In the press

zaterdag 5 april 2014

A bunch of tulips

When I woke up this morning, I could hardly get out of my bed. A busy working week had taken it's toll. I felt about eighty! Even a cup of my favourite coffee did not help. The best remedy at times like this is to go to the garden. Especially on a fine spring morning like today. It really works wonders!

When I walked to my allotment garden, passing clouds of pink cherry trees and the last white plum blossoms, I was delighted to see the change.

The front part of my garden was covered in yellow nettles, blue muscari and lungworth. In my small tulip field, an explosion of colour had taken place. The thing is: I couldn't remember which tulip bulbs I put in the ground, so I was happy to see they matched beautifully.

I did not do much today. I enjoyed the sunshine, had a cup of tea with my eldest daughter, took lots and lots of photo's (more coming soon) and picked a bunch of tulips for a special person. 

Thank you for your sweet comments on last weeks blog post. They made my week a bit lighter!

If you would like to see more photo's, you can find me on Instagram

Happy weekend!


Madelief x

81 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh Madelief, wat matchen die kleuren mooi bij elkaar!
    En wat staan de tulpen fier overeind!
    Je volkstuin ziet er fantastisch uit. Ik vind al die perken ook heel leuk.
    Wat een heerlijke plek om te genieten.
    En het is niet verkeerd hoor om ook eens een dagje niets te doen of lekker wat rond te lummelen.
    Nog een mooi weekend verder!

    Liefs, Gerry

  2. So beautiful, so inspiring and so uplifting Madelief. I am thrilled that Spring is back again! x

  3. Jou tuin is het beste medicijn die je je kunt bedenken, als je je zo voelt. Prachtige kleuren, die werken wel mee om je wat beter te voelen. En dan het zonnetje erbij...
    Fijn weekend,
    Lieve groet, Renny

  4. Dear Madelif
    How rich you must feel to have the luxury of clipping your own tulips and I am sure the luck recipient feels the love that went into growing these beauties. Your garden uplifts me each time I see it and I can easily imagine how it must feel to you.
    Wishing you a joyful weekend and that you get rested and energized for the new week


  5. Your garden looks SO pretty Madelief ….. this is my favourite time of year in the garden, when everything is so fresh and green.Your tulips are beautiful. Take time to rest Madelief …. you'll need to be at your fittest to work in the garden for the rest of the year !!!! XXXX

  6. Lieve Madelief,

    Wat staan de tulpen er mooi bij, best leuk dat je eigenlijk niet goed wist welke kleuren er tevoorschijn zouden komen. Maar deze kleuren staan prachtig bij elkaar, je kon er zelfs een mooie bos uit samen stellen.

    Die driedaagse zal vast intensief zijn geweest. Een dagje ontspannen in de tuin was dus ook zeker verdiend.

    Hier was het vanmiddag ook onverwacht lekker. Aangezien het momenteel nogal druk is op het werk, had ik leesvoer mee naar huis genomen. Daar heb ik vanmorgen en vanavond aan gewerkt, maar vanmiddag heb ik ook in de tuin heerlijk van de zon genoten. Ik hoop dat we gauw weer zulke zonnige dagen krijgen.

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  7. Gorgeous tulips Madelief, such beautiful colours. :)
    V xxx

  8. I hope to one day do with words what you do NOW with photography.

    You capture a vivid moment, a fleeting and vulnerable breath of life, and you leave your audience in a pensive state of mind.

    Madelief, I also want to thank you from the most sincerest part of my heart for having come to leave a comment on my current post. I know for some it is difficult to read. But you read it, and you told me so. At this moment, a beautiful bouquet of the finest tulips would be the only appropriate "THANK YOU" for you, from me.

