In the press

zondag 30 maart 2014

With a little help from my friends

This post is dedicated to my dear husband Jan, who passed away half a year ago. He should have been with us in the garden today. He would have loved it so. Sending him all my love.

A big kiss and thank you to my daughters, son in law and sweet friends,  who helped me out in the garden today. They got rid of the moss and weeds, repaired the roof of the little garden house and put up new blinds, outside and inside.

In between we enjoyed home baked Madeleines, an absolutely delicious celeriac saffron and orange soup and a quick salad, to restore our energy levels.

The garden looks amazing! So much has grown in only a few days time. The plum trees are full of little white blossoms, there are daffodils all over and we even have our very own tulip field :-) I picked my first bunch of garden flowers, to put on the table. I am so happy the gardening season has begun! Hope you will be able to spend some time in the garden or on  your balcony too.

A Happy week ahead!


Madelief x

80 opmerkingen:

  1. Pretty things and moments!
    = ) Thanks for sharing it ALL!

  2. It must have been difficult for you today Madelief as your garden was special to you both but it was good to have your family and friends around you. You'll always be close to him there.
    Take care,
    V xxx

  3. Lieve Madelief,

    Omdat jullie zo vaak samen in de tuin waren, voel je ook hier zijn afwezigheid zo goed. De tijd vliegt, maar het gemis blijft. Wat fijn dat je dan steun krijgt van dierbaren om je heen, die je ook nog eens werk uit handen nemen. Want alleen zo'n tuin bijhouden is een hele opgave. Maar gelukkig krijg je er ook veel voor terug en heb je je eerste boeket alweer mogen plukken!

    Wij hebben gisteren en vandaag ook heerlijk in de tuin gewerkt. Gisteren de voortuin gedaan, daar moesten de annabellen en de siergrassen worden gesnoeid. Dat staat er weer strak bij. In de achtertuin heb ik vorige week monnikskap, ridderspoor, duifkruid en irissen gepland. Ik hoop dat ze de komende maanden voor de nodige bloemen gaan zorgen.

    Ik wens je een fijne lenteweek. Dikke kus xxx, Ingrid

  4. Madeleines, flowers, dinner on a fresh air - what can be better on a sunny spring day!

  5. Wat fijn dat je hulp kreeg van lieve mensen om je heen, de tuin ziet er prachtig uit. Je man heeft vast speciaal voor jullie de zon laten schijnen Madelief! Liefs Pascale

  6. "Friends and family are flowers in live's garden!"
    I am sure Jan was there with you and have enjoyed the wonderful spring Sunday in your lovely garden.
    Like your last posts I have enjoyed now your lovely pictures and words.
    Have a good start in a wonderful new week.
    Kind regards from Austria

  7. It's lovely to spend a day in the garden with friends and family, can't do better.

  8. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat heerlijk dat je zulke lieve vrienden hebt, die je zo'n dag komen helpen met het grove werk in de tuin. Het bijhouden is prima te doen, maar af en toe even grondig de boel aanpakken is heel goed. En geen wonder dat je dan juist op zo'n dag je man zo ontzettend mist... dubbel en dwars...
    Je tuin ziet er fantastisch uit zo, wat zul je daar weer van genieten... Ik geniet hier van ons tuintje in minivorm...
    Ik wens je een heerlijke nieuwe week,
    Lieve groet,

  9. You deserve to be surrounded by beautiful flowers and the love of your dear family and friends - Jan would be very proud of you.

  10. It helps to be among others who loved your husband too. ITs good to share the missing and the void by remembering and celebrating if it be the season or to mark an anniversary, you can be together and support eachother and in such a beautiful place you created together.

  11. Such a beautiful day and a very special way to remember your dear husband.

  12. My dear Madelief,

    I am in joyful tears here. Your grace is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I know that your husband has taken with him a deep love that is only magnified in what I believe is the beginning of love. You devote your life to making life beautiful, no matter what. You have never once complained publically, you always build others up, and your garden is a perfect example of how you cultivate life in your world.

    How I have learned so much from your post here. To plant and to leave winter behind and to start a fresh in the next season of life. You are so precious. AND THAT SOUP LOOKS FANTASTIC!

    Much love to you and your family, Anita

  13. Surrounded by loving family, tulips and apple blossoms. What a lovely way to spend a day that is dedicated to your husband. Sending a hug your way Madelief. Deb

  14. My heart goes out to you, I know the grief is still nearby. Thank God for family and friends to heal weed the garden and heal the heart.

