Hope you all had a fabulous weekend?! I spent two lovely day's with a friend, who runs a B&B in the German countryside near Kleve. I hope to show you some photo's soon.
Just before I left, two of my daughters helped me out in the garden. Days like this are special to me. It's so much fun to work together.
However, sometimes unfortunate things happen. While my middle daughter was cutting the grass with the lawnmower, the youngest one saved a large attractive brown caterpillar from it's sharp blades. They named him Ricardo. Ricardo would have probably transformed into a beautiful butterfly, were it not that I stepped on him while putting my pretty floral cups on the table for tea. I still feel awful about it........Poor Ricardo. Girls, once again SORRY!!! ;-) xox
A while ago I was asked by Callwey publishers if I was interested in posting about their gardening/cookery books. When I had a look at their catalogue and saw which books are part of their collection, I was enthusiastic straight away. When they allowed me to give two books to you, I was definitely in for it!
Of the two books that I chose, Geniessen im Garten will be this weeks giveaway. Another giveaway will follow in the summer. As you probably may have guessed, the book is in German, so you will have to bear that in mind.
Geniessen im Garten is about enjoying the garden with all it has to offer through the seasons. From the first spring bulbs, roses in all their glory, to the warm autumn colours and the falling of the leaves. The book is a combination of beautiful gardens, festivities in the garden and recipes.
For Easter I made a spinach pie with egg filling (from the book), which turned out beautifully and was absolutely delicious. The book is a co production with the German magazine Wohnen & Garten, which is one of my favourites. The photography is superb!
If you are interested, please say so in your comment. My youngest daughter will choose the winner next weekend.
Wishing you a lovely week. From a sunny Rotterdam.
Madelief x

Wat fijn Madelief dat je zo lekker met je dochters in de tuin hebt gewerkt. Je spinazie/ei taart ziet er ook heerlijk uit, hij zal vast goed gesmaakt hebben. Voordeel van het hebben van zo'n bloemrijke en fleurige tuin is dat je altijd een mooi boeket op tafel hebt staan. Er komen weer een paar mooie zonnige dagen aan! Liefs Pascale
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLieve Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat hebben we een heerlijk weekend gehad hè, vooral vrijdag en gisteren waren mooi. Wat leuk dat je een weekend hebt doorgebracht in een B&B, even een paar dagen ontspanning. Gezellig dat je dochters je helpen in de tuin, de mijne hebben er (nog) geen interesse voor. Maar bij mij kwam dat ook pas toen ik een stuk ouder was, dus ik heb goede hoop.
Ik zie je in gedachten helemaal van kleur verschieten, toen je per ongeluk op de rups ging staan. Dat zou mij ook kunnen gebeuren hoor. Maar je voelt je toch enorm schuldig, terwijl de jongste juist zo haar best had gedaan.
Ik doe niet zo vaak mee aan jouw give aways, maar dit boek zou ik wel eens door willen bladeren. Dus je mag mij bij de liefhebbers zetten! Ik ben benieuwd!
Ik wens je een fijne week, vooral woensdag wordt het een hele mooie zonnige dag. Het terras is hier weer als nieuw, nu het terras met de hogedruk is schoongespoten. Het tuinseizoen kan beginnen ;-)!
Veel liefs, Ingrid
poor ricardo 🙀 but thing happens 👧 i've seen on iinstagram that you always mentioned about your blog, but this is the first time i leave comment :D i have visited about twice i guess - always have no time lol. and girls, sorry for ricardo and choose me, choose me.. lol
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMadelief your spinach pie looks so yummy! The table setting in your garden looks so welcoming and cheery...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI would love to be entered in the draw for the book. Thank you for offering it to all of us.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Oh, was für ein tolles Giveaway! Ich liebe Deinen Garden.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een mooi Giveaway! Ik hou van jij tuin.
Liefs Andrea
Your garden looks absolutly beautiful and your spinach pie looks stunning and tasty!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe are enjoying Spring too and are trying to spend as much time as possible outside.
I´m surely interested in this lovely book and love to jump into your giveaway.
Lovely hugs and a wonderful Spring week for you and your lovely girls
Dat ziet er lekker uit de spinazie taart...staat ie ook in dat mooie boek ?...ik doe graag mee...liefs van mij...fijne week...x!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI’m so sorry this happened with the caterpillar. Beautiful tea cups have broken Ricardo’s lifecycle but don’t be dissuaded by this incident! The spinach pie looks totally scrumptious!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy new week!
