In the press

zondag 12 oktober 2014

A sweet surprise

Sometimes you are in for a sweet surprise. I thought the garden would be covered in a thick layer of autumn leaves and there would be no colour left, but I could not have been further from the truth.

Opening up my garden gate I step into an enchanted world. Rays of sunlight peak through big fluffy clouds and mist. The garden path is covered in red, yellow and amber coloured leaves. There are pine cones and hazelnuts everywhere. As I approach the garden house, I hear them cracking under my feet. It looks like there are hundreds of spider webs. I feel the wetness of them on my face. Hoping there are no stray spiders in my hair, or worse, my clothes. Since I have the garden, I am less afraid of insects, but there is one particular spider in the garden that still gives me the shivers. The body of the spider has a width of 1 cm and its legs are long and hairy. I had one in the sink of the outdoor kitchen recently.....and in my dreams that night. Yuk, what a nightmare :-)

It was my intention to lift my dahlia tubers and put them in storage, but the plants still looked lush and green and were full of flowers. There were even some new varieties in bloom, which I had not seen before. As the weather was fine, I fetched a chair and sat in the sun for a while. The Dahlia tubers can wait, so can the tulip bulbs.

Thank you for your sweet emails and comments on last weeks post. I haven't been able to reply them all, but I can assure you they are much appreciated by my daughters and I.

Have a great week ahead!


Madelief x

67 opmerkingen:

  1. Ist das wieder eine herrliche Blütenpracht, liebe Madelief............einfach traumhaft schön, was der Herbst noch zu bieten hat! Vor Spinnen gruselt mich auch ;), aber im Garten dürfen sie gerne wohnen. Ich habe gestern auch eine Kreuzspinne am Gartenhaus gesehen - ich hoffe, sie bleibt auch wirklich draußen ;). Himmlische Herbsttage und allerliebste Grüße,

    bis bald, herzlichst Jade

  2. Gelukkig is het bij jou ook nog geen ´herfst´. Ik zie zoveel herfstposten voorbijkomen, het lijkt wel of iedereen genoeg heeft van het mooie, zonnige weer. Wij proberen het nog even vast te houden hoor, de winter duurt nog lang genoeg. Je dahlia´s doen het echt geweldig!!!!

  3. Such beautiful colours... what a late blessing indeed... Cx

  4. Wat enorm leuk dat de tuin je zo verraste! Spinnen zitten hier buiten ook om elke hoek, ik ben er gelukkig niet bang voor al hoef ik ze nu ook weer niet in mijn kleding, zijn grenzen ;-). Het was vanmiddag heerlijk weer buiten, na flinke hoosbuien een dag terug.

    Ik hoop dat je de afgelopen week naar omstandigheden goed hebt doorstaan. Vol herinneringen naar een jaar terug...

    Ik wens je een fijne week, lieve Madelief. Veel liefs, Ingrid

  5. Gorgeous! Aren't october blooms brilliantly gaudy, Madelief; as if they were there to give us extra cheer during moments of grey thoughts.

    And we share a fear of large spiders, I see! Everybody this year here in Tours swears they are bigger than ever this autumn!

    Warmest wishes,


    ps I am so, so sorry Madelief but I was not around for your previous post. Please know that I have been aware of the time of year and thinking about you so often as always xx

  6. So much colour Madelief, it still looks like summer! It has been a lovely sunny weekend here too.
    I also have tulips to plant!!
    V x

  7. Beautiful Madelief,

    Summer is still vaunting her robe of glorious blooms here as well, even though our nights are chilly. This is the first time I've seen summer and autumn "eclipse" as such, where both seasons still have prominent features. Your dahlias as GORGEOUS and perhaps they are waiting a little longer to live so you can capture their faded beauty as well as their blush.


  8. A very sweet surprise, indeed! A special gift from nature for one who has suffered a difficult year. I was away and missed your last few posts, but I want to say my heart is with you, Dear Madelief. Sending you love and courage as you move forward. Hugs xo Karen

  9. Hi Madelief,Your flowers ARE so stunning,such beautiful colours. I hope that they last a little longer for You too. Happy week lovely ,love juliexxx

  10. We have lots of spiders in our garden most of the ground ones are eaten by our chicken, your garden has lots of colour.