    You really are special. Anita

  9. Hi Madelief, such gorgeous bright colours in this post, thank you so much for sharing. I adore your lovely photographs and seeing glimpses of your pretty china.
    Marianne x

  10. A breath of fresh air, your posts are. The colours, the tulips, the pretty dishes; it all is so welcomed as we wait for Spring here in Ontario. Lucky friend who is at the receiving end of those flowers. Hugs, Deb

  11. Dear Madelief, your garden is looking beautiful!!! And your tulips are so gorgeous... Lovely photographs :) Hugs Manuela

  12. How I would love having tea with you in this beautiful garden.
    I am dreaming of it. The tulips and everything is just beautiful!

  13. Hermosos los tulipanes, me encantan!! Y ese jardín es precioso, ha de ser un placer tomar el té allí!!!
    Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.

  14. Lovely flowers, my bulbs always rot in the ground, i think it's just to humid to grow them here.

  15. Hi Madelief, your pictures are stunning as always and the tulips are beautiful, such a lovely combination of colours. I love the delicate china too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Jane x

  16. Dear Madelief,

    To be able to pick tulips like that out of your gorgeous garden, must be a delight.
    Yes, do hope that you are able to rest and find time to relax over the weekend.
    Sending hugs and wishing you a lovely weekend

  17. Wow! What wonderful blooms! Tulips never fail to raise a smile with me.

  18. Wat een prachtige tulpen zeg !!! heel mooi hoor....hele fijne zondag liefs Ria...x !

  19. Dearest Madelief,
    You could shoot as many lovely photos as you pleased in such a garden in full bloom. That is about the BEST time of the year and so brief... Glad you had tea with your eldest daughter and she took a lovely photo of you and you of her.
    Hugs and happy Sunday!

  20. your tulips are wonderful!!!!!
    happy sunday, xxxxxx Ale

  21. Beautiful photos and colours as always! You always look lovely too.

  22. Madelief your garden is so beautiful... a real sanctuary... those tulip are stunning!! I've never had any success growing them myself... Cass x

  23. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat ziet je tuin er prachtig uit! Ik geniet zo van de mooie foto's die je hebt gemaakt. Ik kan me dus ook zo goed voorstellen dat jij er ook zo van geniet als je daar bent en je weer helemaal herboren voelt na daar een paar uurtjes van de zon te kunnen genieten.... Heerlijk!
    Ik wens je een heel fijne zonda, al is het mooie weer wel vertrokken....
    Lieve groet,

  24. Quelles jolies fleures Medelief ,
    Très jolie jardin aussi


  25. Oh my, the tulips are beautiful. Love your garden.

    Big hug from here

  26. Wat is je tuin al mooi! Alles ziet er altijd zo lekker fris uit he, in de lente.En je hebt alles weer mooi gefotografeerd zoals altijd :)
    Een hele fijne zondag nog!
    Groetjes, Miriam
    't Bezige Bijtje

  27. Your garden looks so beautiful, and if you did not feel quite restored xx you must have felt good amongst all the colour and beauty and your hard work keeping it like that.....just so gorgeous
    Hugs Lynn x

  28. I hope today it's just as restful for you. A beautiful post :-)
    Tracey xx

  29. quel beau jardin avec toutes ces couleurs de tulipes variées
    c'est un régal pour les yeux ♥♥♥♥

  30. Prachtige foto's weer.
    Ik kwam even langs om je een fijne zondag te wensen!


  31. Wat heb je toch een mooie tuin! En wat staan die tulpen daar vrolijk, met al die kleuren. Fijne zondag!

    xx Margriet

  32. Dear Madelief, how beautiful, it's really a pleasure every week to read your blog and look at your fantastic photo's. Your pictures are healing, I think. It's really true!

  33. Hello Madelief:

    What an absolute delight! We cannot wait to see the garden, this is all so, so tempting, and do hope that we can spend a long time both looking and breathing in the atmosphere. We are so very excited and long to be sharing in a cup of tea in your lovely garden room. xxx

  34. Vandaag geen tuinweer dus goed dat je er gisteren zo van hebt genoten en wij met jou. wat een prachtige tulpen heb je staan! Het inspireert me om ze het komende najaar ook weer eens te gaan planten. En je dochter heeft mooie foto's van je gemaakt, ik kan wel zien bij wie ze in de leer is. Je tuin ziet er al super uit, even bijtanken en genieten als je er bent. Lieve groetjes

  35. The garden looks so beautiful. All of your hard work from last week paid off. I do that: forget what I have planted and where I planted it. I hope the tulips that implanted last year are as beautiful as yours. And I have bad mornings, too. Just want to lay in bed, but a walk in the garden is much better.

