfit. I love wearing them and have a few - especially like to wear them to a wedding or garden party.