In the press

woensdag 9 mei 2012

In the country

Although the green fields around Rotterdam are rapidly disappearing, there are still areas to be found where the countryside is breathtakingly beautiful. Fleur, from the blog 'In de Polder' lives in one of those areas. Today I paid her a visit together with a mutual friend. We had a delightful day.

Fleur's house is situated on a dyke, on the outskirts of one of Rotterdam's neighbouring towns. The house has an amazing garden, sloping down from the canal to the fields below. The fruit trees, geraniums and an ancient pink rhododendron were in full bloom. The view of the surrounding countryside so very beautiful.

We made a walk along the tow path and across the fields. Along the sides of the canal cow parsley and swede rape were growing in profusion. It was all soaking wet, due to the huge amount of rain that fell last night. We had to be careful not to step on the little black snails. They were everywhere. While we could hear the call of the cuckoo in the distance, we saw a family of geese taking a swim....

Fleur thank you once again for your hospitality, your delicious home made cake & soup and for explaining to me how to crochet my granny squares together the way it should be done :-).


Madelief x

73 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een heerlijke foto's!!

    Groetjes, Pietrik

  2. Wat kan bloggen toch mooie vriendschappen maken he???...leuk hoor fijn dat het allemaal kan......liefs van

  3. My dear Madelief, "breathtakingly beautiful" are just the right words to describe each of your photos - I love, love, love them all, those wonderful greens and that country-feeling, the flowers, the garden (with a pretty girl walking around!), the sweet red cat, the river and the goose-family, the sheep - a wonderful post for my eaes and for my soul!
    Lots of Küschelbüschel, Traude

  4. What a lovely place, is nice to have friend on the countryside to share great moment as these. Lovely props and great pics

  5. What a lovely garden and a nice countryside too!

    And I love the cat's colour!


  6. Oh god Madelief,
    I only say two words..."Pure Nature" great!!!
    What did I see...I knew this women walking around :))
    Now I have a question about "Evelyn".
    You don't get her out of the frame. Your camera is very good and I think you can take a foto.
    It must be a large one, only a small like a postcard.
    Is it possible? :)))
    I like to pay for your work.
    Nice wishes and lots of hugs

  7. Hello Madelief:
    All this wonderful countryside within easy reach of Rotterdam, it is so very surprising! There may have been a lot of rain but the abundant fresh green growth everywhere is absolutely marvellous and shows that the plants have certainly appreciated the weather.

    It is so good to visit friends and to catch up on the news and gossip. You all clearly had a marvellous time together, such fun. Fleur's house and garden look to be charming and you have captured it all with your beautifully atmospheric photographs.

    The Cow Parsley is so pretty and has made us nostalgic for our Herefordshire days where it lined every lane for miles around with its frothy clouds of white!!

  8. Hello Madelief
    You have captured the day perfectly, I can feel the damp grass and hear the birds, Beautiful !
    Thea x

  9. ahh, the beauty! who gets to be so lucky to live in a place like that?! your friend is indeed blessed. how lovely that you could all share the day. just beautiful.

  10. Wat een heerlijke plek moet dat toch zijn waar Fleur woont, iedere keer als ik haar blog zie en ook nu jouw post is het genieten van de mooie foto's. En dat zo dicht bij de grote stad. Wat fijn dat jullie zo'n gezellige middag hebben gehad. Lieve groetjes

  11. Oh woh wat is dit mooi gaaf en fantastisch! Dit is mijn grote droom. Heb op het platteland gewoont en bij het zien van deze foto's gaat mijn hartje wel heel snel kloppen. Wat woont ze geweldig mooi zo tussen al dat groen midden in de natuur.
    Hoop dat ik ooit de mogelijkheid krijg om terug te gaan wonen in de natuur.,
    Voor nu heb je me enorm laten genieten hoor.
    Heerlijk dat je zo'n fijne middag hebt gehad. Maar dat kan ook niet anders nietwaar.
    warme groet,

  12. As I was going through your photos, I thought something was familiar and then I saw Fleurs' cat and I knew where you had been! Glad you all had a wonderful time, her garden and surroundings are always so lovely.
    Sarah x

  13. Je zal toch zo wonen!!!!'!!!!!!! Wat hebben jullie een heerlijk dagje in the country gehad! Wanneer ga je echt......
    Liefs lia

  14. Dear Madelief - what a lovely relaxed country carefree day this looks to have been. Your images make me feel that all is well in the world - beautiful.