    No chance of garden time here, rain and more rain.

    xo J

  15. You are in my thoughts. This is a beautiful post. Jan would be very proud of your strength and grace.

  16. Hi Madelief,
    Your garden does look amazing and I am so glad you had family and friends to help you with the chores and then to enjoy a meal together.
    I think of you often.

  17. Dear Madelief,

    What a lovely time you must have had out in your gorgeous garden with your family and friends.
    Wonderful tulips and delicious food and all helping in the garden sounds like a great day.
    Jan would be most proud of you and this is such a special way to remember him.
    happy new week

  18. such a beautiful and serene atmosphere….
    hugs and xxxxxx, Ale

  19. wishing you so much joy and comfort in the memories of jan, and in the future with your darling girls, family and friends. beautiful spring photos dear madelief.

  20. Dear Madelief,
    i am looking for your blog since one year..
    Everything is so lovely and the food looks so delicious!!!! I like that!!!
    This post is very beautiful!
    Have a great week, Olga.

  21. Wat heerlijk Madelief, dat ze je allemaal zo geholpen hebben in je tuin en wat fijn dan weer, na gedane arbeid bijtanken aan de tafel. Je tuin ziet er zo romantisch uit met dat paadje naar het huisje, een waar paradijsje.
    Geniet er van!

  22. Lieve Madelief. Wat Geweldig dat je zo fijn geholpen bent in de tuin en wat ziet het er allemaal al schitterend uit. Wat een prachtige tulpen heb je ook. Fijn dat alles al zo vroeg in bloei staat he. Het is nu ook zo heerlijk buiten.
    Geniet van de lente en ik weet zeker dat je Jan met je meegeniet.
    Liefs van R riet

  23. Ich finde, Gartenarbeit erdet so schön! Und toll, dass Deine Freunde helfen, das sieht nach einem schönen Tag aus!

  24. Gisteren was Jan ook heel vaak in mijn gedachten, een jaar geleden heb ik hetzelfde perk aangepakt maar hij was toen nog in de buurt en scharrelde door de tuin heen en deed zijn eigen dingen. Ik kan me dus heel goed indenken hoe jij dat gemis hebt gevoeld gisteren. Hij zal wel ergens hebben zitten toekijken als hij zoveel in onze gedachten was. Ik verheug me op een schitterend tuinseizoen en wens jou nog vele mooie reflectie momenten in je tuin toe en hoop dat je daar je energie en kracht uit blijft halen die je tot nu toe gebracht hebben waar je nu staat.
    XXXX Ilse

  25. Such a lovely way to remember your husband Madelief. I'm sure it must be very difficult for you and your girls but your post is full of beauty and positivity. Your spring garden looks absolutely enchanting. Spring is always my favourite time in the garden. Full of promise and hope. Glad you were able to get practical help mending your garden house as well as emotional support from family and friends on such an important day. I love how you have decorated your garden table and especially like your blue jug and your beautiful blue glass cake stand. It all looks so pretty. Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful photographs x

  26. Dear Madelief, you are such an inspiration ... you are brave, strong and kind and deserve to be surrounded by such good friends and family, I am sure your dear husband is very proud of you. Your lovely girls are such a credit to you and your home is well ... just breathtaking!

    I can see a carpet of bluebells in your pretty garden ... ours haven't quite arrived yet ...

    Hope your week is beautiful

    Love Claire xxx

  27. Lieve Madelief! Wat zal je hem missen met het starten van het tuinseizoen....Maar wat fijn dat er zoveel vrienden waren , die samen met jou die start hebben gemaakt; samen de klusjes gedaan, samen gegeten en natuurlijk samen aan Jan gedacht! Wie weet keek hij wel stiekempjes toe!
    Wat ziet je tuin er al kleurig uit! En ook nog een eigen tulpenveld(je)!!
    Veel tuinplezier hoor!
    liefs Fleur

  28. Darling Madelief,

    This cannot have been an easy post to write. We have tears in our eyes as we write in comment.

    We regard ourselves as very privileged to have met both you and Jan. Such a wonderful couple. Charming, intelligent, elegantly stylish, full of fun. What a happy time we spent together in Budapest.

    And now you brave the future without him but surrounded by beautiful friends and family members. Your delightful garden reflects the love and happiness which you radiate to others and which in turn you receive with such grace. We cannot wait to stand there with you and share it together.

    Know that you are held close to our hearts.........

    All love, Jane and Lance xxxx

  29. A beautiful post Madelief. Looks like a lovely day was had.....and i'm sure Jan was completely there in spirit and smiling at what a lovely gathering it was.