Your garden is growing beautifully and the spinach pie looks scrumptious. The book looks interesting but I don't think my German is good enough! Have a lovely week. Jane xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat heerlijk, Madelief, dat je er even een weekendje uit geweest bent!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn je tuin, geweldig, leuk dat je dochters ook meedoen.
Ik geniet weer van je prachtige foto's en je spinazietaart ziet er verrukkelijk uit!
Ik twijfel een beetje over je boek, ik zou hem heel graag willen bekijken en nog eens, maar ik heb net een give-away bij je gewonnen. Dus ik betracht enige bescheidenheid.
Ik wens je een hele fijne week!
Lieve groet,
Gekkie! Tuurlijk is het zielig voor Ricardo, maar ik schrok toen ik op Instagram las dat er iets gebeurd was en dacht aan erger.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk en winnen.......... maar ik doe mee!
Ben dol op de Duitse bladen (vooral de Kerstedities!!!!)
fijne week lieve Madelief!
Dear Madelief
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe weather looks beautiful and how delightful it must have been for you to have your daughters work along with you. The pie looks delicious too. I am looking forward to hearing about your getaway to Kleve.
Have a great week
Looking forward to reading about your trip to
It looked like a very sweet day spent with your precious daughters in your lovely garden! The spinach 'cake' looks very delicious and the pretty table setting among the flowers just makes me so happy to see. Too bad about Mr. Caterpillar - an easy thing to do....maybe he would have done some damage.....The book looks very nice, but I don't speak German so I will decline. I know whoever wins it will be very lucky! Hugs to you and your lovely daughters xo Karen
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm sure your sweet, beautiful girls are forgiving of your sending Ricado to perhaps a better place!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love that pitcher with the polka dots, and the spinach pie looks fantastic - I would so love to win the book which contains the recipe - Bob knows a little German and could perhaps translate the recipe for me!! Please add me to the the draw Madelief, many thanks.
I'll be meeting up with Lance & Jane soon - very excited about that.
Happy Spring week dear friend.
Hugs - Mary
I just eat up your pictures. If I don't get the book may I please have a slice of that pie?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenxo J
Ah poor Ricardo. Such is the life a worm. Your spring flowers are so pretty. The garden looks quite inviting and ready to show off its spring flowers. Isn'st it nice to have lovely daughters who are glad to help out? My oldest is a horticulturist and loves to work in the garden. She only lives nearly 2 hours away. Have a wonderful week. PS I don't speak or read German. A bit of Spanish. :)-.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMerci pour ce joli partage... Je suis très gourmande et votre gâteau aux épinards me tente bien... Je viens de passer un très agréable moment en votre compagnie dans votre adorable jardin.
❀ ✺ Gros bisous ✺ ❀
Darling Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat fun for the three of you to have been working in the garden. The weather looks to have been perfect and your garden is looking so very pretty. It is already fully clothed in its early spring outfit and there is so much promise for the seasons to come. Soon, garden teas will be a possibility once more!
Your spinach pie looks very professional and we are sure that it tasted delicious. How clever of you to have managed to get the egg perfectly positioned inside the pie. Without a doubt if we had attempted this our eggs would have sunk without trace!
Poor, poor Ricardo. Just think of the lovely butterfly he could have become...... How clever of your daughters to know the caterpillar was a HE!! Love to you all and wishing you sunny happy days in the garden! J and L xx
Hi Madelief!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYES! YES! YES! Please count me in for the draw! Even though it is not written in English, the glorious photos are universal, which can be enjoyed and appreciated by all. I would have fun working on translation, too. My winter photos were included in Franciska Muuck-Johansen's book, "Sanselig Jul" that is in Norwegian, but I love the book and have enjoyed countless hours gleaming ideas. All beautiful books are a treasure, no matter the language.
I am longing to get in the garden. Snow still covers the ground here! Today it feels like spring ad the temperature is finally rising! YAY!
Wishing you and yours a beautiful week,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
It is wonderful to see your garden and all the beautiful flowers! Please don't enter me in the giveaway, I only know two words in German, so no good to me!! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour garden make me catch my breath every time! Just to make you feel a little better, whilst I was walking out with my friend last week we saw a beautiful beetle, I enthusiastically took photos of it, marvelling at its colours....then promptly stood one the poor thing! I couldn't believe it, neither could my friend! ;) xxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenInspirerend als altijd . Voor mij is deze lente heel speciaal. Ik kan weer in de tuin bezig zijn .