  15. What a beautiful post of a beautiful home. How lovely to spend the day with friends in such a wonderful setting xx

  16. Hoi Madelief!
    Wat ontzettend leuk om mijn huis en tuin in de polder door jouw foto's terug te zien...ik word er helemaal verlegen van; Je hebt mooie foto's gemaakt en ik had het niet eens door!
    Het was inderdaad erg gezellig, ondanks het miezerige weer.
    Je theekopjes staan nu bij t andere servies in de kast in de bedstedewand;
    nog hartelijk bedankt hoor! groetjes van Fleur in de polder

  17. Hi, Madeleaf! So beautiful pictures of countryside! The canal with sweet birdes, the cows, the colorful garden and the beautiful houses... all look so peace and full of peaceful sounds :o) Love them all, all those pictures! Glad you had such a lovely day, Madeleaf :o) I`m happy that Fleur have a very sweet home in such a sweet place.
    Have a very nice day

  18. It's all so lovely! I love the photo of the swan family. Papa swan looks like he is looking that way and this to make sure his family gets across safely.

  19. Liebe Madelief,

    In Fleurs schönem Blog war ich azch schon einige Male unterwegs und habe die schönen Eindrücke genossen. Deine Bilder haben ganz wunderbar die stille und romantische Atmosphäre dort eingefangen. Auf mich wirkt es wie ein kleines Paradies und wer würde nicht dort wohnen wollen!

    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne zweite Wochenhälfte,

  20. Good evening Madelief,

    This has got to be my favourite post of all time! I'm sorry; have I already said that before? ;-) I am struck by the sheer beauty of your wonderful country and I absolutely LOVE the two views you have shared with us: the country garden and the river banks. Because we too have been experiencing a lot of rain - who hasn't?- I could almost imagine I was there with you avoiding the black snails whilst walking in the damp grass. Your friend's garden is idyllic. I imagine you must have been very happy there.


    ps I would like to thank you for your special book post a couple of weeks ago. Although I didn't leave a comment at the time I certainly appreciated it a good deal!

  21. Wat een mooie foto's Madelief en wat woont Fleur daar mooi. Dat was vast geweldig genieten, jammer dat het weer maar steeds niet echt meewerkt.
    LIefs van Riet

  22. Wonderful garden, houses, and country ! I love the cat, the ducks and lovely family ! Wooo I want to live in a place like this..a day..may be..I hope...Thank you Madelief to share with us these marvellous moments. Fleur has a wonderful garden !
    Nice thursday Madelief !
    Nathanaëlle x

  23. OMG SOOO lovely pics:) I love the red cat on the table soo cute haha:)
    I have two cats myself and I cant live without them.
    In my new post I go to Provence in my dreams.....check it out:)

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis

  24. Madelief, your photos of your day trip are wonderfully relaxing. Everything looks so lush.
    Now tell me is that a cat or a lion sitting on the table. He or she has a magnificent mane.
    Have a lovely week.

  25. Hi Madelief,
    You and I have a very similar taste and obviously collect similar things. I love my enamel jugs too and I'm always putting wild flowers in them, especially Cow Parsley.
    The rhododendrons are beautiful and I'd love to have some in my garden but they need acid soil, something which is not very common in the Cotswolds.
    The cat and the mouse in the same shot are great and the geese family really made my evening.
    Joasia x

  26. Such a lovely, romantic place. Your photos are wonderful, as well.

  27. wow, this is so so pretty madelief :) its such a romantic garden!
    and i looove the cat. perfect picture :)
    hugs, svenja

  28. Oh madelief...your world looks so peacefully beautiful! Your images are stunning as always!

  29. What glorious scenery and such sweetness and beauty.

  30. Hello Madelief

    This is a perfect day and the images are spectacular. I particularly love the view along the tow path and the geese. You also heart the cuckoo, that just makes the day so perfect. I am off to read In de Polder's blog.
    Thank you for this uplifting and beautiful escape to the country

    Helen xxx

  31. What a beautiful area! You are so blessed to be able to visit some of your blogging friends. Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs

  32. Lovely impressions from a very beautiful area! Looks like it was a very nice day! Have a good time, Barbara

  33. Dat moet toch een feestje zijn om zo te mogen wonen.
    Ik sta steeds weer versteld als ik op haar blog kijk.
    Leuk dat jullie daar zo'n leuke dag hadden, en met droog weer.