  36. Our tulips are still hiding beneath the ground, but the daffodils are opening. Gorgeous photos!

  37. So wonderful - your garden is small but very special, I love it!
    I also have enjoyed some wonderful moments in my garden, every day there is a little miracle to find there ;o)
    Have a nice week!
    ♥ Christine

  38. Wat fijn dat je vorige week zoveel hulp kreeg in je prachtige tuin, en fijn dat je daar nu weer zo van kunt genieten. Al zou je dat natuurlijk vele malen liever met je man gedaan hebben. Ik vind je een hele krachtige en dappere vrouw, en heb diep respect voor de manier hoe jij hier mee omgaat. Al zul je heus ook je dieptepunten hebben.
    Lieve en warme groet.

  39. What a beautiful surprise for you today to see the tulips. Your garden is beautiful and it looks warmer in Rotterdam than in Oostkapelle. Enno and I are driving to Callantsoog this next Saturday to see the tulip fields in North Holland. I can't wait. I hope to meet you sometime since we live not far from each other. We're 40 minutes from Rotterdam. xo Jenny

  40. I love tulips, my daughter brang me some from Amsterdam

  41. I never tire of looking at your photos Madelief! 'It's about living in colour' which spells it all for me, so true!
    Wishing you all the best (and don't overdo it in the garden, just enjoy the sunshine!)

  42. Happy Sunday Madelief!
    Your tulips are gorgeous! Have a great week!


  43. Hi Madelief,
    what a lovely color combination of your tulips - they matches so perfectly to the old china.
    Wishing you a relaxed week and a lot of sunshine!
    Bine x

  44. Hoi Madelief,
    wat n prachtige bos tulpen in je tuin!
    Heerlijk zo´n dagje niksen en alleen genieten!
    (heb ik ook gedaan!)
    Fijne avond!

  45. Zucht wat een prachtige tulpen! De kleuren passen idd erg mooi bij elkaar. Wat fijn dat je zo'n heerlijke plek hebt om naar toe te gaan. Soms om lekker in de aarde te wroeten maar soms om gewoon te genieten. En met je prachtige foto's laat je ons ook mee genieten!
    Fijne week. Groetjes van Aleta

  46. Hej Madelief,
    I love tulips so much, but I have never seen such a beautiful bunch of colours before - and this in your garden! Wonderful! Next year I have to plant more tulips and nicer colours (perhaps from the Netherlands? ;).
    Your blouse looks also very pretty, it matches with your flowers!
    Hope you could recover a little bit and I wish you a nice week!
    Yours Barbara

  47. My working work last week took it's toll too, so it was lovely for me to spend these moments in your beautiful garden admiring nature and your creativity. Sarah x

  48. Most beautiful Madelief,

    I just came inside from taking the most beautiful walk OUTSIDE IN THE SUNSHINE! You know how long our winter has been here, and finally, we had a great melting of snow! Our garden needs a lot of attention, but in due time, we will get outside to clean up!

    I just saw your lovely comment tonight. I don't know where to begin, but let me just say this: I am only going to blog ONCE A MONTH, but I will come to visit all of you as usual, when you put up a new post! I used to blog every Friday night, then I cut it down to twice a month, and now sadly, I need to cut it down to once a month. But I adore you all, and you have been so kind to me. I can never LEAVE blogging completely, never. You all have meant so much to me.