  11. Ha Madelief,
    Ik sta versteld hoe mooi je bloemen nog zijn.
    En je hebt twee prachtige boeketten gemaakt.
    Wat een lief kannetje die met het roosje, die heb je prachtig in kleur opgemaakt! Maar de blauwe ook hoor!
    Dat wordt thuis wel even genieten!
    En ik zou de knollen nog maar even uitstellen.
    Wens je een mooie week!

    Liefs, Gerry

  12. Wat een prachtige dahlia's heb je, ongelooflijk die kleuren! Ik zou nog even wachten met de bollen en knollen en genieten van deze kleurenpracht. Je tuin blijft er als een plaatje uitzien. Fijne week en lieve groetjes

  13. Ik heb je vorige post gemist.....een jaar voorbij alweer.
    Zou je ook niet eens willen dat de tijd even stil stond.........of toch ook weer niet, want dat alles doorgaat betekend dat jezelf ook door moet. Hoe moeilijk dat soms ook is.
    Ik bewonder je om je kleurrijke posts van het afgelopen jaar.
    Vind het bijzonder hoe je met je/jullie verlies omgaat.
    Een sterk mens.
    En het is waar.....wat altijd blijft zijn de mooie herinneringen.
    Je tuin is nog prachtig.
    Geniet ervan.
    Lieve groetjes,

  14. stunning!!! Will you come to america and teach me how to create such a beautiful garden.

  15. Dear Madelief! Your flowers are so beautiful...Hugs, Manuela

  16. Oh Madelief,
    Your garden is the picture of Autumn …… Autumn really has it's own ' look ' doesn't it ?
    …… and, as irrational as it is, I really don't like spiders either. I mowed the lawn today and, when I came in I cleaned the bathroom and a very big spider fell from my clothes into the bath !!!! YUK !!!!
    Have a lovely week Madelief and enjoy the Autumnal colours it brings. XXXX

  17. Madelief,

    Vertoeven in jouw bloemenparadiijs, dat moet een droom zijn.

    Wandelen door je tuin
    waar vogels geuren als bloemen
    en bloemen zweven als vogels...

    Vertoeven in dat magisch oord
    waar vreugde zingt
    en eeuwigheid danst...

    1. Dank je wel voor de mooie gedichten die je iedere keer op mijn blog plaatst!

  18. What a sweet surprise ~ so many colorful dahlia's still in bloom.

    I love your bouquets and the lovely pottery too.

    Hope you have a good week!

  19. A sweet surprise indeed! Such a treat these late season blooms!! Cheers

  20. A fall garden can be so gorgeous and your garden in all it's splendor would have been a lovely surprise. So happy you could just sit and enjoy a little longer. I wouldn't like that spider either. Love the pitcher in the second to last photo, especially beautiful.

  21. What a sweet surprise indeed Madelief. Your beautiful flowers always make my day, and bring a smile to my face. Always gorgeous! x

  22. I'm happy that summer stayed a little longer for you Madelief. I always love seeing your garden and that ever so charming house. xo

  23. Dear Madelief,

    How delightful to see all the wonderful colour in your garden. The Dahlias are gorgeous.
    Have a lovely new week

  24. Dearest Madelief,
    One can never predict how the weather will unfold! This is a nice bonus...
    Talking about tulip bulbs we received ours last week, some new orange Angélique tulips but with 32°C we cannot plant them into their planter yet... It is like summer here; minus the high humidity.
    Good for a lovely walk on Sunday.

  25. Wir haben seit vielen, vielen Tagen die Sonne nicht gesehen. Aber umso schöner, Deine Fotos zu betrachten, eine wahre herbstliche Farbenpracht!

  26. beautiful! beautiful! beautiful! such strong, vivid colours ….. my heart is singing of joy!!! ;oD
    happy week Madelief, xxxxxx Ale

  27. What fabulous colours and photos. The ones of the dahlias in the jug look like still life paintings; beautiful.

  28. Prachtige kleuren in je tuin. En het ziet er zo vrolijk uit, tegenovergestelde van als ik naar buiten kijk.
    Donker, regen en triest.

