In the press

zondag 15 november 2015

A burst of colour and beauty

At this bizarre weekend, when great part of the world is in grief over the people who lost their lives in Paris, I post this burst of colour and beauty. I hope it will brighten up the darkness and lift the spirit. If only a little.

My thoughts are with the people who lost family and friends, with the people who sat on a terrace under the light of the lanterns, enjoying each others company. My thoughts are with the people who were dancing to the music of one of their favourite bands. My thoughts are with the people who lost their innocence and whose lives will never be the same because of what they witnessed. My thoughts are with the beautiful city of Paris, so many of us enjoy and whose scar will take some time to heal.

My burst of colour and beauty was taken on a fine summer morning at Thornbridge Hall, a beautiful house and garden in The Peak District. Where flowers tumbled over each other, ivy crept up the windows and dragonfly's hovered over the pond, while my daughter and I sat on the grass eating a sandwich. Why can't life always be this simple?

Wishing you Love and Peace,

Madelief x

44 opmerkingen:

  1. Your photos are beautiful, Madelief. I wish you love & peace, too. Hugs, Deb

  2. Het is inderdaad vreselijk wat er is gebeurd, je begrijpt gewoonweg niet dat er mensen zijn die op deze manier hun idealen denken te verwezenlijken. Helaas gebeurt het te vaak, niet alleen in Parijs. Gezien mijn liefde voor deze heerlijke stad grijpt het mij extra aan, de ontspannen sfeer die er in het voorjaar hing toen wij er waren, is er nu niet. Het zal wel even duren voordat de angst er verdwijnt.

    Zoals je zegt...waarom kan het leven niet zo simpel zijn als op het moment dat jullie van jullie vakantie in Engeland genoten...

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  3. Thank you for the burst of colour and beauty on such a sad weekend. My thoughts too are with those who were spending a Friday evening in the same way that some many of us do, but ended in such tragedy. Sarah x

  4. Mooie heerlijke post, kon het leven inderdaad maar zo mooi zijn voor iedereen...
    De wereld staat in brand voor mijn gevoel en of het snel te blussen is betwijfel ik.
    Lieve groetjes

  5. Prachtige foto's weer...mooi met die roze bloemen die de overhand hebben...

  6. Wunderschön!
    Love it and would to there immediately :-)
    Lovely hugs

  7. Thank you for bringing some solace to those of us who are also heartbroken from the tragic murder of those in Paris and also other places in the world. All in the name of a so-called "religion". ::sigh:: Hugs to you.. TK

  8. Why indeed Madelief!
    Like you I too am thinking of France.
    V x

  9. Dear Madelief,

    Thank you for sharing all these beautiful photos, the gardens are gorgeous.
    I so agree, why can't life be simple and let people go about their lives enjoying themselves.
    Sending hugs

  10. Thank you Madelief for your émotion and your support. All, keep courage, despite the pain and sadness, continue to love life. Thank you for these beautiful pictures, I love England, these landscapes are of unparalleled beauty.
    I wish you a nice new week,

  11. I love all your beautiful photos they make me feel good... Happy Sunday with love Janice

  12. Beautiful! And a good question. I wish life could just be filled with some much love and beauty that no one could think of hatred and killing. Sending love your way. Marilyn

  13. Another very lovely garden, Madelief. Thank you for sharing beauty.

  14. Lovely post Madelief... The world is becoming a scary place... we can't believe we wondered through some of the same areas in Paris last summer...
    We can't let these monsters stop us from enjoying the beauty of the wonderful world we all live in...

  15. Thank you for bringing some loveliness to such a sad time, Madelief. We must hug our loved ones just a little tighter and pray for all those who have lost their's. You make the world a better place, my dear. a hug xo Karen

  16. It is difficult to make sense or comprehend what has happened in Paris, I am finding it hard to understand man's brutality to his fellow man.
    I am ashamed to admit that I have never visited Thornbridge Hall, and having now seen your lovely photos, I am wondering why not?

  17. Weer een prachtige post en ja konden we allemaal maar al het moois, in gezamelijke vrede, om ons heen zien. Hoe simpel zou dat zijn ..... Anita xx

  18. A very shocking weekend, for Paris and for all of Europe. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, always soothing and appropriate in life's difficult times.

  19. Beautiful photos and thoughts. Thank you.

  20. Yes. Beauty still grows where hatred tries to push forward, like weeds. But enough love and care, attention to beauty and solidarity, hatred can get choked out. Oh my friend, these are GORGEOUS!

  21. Beautifully written, Madelief. We are thinking about Paris here and feeling so sad. Your pictures remind us of all the beauty in the world.....
    Helen xox

  22. This was a lovely post in words and photos. We can't let the evil in the world bring us down. Beauty has a way of filling us with peace and joy in spite of all of the bad that is going on.

