In the press

zondag 27 september 2015

A riot of colour

To me one of the highlights of autumn is the time when the dahlia's in my garden are in bloom. It is such a delight to enter my garden and be welcomed by a riot of colour.

It's been two weeks since I was in my garden last. Enough time for the dahlia's to open and look their best. There are several surprises among them, like the bright pink one with the red heart in my fourth photo. The only one I miss is the Café au lait, but with so much beauty and colour around me, I don't mind in the least.

I was planning a quiet day in the garden, but while at work my eldest daughter joined me and one of my friends at the allotment complex. I love it when people stop by unexpectedly. 

My daughter helped me to clear the outdoor kitchen, wash up all my vintage china and store it in one of the cupboards in my garden house. While my daughter worked, I took loads of photo's of  my colourful bunches of happiness. Hope you like them!

Do you grow dahlia's in your garden? How are they doing?

Wishing you a happy week ahead!


Madelief x

46 opmerkingen:

  1. prachtige kleuren.Erg mooi om je fotos te zien.

    groetjes Conny

  2. your colourful garden, Madelief!))

  3. Wat een kleurenpracht nog in je tuin met de dahlias. Hier 0 dahlias.... Ik vergeet het meestal en vorig jaar heb ik wel wat knollen geplant maar kwam er niets van op. Dus ik heb het maar opgegeven. En geniet van jouw prachtige bloemen! Lieve groetjes

  4. Lieve Madelief,

    In de twee weken dat jij niet op de tuin was, hebben de dahlia's met de nodige regen hun kansen wel gegrepen...wat een verrassing zal dat voor jou zijn geweest! Daar word je toch helemaal blij en vrolijk van. Je hebt er een prachtig boeket van kunnen samenstellen. Zelf ben ik eigenlijk nooit met bollen en knollen bezig, terwijl het mij super leuk lijkt om een bloemenzee in de tuin te creëren.

    Ik wens jou ook een fijne week, met mooie nazomerse dagen.

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  5. Glad you´re smiling again! The flowers are wonderful, they are inspirations and feed for the soul!

    Thank you for sharing....
    Best wishes,

    Mercy (

  6. Your Dahlias are beautiful Madelief - such brilliant jewel like colours to brighten up the day. I do have Dahlias in the garden, but I am naughty and forget to lift them for the winter. However, if I plant them against the garden wall where they receive shelter they seem to survive.

  7. A flashy riot of dahlias ! lol They are very beautiful. Mine are white, only white, I prefer white, mauve and blue flowers in my garden, but I like all flowers. They begin to bloom only now, because they were weakened by the temperatures of the heat wave this summer, it had stopped growing. They are very beautiful now that the garden is again green. I will not cut for a bouquet, I have only two flowers ! I hope that October will see them bloom.
    I wish you a nice week, Madelief


  8. What a beautiful bouquet! Have a wonderful week ahead...

  9. We have pots of dahlias on our deck and you'll have to see my blog post tomorrow as we visited a HUGE dahlia garden yesterday and I'll be putting up lots of photos of different colors and sizes of them. What a pretty bouquet and a wonderful daughter. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Your dahlias are so pretty Madelief. They just sing late summer/early autumn. I have just two dahlia plants in my garden and they didn't do as well this year as they have in the past. I enjoy their bright colors so much in this transition between summer and autumn. How great to have your daughter stop by and help out. Have a wonderful week.

  11. Tjee Madelief, je tuin lijkt wel steeds mooier te worden. Wat is hij prachtig nu met al de dahlia,s waar ik zo dol op ben. En de kleuren zijn zo mooi.
    Ik wens je een fijne week.
    Lieve groet van Riet

  12. You have a beautiful garden and wonderful flowers, dahlias envy you, my withered unfortunately, did not withstand the hot summer.
    I greet warmly

  13. Your posts are invariably a riot of colour, Madelief. They always raise my spirits!

  14. Die Dahlien sind wundervoll! Unsere Nachbarn haben ganz viele im Garten, sie graben die Knollen zum Winter hin aus und lagern sie - das ist der Grund warum ich keine habe :-) Das ist mir zu umständlich...

  15. YOU REALLY know what you are doing. Your captures incite joy and energy and YOU ARE THE BEST! Happy day as you gather these joyful moments my friend. Anita

  16. Ik ben helemaal verliefd op de dahlia's en haar kleuren.
    Je tuin is echt een paradijsje!
    Leuk dat je dochters er ook belangstelling voor hebben.

    Liefs, Gerry

  17. Madelief, those dahlias of yours are beautiful performers! It amusing to think that they have been waiting all summer for their particular showtime to begin...and their performance is gorgeous.

    How grand for your daughter to help you tend to preparing the garden house for chiller days and evenings.


  18. I have no dahlias and am now feeling slightly bereft ... I love your photos of riotous colour. Gorgeous! M x

  19. Mooi!!!!...prachtige bloemen mooie kleuren !!!...ziet er zo gezellig uit in je tuin ......liefs fijne week Ria x

  20. splendid flowers!!!!
    happy week to you Madelief!!!
    xxxx Ale

  21. Met dit prachtige weer word je extra vrolijk van de zonnige kleurtjes. Ik heb al weken boeketten in huis. Je kunt er van blijven knippen. Groetjes en geniet van deze nazomer dagen! Hetty

  22. Such beautiful flowers! Your garden is lovely :)

  23. Dearest Madelief,
    You sure do have a RIOT of COLOUR!
    It only can make us happy and you reach the ripple effect by sharing it the world over...
    No we don't have such an abundance of dahlias, we only had the one color orange that I showed on July 14. But they are so wonderful to look at and admire. Old fashioned yes, but they never lose their charm.
    Hugs for a happy fall week with your sweet daughters.