    Fijne week,

  29. Wat een prachtige tuin..!!

    das genieten..:)

  30. Lieve Madelief. Toen ik je eerste foto zag dacht ik hee dat lijkt wel een sprookjestuin en toen zag ik dat het de jouwe was. Wat is hij toch schitterend en dankzij het mooie weer bleef hij zo lang mooi. Je dahlia's daar ben ik helemaal weg van. Vol van kleur en zo mooi van vorm. Een van mijn echt favoriete bloemen.
    Ik wens je een fijne week.
    Liefs van Riet

  31. Ik ken die spin! Wij noemen dat een " oude huizen spin". Buiten mag hij blijven, maar binnen..... Met de schoenzool! Groetjes, Hetty P.S. Jouw dahlia's zien er nog prima uit. Wacht tot de eerste nachtvorst.

  32. So happy to hear you had this sweet surprise when you least expected it, dear Madelief! I love the colours of your gorgeous dahlias, the garden looks so lovely and the jewel like shades show up so well. Love the colour of your summer house too, so pretty.
    Wishing you a happy week ahead.
    Helen xox

  33. It has been so mild I too have been pleased to see things still growing and blooms lasting. You have reminded me to go into the garden and check a surprise bulb bloom it's pink with a bright green base I am going to take the camera and try and identify it. You take beautiful inspirational pictures, thank you for sharing them. Kind regards Sally

  34. So wonderful to still be able to sit outside for a while and appreciate all the beauty that nature offers. Your garden is still looking glorious. Hope you have a happy week dear Madelief. M x

  35. This is stunning. My dahlias in zone 5 in the U.S. have. My dahlias have been stunning and keep performing as well. I think I too am getting new varieties and I did not know that could happen. I went out yesterday and saw a smaller flower head and a beautiful deep burgundy color that I have not seen before. I love your posts and your garden. Enjoying it from afar.

  36. Ik ben ook niet zo van de spinnen...yak...en ja we zijn toch echt in de herfst beland...met nog steeds heerlijke temperaturen deur staat hier nog lekker open ...genieten....liefs van mij...x...!

  37. What a great surprise and what a wonderful garden you have!
    You know, they say it's best to lift the dahlia tubers after the first frost - some substance is made that helps them develop ... or something :)
    Enjoy your mellow autumn!

  38. Isn't autumn magical, though? And there's something so mysterious about an autumn garden, too. It's almost as if fairies have been there! We got our first hard frost on Saturday night and I took an hour and a half to cut blooms and bring them inside - knowing that they would never survive the frost. And, yet, in the morning, the things I had left - the nasturtiums were still alright (usually, they're rather tender.) Well, it was another very cold and shivery night - we'll see how it went in an hour or so. ;) In the meantime, I have so many bouquets to make - all from my CUTTING GARDEN that I planted and made because I was inspired by you!! :D xxoo

  39. (I had covered the herbs and the nasturtiums and fennel and carrots.... they were fine when I uncovered them on Sunday morning - they're out there, now - still covered from last night's frost. It was just, only, -1 to -2 C but solidly there. sigh. But, really, it's almost a relief to let go of the garden and move on.... there's next year! :) xxoo )

  40. hello
    un jardin encore très luxuriant
    quel bonheur de profiter de belles fleurs à l'entrée de l'hiver
    profiter bien de toutes ces couleurs
    edith (iris)b France

  41. Madelief, how beautifully your garden shows you its appreciation of the care you give it! Those rich colors really dazzle the eye in the autumn sunlight. I'd say that you made a wise decision to pull out that chair for a bit of flower gazing.

    The digging will wait.


  42. Hey Madelief,prachtig je tuinbeelden weer,,,,,en wat een mooi kleurenpalet met je Dahlia's...hier is het nog geen herfst hoor......liefs....

  43. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat kun je dan nog heerlijk genieten van alles in de tuin hè? O je Dahlia's, wat zijn ze nog mooi, die bloeien nog wel even door hoor. En daar kun je best nog wel een paar bosjes van knippen... Dit is genieten zeg, al die prachtige warme kleuren in je tuin... En zeker, de knollen en de bollen kunnen nog wel even wachten hoor...
    Ik wens je een fijne avond,

  44. Wat een kleurenpracht in je tuin, door het mooie nazomerweer is het nu nog prachtig.
    Dahlia's zijn zo heerlijk uitbundig!