    Have a lovely week

    Vanessa xxxx

  30. wat leuke post madelief wat lief van al die behulpzame vrienden en familie je tuin begint er al erg mooi uit tezien en
    het was heerlijk weer dit weekend om er in bezig te zijn mooi thee tafel weer ook ziet er erg leuk uit
    groetjes leon10

  31. So much love and support there for you, lovely food and friendship.....your husband there too in spirit I'm sure, and knowing how well looked after you are :) xxx

  32. Ik bewonder je talent om iedere keer zoveel positiviteit en warmte te kunnen halen uit de kleine dingen om je heen, terwijl je toch heel veel verdriet moet hebben. Fijn dat je zo omringd bent met vrienden en familie!
    Je tuin ziet er al zo prachtig uit, hier in het Noorden lopen we altijd wat weken achter. Dus dit heb ik nog tegoed, heerlijk.
    Die salade en die soep doen natuurlijk ook wel wat ;-)

  33. Wat fijn dat je dochters en vrienden allemaal kwamen helpen met de tuin. En ik vind het zo verdrietig voor je dat je dit nu niet meer kunt delen met je man. Op dit soort dagen zul je hem nog wel een beetje extra missen.
    Je tuin ziet er wel weer fantastisch uit, net als de lunch en je servies (als altijd!)

    xx Margriet

  34. Such a lovely dedication post Madelief - family, friends and a beautiful garden. Have a lovely week.
    Jane x

  35. Wie gut ist es Freund ezu haben, liebe Madelief. Ich freue mich für dich. Hab eine schöne Woche, liebe Grüße- Ina

  36. Your posts are always so beautiful and this one especially so. What a lovely way to remember your husband - spending it in your garden with family and friends.
    Sending you lots of love!
    Have a lovely week.
    xoxo Ingrid

  37. Everything is picture perfect. Your garden is so lovely and it is good to have help. I think of you sometimes, hoping that you are doing okay. You must miss your husband very much, it look like you keep busy and you have loved ones who must bring you comfort. Yes. We are glad spring is here. Life renews and we can keep going.

  38. Wat heerlijk, zoveel lieve mensen om je heen. Dikke knuffel uit Groningen. XX Esther

  39. A lovely way to remember your husband, and a very special tribute to him as your garden was such an important place for you both. Lovely to have your daughters, son in law and friends to help out, and to enjoy such delicious food and sweet flowers in the sunshine.Your photos are beautiful and a pleasure to see, Madelief!
    Helen xox

  40. De foto's spreken voor zich, wat een fijne plek met lieve vrienden en familie.
    Knap hoor hoe je zo doorgaat zonder je man. Ik wens je een heerlijk tuinseizoen, vol nieuwe en oude herinneringen.
    Veel liefs, Nathaly

  41. My dearest Madelief!
    It's really been half a year!?? Im sure, Jan was (and is always) with you... And if there is a place where people go when they left our earth I'm sure it is a place that is as beautiful as your allotment and there is as much fun and heartwarming company as it was in your garden yesterday! I love to see these photos of your garden, your friends & family working and chatting and enjoying sunshine together!
    Lieve groetjes & warm hugs to you!!!
    Love, Traude

  42. Madelief, what a beautiful way to remember your husband-family, friends and flowers. I hope your garden brings you a sense of peace.Thinking of you.

  43. Wat fijn dat er zoveel handen zijn die je hebben meegeholpen in je prachtige buitenverblijf lieve Madelief. Zij zullen ongetwijfeld ook een grote steun zijn geweest in het grote gemis van je man en vader van je dochters. Op momenten als deze is het gemis zo onmetelijk groot, maar is hij door jullie liefde voor de tuin ook heel dichtbij.
    Wat groeit en bloeit alles door het prachtige lenteweer mooi, het wordt iedere dag een stukje groener en kleurrijker.

    Liefs, Mea

  44. Olá,
    me emocionei, seu marido deve ter adorado sua comemoração de onde ele se encontra. Seu espirito certamente estava com vocês.
    Amei seu jardim e sua comemoração.
    Tenha uma ótima semana, lindas flores.

  45. What a beautiful way to spend time together and remember...I know you will enjoy your garden and Jan will be there in many many ways...

