In the press

zaterdag 12 april 2014

Enchanted April


A quick hello from a dusty Madelief, who is sitting on her living room floor, covered in spider webs and other sorts of dirt, while she should be in her garden, enjoying the sunshine and flowers :-) 

When I lookout over my laptop, my daughter Annebelle neatly stacked the books that came out of only three bookcases. The piles are huge! The girls and I emptied the front part of the living room. A  carpenter is helping us to sand and oil the floor. Next weekend I will have to empty the back part of the living room. That's means I have to find a safe place for my hundreds of tea cups ;-). Hope they will survive the move!

I keep chatting about my living room, while today's post is all about my garden. I hope you don't mind me showing you more photo's of my tiny tulip field. It keeps surprising me. While my green tulips (Spring Green & Greenland) and orange/pink tulips (Salmon Prince) are slowly fading away, a new white variety (name unknown :-)), with bright pink edges, pops up. There is a lot popping up in the garden: geranium cantabrigiense karmina, spiraea and forget me nots. I picked several to make little bouquets to take home with me. Isn't April an enchanting month?!

A dear blogfriend, with a beautiful brocante shop in Rotterdam Kralingen, kept me company in the garden last Wednesday. If you are curious who she is and would like to see more photo's, please have a look at her blog.

Wishing you a Happy weekend!


Madelief x


79 opmerkingen:

  1. Stunning pictures that makes me so happy!
    Have a lovely weekend and take care...
    Warm hug,

  2. Hello Madelief:

    For our part we can never have too many of your garden pictures. It is all looking simply glorious and we really cannot wait to see it.

    And such excitement happening indoors as well. We trust that with all the work you are also finding some time to relax.

    In haste ourselves as we are invited out to dinner and must run now for a bus!! xxx

  3. Good luck dusty Madelief! Your floors are going to be amazing.

    And your garden is as delightful as ever. I cannot help but notice, as I look around me, it's all about shades of purple at this time of year: lilac, wisteria, purple irises...


  4. All so very beautiful, and you can never have too many tulip pictures in my book!! xx

  5. Hello, forgot to say, new to your blog and it is lovely! xx

  6. I love your photos so much. You forgot to give the name of your friends blog. I follow you on IG. My profile there is Lethtrojgaardhansen.

    1. Hi Lisbeth,

      I added a link. When you click on the words "HER BLOG" you will get there! Happy to meet you on my blog as well!

      Madelief x

  7. Correct IG profile: lisbethtrojgaardhansen

  8. Oh how beautiful your April flowers a de. Our spring bulbs are just starting to show up. I have tulips that I planted two seasons ago that did not bloom last spring because they froze, so it is exciting to see them blooming this year. What a dreadful job moving stuff so that you can clean and refurbish your home. We painted last month and I still do not have everything back in place, partially because I would like some new things and we have a new pup that chews nearly everything. I do not want to see what he would do to my lace curtains. Your flowers are gorgeous and beautifully photographed.

  9. My! Your garden is lloking fabulous! And I just love your collection of receptacles to display your beautiful blooms!

  10. Dearest Madelief! Another wonderful tour of your garden! I just went to visit Lia and what a joy it is to be able to meet to see one another and enjoy a day of the beauty that the outdoors can offer you! Your garden is incredibly stunning and alive with so much color that you capture so skillfully. I am so happy every time I come to visit you! I wish you much success in getting your floors sanded and primed, and I know you will get everything you need to do, done!

    Sending you my fondest wishes dearest Madelief for a beautiful day! Anita

  11. Hello dusty Madelief, good luck with refurbishing your floors. I'm sure it will be worth the upheaval when it's finished.
    Your spring flowers are looking glorious. Thank you as always for sharing.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,

  12. Wat een bloemenpracht weer op je foto's!

    Fijn weekend <3

  13. Heerlijke bloemenfoto´s Madelief en ja, het is even door het stof bijten maar dan heb je weer een mooie vloer.

  14. Ha Madelief,
    Wat een heerlijk log weer. Ik word van jouw kleur en fleur altijd zo blij.
    Prachtige bloemen in je tuin met mooie boeketjes die je ervan maakt. Het kannetje op de laatste foto is ook een plaatje, zeg! Zo leuk met de bloemen erin.
    Ja, lastig altijd als de vloer een beurt moet hebben. Je hele hebben en houden moet eraf.
    Heel veel succes en met een beetje voorzichtigheid redden je kopjes het wel hoor!

