In the press

zaterdag 22 maart 2014

Early morning light

Hey, just a quick post before I dash off to the Swan Market, where my eldest daughter is managing a stall, together with a friend. I did not rent a stall myself this time. Perhaps in September.

I thought I would show you some photo's of  my allotment garden. How I love the garden in spring time, when everything looks light and airy and the daffodils and tiny blueish pink flowers of the lungworth seem to be dancing in the wind.

My youngest daughter Annebelle and I went to the allotment early last Sunday. At 9.30 AM we were among the first at work. Although I enjoy the company of the friendly people on my allotment complex, it's a delight to be there on ones own now and then. Not having to socialise. Just do whatever I like and enjoy the beauty and stillness in the garden.

Annebelle and I did a lot of work. We tidied up the middle part of the garden, cut the grass and best of all, had our cup of tea in the sun. Annebelle asked me to take a photo of the sharp edges she cut along the grass. She is quite proud of it!! :-)

Sorry I haven't been around lately, but I have been busy, busy, busy :-) I will make it up to you!

Have a lovely weekend!


Madelief x


81 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, wunderschöne Bilder :-) hier ist der Frühling schon viel weiter wie bei uns.


  2. Misschien zie ik je zo nog wel op de Swan! Je tuin is nu al weer mooi:) Lieve groet

  3. Wat staat de tuin er weer mooi bij, Madelief. Met hele mooi en scherp afgesneden randjes bij het gras :-). Het lijkt mij heerlijk om er 's morgens in alle rust te kunnen zijn...dan is het lekker om samen aan de slag te kunnen. Er hoeft dan niet eens gepraat te worden om toch te kunnen genieten.

    Veel plezier op de SwanMarket, ik wens je dochter veel succes met de verkoop.

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  4. I think that in order to create SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SPACE, one does need to be alone, to think, to organize in the mind what one wants to see in the garden. Madelief my dear, your garden is ripe for possibility here, and we here in the midwest states are anxious to have the same opportunity! OH HOW LOVELY is your world my friend! Enjoy, cultivate and reap the benefits. Have a super fun day! Anita

  5. Oh Madelief,
    It all looks wonderful and Annebelle's edges are perfection itself ….. could she come and do ours ?!!
    The way that you have taken your photographs this time shows just how big your garden/allotment really is. I didn't realise the extent of it …. it's beautiful and I can see just why you love sitting there on a sunny day with a nice cup of tea. You have worked so hard on it. Well, I'd better go and work on mine now ….. we have blue sky and sunshine. XXXX

  6. O Madelief wat ziet je tuin er leuk uit, ik had nog nooit zo'n overzicht gezien. Mooi die vakken met grintpaadjes. Het huisje met de veranda en de kannen in het raam, zo gezellig. Kan me wel goed voorstellen dat je er graag op jezelf bent, een praatje is leuk maar lang niet altijd.
    Veel plezier op de Swan markt!


  7. Your gaden looks beautiful in the Spring sunshine Madelief, so much lovely colour, and the daffodils are wonderful. Annebelle did a great job on those edges, well done to her, it must have been a lot of work.
    Hope you eldest daughter has an enjoyable day time at the market!
    Have a great weekend Madelief and enjoy any sunshine!
    Gill xx

  8. Good Day, Madelief!
    I love your garden!!! Your photos always so gorgeous and filled with light and cheer. They always lift my mood. You are surrounded by such beauty everywhere you go in your part of the world and you capture it all so well. It is a privilege to visit with you always. And, you have the prettiest teacups in your posts! :-)))) We do love our teacups, don't we?!
    Do you get 'Victoria' magazine there? My little story is featured on the last page of the Special Spring Garden Issue (March/April) about the power of friendship and survival (how my gardening neighbour and her gal pals looked after my garden when I could not a few years ago). If not, I will send you a copy. I still have your mailing address, I think.
    Gardens certainly mean a lot and digging in the dirt is so good for the soul, I think you will agree...I have some serious garden lust now after seeing your lovely allotment garden. Your daughter did a magnificent job, it is true! We still have snow but it is slowly disappearing. Seeing how far ahead you garden is makes me long for warm days especially more. But I will have to be patient.
    Happy Saturday! You look amazing! I hope you enjoy your weekend very much. And, of course, HAPPY SPRING! XO
    Big Hugs,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. Just love your spring garden, Madelief!

