In the press

zaterdag 11 januari 2014

Vintage tea cup and coffee cup giveaway

Hope you haven't been waiting too long for this post to appear?! After a busy day, I collapsed in my lounge chair in front of the television, watching 'The Kings Speech'. It must have been for the fourth time :-). Simply had to see it to end.....again! It's the beautiful storyline, the great acting and the 'part of British history', that appeal to me very much. My daughters say it's slow, perhaps it is, but I don't mind. What better film to watch when you have been walking around town all day......

But, enough about the film. I promised you a give away and here it is! You are actually doing me an immense favour. As I have loads of vintage floral cups and saucers and no more space to put them on display, I thought it would be a good idea to give some to you. 

This is to thank you for your sweet, supportive and warm comments. I read them all! They make me think, smile and even cry sometimes, but most of all they make me happy. A big kiss to you!

I hope you like what I selected. Please let me know which set of cups you prefer. The pink set (above this text) or the green set (below this text). My youngest daughter will pick the winning number. You are all welcome to join in, from The Netherlands or abroad. The giveaway will end next Saturday, the 18th of January. I will announce the winning number the day after.

Wishing you good luck and a Happy weekend!


Madelief x

The floral pattern on my photo's is wallpaper by Eiffinger (Ibiza)


109 opmerkingen:

  1. Wauw! Wat een SUPER leuke giveaway!
    Ik doe HEEL graag mee!
    En ga voor de roze set :).
    Ik zal een linkje plaatsen op mijn blog, doe je ook met mijn giveaway mee?

    Liefs x, Arja (ons huisje op negen hoog)

  2. Owwww wat leuk !!!...ik ga voor pink !!!..enne ik woon in Maarssen...hihihhi...enne leuke give away......was het gezellig gister ??? zag de foto's bij Jolanda....liefs fijn weekend van mij...x !!

  3. Lieve Madelief,

    Eerlijk gezegd zegt de titel van deze film mij niets, maar ik ben dan ook een stuk minder Brits georienteerd dan jij ;-). Blijkbaar is het prachtig, want je hebt de film al vaker gezien.

    Wat een leuke give away, het zijn kopjes om vrolijk van te worden. Maar je voelt hem al aangekomen...ze passen niet in mijn stijl hier thuis, dus kun je er véél beter iemand blij mee maken bij wie dit servies veel beter tot haar recht komt. En dat gaat vast lukken. Maar gezellig met z'n tweetjes uit gebloemde kopjes aan de thee gaan, dat is misschien wel een net zo leuk alternatief ;-).

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  4. O- what a lovely blog !
    The give away is beautiful ;)))
    I love pink:))))
    welcome to visit my blog ;)

    Camilla from Norway !

  5. Deze passen wel helemaal bij mijn verzameling, dus ik waag gewoon een gokje. Al heb ik al eens een prachtige give away bij je gewonnen, dit kan ik toch niet aan mijn neus voorbij laten gaan...
    Ik doe graag mee en mocht het geluk met me zijn dan kies ik voor de roze versie....maar ik vind het ook super als een ander er blij mee wordt gemaakt.
    Lieve groet, Renny

  6. Wat heerlijk dat je zo hebt genoten van de was het voor de 4e keer ;-) heerlijk toch? Zoals je het omschrijft, lijkt het me helemaal bij je passen, net als het thema van je Give Away. Om bij de kopjes te blijven, zag ik bij Jolanda dat jullie gisteren ook hebben kunnen genieten van zoveel moois en lekkers.Wat fijn moet dat zijn geweest.
    Ik doe nooit mee aan een Give Away, vind het niet zo passen omdat ik er zelf niet aan doe. Des te meer kans voor iemand anders, je zult de winnares erg blij maken met het prachtige porselein. Vind het wel een heel leuk idee om de bordjes en kopjes te verwisselen, zodat je een setje krijgt. Die steek ik dan lekker op!

    Wens je een gezellig weekend.
    Liefs Helena

  7. Ik doe graag mee voor het setje in roze!!

  8. Wat een prachtige blog! Ik doe graag mee voor het roze setje :-)

  9. I so enjoy your blog! I'm always looking forward to the next post, such eye candy. I love the pink tea cups :)

  10. I love all of your images - the florals and colours are welcome at this dark time of year. The teacups are beautiful, but I don't need to be in the draw as I know how expensive international postage is. I will enjoy them in the pictures!

  11. Fabulous giveaway!
    I love the green china!

  12. Hello, Madelief - your photos today have cheered me, as we are having a fierce wind and rain storm today and it is very dark. I love your sense of style and beauty - the way you combine the flowers and the china and the pretty prints is all so lovely. I want to tell you that I will not be in the drawing, as it would cost you so much to ship here - across an ocean and a continent - so I will be very happy for whoever wins the lovely china and be content to keep it as eye candy to cheer me up.
    Much love,
    Karen xo

  13. Wow,this is so lovely and sweet of you.Amazing giveaway and so generous of you.I would love pink set,thank you for the chance to win it.

    Happy New Year!!!!!

  14. They are all so pretty! I think that pink is my favourite but I like the green too so I would be over the moon to win either set.

  15. Dearest Madelief,
    I love 'The Kings Speech', too. It's such a wonderful story - and it's a TRUE story, that's the best of it all. I love your china, too! You really want to separate yourself from these pretty cups?
    And you really want to send them to winners anywhere in the world? The postal charges are really bad. So I take part in the draw just "tentative" - you can still change your mind if I win and you are shocked by the post information about the price! It's also really difficult to decide on a color - but I think green is the color that I love a touch longer than pink ...
    Lots of hugs to you, my dear - warm Küschelbüschels from Traude

  16. They're lovely, such a generous giveaway, thank you. I like the pink ones best - I need more pink in my boy-dominated life!