  24. Dahlia divine!!! Those are soooo beautiful, Madelief. Happy autumn! Cheers

  25. Heerlijk al die dahlia's, jij hebt zoveel mooie verschillende kleuren, ik heb al jaren dezelfde en het gekke is als ik nieuwe koop, doen ze het niet zo goed of juist die overleven de winter niet. Alleen die oude oranje en roze dahlia's blijven het goed doen. Nou ja, het is toch nog wat, maar ik ben bijna jaloers op je dahlia's, echt waar.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  26. Those colourful and lovely dahlias - love them! I dont have any in my garden, maybe I shall plant some to next year. Have a beautiful week Madelief!
    Warm hug,

  27. Oh,Madelief....
    Jou kleuren en bloemen maken MijnOverheid zo gelukkig!
    Echt waar:)
    Fantastisch mooi Ze zijn!!!

  28. Autumn wouldn't be the same without these wonderful flowers that give us so many bright colours. In our previous garden we found it difficult to grow them. I have experimented with a few this year and I will definitely be growing more next year. Do you store them over winter? Sarah x

  29. Een waterval van kleuren, heel mooi...

    Weaver of visions
    with your spinnings of amaranth
    your tenuous seas of flowers
    longing for the coolness of living water
    I get lost without regret in your silver labyrinth
    in the crystals of your timeless light...

  30. It's a beautiful riot of colour Madelief. Your flowers are always lovely.

  31. My Dear Mother grew dahlias and they always remind me of her! So many lovely colors to cheer up the day and so nice to have help in your beautiful garden, too. Wishing you a lovely week. xo Karen

  32. j'adore les dalhias aussi
    mais cette année il y a eu beaucoup de vent
    ils ont été un peu bousculés
    il y a tellement de couleurs et de formes
    c'est l'apothéose de nos jardins
    gros bisous

  33. Your dahlias are so pretty. I didn't grow any this year and I really miss them so hopefully next year.
    I love the table you have in the garden and the lovely photo of you as well!

    Enjoy these last beautiful days in your garden.

  34. There are dahlias in my garden right now. Last week I was in Victoria, BC, Canada and visited the Butchart Gardens. Oh there were so many dahlias there. They totally delighted me. So beautiful and you are right, a riot of color.

  35. A riot of absolutely gorgeous colours.
    What a great post.

    All the best Jan

  36. A riot of absolutely gorgeous colours.
    What a great post.

    All the best Jan

  37. Hello Madelief! What a beautiful burst of colour - I love dahlias. It's so lovely to see you too.

    Nina x

  38. Lieve Madelief,
    zo fijn om je weer eens in het echt gezien te hebben, de tijd is altijd te kort om goed bijtepraten.
    Maar gezellig dat een volgende datum al geprikt is om elkaar te zien!
    Ik heb zitten bijlezen bij je, had een aantal posten gemist.
    Wat heb ik genoten van je Engeland post, ik begrijp dat je de tijd vergeet als je daar loopt!!!!!!
    Gelukkig was je niet op je slippertjes........
    heel veel liefs van mij.

  39. Dearest Madelief,
    When I see your wonderful dahlia-photos, I regret that I have no dahlias in our garden. My friend Moni grows dahlias, but I'm too lazy (or too busy ;o)) to look after the digging in and digging out and to overwintering tubers ... The more I enjoy the colorful splendor of your photos! :o)
    Lots of hugs, my dear,

  40. Dhalia's ik vind ze zo mooi....
    En dan jou kleurige foto's prachtig!
    XX Esther

  41. Hej Madelief, wat een kleurenpracht aan dahlia's. Dit jaar hebben we voor het eerst dahlia's in de tuin. Alles wat hier bloeit is wit, dus de dahlia's moesten ook wit zijn. Uit één knol kwamen echter roze bloemen, een foutje, maar ze mochten blijven staan. Ik ben blij met mijn witte tuintje, maar het is ook fijn dat ik via jouw blog mee kan genieten van deze kleurige dahlia's.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  42. Hello Madelief,
    They are so lovely, so cheerful!!! I don't grow them (but now think I should) I usually indulge in a bouquet from a local farm stand...
    Thank You for your visit!

  43. I'm going to have to grow Dahlias in my garden. They are such a 'happy' little flower. The colours are so uplifting. And I always enjoy seeing your garden house. :) Hugs, Deb

  44. Hi Madelief, we have grown dwarf dahlias last year. I am hoping to grow them this year too. Yours are gloriously beautiful and massive. Wow two weeks of not visiting your garden? You must get a good amount of rain regularly. For us here, if we don't water for two days they will all dry up. Love all the flowers in your vase and ofcourse all the vintage china as well.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  45. Oh my goodness Madelief your Autumn garden looks so beautiful.

    I would love to sit with you in one of the cane chairs with a cup of tea in hand and enjoy a lovely chat about gardening, England with the wonderful old country homes and gardens and also the amazing charity shops where you have found many lovely treasures!

    The dahlias are such a great standby as the garden nears the end of it's flowering season. There are so many varieties now, small, large and a beautiful colour range available. I have bought 4 new ones for my garden this year.
    Do you grow Japanese Anemones? They flower in late Summer through to Autumn and are good for picking - can be invasive but easily divided.

    Shane xox


Thank you for your lovely words.