    It has been warm here too and the plants are loving it
    Thinking of you Madelief
    Thea xx

  46. Sweet friend, to see you is always a treat, like a gift from the garden! And my dream is to go to The Netherlands and meet you all face to face: The Dutchess, Ria, YOU, Saskia, I adore you all! Anita

  47. Ja tuurlijk had hij hier bij moeten zijn.......wat zal je hem missen........
    Alles gaat weer bloeien en groeien........alles gaat 'gewoon' door.....maar zo is het niet.......
    Toch zul je je vast extra dicht bij hem voelen daar in de mooie tuin.........daar is ie dichtbij je in de buurt.........
    Voor altijd in je hart........

    Je tuin ziet er nu al uit als een plaatje..........en al die lieve mensen om je heen troosten...........Het wordt vast en zeker een prachtige zomer......

    Denk aan je....


  48. I love your cute garden with the little house in it and the wonderful plants there. But best is the table with all your friends and family around it - it's such a nice atmosphere and such a nice place to remember your beloved husband.
    Hugs, Barbara

  49. I'm sure you felt your husband there with you in spirit dear Madelief.
    He would be looking down from Heaven admiring your lovely garden, grateful for your family and friends who have rallied around to help you!

    A delicious lunch and I will click on the recipes as I always do, to add to my collection "Recipes from my Bloggy Friends"!
    I love the pretty turquoise stand the Madelines are sitting on.
    The two toned tulips are lovely - and more and more surprises will pop their little heads up to greet you each day now!

    take care
    Shane xox

  50. Fijn dat je de draad weer oppakt in de tuin. Dapper, dat kun je ook alleen met zulke lieve mensen om je heen. Maar ook dan blijft de pijn en het gemis zo voelbaar.
    Wat een prachtige tuin, nu al! Het is wel heel bijzonder dit voorjaar.

    Lieve groet, Renny

  51. Wat fijn, lieve Madelief, dat er zoveel vrienden en familie zijn die je willen helpen om de tuin weer op orde te krijgen en ongetwijfeld ook voor andere dingen.
    En als dan alles weer gaat groeien en bloeien en je geniet van jullie mooie tuin, ja, dan mis je Jan extra. Zou je willen dat je er samen weer van kon genieten.
    Wij hebben vandaag de oudste zus van mijn moeder begraven (93 jaar) en daarmee ook het laatste lid van mijn moeders kant. Daarmee word je ook stilgezet dat de vorm van de familie veranderd is. Nu zijn er geen moeders meer die het wel en wee van de familie doorgeven.
    Ik wens je heel veel sterkte en ik hoop dat het ook voor jou en je dochters een mooie lente en zomer mag worden, waarin je mag genieten van de vele kleuren in je tuin.

    Liefs, Gerry

  52. Dear Madelief,

    So often you are in my thoughts. You give so much joy to so many of us. It is only right and fitting that those close-by give you a little more strength and a whole lot of affection!

    Happy spring to you, dear Madelief. Your dear husband must surely be with you somehow in your garden sharing all that beauty.

  53. Oww lieve zullen zoveel momenten zijn dat je je Jan zo mist, tuin is daar zeker een van....maar wat word je gedragen lieverd...zo fijn om dit te lezen...zo fijn al die lieve mensen om je heen......dat komt omdat jezelf ook zo'n lieverd bent....wie liefde geeft ontvangt ook......dikke knuffel van mij...x !

  54. Dear Madelief, you've given us a post full of love, past, present and future. To have those close to you around you as you remember Jan in that beautiful garden must have given all of your present a very special sense of what it is to be. Yes, what it is to be.

    Love to you and yours. xo

  55. Hello Madelief, you are lucky to have such a loving and close family. Your garden especially the tulips are so beautiful. The Madelines look so delicious. I'm sure Jan is smiling and so proud of you.

  56. Dear Madelief, how touching this post is - to have loving family and friends to help you after your loss is a precious thing, indeed! I am sure that Jan is smiling down on you all, and happy that you are leaning on each other. Your garden shows the love and care and your beautiful table speaks of your devotion to all those in your heart. So very lovely. Hugs xo Karen

  57. Six months--oh my dear how hard that must be. I'm glad you are surrounded by flowers, friends and family. xo

  58. More than BEAUTIFUL, dear Madelief!

  59. I am so happy that you have family and good friends to continue to help you through what must still be a very difficult journey. And my word that garden is looking good . You all deserve the lovely food for all your efforts. Keep strong, my thoughts are with you. Hugs, Jenny xx

  60. Dearest Madelief,
    First thought of me was; and Jan smiling down from heaven... Than I read you dedicated this post to him. Very appropriate as he still is there with all of you in spirit.
    Sorry for not sooner being able to visit but I had such terrible internet connection. Only early this morning could I get into blogs again.
    Hugs and happy spring to you!