    Liefs, Gerry

  15. Dat klinkt als een flinke klus, maar daarna kun je er hoop ik weer een hele tijd tegen. Rond het middaguur was het hier heerlijk in de tuin, we hebben er geluncht en ik heb ook nog wat snoeiwerk gedaan. Ik vind het zo fijn dat het lente is en dat we al zo vaak van de zon hebben kunnen genieten. Ik hoop dat je morgen nog even tijd vindt om naar de tuin te gaan. Gezellig trouwens dat Lia bij je langs is geweest!!

    Nog een fijn weekend, Madelief! Veel liefs, Ingrid

  16. Oh Madelief ….. you have so many flowers out in your garden and they look beautiful. I love the arrangement that you have made in the china bowl with the grape hyacinths and geraniums.
    Hope that all of your china survives the disruption. XXXX

  17. Your garden is so beautiful! It's like looking at a gardening catalog, which is one of my favorite things to do. Good luck with the construction.

  18. Welch Blütenpracht!!! Morgen bin ich auch in den Niederlanden, juhu!

  19. What a shame you didn't get into your lovely garden today.Your tulip field is wonderful and it was a treat to see more pictures of your garden on Lia's blog earlier in the week. Spring is such a good time as everything starts to emerge! Good luck with those cups! Sarah x

  20. Enchanted indeed ... your garden is looking fabulous! How wonderful to have such a space.

    Good luck with the work on your living room :)

  21. Oh, those pansies are just delightful. What a wonderful garden you have. I'll now pop over and meet your gardening friend. Have a lovely weekend, Madelief. Hugs, Deb

  22. wunderschöne fotos
    wunderschöne blumen
    liebe grüße

  23. Your garden is looking lovely Madelief, there is so much happening in the garden at the moment, lovely to see!
    Good luck with your decorating!
    V xxx

  24. Dear Madelief,

    How delightful to have a look at your beautiful garden with all the gorgeous flowers, the tulips and pansies are so pretty. Happy weekend and good luck with the decorating.

  25. Gorgeous photos of your beautiful garden! ♥

  26. I hate having jobs done in the house, but it is necessary to keep things looking smart and not neglected. It will be great when the men have gone, your teacups and books are back in place, and then you will be pleased.

  27. I know what you are talking about, Madelief. It'sa big job, but will be
    fantastic when it's done. I have done it several times beføre. Nice
    weekend for you, and thanks for thiss lovely gallery!

  28. Such beautiful, beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing all that glorious colour in nature.
    Anne xx

  29. Dearest Madelief,
    One will never tire of such vibrant colored bouquets with flowers and your lovely china. Be it in the garden or in your home; it always looks great.
    Oh such a job in the living room is quite a task but you will manage. Only a couple of days living with a chaos in all other rooms for safeguarding your china.
    Sending you hugs and sunshine,

  30. Me encantan tus fotos llenas de color!! Hermosos tus arreglos florales, realmente me encantan!!!!
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  31. Its so wonderful to see such vivid pansies and scabiosas, and bulbs I just don't see here.
    I visited your friend's blog as well, and though I didn't understand a word, I didn't need to with all the lovely pictures!

  32. I feel so happy just looking at your flowers!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  33. Wat een heerlijke middag en WAT een prachtige tulpen, ik heb genoten!!!!!!!
    En heel fijn om even samen lief en leed te kunnen delen! Dankje.
    Sterkte met de vloer, straks genieten als het weer klaar is en alle boeken en kopjes weer mooi staan te staan!
    liefs van mij

  34. Hello Madelief! I can always hop over to your blog if I long to see beauty, cheerfulness and perfection! Your garden looks so inviting! I wish mine looked like that! All the best with the livingroom. I love having a little move around. It gives one new perspective! Tania xxxx

  35. Hello dear. It's been some time. I haven't been browsing blogs that much since Christmas... And what a fabulous beginning of my lazy Sunday morning to end up in your spring flower paradise. Just adore your garden. I'm inspired to go to te garden shop and get myself some spring flowers for my empty pots to try and make my Arden as lovely as yours. Good luck with your living room floor. I'm sure it will be all worth the hard rearranging of books and delicate teacups. Lots of love. I can hear the birds sing. Annette - My Rose Valley

  36. Een hele klus dus, en voorzichtig met al die theekopjes die zo bij jou passen.
    En nee, ik vind het niet erg dat we weer foto's van je tuin mogen bewonderen.