    Fijne dag, Lia

  34. Ein wundervolles Plätzchen! So könnte ich auch wohnen!!!

  35. Dit is genieten....wat een prachtige zal er maar wonen.
    Ben gelijk bij haar wezen kijken.....volger geworden.....zodat ik niets meer hoeft te missen.....van dit polderschoon.....dankjewel Madelief dat je dit wilde delen met ons!!!!
    Fijne dag & lieve groetjes,

  36. Lieve Madelief,

    Mooie foto's van de Polder. Overigens herkende ik die lag huisjes langs dat pad... bijna dezelfde foto stuurde onze Liz via Instagram toen ze met haar puppy ging wandelen. Geniet van dit jaargetijde en fijn dat er nog zo'n mooi groen is!

  37. Wat gezellig dat je samen met Anita bij Fleur bent geweest! Fleur woont er inderdaad prachtig, geen wonder dat je je daar met je camera heerlijk hebt kunnen uitleven! Je vertelt het in het Engels ook nog eens zó mooi, dat ik er helemaal dromerig van word :)!

    Ik wens je een fijne dag!!! Liefs, Ingrid

  38. It all looks so lush and luxuriant and I am more than a little envious of your being able to sit out in the garden. It is far too cold for that here.


  39. Hollandser dan dit krijg je 't niet snel :-)! Ziet er heerlijk uit! Al dat fluitenkruid...ik word daar zo blij van!

  40. Hej Madelief, genieten hoor! Je hebt prachtige foto's gemaakt van Fleurs tuin. Het is een bijzondere plek waar ze woont.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  41. Hallo liebe Amdelief,

    endlich kann ich hier wieder kommentieren ! Danke für Deine lieben Worte zu unserer Ausstellung und den Fotos dazu. Ich wünschte, Du wärst hier gewesen.

    Deine Freundin wohnt wirklich sehr idyllisch, besonders die Bilder vom Kanal haben es mir angetan. Es ist wirklich ein Privileg, in einer so intaktenn Landschaft zu wohnen. Darum wohne ich auch auf dem Land, am Rande des Naturschutzparks.

    Weshalb werden denn die Grünflächen rund um Rotterdam immer weniger ? Indurstrie oder Wohnungbau ? Wie gut, dass Fleur noch so einen wundervollen und großen Garten hat. Dann braucht man gar nicht zu verreisen und hat daheim die beste Erholung.

    Hab eine sonnige Woche !

  42. OOh wat woont ze daar prachtig hé Ik geniet elke keer weer van haar posten1 en wat heb je er super mooie foto's van gemaakt.
    Echt genieten! Leuk hoor om elkaar zo te ontmoeten!
    fijne dag

  43. ik had enkele foto's gezien op de blog van Fleur. zo mooi, deze omgeving en schitterend in beeld gebracht. liefs, @nne

  44. Beautiful!

  45. Haha, alle opmerkingen die ik wil maken zijn hierboven al gezegd.
    Ik volg jullie allebei sinds kort, het is een heerlijk Hollandse plek
    en je foto's zijn super.
    Groeten, Janneke

  46. wat heerlijk om zo te woenen..geweldig
    liefs hannie

  47. Een gezellig én leerzaam bezoek; blijft toch bijzonder hoe je via het bloggen mensen leert kennen! Wat een prachtig plekje om te wonen.

    Fijne dag. Lieve groet, Miranda

  48. Hallo Madelief,
    Wat moet het toch heerlijk zijn om zo te wonen. Dat is echt mijn ultieme droom hoor, een huisje buiten, en zeker zo mooi aan het water, met een flinke tuin, voor een geitje, wat kippen en een heerlijke moestuin.
    Ik blijf lekker dromen...
    Kun jij me vertellen wat dat voor gele bloemetjes zijn in foto 10, naast het fluitenkruid? Wij dachten dat het St. Janskruid is, maar we weten het niet zeker... Gisteren reden we van Den Helder naar huis, en langs de hele weg, langs het Noordhollands Kanaal, staan bossen van deze gele bloemen, gebroederlijk samen met fluitenkruid. Zo'n heerlijk gezicht...
    Ik wens je een heel fijne avond,
    Lieve groet,

  49. Dear Madelief!

    Your friend lives in a lovely place.
    It´s very beautiful!


  50. I have a tiny Rhododendrum in my garden, hopefully blossoms some day... mine is red!!! yours praachtig:-)))

  51. Hoi Madelief,

    Bedankt voor een lieve reactie op mijn laatste post. De winkel is helemaal super en iedere dag een feest om er te zijn.
    Na 6 jaar hard werken op een andere kleinere donkere locatie ben ik hier nu al weer 5 weken aan het werk.