  61. Nog twee seizoenen, dan heb je ze allemaal gehad zonder je man. Heel veel sterkte hoor, want het heel wat.

  62. Your garden tea looks lovely - what a wonderful way to keep Jan's memory.

  63. The Garden is gorgeous Madelief!! It's so nice to have friends and family around you to honor your husband. What a lovely day! xo!

  64. I am glad you have such support from your friends and family. I'm sure Jan was there with you in spirit in your beautiful garden. Sarah x

  65. What a wonderful way to honor your husband and celebrate Spring.
    The color, as usual, just makes me smile. Thank you!

  66. Liebe Madelief, wie schön, dass Du so tolle Helfer in Deinem Garten hattest. Ich freue mich sehr für Dich, dass Dir so tatkräftig unter die Arme gegriffen wird. Komme immer gerne in Deinen Garten zu Besuch! Liebe Grüße
    Anja (aus Deutschland)

  67. Bless you and your's dear Madelief..
    I'm always thinking and reminded of just how brave you all are each and time i visit your beautiful, beautiful corner of blog land..
    You deserve to be surrounded by those who truly understand your loss and care and love you so much...
    Your pictures are a delight and as always I'm thinking just how special a visit here really is....
    Be well and strong lovely Lady....
    With kindest thoughts
    Maria x..

  68. Hi Madelief your garden is looking beautiful, and so lovely that you have your daughters and son in law to help you maintain your lovely garden and what a tribute to your late husband too. As you said he would have loved it. Wishing you a week of sunshine and flowers...Sharon x

  69. Your images are always so beautiful and spiritual - filled with passion. What a lovely garden and get together. I am certain that your husband is always there with you in spirit, so unfair that you lost him so young. Sending you many hugs. x

  70. Wat een heerlijke en veel voldoening gevende dag was dat!
    Ik had het al van Ilse gehoord dat jullie ZOVEEL gedaan hebben, geweldig en wat is het dan ook leuk om met elkaar een berg werk te verzetten!
    Dan kan je nu ook weer af en toe met een kopje thee gaan zitten en gewoon om je heen kijken en genieten van al het moois in je tuin! Liefs en tot snel! Lia

  71. Wat mooi Madelief! Samen sterk staan en dan aan zo'n mooi gedekte tafel eten... subliem!

    Liefs, Heidi

  72. Bless you and your dear family...your pictures are so beautiful and I think your husband is near you and your family...always...

  73. It is of now surprise that you are surrounded by such lovely family and friends... for they are yours dear Madelief... That soup look very yummy, could you share the recipe? Sending love Cass x

  74. Hello Madelief
    <3 Your garden as always is beautiful! It always makes my heart skip and sing when I stopped by here…
    I haven't been here or blog land for a very loooong time…although you have often been on my mind and taking time to visit Swedish House and leave me a lovely caring comment. I am so so sorry for your loss …
    It was lovely to read about the special day in the garden, I am sure you have so many wonderful memories and what a blessing you have such a loving and supportive family and friends…'that's what friends are for, the good times the sad times…' I can understand how your garden makes your days and load lighter. A very special place.
    Keep you always close in my thoughts.
    God Bless and a big loving hug to you
    LOVE PEACE enJOY your garden

  75. of family and friends makes difficult times more bearable. Blessings and peace to you and yours ...Susan

  76. A beautiful way to celebrate Jan's life and memory. Big hug to you. M x

  77. Now, here is a funny coincidence! I have finally gone back far enough to the season in your garden that is matching ours. And, do you know? On the agenda - the very next thing that I was planning to do is to make madelines! :) I read the recipe, yesterday, and planned for it to happen, today. Great minds think alike! LOL! ;)

    and, oh, dear, dear Desiree! I still pray for you!!!! xxoo

  78. and I am starting to think.... I hope that these comments make sense - that you can remember somewhat clearly the post that goes with them so that I don't sound like I'm babbling on!!

    I haven't come in such a long while because I've just had no brain strength! I've been so tongue-tied! I keep telling myself to just come and leave a hug and a kiss so that you know that I've read the post but, the thing is, I WANT to be able to comment! So, I'm so sorry for not being punctual!

    The happy thing for me is that I get to spend this time, this morning, being immersed in reading you 'story' from the past few months! It's very refreshing and, actually, inspiring! I have so much respect for you!!



Thank you for your lovely words.