A short while ago my husband and I did 'Een rondje Dordt'. This is a walk along galleries and vintage stores, that is held in Dordrecht every first sunday of the month. A must, for not only lovers of art and brocante, but for those who are interested in architecture as well. Dordrecht is one of the oldest Dutch cities, with houses dating back to the 17th century. I have written about Dordrecht before in the winter, when the streets were covered with a layer of snow.
This time we had a cloudy, but dry day. Perfect weather to explore some shops and galleries and walk through the old town. Do you notice the colours of the doors and windows? Not long ago Dordrecht was full of green doors and white window frames. This was until the Dutch 'Monumentenzorg', who take care of monuments in our country, changed their attitude. More colours are allowed. Nowadays its different shades of green, grey and red that adjourn the houses. The funny thing is that although more colours are used, they match perfectly. I think it makes the city look more attractive.
Let me take you on a tour and show you some of the alleys, shops and houses.
Wish you a lovely day! Lieve groet, Madelief