  10. beautiful place where to go for a nice cup of tea !!!!!! ;oD
    happy weekend, xxxxxx Ale

  11. Lovely photos of your garden Madelief! It is so special to be alone sometimes, especially in such beautiful surroundings! I love seeing how your beautiful garden changes throughout the seasons. I've been brave and planted tulips and daffodils and they are all out shining in the sun! I'm always amazed at how wonderful nature is. Happy weekend! Sharon

  12. I love your spring pictures.
    Lovely hugs

  13. Wow, Madelief! It's always a pleasure visting your beautiful blog. I simply love
    your photos, it's nearly like a religious experience to me... You call your garden an
    allotment garden, in UK they call it parcel garden, and here in Norway it's called
    kolonihage :-) Have a nice weekend!

  14. The allotment looks so neat and orderly, especially with such clean lines in the grass. The flowers are wonderful. My daffodils came from the supermarket. We are expecting some s ow today. Probably tomorrow we will plant out tomato and pepper seeds for planting sometime in May. Nothing like early morning solitude in the garden.

  15. De tuin ziet er al weer netjes en mooi uit. Geniet op de swan markt.
    Lieve groet, Renny

  16. Hi Madelief!
    Tijdje niet op je prachtige blog geweest. Wat een heerlijke voorjaarsfoto's weer! Ik kan er ook zo van genieten. Mijn tafel staat vol met witte violen, serax, kievitsbloemen en kleine madeliefjes.
    Lijkt net een klein winkeltje. Was ook een grote droom van me, een bloemenwinkel. Waarschijnlijk ook van jouw?
    Hoop dat alles goed met je gaat? Zou leuk zijn om je weer eens ergens te zien. Pas kwam ik je naam tegen, van HomeLifeStyle. Samen een gezellige dag weg. Leuk! Liefs, Martine X.

  17. Your photos always make me feel so happy. Beautiful, beautiful colours.

  18. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat is dit toch een heerlijke tijd hè, zoals alles weer 'nieuw' wordt buiten. Verrukkelijke kleuren en soms ook geuren. Ik krijg er geen genoeg van, vooral niet als de zon schijnt en het begint lekker warm te worden...
    Heel veel plezier op de Swanmarket...fijn weekend verder,
    Lieve groet,

  19. Everything is looking so beautiful by you. The light is wonderful, especially on those violets.

  20. Just beautiful ! Greetings from Greece, Madelief !

  21. Oh, Madelief, what a wonderful post! All those colours are a joy to look at. Your sunny spring garden looks marvelous, I love your lenten roses, and you have so many daffodils!!! I can see that you have been very busy. Please could you send your daughter over to my place, there are a lot of grass edges waiting to be cut in my garden. ;-) And now I will scroll again through your beautiful spring photos...

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  22. Mafelief,
    Je maak alltijd zo bijzonder mooi fotos,vol van liefde en warmte voor de Natuur!!!:)
    Ik ben monenteel in Rusland en hier is nog steeds zo koud...
    Ik geniet zoveel van jou post,dankje wel!!!

    Liefs en groetjes,

  23. Wat een heerlijk plekje heb je daar Madelief! Fijn om samen met je dochter even flink de handen uit de mouwen te steken, het ziet er allemaam prachtig uit. Die foto van die viooltjes....zo m o o i! Fijn weekend en een goede verkoop voor je dochter morgen. Liefs Pascale

  24. So many lovely spring pictures! Beautiful!
    Take care,

  25. Dear Madelief, Your garden is a beautiful place, especially in the morning light! I can hear the birds singing and the gentle breezes as you work alongside your sweet daughter (who did a marvelous job trimming the grass!). What a wonderful refuge for you in this busy world. The inside of your garden shed is enchanting with the colored glass in the windows and your collection of vases and containers. I am so happy it is spring and we can play in the dirt once more! Happy Spring to you! Hugs xo Karen

  26. Thanks for sharing Madelief! I think I have learned to navigate in the allotment garden well enough to imagine the windmill's location. As always everything is so inviting, it's like being there!

