In the press

zondag 31 januari 2016

Hortus Botanicus

One doesn't always have to travel far to see a beautiful garden. At the end of April last year, two friends took me on a belated birthday trip to the Hortus Bortanicus in Leiden. It's  half an hours drive from Rotterdam only.

The university garden is the oldest botanic garden in The Netherlands, and one of the oldest in the world. It dates back to 1590. It's a hidden treasure in Leiden's historical centre, situated between academy buildings and the observatory. There are several green houses, a rose garden, a Japanese garden, an orangery and a woodland part, which was my favourite.

I had been there before in summer, but to me spring in the Hortus is the best. The spring flowering bulbs, wild flowers, the amazing colour combinations, the young leaves on the trees. It's all like a dream. I couldn't stop taking photo's. If you need a burst of inspiration for your garden, do go and visit. It's worthwhile!

A Happy week ahead!


Madelief x

Thank you for your kind comments on my last post too.

36 opmerkingen:

  1. What a wonderful and beautiful place!! All of those massed daffodils and tulips are incredible!!! xx

  2. This is a stunning botanical garden Madelief. Your photos are amazing of this place. I'm so happy to have seen it through your lens my dear. I have never seen so many bulbs.

    I have missed too many beautiful posts here and loved reading the last two and feel like I have just been given a real treat and feast for my eyes. Your home decor and pretty china pieces make me wish to add to my own collection, but we don't seem to have much of it here where I live. I look and look and unless I order something from overseas (the shipping kills me) I can't get the lovely brightly colored things I want. I did just order two pretty PIP studio pillows and love them.
    I hope you week is wonderful!

  3. Ooo...dat ziet er echt geweldig uit, alles staat zo mooi in bloei. Met alle uitgelopen bollen is het één grote bloemenzee. Prachtig!! Weer een aanvulling op mijn wensenlijstje ;-)

    Liefs, Ingrid xxx

  4. wat een geweldig begin van een lente, Je kunt er nu al naar uitkijken. Wat een mooie plek, en prachtige foto,s vande hortus botanica in leiden. Voor op mijn verlanglijstje,

    liefs Pauline

  5. What a lovely treat for my eyes on this dull, drizzly day. Looking at photos like these gives hope that spring will once again come. The bright colours are so beautiful.

  6. It looks a wonderful university botanical garden along with glasshouses Madelief. That turquoise flower in the conservatory is extraordinary. Just to think that all of this colour is now only weeks away - what a lovely thought.

  7. Looks amazing. I could happily spend a few hours wandering about this place. Lovely photos, as usual, Madelief.

  8. Dearest Madelief,
    What a treat such photos in winter time!
    That is a spectacular botanical garden and what a treat!

  9. I love your photos, they are a real treat to see. Thank you for sharing.
    It is Summer here in New Zealand and rather too hot. My favourite seasons are Spring and Autumn.
    Love Rose x

  10. Goodness, what color and perfect spring beauty! That one aqua colored plant; that is SO STRIKING! Enjoy your February, Madelief! Anita

  11. What a beautiful place! Do you have a new logo? It is great!

  12. Wow, what a blooming place! I just adore your pictures Madelief...thanks for showing us this!
    Have a happy monday, take care...
    Love Titti

  13. Schitterend, ben al heel veel keer met verschillende doeleinden naar de Hortus geweest maar heb het nog nooit zo mooi in bloei gezien als op jou foto's. Goed idee om dit in april eens voor onze tuinclub te organiseren.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  14. The woodlands are beautiful in particular but the whole gardens are wonderful, I would love to visit one day.

  15. Wat een prachtige foto's, Madelief. Ik was al van plan om de Hortus in Leiden eens te bezoeken, maar als ik je foto's zie moet ik nog een paar weken wachten.


    I am going to put this on my list of gardens to visit. I love those bee hives (I think we would call them skeps in the UK)....I might have to look out for some of those.

    Can't wait for my daffs to come into flower - it is a key sign of Spring isn'it

    I hope that all is well
    Best wishes

  17. Wat mooi!! En leuk dat je dit met ons deelt, dit komt zeker bovenaan mijn to-do lijstje!! Jij ook een hele fijne week, liefs Anita x

  18. What a beautiful garden Madelief ..... that turquoise hyacinth {?} is out of this world !!! I don't think that I've ever seen a flower that colour !! I love the woodland planting. XXXX

  19. How beautiful it all is! Spring is my favorite time of year for gardens. Oh, those daffodils are gorgeous!!

  20. Wow wat een mooie plek, ik kan me voorstellen dat je bleef fotograferen. Ik dacht even dat de tuin nu al zo mooi in bloei stond maar gelukkig las ik dat het vorig jaar april was, zou ook te gek zijn! Ik ga er zeker een bezoekje brengen de komende maanden, dank voor je tip. Lieve groetjes

  21. What a beautiful spring garden. I especially love the tulips.

  22. Wow that garden looks fantastic there can't be many spring gardens as beautiful as that! I love your new header it is beautiful! Sarah x

  23. Echt geweldig daar...wat een heerlijke foto's.....mooi!!...heb genoten liefs fijne week van mij x❤️❤️❤️

  24. Such a beautiful place - I love seeing these colorful and inspiring gardens! So many lovely views. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos with us, Dear Madelief! xx Karen

  25. Het ziet er prachtig uit. ik ga zeker kijken. Groetjes,

  26. What an amazing garden, the kind I could imagine spending days exploring. You've brightened my morning with this post :)

  27. How beautiful, what an amazing place and some fantastic shots as always Madelief. Enjoy the rest of your week. Jane xx

  28. Ohhhhhh! These gardens are just gorgeous!

  29. Dear Madelief,

    I can see why you would be wanting to take photos of these beautiful gardens. Your photos are all so very gorgeous.
    Must have been a special treat for your birthday.
    Happy weekend

  30. Oh my goodness. Now I know where spring hides. I would very much like to go there.

  31. Wonderful ! Your photos are a delight for the eyes and for the heart! Thank you Madelief !
    Nice week-end !

  32. What a joy - such a lovely way for you to celebrate your birthday Madelief - your friends know you well!
    I think the Netherland gardens of spring bulbs are the finest in the world.
    I haven't visited your beautiful country but several of my friends have and they've all raved about it. Most special has been their tours of Keukenhof.
    Your photos are quite magical - thank you Madelief!!!
    Wishing you a very happy weekend relaxing.
    Shane x

  33. I always enjoy my visits to your blog.
    Wonderful pictures, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  34. ho! la la que c'est beau
    je ne regrette pas d'être venue voir ton billet
    un vrai paradis terrestre
    j'adore la couleur bleu porcelaine des campanules
    merci merci de cette visite partagée
    mille bisous

  35. C'est un lieu enchanteur , un très beau jardin !
    Bon après midi Iris !

  36. Bonjour je découvre ton blog que c'est magnifique toutes ces couleurs, toutes ces fleurs et endroits paradisiaques ! merci du partage ! Bisous de ma gironde ! Temps maussade ce jour ! Bon WE !


Thank you for your lovely words.