    Fijne zondag
    Liefs Lia

  37. hello
    j'adore toutes ces fleurettes pleine de couleurs toniques
    mis dans des petits pots de porcelaine
    c'est absolument adorable
    votre billet est un régal pour les yeux ♥♥♥♥
    edith(iris) France

  38. Hello Madelief
    What a disappointing week it would be if I could not visit your garden. I feel like I own it too. It always surprises and each week the colours change.
    I will head off to visit your friend's blog
    Have a great week
    Helen xx

  39. Always an absolute pleasure to be invited into your beautiful garden,, Madelief...I just wish I could stay for tea and cakes in those beautiful delightful china cups....Ooh all the very best with the room changes..I hope they go well for you..Thank you always for the kindness you leave in the comments from your visits..they are a delight to read..
    Hugs Maria x

  40. Good morning sweet friend! I just saw that you left a kind comment on my page, and you don't worry about answering my email! I was so touched that you sent me the first one! Enjoy all you can in your lovely tulip garden and I take great joy knowing that spring is in your world! Our spring is very late, but will be here soon, I know it. YOU ALL are my tulips in the friendship garden. THANK YOU!!!!!!! Anita

  41. Heerlijke foto's weer Madelief geniet van al de kleurtjes...heel veel succes met je vloer....en ja Lia heeft echt een leuke winkel...ben er geweest !!..liefs van mij...x ! fijne zondag !!

  42. Wat is je tuin al kleurrijk! Echt weer even genoten bij jou. Gezellig even met Lia zo'n middagje.
    Lieve groet, Renny

  43. Ik geloof graag dat je in het stof zit met je vloer maar het wordt vast prachtig. Laat je ons het eindresultaat zien? Fijne zondag nog, Pascale X

  44. What joy your flowers bring and we didn't even have to put our hands in the soil! Nothing is so welcomed as the company of a good friend! Her photos are just beautiful, too! Home maintenance is a necessary chore with the accompanying dust and spider webs, but the end results are very satisfying. Have a lovely week ahead....and of course, more lovely pictures, please! Smiles...Susan

  45. En op haar blog zag ik al een gebroken kopje??? Je foto's zijn weer prachtig...heerlijke kleuren...toevallig vanmiddag al een paar van je foto's tegengekomen op Pinterest en deze op 1 van mijn moodboards gepind. Je bent in huis bezig? Dat wordt vast ook prachtig, maar het geeft eerst altijd zo'n rommeltje, hé? Succes (en sterkte?) daar!

    Fijne avond

    Groetjes, Pietrik

  46. Wat een gedoe altijd, dat klussen in huis maar straks heb jij weer een puik vloertje! Gezellig dat Lia een tuinbezoekje kwam brengen, en heerlijk even bijbabbelen natuurlijk, het was vast een mooie middag. Wat schiet alles uit in de tuin he, het lijkt wel al zomer! Lieve groetjes

  47. Genieten van tuinbezoekjes, samen even bij praten en niet denken aan stof of je vloer:)
    Wat een vrolijke voorjaarsfoto's Madelief, het springt van het beeldscherm.

    Lieve groetjes, Eefie

  48. The milk pitcher with flowers just makes me smile. I find visiting your garden so peaceful in a hectic day. Thanks! Good luck with the work in your living room.

  49. Your flowers are lovely and your photos fantastic.
    Good love with your living room. Ah! I would love to see all your teacups together...or at least most of them.

  50. Although I don't grow any, I absolutely adore Spring Green tulips Madelief, they are just so fresh and beautiful and lovely to cut and bring into the house during April.

  51. Good luck with your floor ... that is a job we have to do in my son's bedroom soon and I am not looking forward to it! You garden always looks so beautiful. You have prompted me to put an Autumn reminder in my calendar to buy and plant some Tulips!
    M x

  52. oeh dus een druk weekend achterde boeg gehad hopenlijk wordt de vloer erg mooi na zoveel werk is het altijd fijn
    om lekker bij tekomen in je tuintje met vrienden groetjes en fijne week leon10

  53. Iedere keer weer als ik op je blog kom, een en al vrolijkheid. Hier word je toch vrolijk van. Met één woord geweldig! Ik had de foto's op het blog van Lia al gezien. Mooi hoe zij dit heeft vast gelegd en zo gezellig dat ze bij jou in de tuin is geweest. Het was er vorige week dan ook een prachtige dag voor, helaas is het vandaag wat minder, ook kwa temperatuur..
    Heel veel succes met je vloer, zal straks vast erg mooi worden!

