In the press

zondag 7 februari 2016

To plant a garden....

While the branches of the trees sway in the wind and sunbeams try to find a gap in the clouds, I am in the garden. 

This week, when at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, lightning struck at a moment when I least expected it (figuratively), but in a Happy way!

Since then my head is in a spin. I cannot think straight. As I work in the garden, my mind keeps wandering. I put bulbs into the bin and I can’t find my shovel, while it is right in front of me. 

I don't think there is a beginning, nor an end, but I just try to hold on to that delicious feeling for a while longer. Above all it made me realise -even more so than before- that there are second chances in life and there is a tomorrow.

As I plant some more bulbs into a terracotta pot, a huge smile spreads across my face. Let’s go for it!

Wishing you a good week and a Happy Valentine’s day!

To Love & Friendship,

Madelief x

'To plant a garden is to belief in tomorrow' 

48 opmerkingen:

  1. Daarom is tuinieren zo goed voor een mens! Groetjes,

  2. Your garden photos are always a treat for the eyes… just spectacular! Enjoy!

  3. Wow Madelief, you go for it...yes there are second chances. Grab those chances with both hands and hold tight! :) xxx

  4. Wow, wat super voor je, je maakt me nieuwsgierig:) Je tuinfoto's zijn een feestje, wat een prachtige helleborus heb je in de tuin. Lieve groetjes en een mooie Valentijn!

  5. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful garden. And I love the idea of bringing the helleborus inside in a vase. It's dark outside now, but tomorrow I will do this also.
    Groetjes, Monika

  6. Aren't Hellebores beautiful Madelief ? They are one of my favourite flowers as are snowdrops. I always think of snowdrops as my birthday flower.
    ...... and, second chances are eveyone's right and you deserve them.
    Enjoy your beautiful garden and the fruits thereof. Lots of love to you Madelief. XXXX

  7. Om blij van te worden....vertrouwen hebben in de toekomst doet altijd goed.

    Wat staan er veel helleborussen bij jou in bloei! Hier staan er slechts een paar, al staat de plant er al jaren. Maar het is hoe dan ook een voorbode van de lente.

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  8. Another chance - isn't that what spring is all about? How can we NOT believe in second chances, when the evidence is all around us. Enjoy your garden, the spring and the possibilities brought on by that unexpected lightening bolt!!

  9. Dearest Madelief, are you OK? Did you feel as if you got a jolt of electricity in you, making you feel disoriented? May you feel better each day, and yes, spring is a great metaphor for the cycle of our lives. BE WELL!

  10. Madelief, I am very excited for you. I wish you well with your plans. Your Helleborus are fantastic, and I love them in the yellow jug. Wishing you a very happy week. Love and hugs, Linda xx

  11. Mooie collectie helleborusen heb je...

  12. Your garden is beautiful and good luck with that second chance! Xx

  13. Mooi de helleborus ...ik kan niet wachten tot het lente word......deze herfst duurt wel heel lang....liefs fijne week van mij....x❤️❤️❤️

  14. Well, now I am wondering???? haha! I'm so happy YOU are happy and wish you a beautiful spring. hugs

  15. Wat een prachtige helleborus. En sneeuwklokjes, de lente komt eraan! XX Esther

  16. You are a tease Madelief and, even though we're all surmising the cause of the lightning bolt at the Film Festival no less, I feel perhaps romance in the air! Of course with St.Valentine's Day almost upon us, everyone should have romantic happenings to brighten up these cold February days. Here's to love and chocolate - you already have the gorgeous flowers - they are so beautiful!

    Wishing you well my dear.

  17. Very beautiful photographs of your garden. So lovely to hear of your new delight, I wish you joy with it, there is no feeling of deliciousness quite like that new excitement!

  18. Oh Madelief, I could hug you with joy. You bring us all such pleasure with your beautiful photographs and many kind words you deserve all the good things that come your way! Those hellebores look gorgeous in a jug, never thought of bringing them inside. Have a lovely week and keep smiling. Xx

  19. Prachtige foto's van je Helleborussen, die ene met dat dubbele hart is schitterend, heerlijk dat de lente er weer aankomt, letterlijk en figuurlijk. De sneeuwklokjes zijn ook lekker vroeg dit jaar. Ik wens je alle Geluk van de Wereld!
    Groetjes, Janneke

  20. I am happy you are so happy, you deserve it.....but you have me curious about that lightening bolt!
    Amazing to have beautiful flowers in your garden already.
    Have a great week,

  21. Fijn dat je je zo blij voelt, Madelief, en pak een tweede kans maar met beide handen aan! Het is je gegund.
    Wat zijn je Helleborussen mooi! Die van mij zijn opgegeten door de luizen. In de winter.
    En die sneeuwklokjes zijn ook zo mooi.
    Een fijne week gewenst!