    All we can do is pray for those who have lost loved ones and for those who lived through this tragedy and others around the world.


  23. Het is zo verschrikkelijk wat er gebeurd is. Dit blijft ons nog wel even bij. Je kunt je niet voorstellen dat mensen zo meedogenloos kunnen zijn.

    Je hebt ons nog even mooi meegenomen naar jullie prachtige zomervakantie.
    Wat een prachtige foto's!

    Liefs, Gerry

  24. Beautiful words and pictures Madelief, after a weekend of horror and heartbreak in Paris. There are no words but maybe a little normality can help and to carry on regardless.
    Wonderful gardens { and house } ..... the colour of the flowers in the urn are AMAZING !! { and very you !! }
    Have a lovely week Madelief and I'm sure that all of our thoughts will be with all those who perished and their families and friend's. XXXX

  25. Dear Madelief, your words and beautiful pictures send us a gift that reminds us of goodness in this world.

    Thank you. xo

  26. Heerlijk al die kleuren....tja vreselijk toch wat gebeurd er allemaal om ons heen zo erg en steeds dichterbij...ik heb er geen woorden voor....liefs fijne week van mij x 💙❤️

  27. Wat een bijzonder mooi kleurrijk foto's,Madelief!
    Inderdaad.....sterkte voor alle mensen die hebben zo een afschuwelijk gebeurtenis meegemaakt(((

  28. Thank you Madelief - the beauty of Nature, and the places of peace, which remain in this sad and complicated world, are perhaps what will keep the sane among us going, find the answers, and make it a better, safer place some day.

    Just beautiful photos shared here - and they do take away some of the horror of that Paris night.
    Love, Mary

  29. Thank you Madelief for your words and your thoughts!

  30. Afschuwelijk wat er in Parijs is gebeurd, wij hadden juist een vriendenfeest toen het gebeurde en de dochter van een van onze vrienden woont in Parijs met haar Franse man die daar een restaurant heeft. Een van de aanslagen was juist bij hen om de hoek. Je kunt je voorstellen hoe blij we allemaal waren toen ze belde dat het wel heel dichtbij was maar dat het goed met hen was. Fijn om van die heerlijke kleurrijke foto's van je Engelse vakantie te kunnen genieten.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  31. There are no words, but we hope for peace. The gardens that you shared are so beautiful, if only all life could be like that. xx

  32. Oh dear Madelief, you echo my sentiments entirely. But you've posted some beautiful photos of a magnificent garden which I can still appreciate even in this tragic situation. Sharon x

  33. Dearest Madelief,
    That sure is a lovely post for bringing some color and joy into the dark days around the world's latest shocking news.
    Sending you hugs and peace.

  34. Kon het maar altijd en overal zo mooi en simpel zijn.
    Heel veel liefs,

  35. Dear Madelief, we can only imagine what they are going through right now. Thank you for the burst of colours, sure helps to brighten a dull day.


  36. Yes, we all certainly need your gorgeous photos bright with pink and green, glowing with life, and natural beauty. It is very hard not to grieve for those poor souls who lost their lives and I feel so sorry for those who now have to recover from such serious wounds. Thank you for bring some cheer.

  37. Its so grey and wet here in England... so having a look at your beautiful and colorful photos has brighten my dull day! Thanks for sharing! Debbie

  38. Its so grey and wet here in England... so having a look at your beautiful and colorful photos has brighten my dull day! Thanks for sharing! Debbie

  39. Your burst of color did brighten my day! Your photos are so lovely.



  41. Meestal denk ik , wat kan je nog zeggen ?
    maar jij zegt het wel en dat maakt uit .
    de wereld is óók heel mooi en bijzonder . De natuur is altijd prachtig en helend .
    Voor mijn verjaardag kreeg ik van mijn schoonzusje een hazelaar . Met de wens om door de seizoenen heen te genieten en met mijn kleindochter te genieten van de oogst . om samen met haar hazelnoten te roosteren , om er pasta van te maken , olie van te persen , koekjes van te bakken . Zij had van al die dingen een voorbeeld in een mandje gedaan . Lieve groet en mooie novemberdagen gewenst .

  42. Dear Madelief,
    first of all: I love your new header - it`s so beautiful and a perfect Madelief style!
    I also love to join your giveaway, this wonderful book of unique ladies.
    Wishing you a wonderful time in December
    Lovely hugs

  43. I've been thinking, too, about the need for beauty and joy and the simple joys in life in the face of the darkness. After the shootings, here, in the States, it felt like it would be wrong to be celebrating Christmas and, then, I realized - this is the point of Christmas! The point is that God came to a dark world in pain to show it love and mercy and grace and to bring light! <3 so, I think your words are very, very poignant.

    I, also, think that you're living my dream in visiting all of these gorgeous gardens! ;)


Thank you for your lovely words.