In the press

zaterdag 12 mei 2012

Orange and rhubarb cake & vintage finds

It's in the shops for a short period of time only, but when it's there I take my chance and put the long red stalks in my cart.  

Rhubarb. My family and I love it's distinctive and unique flavour. A big bonus is, that it's rich in vitamins too. Normally I use rhubarb in compotes and crumbles, but this time I decided on an orange rhubarb cake. It turned out to be a good choice. It was probably one of the best cakes I made lately: fresh, moist and not too sweet. I can recommend it to you. If you are interested in the recipe, you can find it on this blog.

In today's post some of the things I found at the flea market in Delft on Queens day: a blue tin, a glass bottle, two Blue Danube cups, a green 1960s vase and a blue tin deux chevaux. The total price of my finds was less than seven euro. How much fun can shopping be!

Next week I will be taking a short holiday. I am off to Kent and Sussex to enjoy the English countryside, see some gardens and catch up with the two dear friends that accompany me.

Wish you all a happy week!


Madelief x

75 opmerkingen:

  1. mmh rhubarb cake is my favorite :) your pictures look nice as always! have fun at your holiday madelief!!
    big hug, svenja

  2. I ♥ blue & white!
    Have a wonderful holiday.

  3. Hello Madelief:
    Your orange and rhubarb cake looks absolutely scrummy. Like you, we love it when it appears at the start of the season in the market and only last week had our first rhubarb of the year in a crumble. However, your cake looks too good to miss and if we can translate the receipt for Timea, then we shall definitely give it a try.

    We are sure that you will have a wonderful time with friends next week in England. The English countryside looks so beautiful at this time of year and the gardens in particular are bound to be glorious. We wish you safe travelling and shall look forward to hearing of your adventures upon your return.

  4. Rabarbertaart heb ik nog nooit gegeten, maar aangezien ik rabarber zelf heel lekker vind, zal ik dit vast ook wel heel geslaagd vinden! Wat heb je mooie vondsten gescoord op de vrij-/rommelmarkt, ik vind het ook altijd nog leuk om voor weinig geld iets moois te scoren!

    Ik wens je in Engeland een hele fijne en gezellige week met je vriendinnen! Ik ben benieuwd naar je prachtige posten die je er van gaat maken, dus héél veel foto's maken hè?!!

    Heel veel plezier en veel liefs, Ingrid

  5. Looks like the summer have come to you:)

  6. Wonderful pictures!
    I hope you will have a great time in Kent and Sussex!!!
    Will you visit Pippa again?
    I will try this cake, too.
    Lovely hugs

  7. Heel fijn weekend lieverd...geniet...leuk je nieuwe spulletjes...dat autootje is schattig...liefs

  8. Wat heb je leuk gekocht voor nog geen 7 euro. Fijne koopjes. En nou naar Engeland. Dat wordt genieten. Ik zal aan je denken en wacht op je foto's.
    Fijne Vakantie.
    Liefs van Riet

  9. rabarber.....ik vond het vroeger altijd zuur..maar waarschijnlijk maakte mijn moeder het dan verkeerd? Ik heb het daardoor zelf nog nooit gemaakt, maar als ik dit zo zie(en hoor;))....moest ik me er mss nog maar eens aan wagen! Je laatste foto is GEWELDIG! Het spat van het scherm! Ik wens je een heerlijk weekje....even opladen voor de laatste spurt richting zomervakantie?;)


  10. Delicious cake ( I love rhubarb) , lovely flowers, fabulous finds, beautiful photos....simply because you do everything with Love, Madelief! Enjoy your time in England !

  11. Unless I am mistaken those flowers, accompanying your delicious cake, are Canterbury Bells in my neck of the woods; Kent & Sussex! I adore rhubarb too, Madelief, and one of my favourite recipes is rhubarb and orange fool. Like lemons and gosseberries its the tartness which wins over the sweetness every time.

    In answer to your kind comment I was raised in Kent by an English father and a French mother. I am, therefore, lucky enough to have dual nationality.

    Have a wonderful trip, Madelief and wave hello to Tunbridge Wells road signs when you are rolling on those winding roads, won't you please?