    Ja, dat ben ik ..Jolanda komt altijd als ze in Haarlem is even langs.
    Ook was ze vorig jaar op de blogmeeting.
    Door het bloggen ontstaan vaak de leukste vriendschappen en ontmoetingen.
    tot blogs
    warme groet,

  52. I wish I could stay for a while in such a peaceful place like this!...

  53. Madelief, are you truly going to visit Kent? I've just visited Jeanne at Tales from a Country Garden. Kent is my birthplace and I was raised on Sissinghurst, Scotney, the whole lot! All those magnificent gardens were a childhood staple just like fishpie is to others. I am feeling a little homesick at the moment: my parents are still there and I don't see them as much as I would like to.

    I look forward to reading about your travels in the near future.


  54. This has just struck me so; the wildness and overgrown grasses and wildflowers, the rich flow of water, the sheer nature of the place that is hosting these homes and lucky people who live there!

  55. I so love these lush Spring green photos, and envy you your visit with another of my favorite bloggers.


  56. Magical! What a beautiful spot- I ached with homesickness just seeing it! Not that I have ever been to your area of the world, let alone come from there- but the foliage and trees are so similar to where I was born and raised (Seattle)- in fact your friend's garden strikes me with a longing and memory for my Grammie's garden. Lovely!

  57. Oh that looks delightful! So lush and green - you can tell that the rain has given everything a good drink! I particularly love the image of the steps leading up to the little wooden gate - who knows what adventures lie beyond!
    A truly magical garden - you are amazing with your camera!
    Paula x

  58. Hello Madelief, I have thoroughly enjoyed catching up with your blog posts. When ever I read your blog, I come away feeling uplifted and delighted at the prettiness and beauty you share. I have a passion for vintage plates and tea cups and saucers. i found a beautiful lilac sandwich plate decorated with lilies at an attic sale on Sunday and am thrilled with it! Happy weekend, sending smiles, Em x

  59. Dear Madelief
    I so enjoyed your pictures of your trip to the pretty and peaceful it all looks. I love views over fields and landscapes so much, and I always love wildflowers in a big bunch too!
    Wishing you a happy weekend!
    Helen x

  60. Wonderful photos! It must have been magical there - the garden, the meadows, the water and all the flowers ...
    Thanks for the beautiful photos!
    Have a nice weekend!

  61. Hello Madelief, I love to hear of bloggers meeting up because it proves that we are not just 'virtual friends'.What a lovely time you look to have had. I really enjoyed the photos especially of the cows and the cow parsley, so very pretty and pastoral.

    Thank you so much for the lovely comments you left on my blog. If I lived near you I could paint furniture for you and you could give me fashion and gardening advice, I would love it! Have a wonderful weekend, love Linda x

  62. Just too beautiful Madelief - thank you for sharing. It is so nice to be able to meet up with a blogging friend - something I have yet to do!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Stephie x

  63. Hoi Madelief,

    Wat een héérlijke plek is dat! Je zou er toch maar mogen wonen...

    Ik wens je een mooi & zonnig weekend! Nog tuinplannen?

    Liefs uit het zuiden,

  64. Such a beautiful home and garden - and how fortunate you are to be able to visit your friend in the country, Madelief!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,

  65. yes this is all mine madelief :) and you can see the first things of it now...
    wish you a nice weekend!!
    I LOVE YOUR BLOG! svenja

  66. Oh, oh, oh....this is all so wonderful! =] I've just been coming and taking short peeks when I can - my parents have been visiting from California for the past three weeks and it's been CRAZY! but, very fun! I'll be back but just had to register my smile from my quick peek at all of this - baby ducklings - time spent in the garden - vintage finds and orange, rhubard cake and more. Such happy things!


    (Thinking of your daughter.... =])

  67. Ohhh, (zucht) als je toch zoo mooi woont.
    Gelukkig heb je foto's gemaakt en lopen we even mee.
    Genieten dus.
    groetjes, Annette

  68. Lovely photos, what a wonderful place to live!
    Hope you had a great day!

    Gill xx

  69. Dear Madelief

    I love these countryside photos. So green and verdant with masses of frothy cow parsely - gorgeous!

    It's lovely to get together with fellow bloggers and Fleur's home and garden look delightful, those sweet little ducks and the marmalade cat and jugs of wild flowers. Simply beautiful!


  70. Oh, I remember this post - a shock of sweet joy, it was. Time spent with your blogging friends, nature so close at hand, baby goslings (golly gosh - of all the sweet things!) and flowers. The post has made me smile all over again.

  71. Oh, and that cat....!!! I wish that I wasn't allergic - they always look so homey. and, cats and I get along super well. Although, I think that they love me because I never try to touch them - I only listen and understand and they tell me everything! ;) =D


Thank you for your lovely words.