    Fijne week

  54. Dearest Madelief -
    I LOVED to see more photo's of your "tiny tulip field" and all your other flowers (I just saw the tulips of your previous post, too). Those colors are really magic - so there is just one question: WHO enchanted your garden??? :o) Hope you have a wonderful Easter-week!
    Warm hugs to you, Traude
    (⁀‵⁀,) ✿

  55. PS: Fortgot to say: I hope the construction zone in cour home will make no bigger problems than dust!!
    No broken cups and other inconveniences...

  56. Hi Madelief,

    Very pretty flours and garden.

    Your photos are fantastic.



  57. I've missed seeing your beautiful photos, but have come back to see all the new beginnings of spring in your wonderful garden and am hoping there will be a new spring in your life for you and your family, xx

  58. Such lovely blues and purples and pinks - so striking together in your pretty china vases, Madelief! This is such a lovely time of year, isn't it? - so much to take in and enjoy. I love finding surprises in the garden and your pretty white tulip is quite a special one. It sounds like you have your hands full with bookshelves and china cabinets and work men and boxes. Hoping it all goes well, with a lovely floor to admire and re-organized shelves. Maybe you will find a forgotten treasure or two! Hugs xo Karen

  59. Via Lia kom ik op je blog, fantastische tuin heb je. Ben nu al benieuwd hoe die in de zomer er uit zal zien! Alleen 1 vraagje: is er een reden om alles in het engels te schrijven? Je hebt zo wel veel buitenlandse bloggers die je volgen natuurlijk. Mooie foto's heb je er van gemaakt.

    Groet Trijnie

  60. Dear Madelief, happy spring! Your flowers are lovely and your images fantastic... Have a great Easter! Hugs, manuela

  61. Your garden makes me green with envy. Your vintage crockeries are simply irresistible. Your blog inspires me Madelief. The colours, the textures the lines and everything your photos and your vintage collections drive me into a frenzy. Spring is truly magical and your garden is an enchanted paradise. Beautiful blog like yours, helps me appreciate and respect nature more.
    Thank you dear Madeleif. Hope all goes well with the move. And enjoy the Easter break.



  62. Dear Madelief...
    How I wish my garden was as full of colour as yours, its so full of bright and cheery colours, what magic fingers you must have!!
    bestest as ever daisy j x

  63. How beautiful your garden grows Madelief...I love the cheery faces of the vilolas
    Hope you have managed your upheaval without any mishaps
    Springtime Easter Wishes for a lovely weekend
    Thea xx

  64. Such beautiful garden pictures, Madelief! It really is enchanted April in your garden!
    Wishing you a Happy Easter.
    Helen xox

  65. *sigh* Visiting your blog is like taking a mini retreat into a fairytale world. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us!

  66. Your garden is looking stunning Madelief! So much beautiful colour. Hope your projects inside and out go well and Happy Easter to you and your girls…..

    Sophia x

  67. Oh your pictures are just beautiful!!! We are weeks behind where we should be due to the harsh weather we've had this year. In fact we had snow falling and sticking to the ground on Tuesday! Hoping that our own beauty is just around the corner....

  68. Oh so lovely spring flowers in your garden...and beautiful pictures of course!
    The best for a HAPPY EASTER now, take care!

  69. April surely is Enchantment in your Beautiful Spring Gardens! May your Teacups survive their transition and the end result of your transformation of the interior of your Home make it all worthwhile that you couldn't spend more time enjoying the Garden! Happy Easter from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  70. Een prachtig Keukenhofje in je tuin, wat een goed idee. Ik ben ze vergeten te planten, afgelopen najaar, en zie tot mijn teleurstelling dat veel tulpen nu alleen maar blad geven. Weer een levensles: vooruitdenken. Ben ik niet zo goed in, maar als ik jouw prachtige tulpenveld zie word ik wel geinspireerd. Weet je wat, ik schrijf het in mijn agenda. Vanaf september. Bollen planten. Niet tien of twintig, nee, minstens honderd.
    Ik wens jullie een fijn Pasen, geniet van vele kopjes thee in de tuin! Samen!

  71. Always nice to stop by Madelief. Blessings to you and yours on this Easter 2014!

  72. Your garden is looking beautiful, the flowers so pretty.
    Have a lovely Easter weekend Madelief, and hope you get plenty of time to enjoy your garden.
    Gill xx

  73. I would love to spend a sunny day in your garden. Looks beautiful, so many cheerful flowers. Have a lovely Easter x

  74. Your sweet spring bouquets are so perfectly sweet! I am SO excited for you living room project! :D It must be all done, now?

  75. Oh! I just recently watched 'Enchanted April' - in the past couple of weeks - and I haven't seen it for a long time. I love that movie SO much!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for your lovely words.