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe uitdaging is om weer een nieuwe tuin te creëren . Geduldig zijn . Ik heb alvast één leuk plekje bij de perenboom . En Eva helpt mij goed . Is speciaal geïnteresseerd in SLAKKEN 😊
Ze worden gezocht ( en gevonden ) en bestudeerd . Heerlijk .
Graag doe ik mee voor het prachtige boek . Wie het ook zal winnen wordt een bofferd .
Mooie zonnige week gewenst .
My dearest Madelief, your talents have always been a highlight to us, and I wish with all my heart that your photography skills will continue to attract BIG NAMES in the publishing industry! These photos are lush and perfect and I learned SO MUCH this past weekend about photos; a professional crew from some magazines was in my home, taking photos! It was wonderful to see my home being transformed into a potential story for a great magazine, and seeing how you produce such perfection is an inspiration.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCOLORS and fresh flowers and food? Perfect for a day in the garden with those you love. Anita
Hi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos are amazing....I especially love the first one.
The book sounds like one I would love so please count me in.
Happy for you to have your girls enjoy working in the garden with you.
Hi Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour photos are amazing....I especially love the first one.
The book sounds like one I would love so please count me in.
Happy for you to have your girls enjoy working in the garden with you.
Hello Madelief !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour beautiful spinach pie would be as delicious as it seems on the picture ! You are a great cook, a "Cordon bleu", as we say in France.
Your photos are wonderful, your garden is paradise.
What a beautiful book !
I wish you a nice afternoon, Madelief,
Nath x
Madelief, when I see photographs of your garden, particularly those that show setting a table for a bit of refreshment, I first think...This is a magical place! And so, it's even better to see some views of you and your daughters actually performing the work required to create the magic.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe spinach pie is a triumph...I would definitely be curious to see what other inspiration might be found in that charming book. Perhaps I could have one of my German friends translate for me....
Dat ziet er gezellig en lekker uit! Fijn dat je het leuk gehad hebt in Duitsland. Ik zit momenteel op een vliegveld in Ierland. Op weg naar huis na een fantastische week! Je ziet de foto's wel voorbei komen! ;-) xx Esther
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWas für eine herrliche Blütenpracht, liebe Madelief.........dein Garten ist ein wunderbarer Glücksort und der Kuchen sieht sooooooo lecker aus.........schöner kann ein Frühlingstag nicht sein!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAllerliebste Grüße, bis bald, herzlichst Jade
Wat moet het heerlijk zijn om samen in de tuin bezig te zijn, lekker de eerste klusjes en genieten
BeantwoordenVerwijderenvan de buitenlucht en al het moois om je heen...en als afsluiter een spinazietaart...geweldig!
Mooie momenten van het voorjaar.
Heerlijk even uitwaaien net over de grens!
Fijne week en lieve groet, Eefie
Dear Madelief, your garden and photos are always inspirations to me! How I would love to be able to photograph like you... I´m looking forward to your tulip photos , I adore their shots from last year.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh yes, I would love to join in for the book Geniessen im Garten..
Have a nice Tuesday evening , xoxo, Mercy
Nu genieten in de tuin.......geweldig......want genieten in de tuin dat kan ik hier als de beste......
BeantwoordenVerwijderenElk jaar verheug ik me weer op het tuin seizoen bij jou met al je bloemen, kleuren, servies en gezellige etentjes.......dus ha....ik doe heel graag mee......
Dusse...dochterlief..........doe je best bij de trekking ;)
Fijne avond
Lekker genieten van je dochters. En van de tuin natuurlijk. Je taart ziet er super uit. Ik ben jaloers. Eens zal ik ook zo n taart willen bakken! Groetjes, Hetty . Ps ik geef mijn lootje graag aan een ander door.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeerlijk om samen met de dochters in de tuin bezig te zijn, ik moest eigenlijk wel lachen om die 'ongelukkige' Ricardo. De taart is prachtig gelukt en ziet er heel smakelijk uit. Vast ook een heel mooi boek, maar ik doe niet mee met de loterij, gegadigden genoeg.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoop dat je deze week naast je werk ook nog even kunt genieten van het prachtige weer.