  27. Glorious--like a storybook come to life. I want to know more about the little house.

  28. Mooie post weer Madelief, en wat een strak gestoken kantjes van het gras ;)
    En ik snap zo goed wat je bedoelt met gewoon soms niet willen praten en 'me' time te hebben...
    Het ziet er alweer prachtig uit, ook met je vazen en bloemen, een klein feestje voor jezelf.

    Fijne zondag en lieve groet, MJ

    ps. ik heb al wel een mooie kop en schotel gevonden, maar ook een bord (cup & saucer) op pinterest aangemaakt. Dus mocht je nog wat tegenkomen...ik hou mezelf aangeboden ;)
    Dan kun je een beetje mijn smaak herkennen ;)

  29. Zei ik aangeboden....? Aanbevolen...sorry ;)

  30. Such stunning flower and garden pictures, these are pure delight to see. Your daughter did a beautiful job on cutting the edges of the grass so perfectly, just right! I love all the spring flowers and the sunny views. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Madelief.
    Helen xox

  31. Oh Madelief your garden looks splendid. Don't you just love this time of year seeing it come alive again? :D

  32. Zucht ... wat ziet je tuin er al prachtig uit. Er bloeit al zo ontzettend veel! Echt genieten.
    Ennuh ... de kantjes zijn super strak! Doe mij ook zo'n hulp in de tuin :).
    Fijn weekend. Groetjes van Aleta

  33. So lovely! Enjoy your time in this pretty, pretty place! What fun to work with your daughter. She did a wonderful job on the edging. Thanks for sharing your special place. No worries about being away...we know you are living life as you need to! Smiles...Susan

  34. Zo te zien zijn jullie heerlijk bezig geweest in je tuintje.. Ik ben benieuwd wat je dochter heeft verkocht op de swan market.

    Liefs en een fijn weekend<3

  35. Your Spring garden is so pretty. The flowers are lovely. Annabelle is talented in the garden just like her Mom. Have a wonderful weekend Madelief.

  36. Oh your garden is looking beautiful Madelief, I love those pretty little violas. :)
    Well done Annebelle, those edges are prefect!!
    V xxx

  37. O Madelief, wat ligt je tuin er alweer prachtig bij. Het gras hebben wij nog niet kunnen afrijden, nog veel te zompig, zeker nu, na twee dagen regen, het staat opnieuw onder water, samen met de border die er weer meer als een rivier uitziet nu, en voor morgen wordt nog een dag regen voorspeld. Ach ja, wachten dan maar en genieten van alle mooie tuinen die ik in blogland tegenkom en waar jouw tuin er één van is. Wat een heerlijk kleurige foto's heb je weer gemaakt!
    Lieve groet,

  38. Hello! Its so wonderful to see grape hyacinths; and to see grass trimmed so beautifully. Very old world and I can smell it from here. Madelief, I had to buy a new camera. I fell holding mine at the beach and the sand got in there and well, poof. But I bought one with two more pixels......I was so tempeted to get the mega pixel one for close ups. I know there is so much more to it, lighting, composition, and patience . I learned a lot more about them researching and reading the manual. Now that's over and I can get to taking pictures again!
    So good to see the summer garden and garden house.

  39. Dearest Madelief,
    First thing; hats off for Annabel for cutting so meticulously those edges.
    Lovely spring unfolding in your garden. Enjoy it while you can.