  12. I love rhubarb too and tomorrow we will also have a cake of it - yummy! You bought nice things on the flea market!
    Greetings from Barbara

  13. Humm! Delicious!
    I love rhubarb cake.
    Dear Madelief, this is a wonderful post...
    beautiful pictures!


  14. Dear Madelief, Thanks you for that wonderful colour burst of gorgeous Campanula and the recipe for the delicious looking cake which I will try this week. One of my favourites recipes in Spring is rhubarb & ginger tart but this sounds to good to resist.
    Have wonderful adventures in Kent & Sussex.

  15. Your cake looks sooo delicious.
    Have a wonderful break. M x

  16. Canterbury bells! so beautiful, I love your finds, I will definitely try your cake (I made a rhubarb crumble Friday) Have a wonderful time in Kent.
    Thea x

  17. Bonjour!
    Today I went a big round in your blog,
    I have not been here for long ...
    every time i think:
    What wonderful cups you have!
    I love them all!
    where you find them?
    Your blog is so beautiful,
    so light and the colors inspire to dream!
    big hugs from France

  18. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cake. I bet it taste yummy. Your photos are so vivid. The flea market was a great place for bargains. Enjoy! Happy Mother's Day.

  19. Hey Madelief, your cake looks and sounds delish.......I have rhubarb growing in the garden and love making rhubarb and ginger muffins, quick, easy and yuuuuuummmy.

    Those beautiful, purple Canterbury Bells, have me longing for Spring and flowers, I hope you get the opportunity to wander through a Bluebell wood while you are away.

    Have a wonderful time away with your friends,


  20. Hi Madelief,
    I love baking with rhubarb too - your the cake looks delicious! I will have to check out the recipe. You found some pretty treasures once again.
    I enjoyed your previous post too with the lovely countryside photos.
    Hope you have a wonderful time in England and I look forward to seeing your photos.I am a little envious of your trip to English gardens!!!

  21. Dear Madelief,

    We love rhubarb here in my family and I love cooking with it too, often have it stewed with museli for breakfast.
    Your cake looks wonderful and with the combination with the orange will be very nice and I will try making this cake.

    Have a wonderful time away with your friends.

  22. Hello Madelief

    Thanks for sharing your delicious rhubard recipe. At our farm I had a rhubard patch which was a favourite for miles around and I gave away many free sticks.
    One or twice I had some stolen but there was enough to go around and it kept growing. Have a wonderful time in England and I can imagine how beautiful it must be. I know you will share it with us so I will b looking forward. Bon Voyage.

  23. That cake looks delicious, I will have to give it a try. Enjoy your trip to England, hopefully the weather will stay good for you! xx

  24. Hallo Madelief,
    Die rabarbertaart ziet er uit om te zoenen. Die ga ik echt ook een keer maken, dus dank je wel voor de link naar het recept.
    Wat heb je weer leuke spullen gevonden op die markt. Genieten is dat toch, als je van dit soort prachtige spulletjes vindt?
    Ik wens je heel veel plezier in Kent en Sussex, duim voor je voor mooi weer. Geniet er lekker van. Wij gaan over vier weken naar Devon en Cornwall en we kijken daar ook zo naar uit...
    Fijne moederdag vandaag....
    Lieve groet,

  25. oh hij ziet eruit om op te eten...;) me er eens in verdiepen. Had laatst één geprobeerd, ook van een blog....en ha dat werd een regelrechte mislukking ;) Ook met rabarber.
    Tja.....het leek zo gemakkelijk.
    Mooie vondsten heb je weer op de kop getikt.....zo helemaal jou......super hoe je zo je hele eigen stijl hebt.
    Wens je fijne dagen toe....enne....vergeet je camera niet ;)

    fijne zondag


  26. Rabarbertaart ziet er heerlijk uit Madelief. Ik kan niet wachten tot mijn fornuis geplaatst wordt, dan kan ik ook weer taarten bakken.
    Wat heb je weer een mooie aanwinsten op de kop getikt.
    Ik wens je een heerlijke tijd toe in Engeland.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  27. Liebe Madelief,

    danke für Deinen lieblichen Kommentar. Ich freue mich, dass Dir unsere Arbeiten gefallen ! Dein Kuchen hört sich sehr lecker an, vor allem, weil ich auch saftige Kuchen mag, und alle Kuchen überhaupt ;-)

    Ich habe in diesem Jahr noch keinen Rhabarber gekauft, aber Dein Kuchen hört sich so gut an, dass ich ihn nachbauen werde.