Groetjes, Janneke
Poor Ricardo! Your spinach egg pie looks so delicious and the pot of daffodils so bright and cheerful. It's lovely to see that new growth is returning to your garden. Sarah x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour spinach pie looks delicious but it's your garden that shines in this post. Love the little table and 2 chairs. I'm sure that Ricardo has a lot of friends who will come visiting as well.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI agree with the comments above -- so many lovely friends across the globe. And as always, your garden looks relaxing and inviting. I know it takes a lot of work, but it shows that the three of you enjoy being together there.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMy small backyard is still only pretty in my imagination -- but it's getting there. I would love to be included in the generous give-away for the book. I lived in German as a child and still practice my German when I can. It would be fun to work on translation with such a beautiful book. Have a great spring.
oops -- meant to say I lived in Germany. I don't know how you consistently write so well. I had one small comment and didn't edit properly. :-)
VerwijderenLieve Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGoh jeetje wat een saga over Ricardo de rups; héérlijk ook zijn/haar naam. Maar mogelijk heb je de tuin voor schade behoedt want je weet maar nooit wat ze kunnen aanvreten.
Weer hele mooie foto's en gezellig dat jullie dit met z'n allen samen bijhouden die tuin, alvorens even te genieten in Kleve.
Lieve groetjes,
a great joy to be in your lovely garden!!! I love it so much
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat a feast of Easter yellow deliciousness, Madelief. Daffodils, china, and the wonderful spinach/egg pie. Absolutely beautiful. Easter Blessings to you and your girls. x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDearest Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhow wonder-wonder-wonderful and delicious your photos look! I'm happy because you had a great garden-time with your beautiful daugthers!
The book sounds really interesting: " Wohnen & Garten," is also one of my favorite magazines - and so I participate gladly in your giveaway! By the way, there is a giveaway on my blog, too - you can win a pretty garden game! AND in my blog there is again the link party "Save the laugh lines!"; this time I have chosen the topic garden-joy for my posting. Your posting of today would fit perfectly, because it's full of garden-delights and love and wonderful feelings. Do you want to link it at the Rostrose-blog? That would make me very happy! :o)
Lots of hugs & groetjes,
Thanks for joining, dear! :o)
VerwijderenYes, we have wonderful weather, too. Today I had to work and in the later afternoon I was Nordic Walking, but tomorrow I'll have a day off office and of course I will work in the garden, too! :o)
XOX Traude
Though I don't read or speak German the photography looks worth the winning, include me please. I can always type the recipe and use translate to figure it out. That pie looks delicious. I always swoon over your garden and so happy you can return now for tea in the garden. How absolutely lovely!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh poor Ricardo. Your spinach pie looks delicious. Your flowers look so lovely.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenit sounds like you had an idyllic day in the garden (apart from the demise of poor Ricardo!). I did study German at school, so would love to be included in your book giveaway. Have a lovely weekend x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello dear Madelief I have so enjoyed your golden glowing garden photos in this post! How lovely that your girls help you with the garden too :) Although the book looks wonderful, it would be too greedy of me to enter the giveaway this time....I am so enjoying my pretty teacups from you already :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWishing you sunny days and happy garden times!
Helen xox
I always love to see photos of your beautiful garden. Such a wonderful time of year when everything comes alive x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSpinach Pie does look good.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove all your garden photo's - thanks for sharing them with us = would be lovely to sit in your garden at your table and enjoy a cup of tea.
Have a good week
All the best Jan
Spinach Pie does look good.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove all your garden photo's - thanks for sharing them with us = would be lovely to sit in your garden at your table and enjoy a cup of tea.
Have a good week
All the best Jan
Huhu, das schaut aber schön bei dir aus. Und der Kuchen, lecker - mmhhhh.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIch schau mich jetzt mal weiter bei dir um. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Frühling, liebe Grüße
WOW wow wow! Wat een schitterende post van je tuin!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn die 'spinach pie' is alleen al een lust voor het oog!
Wat een heerlijke kleurenexplosie, love it!
...en feit blijft...alles ziet er anders uit als de zon schijnt... :-)
Beetje jammer van Ricardo maar die blijft dankzij het verhaal toch in de familie...word je er al mee gepest? Aiii....
Fijn dat ik weer tijd heb om je heerlijke posten te lezen en bekijken!
En het boek lijkt me fantastisch!
Es ist mir egal, dass es in Deutsch geschrieben ist :-)
Lieve groet en geniet van het komend zonnig weekend, MJ
L'ambinace de ce jardin est magnifique. Le cabanon, la serre, le petit salon de jardin, les enfants qui jardinent... tout cela créent un univers où il fait bon vivre !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Madelief,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAlways a delight to see photos taken from your beautiful garden and to see your sweet daughters helping you there. I love the table and chairs set up for a tea-party and gorgeous flowers and the spinach pie looks delicious.
The book looks great but as I do not speak German will have to decline entering.
Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Springtime.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend Madelief! Its always so nice to visit your blog...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWarm hug,