  40. Dear Madelief,

    So lovely to see your beautiful Spring garden - such a delight to see all the gorgeous flowers and can see how much you must enjoy going early in the morning to work and play. Annabelle should be proud of the perfection in the way she did the edges.
    Happy Sunday

  41. Hello Madelief

    Your allotment looks marvelous.
    I can understand why you like to get there early and have some solitude.
    Annabelle is natural gardener.
    Have a delightful weekend
    Helen xx

  42. Your garden ist lovely and a cup of tea in the sun is the best thing of all!

  43. beautiful beautiful everything! i love your light filled photos, and your girl gardening with you. shes done a lovely job!
    happy sunday dear madelief, xoxo lori

  44. Tea, sunshine and flowers....... lovely!

  45. Spring looks totally magical in your allotment Madelief!
    I love the raised beds and I can imagine they will be full of flowers in no time.
    The pink/blue lungwort is one of our first flowers of Spring too - very pretty!
    How lovely that Annebelle helped you - I'm most impressed with her mowing skills - I'm sure she will have green fingers like her Mama!
    Wishing you a happy week dear Madelief and thank you for your sweet comments.
    Much love
    Shane x

  46. It all looks so beautiful! You and Annebelle's hard work has certainly paid off! What a lovely space to send time.

  47. des fleurs , une belle entreprise de jardinage familial
    merci pour se ci beau bouquet
    bon dimanche

  48. Ik ben blij voor je dat je in de tuin kan! Er is niets beters voor het hoofd dan zwarte handen. Gezellig weekeind,


  49. Madelief, to be in that beautiful garden space as a day begins to take shape must be such a special experience. You and Annebelle chose your early start very wisely.

    Your excellent photographs do show how Spring is encouraging all the greenery and flowers to perform their beautiful show.

    Please do tell Annebelle that I am very impressed with the very clean edging of the grass by the pathway. Very impressed indeed!


  50. Heerlijk weer je tuin foto's te zien !!!...hele fijne zondag lieverd....x !

  51. I love these photos...I am so ready fro spring.
    The last photo is a STUNNER!!!!
    Have a good day ( :

  52. Hello Madelief, your garden is such a source of comfort and joy to you. It's lovely that you and your daughter's can work together. The Hellebores are fabulous and everything is so very neat and tidy (including those edges).My garden has been a little neglected this past year, but I mean to make it beautiful again. Much love to you, Linda x (p.s. It's wonderful to see the Hattat's back)

  53. hoi madelief het begint er weer mooi uitezien je tuin laaste tijd kon je ook fijn in je tuintje bezig met het weer en nog even en we kunnen weer een dag buiten zitten en niet paar uurtjes mmm lekker in het zonnetje groetjes
    en fijne zondag

  54. If your daughter would ever like to come to Canada-- I would love to have someone do the edges in my garden that well!! I SO enjoy seeing the pictures of your allotment garden. I find them inspiring. I know what you mean about being out there on one's own. My neighbour is very nice, but very chatty and I always feel "watched" I am thinking of something that can create a little privacy..without offending him. But I do like to putter around and be with my own thoughts..

  55. There they are, the colours I adore that spell the name Madelief.
    I know that the garden will be bursting with colour again this year. Spring is so exciting.
    Your photographs are an absolute joy to see.

  56. Wat heerlijk dat het tuinseizoen weer is begonnen & dat je er samen met je dochter van kunt genieten.
    Een hele fijne week,

  57. Lovely signs of spring in your garden.
    I have a question: how do you make pulmonarias last in a vase?
    Mine put their heads down in a matter of hours :(

  58. Everything in your allotment garden looks so charming and beautiful. Tell your daughter she did a great job cutting the edges!! Now Mum has to follow in her footsteps.....
    Have a lovely week!
    xoxo Ingrid

  59. Hallo Madelief,
    wat n prachtige bloemen en planten heb je in je tuintje!
    En wat heeft je dochter de randjes mooi gedaan zeg!
    Ergens toch wel fijn dat je het zo druk hebt, als je alleen
    maar thuis moet zitten is ook niks.
    Fijne avond!