    Für Deinen Urlaub in England wünsche ich Dir gutes Wetter, Sonne im Gesicht und im Herzen und viele wundervolle Begegnungen. Bitte bring uns ein paar Bilder mit und geniesse Deine Erholung !

    Für heute wünsche ich Dir einen schönen Muttertag und mache mich nun auf zu einem Ausflug mit meiner Mama.

    Es grüßt Dich herzlich
    Deine Eve

  28. We have rhubarb growing in our garden, your cake looks delicious x

  29. Guten Morgen,liebe Madelief,

    leider war ich in der letztn Woche krank, so habe ich deinen coutryside post garnicht wundervoll ist die Landschaft und so eine schöne Einladung von deiner Freundin !!1
    Am besten gefällt mir das Bild mit der schwimmenden Entenfamilie ...
    Und ja, Rhabarber lieben wir auch ( ich mehr als mein Mann ...) und ich habe auch schon welchen zu Kompott verarbeitet.
    Getser war bei uns auch Flohmarkt und ich habe wunderschöne weiße Schüsseln in vielen Größen gekauft, auch für wenig geld, so macht es wirklich Freude...

    Heute am Muttertag besuchen wir sämtliche Mamas & Omas und hier ist ein Oldtuimertreffen, das habe ich mir gewünscht, dass wir uns das anschauen.
    Wünsche dir einen schönen Muttertag und natürlich gaaaaaaanz viel Freude in England ( ich beneide dich ein bisschen...)
    und ich freue mich auf viele Bilder ,

    liebe Grüße,

  30. Dear Madelief - what a good idea for rhubarb. Ours is ready to pick in the garden, so rhubarb and orange cake here we come. Lovely photos - and have a wonderful time in Sussex and Kent. Hope the brilliant weather we are enjoying at the moment continues for your trip. Look forward to your posts on your return.

  31. wat een leuke vondsten. je foto's kleuren zo mooi bij de achtergrond van je blog! liefs, @nne

  32. Wat een 'heerlijke' post heb je ervan gemaakt, de cake lijkt me echt smullen, je vondsten zijn schattig en de bloemen mooi. Heerlijk even er tussenuit, camera mee en genieten maar! Fijne Moederdag en lieve groetjes

  33. o jammie dat ziet er heerlijk uit zeg! die rabarber taart! leuke blauwe vintage kopjes die je gevonden hebt fije moederdag gewenst groetjes leon10

  34. Die taart ziet er heel heel tasty uit...en je bloemenfotos prachtig!!! Leuk dat kleine busje ertussen..
    Seringen is altijd een uitdaging.. probeer ze altijd heel goed schuin af te snijden en voeding erbij maar gata hier soms ook mis hoor :-) Dit jaar twee seringen planten in de tuin.. een heeft prachtige paarse seringen en de andere heeft dit jaar geen bloemen...

    Hele fijne moederdag.

  35. Rhubarb is in season here too, we can only have it during the Autumn and Winter in Queensland. my mum has the same blue and white cups.

  36. Helly my dear.. I wish you a very very nice motherday...
    your photos are a dream I love your flowers very much..
    Kisses and many hugs..

  37. Such beautiful flowers and finds. I love the little blue truck! And blue flowers are my favorite. My husband makes a strawberry and rhubarb compote that his grandmother used to make. I love the idea of rhubarb and orange together, will have to try it!