    So I leave you with A BIENTÔT, see you, Anita

  49. Such beautiful tulips Madelief..your garden is looking full of freshness and promise..its good to enjoy your garden sometimes the weeds can wait!
    Happy Week
    Thea xx

  50. Gorgeous spring garden pictures, Madelief, and how splendid is your tulip patch!! I love the little table and blue chairs among the trees too.
    Hope you have a happy (and easier) week!
    Helen xox

  51. Hola dear Madelief, how I love love your garden at this time, love everything in it!!
    hugs dear

  52. Spring has not let us down! What beauty! Smiles...Susan

  53. Madelief, every time that you show us this beautiful garden haven that you have created, season by season, I wonder at hot this could be "an allotment." I would imagine that you are giving lots and lots of inspiration to others who do not have a garden as part of their own home. I know that what I see in your photos inspires me every single time.

    Hoping that you had a relaxing time in this beautiful space, with those tulip jewels nearby along with lovely cups of tea. May this coming week be kind to you. xo

  54. Your photos are a joy to me on this wet and windy Monday morning. I hope you are feeling more relaxed now ... you certainly don't look eighty, haha !!! :) M x

  55. Prachtig Madelief, wat een heerlijke tuin heb je zo.
    En hele sfeervolle foto's...alles ziet er anders uit als de zon schijnt toch?
    Inderdaad kun je op zo'n dag maar het beste je camera pakken en de buitenlucht opzoeken.
    Ik krijg daar dan ook de meeste energie van, het idee dat je 'plaatjes' geschoten hebt en je daar weer een mooie post van kunt maken, waar andere mensen weer blij van worden....ja doe mij maar zo'n dosis ;)

    Fijne week en lieve groet, MJ

  56. wow wat een prachtige gekleurde tulpen daar wordt je echt blij van en vrolijk de pruim bloesem is ook prachtig
    ja begint er weer mooi uittezien groetjes en fijne dag leontien

  57. Lovely, lovely photos, dear Madelief! This "bunch" of tulips in your special tulip bed looks so cheerful! I can imagine that your wonderful spring garden is a remedy to regain energy. Isn´t springtime just wonderful? Tulip bulbs are always such a big surprise package, the yellow ones I planted last year turned out to be purple and a lot of the red ones are purple too. ;-)

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  58. These colorful tulips are a sight for sore eyes! :D
    Off to find you on Instragram!

  59. Every single photo here is so alive, so colourful, so perfect that makes my heart sing, Madelief! Thank you very much! Nature is such a restorative. I wish you well

  60. Dearest Madelief,
    I can see why a trip to the garden would restore your spirits, even if it is just to cut some lovely tulips and enjoy tea with a precious daughter. Sometimes we need to just stop and smell the flowers......I love your blue pitcher and your Royal Albert tea cup is just like my Dear Mother's - a favorite. Your garden is lovely and I hope you are feeling renewed.
    Hugs xo Karen

  61. Early spring flowers, such as your beautiful tulips, are so fresh, aren't they? Those pale yellows and greens are so pretty! And, dear Madelief, you may feel very tired but you certainly don't look eighty years old! Oh no!!!!

    I hope your new week is less tiring and brings you moments of spring happiness.


  62. Hello!
    It is so inspiring to see all the gorgeous color in your garden! Lovely!
    I spent a good part of the past weekend out in the garden as well . . . my own tulips are looking the best yet this year and I was squealing with delight over the newest bit I planted last fall- could NOT remember what color they were, but am so so pleased with what I put in now that they're here! I laughed when you mentioned you couldn't remember all your tulip colors either! :)

  63. Love the colours of your tulips. I would get excited and be inspired too when I see them. Have a wonderful week.

  64. Oh I needed to come by here today and see your beautiful photos dear Madelief! Things are still brown here and there are only tiny hints of spring emerging. I went out to see if there were any signs of life yet, and I did see a few daylilies coming up through the soil.
    I love your beautiful tulips! Such gorgeous colors! I also loved your posts before that showed your lovely gathering of family out in the garden. What a perfect setting to enjoy each other's company.
    I know that our gardens have the power to refresh and restore us, and I hope this is so for you my dear.
    sending hugs...