  60. The garden is looking delightful as always. Annabelle has done a fab job on those edges too :) x x x x

  61. ... Simplement exquis ♥♥♥ Des photos pleines de délicatesse.
    Gros bisous

  62. Een paradijsje Madelief en helemaal heerlijk met het zonnetje erbij.
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  63. Dearest Madelief,
    I also wasn't arround lately (I was a bit sick) - but today I'm back to visit and enjoy your beautiful allotment. Please tell your youngest daughter, my compliments - the grass-corners are really wonderful decorative! And it blooms already so beautiful here, your pansies and daffodils and Helleborus and... - are these purple primroses? I understand well that you love your garden! I hope that the Swan Market with your eldest daughter has given you joy, too! Thank you for your amazing compliments on my "fashion shoots with Amanda" - I blushed a bit: o)) Warm hugs, my dear,

  64. Jeetje, ik heb al een hele tijd geen blogs meer bekeken...en ik kijk m'n ogen uit zeg!
    Wat zijn je foto's prachtig!

    Veel groetjes, Veronique

  65. Het voorjaar spat ervan af Madelief, geweldig mooi!!



  66. Gorgeous as always! I always enjoy your pretty and colourful posts, they are a joy to read and look at.
    Marianne x

  67. Liebe Madelief, deine Blumenbilder sind immer etwas ganz besonderes und sie verbreiten so viel Lebensfreude und Frühlings-Gück! Ich freue mich auch sehr, dass es bald wieder wärmer wird und alles grünt und blüht! Und auch auf all deine herrlichen Gartenbilder! Eine himmlische Woche und allerliebste Grüße,

    bis bald, herzlichst Jade

  68. Liebe Madelief, dein Garten ist eine echte Wohlfühloase.
    Gerne schaue ich immer deine Gartenbilder.
    Jetzt kommt die Zeit an dem ich dein tolles Gartenhaus und Veranda wieder bestaunen kann.
    Ab Freitag soll es wieder schön sonnig und angenehm warm werden.
    Freu mich schon auf die neue Gartensaison und deinen tollen Impressionen daraus.
    Liebe Grüße schick ich dir, Moni

  69. Your allotment is beautiful!
    Love the sharp edges too.

  70. I adore pansies so your post today was so uplifting. It makes me hopeful for Spring as the snow fall outside my window. Your photos are so gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them. Hugs. Deb

  71. What a lovely Garden Madelief! Such beautiful photos!! Thanks for the inspiration!! xo! Jina

  72. Good day Madelief
    What a wonderful day you must have had with your Daughter. The gardens look wonderful, Spring is my favourite Season by far. Have a great weekend!


  73. Wow ... the light in these photos is just so gorgeous, it has that milky early morning quality :)

  74. Hi Madelief, its good to see lots of fresh flowers of different colours and shapes. And the weather seem to be improving on your side of the world. Unlike us here in OZ. we have been inundated with rain and the mornings are now getting darker. Waaaa...winter is truly on its way.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  75. Hi Madelief,
    I think you know I am a bit envious of your beautiful garden blooms. Happy though to see you enjoying being out there!
    We are going to Florida for a couple of weeks so I hope our snow melts while we are away.
    Enjoy your garden!

  76. Dear Madelief,
    I'm breathing and sighing deeply as I browse your beautiful blog with it's wonderful pictures of 'spring' bursting through..
    I think it's delightful you can take time out to putter at your allotment with your girls....
    Being in nature most certainly lifts the spirits...
    Thank you for this beautiful post, as always a delight to be here in your gorgeous corner of the blog ~ sphere..
    with twinkly hugs
    Maria x

  77. Oh, Madelief! I adore this post! Do you know which one I mean? The one with the daffodils and the hellebore and the beautifully cut grass along your very charming walkway. and I know just what you mean.... quiet time in the garden - without any of the boys or Tom around - just feeling the sun and the breeze and working in the dirt and with the plants - it makes my heart swell! <3


Thank you for your lovely words.