    Liefs, Gerry

  22. What a lovely post in pictures and in your thoughts. Thank you.


  23. Oh dear how exciting! And how I wish I could make my garden grow like yours. I ahve no idea where to start.Just beautiful.

  24. Hello my dear,
    this sounds great! If I don't find the shovel or am otherwise confused, this is normally caused less exciting ;o))
    Your purple Helleborus-flowers looks so pretty and romantic - that fits well!
    Happy Valentine and lots of hugs, dear Madelief,
    XOX Traude

  25. Vergis ik me, of wordt dit een romantische Valentijnsdag?
    Die ene helleborus met dat kroontje had ik ook, hij is dit jaar niet opgekomen maar nu zie ik kleine puntjes uit de aarde komen, dus wie weet volgend jaar... Verwachting alom ;-)

  26. Als dit betekent wat ik denk dat het betekent, dan kan ik niet blijer voor je zijn dan ik destijds voor mezelf was, zo'n tweede kans op geluk moet je met beide handen aanpakken hoor Désirée, het is je zo gegund.
    Heel veel liefs,

  27. The hellebores are so beautiful - I have some that colour in my garden too, brightening up a raw winter's day (and the prospect of a trip to Amsterdam soon!). I'm glad you are OK and happy too.

  28. I am so happy for you, how exciting to meet that bolt of lightening! Enjoy the moment and take a second chance otherwise you won't know what you have missed! How I wish for a mature clump of hellebores , yours also make me happy, Sarah x

  29. Dearest Madelief,
    Oh my, what a canvas of colour in your garden already! Love the bouquet of Hellebores and your photos are a spring dream already.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

  30. Ooh..wat een mooie kleuren!!
    gr frouckje

  31. So very happy to read this post dear Madelief! Enjoy these magical moments and take your second chance of happiness. Happy Valentine's Week!
    Helen xox

  32. I have wondered about planting hellebores and I think they grow here, I just don't know anything about them. The garden is always lovely and I chuckle at your not being able to something right in front of you. As for lightening, bask in the glow.

  33. I hope you are OK lovely lady. Tomorrow is always another day, this is so true. Grab those second chances and go with it.
    Loving the colour of those hellebores, I intend to plant loads of these to gain some colour at this time of year in our garden when we next move house, so pretty x x x

  34. Your garden is in the same progress with hellebore blooming and daffodils soon to open. Lightening striking, how wonderful. I love that you are delighted.

  35. Beautiful delicate hellebores, such rich colours. I must get planting myself! I loved your photographs, early spring gardens can be so magical

  36. Leuke fotos ik zag u via andere blogster, en zou leuk vinden om mekaar te volgen en posts van mekaar lezen, groetjes

  37. Leuke fotos ik zag u via andere blogster, en zou leuk vinden om mekaar te volgen en posts van mekaar lezen, groetjes

  38. So lovely and full of beautiful color I love it when I visit here, happy Friday with love Janice

  39. To love friendship and beautiful gardens.

  40. Lieve madelief; wat n fijn bericht! Ik moest t even goed lezen, maar ik denk dat ik je begrijp!! Wat fijn voor je!! Ik gun je t zo! Ha ha dat je hoofd en hart dan weer zo op hol slaat, liefs arjo🌹❤️🌹❤️

  41. Yesterday it was springtime in the it is snowing, well, well! Love your pictures and the feeling you share in your blog. Have a great friday and take care Madelief...
    Love from Titti

  42. Dearest madelief
    Oh I'm so happy to hear you say that!
    Life has been so hard, seeing the beauty of your exquisite Hellebores I can understand how they gave you a new perspective. YES life is for living and I from knowing you through your blog posts, I know YOU are full of life!
    Carpe Diem.
    Love and hugs
    Shane xoxo

  43. Jolanda zei dat ik eens tussen de regels door moest lezen!!!!
    gelukkig zie is je snel en hoor graag meer.....................

  44. Life is full of possibilities and I'm so glad for you!
    Lovely hellebores, such gorgeous soft pinks and mauves, I have only one beauty and must plant more!

  45. Exciting... go with the flow and enjoy... hugs and love to you x

  46. hello
    du grand nettoyage , et toutes les petites pousses qui montrent leurs bout
    de nez
    les héllébores sont superbes , j'ai la même couleur mais le coeur est différent
    bon courage pour les travaux du jardin
    bon dimanche


Thank you for your lovely words.