  65. So geht es mir manchmal auch, aber das stimmt, Gartenarbeit wirkt Wunder!!

  66. So geht es mir manchmal auch, aber das stimmt, Gartenarbeit wirkt Wunder!!

  67. Lieve Madelief,

    Wat ziet dat er prachtig uit! die tulpen, wauw!
    Fijn dat je hulp hebt gekregen van lieve mensen om deze prachtige plek zó mooi te houden,
    je kunt trots zijn.
    Met de verkoop van ons huis komt er natuurlijk ooit ook de aankoop van een nieuw huis.
    Een huis in Zeeland met een grotere tuin.
    Want dat mis ik nu zo erg!
    Gelukkig heb ik altijd nog deze fijne plaatjes om van te genieten en te gebruiken als
    inspiratie bron!

    Fijne week,

  68. HI Madelief,
    I have so enjoyed catching up with your beautiful blog.
    Your photographs are stunning as always.
    Hope you are well and have a lovely week,

  69. Hello dear Madelief
    It seems to me that the tulips grown in the Netherlands are more beautiful than those grown elsewhere - and rightly so!!!
    Yours are exceptional and oh those exquisite colours - they match your beautiful tea cups.
    A gorgeous view of the garden layout from your verandah - the garden house is so lovely and a perfect place for you to unwind.
    As you are enjoying the colour of Spring, we have moved on to cooler night and hints of Autumn everywhere.

    Take care dear Madelief
    Shane xox

  70. Oh, all these tulips!! I think it's probably my favourite flower - I love how it comes in all kinds of colours and different types. Your selection is gorgeous! I love your sense of colour and design - all so lovely!
    Hope you are having a good week.
    xoxo Ingrid

  71. Hi Madelief,
    I always look forward to seeing your garden! It's so wonderful to have color again... Love the pretty mix of Tulips, they make a gorgeous bouquet!
    I just love Spring!

  72. Lieve Madelief..♥
    Hoe gaat het nu met je♥ ?
    Met mij gaat het nu gelukkig beter..krijg mijn energie♫ weer terug..;)
    Je hebt een prachtige♥ tuin en die tulpen♥ zijn ook zo mooi van kleur♥..;)
    Wens je alvast een heel fijn♥ Lente ☼weekend toe Liefs♥ Gaby..♥

  73. Nice to see you on Instagram! Like I told you yesterday... I am back! My new post went on today. As from now... back to normal!

    Your photos are fantastic, beautiful, very beautiful and colouful! I have missed your beautiful blog!



  74. Hej Madelief, als ik meer tijd had bleef ik veel langer op je blog om van de foto's te genieten. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  75. Your garden is delightful my friend...just look at the colours of those tulips! So pretty altogether in a bunch. I only wish I would of seen your garden when I was visiting last year....well another trip is in order I say! Happy weekend...sit in the sunshine and enjoy dear one. xoxo

  76. Wat mooi die tulpjes in die kleurtjes bij elkaar en wat een mooie kopjes. Zo is theedrinken in je mooie tuin echt een feestje. Pascale X

  77. oh, goodness! I've missed so much! The funny thing is, though, that this is just almost where are season is. I went out to check on our apple trees, the other day, and, happily, there are buds swelling but, I just looked out the window and I don't see a lick of color from them, yet.

    Speaking of tulips.... I planted a swath of tulips that were supposed to be very early and I thought that they wouldn't be in competition with the color scheme of my late blooming tulips. It's all very pretty but I'm never quite sure what to do about it. Leave it? Or, should I take them out and get it right? What a huge project in the busy autumn that would be! ;)

    Onward I'm reading - I don't ever miss a post but I think that I've been out of it for longer than I've realized. The past couple of months seem like an odd blur.


  78. P.S. It always makes me laugh.... I love seeing you in the garden - you fit right in and could pass as one of the flowers!! :D You match in the most adorable way!! :)


Thank you for your lovely words.