  38. Wat een prachtige vondsten en mooie bloemen! Ik wens je een fijne en gezellige week toe.

    Lieve groet, Miranda

  39. Hoi Madelief,

    Mmmm wat klinkt dat lekker! Ben he-le-maal geen liefhebber van rabarber, maar op deze manier ga ik het misschien wel lekker vinden??
    En wat een heerlijk vooruitzicht heb je!
    Ik wens je nog een fijn einde van deze Moederdag & een fantastische tijd in de UK!! Can't wait to see your pictures!!

    Liefs uit het zonnige zuiden!

  40. Your cake looks delicious.....and your vintage finds are amazing...I love the truck how sweet is that!

  41. Springtime it's the most beautiful season in your garden...beautiful pics Madelief!!
    Hope that you are spending a happy weekend

  42. Your finds were such a bargin and so lovely. We also low rhurbarb and have 2 lots growing in the garden so it can be picked for ages. I have an amazing rhurbarb and custard cake recipe, I have been recently thinking of experimenting to see if I can convert it to muffins.
    Hope you have a wonderful time in Kent and Sussex and the sun shines, and you see some amazing gardens.
    Sarah x

  43. Thank you Madelief for this orange and rhubarb cake, I will do it ! huummmm miam :D
    Lovely china you have find in Delft ! beautiful and really very cheap !
    I wish you a wonderful stay in the beautiful Susse, Oh the English country is a jewel ! Magic...
    Nice week Madelief,
    Lieve Groet,

  44. Hi, Madeleaf!
    Beautiful pictures! Your cake looks delicious! YUM :O) Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. And your vintage finds for a good price are super cute. Love`em all.
    Have a very nice week

  45. mmm..die moet ik ook maar eens proberen..heerlijk lijkt het me...veel plezier op vakantie
    liefs hannie

  46. Mmm that cake looks so good!
    I planted three rhubarb crowns when we first moved in 18 months ago and I am so glad I did! Fresh rhubarb from the garden so will try this recipe as it looks so good.
    Lovely blue and white china, and pretty flower sin your first few photos.
    I hope you have a great time in Kent and Sussex Madelief, I fear our weather will be disappointing. Enjoy all the gardens, and I look forward to seeing your posts and photos on your return!

    Gill xx

  47. Oh I really hope the weather is better for you next week. We have been having some awful weather here. It is absolutely freezing today, I've got the radiator up full whack at work, it's not nice at all.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday though, whatever the weather x x x x

  48. Oh, the cake looks delicious! I love rhubarb!
    And I love, love, love your flower pictures!


  49. Oh.............dear Madelief!!!

    HOW beautiful is you post again:-)*

    Thank you so much for you great comment,it's true,Thouth Africa is amazing place,truly!!!


  50. Your cake looks delicious. I hope you enjoy your time in Kent/Sussex I am sure you will and the weather will be kind to you. Have fun!

  51. Wat een prachtige kopjes. Echt erg leuk.

    groetjes Natasja

  52. your photography is beautiful! it makes my heart go all giddy
    and the orange and rhubarb cake both looks and sounds delicious ❤

  53. Hello inspiring friend...
    Your cake looks very tasty. I copied the recipe, and hope find some rhubarb to try... We are anxious to try this.
    Oh... How we wanted have a market like that here... ahahahaha Good shopping : )
    Have a nice trip and a good weekend with your friends.
    Happy hugs
    Alecrim and Camomila Rosa.

  54. Such pretties you found. I do love the looks of that cake of yours. I just made a rhubarb cake on the weekend too...added extra rhubarb and vanilla...yum!
    Hugs to you sweet friend...enjoy the week. xoxox

  55. Dear Madelief

    Have a wonderful time on your trip to Kent and Sussex. Hope the weather settles down for you, we have had so much rain lately - BUT on the plus side it makes everything look gloriously green and fresh! Enjoy your garden visiting.