    Lieve groet, Eefie

  45. They are such beautiful flowers and such lovely colours!! A real riot of colour and definitely worth enjoying. xx

  46. Dear Madelief, your Dahlia's look beautiful, so bright and colourful and cheerful! We had a big storm down in the south and it blew over the last of my flowers and Ammi Visnaga that I was growing in my tiny garden. I managed to cut them and put them in a vase but I think that's it for my little garden. I am still waiting to plant my tulips as it doesn't seem cold enough yet...Stunning photos Madelief, may I ask you what programme you use, if any to edit them? Wishing you a lovely week! Sharon x

    1. Dear Sharon, the programme that I use is Picasa. I tried Lightroom for a while, but am still not sure about that.

      Have a lovely Wednesday!

  47. sooooo much BEAUTY as always, what an adorable garden xx

  48. Dear Madelief,
    Your garden looks wonderful right now! I can imagine that it was a sweet surprise for you. Your dahlias are still wonderful and colourful and combine lovely with the autumnal surrounding. Mine are still flowering more or less, too, but I intend to put them in storage the next weekend, because this will probably be the last weekend with quite acceptable temperatures for gardening...
    Ugh, what a spider! That sounds very spooky!

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  49. Absolutetly gorgeous bouqets of Dahlias. Burst of colors:) They are my favourites, no doubt. Your garden is marvelous. Your captures brings me in a good mood. Thanks so much.

  50. What a wonderful surprise for you, they must have brightened your day. Sarah x

  51. Ongelooflijk mooi kleuren en jou fantastische tuin,Madelief!!!
    Ik bewonder alle foto's en alle fotocomposities wat je gemaakt hebt....
    Bijzonder mooi sfeer bij jou altijd,lieve Madelief:)*

  52. Wat een prachtige bloemenpracht is het nog in die mooie tuin van je Madelief! heerlijk dat je daar nog wat langer dan gedacht van kunt genieten.. Wat een luxe dat je je eigen boeketten kunt samenstellen! Liefs Pascale

  53. Nou, dat is zeker n verrassing! Mooie kleurtjes in jouw tuin!
    En dan ook nog het zonnetje erbij, dat maakt het plaatje compleet!
    Bedankt nog voor je lieve reactie op mijn blog!
    Lieve groet,

  54. Dear Madelief, your dahlias are looking lovely. The season seems to be particularly extended this year, the weather has been so mild I feel OK about autumn so far ... and don't feel robbed of a summer!

    Yes, the bulbs can wait - let's just enjoy it while we can.

    Beautiful photos!


  55. Dearest Madelief

    I had missed your last post. I'm so sorry. I was aware that Jan's anniversary was somewhere around this time of year .... so sorry to have missed leaving a thought for you on your last post. Take care of yourself and the girls. The garden is a wonderful legacy of your life together and must give you such solace.

    Much love

  56. They are the most beautiful flowers and a sweet surprise indeed. I went to some National Trust gardens the other day and was amazed to see dahlias still in bloom and butterflies too!
    Just when you think it's the end of the summer, there is still some colour around to cheer you up in dark October!
    It's always a delight to visit your blog and to find colour. Stunning photos and a lovely post.

  57. Hi there I found you whilst visiting Amy at Love Made My Home, wow your blog is totally gorgeous, I love all that colour! I really really MUST plant some bulbs soon, you've inspired me to get on with it.....
    Would be lively to see you over on my blog over at

  58. Friday...a look at your blog and I get happy! So beautiful pictures, a feast for the eye Madelief...
    Have a great weekend and take care.
    Warm hug,

  59. Such gorgeous flowers....happiness indeed!
    Marianne x

  60. What I beautiful blog I have stumbled on …beautiful photos, beautiful flowers, beautiful colors…..a feast for the eyes! Thank you.

  61. I love dahlias, they are an autumn show stopper for me. Wishing you a warm weekend too - I think it will be fair for us, but next week is looking a bit iffy. X

  62. My most precious Madelief,

    Thank you for coming to comment today. It means a lot to all of us that people take the time to read, look and mostly, leave a comment.

    I just know you had the best moments with your husband....oh life is so beautiful yet confusing, giving, and taking, surrendering and beautiful all at the same time. Peace and HEALTH to you as you always remember what you have because of the great love in your life. Thank you my friend. And yes, the room with the French doors and fireplace is my house!

  63. hi Madeleif !! your blog are fantastic !! you have a new follower from chile


Thank you for your lovely words.