  56. Oh I love rhubarb! Yummi!!! You images are always so amazing! Hugs Yvonne

  57. Zulke geweldige vondsten heb je daar. Dat autootje is mijn favoriet.
    Te bedenken hoe mooi je tuin er nu uit moet zien .. het weer is perfect geweest he, de afgelopen weken. Onze beukenhagen zijn fris groen, de clematis bloeit in volle glorie en het amber boompje krijgt iedere dag meer bladeren.
    Een fijne woensdag lieve Madelief xx

  58. Mmmmmmm, what a cake!
    And I love the colors of your post so much, dearest Madelief!
    I hope you have a wonder-wonder-wonderful time in England - enjoy it, and please bring lots of photos!!! :o)
    Lieve Küschelbüschel,

  59. Your cake looks and sounds delicious! I love the beautiful flowers and fantastic vintage finds today! Hope you have a wonderful trip, Madelief, and the sun is shining specially for your garden visits!
    Helen x

  60. Do you know, I've been looking at the rhubarb in stores, and wondering whether I could possibly think of something to make that is slightly more exciting than the usual rhubarb crumble - and you have come to my rescue! Your cake looks and sounds delicious, and I will be trying it straight away - so THANK YOU!
    Also, I LOVE your tea cups and saucers - as you know, I just adore a good rummage through a market or vintage store. There's nothing like a good bargain!
    Lovely post as usual. Enjoy Kent and Sussex.
    Paula xxx

  61. Yummy, that cake looks delish. There is a well deserved award for you over on my blog :) x x x x

  62. Prachtige post weer Madelief en je kopjes zijn super!liefs van mij....

  63. love the look of that rhubarb....utterly delicious!!

  64. What finds! I love taking a peek at your treasures, the cups and flowers have won me over.

  65. Hello my dear Madelief,
    hope you had a wonderful journey and the weather was not so bad...
    The cake looks so delicous, last sunday I also try a new recipie for a rhubarb cake with meringue mmmhhh, I think rhubarb is one of a very underrated vegie/fruit
    Bye Bine

  66. Liebe Madelief,

    Rhabarber, oh ja den mag ich auch sehr. Wir haben welchen im Garten und ich mache ihn auch entweder als Kuchen oder auch als Kompott mit etwas Vanille - himmlisch!
    Deine Garten- und Blumenbilder begeistern mich immer wieder. Die lila Marienglockenblume ist traumhaft - noch habe ich sie nicht im Garten, aber sie wird noch einziehen. Ach ja, der Garten, der ist einfach zu klein für all die Blumenschönheiten, die ich gerne noch hier versammeln würde. Und Erdbeerpflanzen, einen Apfel- und einen Kirschbaum hätte ich auch noch gerne dazu und auch Gemüse und Salatbeete. Vielleicht muß ich noch ein Gartengrundstück dazu pachten, lach.

    Ganz liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Dir,

  67. we loved your post... for its beauty and colours and sheer PLEASURE of the visit, as always. As for rhubarb.. we know what you mean and grow it in abundance on our allotment, if we lived near I would happily share some with you... happy times. Lovely post:-) Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  68. Looks delicious Madelief - could you send a piece my way - my husband LOVES rhubarb and I rarely ever cook with it! Such beautiful photos too. I love the flowers in the first photos.

    Hugs, Stephie x

  69. I love this blog, I just added my name to your followers so I can come back and take my time this evening. I love your pictures. I never think to actually pick my flowers and arrange them. Mainly because they dont all come out at the same time and when they do I want to enjoy them outside. Then again I could put them in a vase on the patio so thanks for that idea.

  70. Hi, Madelief! I`m here just to say hello :o) How are you? Hope you`re well.
    Have a nice day

  71. Hello Madelief,
    I love your gorgeous vintage finds! The cake looks delicious and your flowers are stunning as always!
    Hope you have a wonderful trip with your friends!
    The weather is fabulous here at the moment, perfect for visiting gardens!
    Rachel x

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  73. Very wonderful finds - they sound like very good deals, too - hidden treasure! ;) But....THAT CAKE! Wow!!! There was a very beautiful orange marmalade cake in one of the British magazines that I've been meaning to try.... I need to hop to it! =]

  74. The cake looks so yummy! I am going to have to check that one out. A friend from up north sent a rhubarb plant to me although they do not grow that well here in the south, but it was a favorite of mine when my Oma would make it. You found some neat items!
    Take Care,


Thank you for your lovely words.