  17. Hoi Madelief,

    Je snapt natuurlijk wel dat deze give away een grote smile op mijn gezicht tovert. Ik volg je blog nu al een hele tijd en sta telkens weer verbaast van al dat moois dat je in je bezit hebt.. Hier komt het stukje bij beetje ook wel maar ik denk dat ik lang niet zoveel heb als jij, hahah.

    Ik wil dan ook graag meedoen met je give away en ga voor het roze setje.
    Wens jou en je dochters een heel fijne zondag toe!


  18. Dear Madelief, welch ein schönes Giveaway du für uns ausgesucht hast :-) , da mache ich doch gerne mit. Ich bevorzuge das pink, es ist einfach nur schön. Ich wünsche dir noch ein entspanntes Wochenende, an dem du dich gut erholen kannst. Liebe Grüße, Ina

  19. I would love to be included in your give away. The pink set is gorgeous. Thanks for including those of us from abroad.

  20. Hello Madelief
    The Kings Speech sounds a wonderful film, I just have not had time to watch it yet.. I watched the Christmas day episode of Downton Abbey tonight at last,,
    ,I also have been for a walk in my garden and I can see the hellebore blooms coming so Spring might not be so far away
    Your china is very pretty, Happy Weekend Thea x

  21. Those are beautiful! I especially love the green set. Very nice of you to offer this giveaway internationally also!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  22. Dear Madelief,
    this is a beautiful give-away! I love all your pictures of your antique china and should be glad if I win the pink set.
    I have not seen the Kings Speech so far, although we have the film at home. But I have alreay heard that it is very good.
    Have a nice weekend,
    hugs from Barbara

  23. I love the Kings Speech, it's a brilliant film!
    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway, I love the green pretty!
    V xxx

  24. Oh my goodness I hope I am a lucky girl, the green set is lovely. I have the King's Speech recorded to watch from Xmas I had better get it watched! Must go bed have been reading blogs for two hours!

  25. It is so generous of you to give away such beautiful things. I love pink, but surprised myself a little by preferring the green set. I love The Kings Speech too. I love Colin Firth, and have never seen Geoffrey Rush in a bad movie. Thanks again.

  26. It would be so fun to add to my own collection with a vintage set from abroad! I love both set, but my heart is tugging toward the pink . . . :)
    (thanks for a cheerful infusion of color to brighten this dreary winter!)

  27. Hi Madelief, I'm in for that ha your vintage cups. The pink set above the text would be perfect( if I'm lucky). Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog. It's my little piece of indulgence scrolling through your posts.
    Hope you have a good weekend.



  28. you are so sweet. LOVE the pink, i really need more pink in my life. i love the king's speech, we went to the theather when it came out, a brilliant cast and movie. i hope your days are filled with good memories and things you love dear madelief. xoxo lori

  29. I lOVE the GREEN set!
    Thanks for the lovely photos...and an AWESOME Blog!
    Check out my ASRT Blog:

  30. I have enjoyed your blog for quite a time now and really love looking at your delightful photos and the clear colours. I love bone china and would like to be included in your draw to win a set. I am a pink girl but don't really mind colour choice. Happy New Year. Kings speech is going to be shown on our TV very shortly so will watch it, didn't get to see it when it came to the theatres. Shirley N.Z.

  31. Dear Madelief,
    You are a very special person! Thank you for all the colourful touches you have shared with us across the pond with your lovely garden photos! I never tire at looking at them and still hope to see the windmill someday!
    Keeping my fingers crossed, I would choose the green set! I can't wait for Spring!

  32. I will watch any movie with Colin Firth on it anytime! I like your floral vintage teacups too. Have a wonderful weekend.

  33. really difficult to choose one…..mmmmm….maybe the pink set!!!!!
    thank you and a wonderful 2014 to you!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  34. Hello dear Madelief
    Oh you are so sweet and kind to your followers - starting the year off with your beautiful giveaway!
    I love your inspiring posts showing us your beautiful garden and flowers, your baking and recipes which I've made too and your beautiful collection of tea cups.
    If I was lucky enough to win I would choose the pink set!

    I loved that movie too - I've only seen it once - I think I need to see it again too!

    Big hugs and love
    Shane XOX

  35. Oh Madelief! I love any of the colors, but pink would be great! I would love to be in on your giveaway! AND I LOVE THAT MOVIE, The King's Speech! I have seen it at least four times as well, and the music is absolutely wonderful, as is the acting!

    I hope you get a good rest, and enjoy a wonderful Sunday! LOVE TO YOU! Anita

  36. What lovely sets you are delighting us with! My preference leans toward the pink, but both are beautiful. And thank you for making this available to all your readers!
    Best to you,

  37. What a lovely blog! I enjoy it every sunday morning!
    I like the pink cups!
    LG Nico

  38. Hallo Madelief,
    "The Kings Speech", wat vond ik dat ook een mooie film zeg. Genieten van begin tot eind... Ik denk dat jij "Remains of the Day" dan ook wel mooi zult vinden, ken je die? Ook heel erg Brits en tevens een stukje geschiedenis...
    Je kop en schotels vind ik prachtig en ik doe heel graag mee met je give-away. Ik ga dan voor het roze setje, zo mooi... Ik zet straks nog even een linkje op mijn blog, dat lukt me niet op de i-pad...
    Ik wens je een heel fijne zondag,
    Lieve groet,

  39. What a lovely giveaway! I like the pink one!

  40. such a great give-away!!!! i pfrefer the set in PINK ;)
    loveley greetings to you, sylvie

  41. How exciting! I'd love to be entered for either set but sway a little more towards the green ones. Thank you :)

  42. Hello lovely madelief and happy new year to you. I'm just getting back into blogging and what a lovely way to start with reading my first blogpost again. I too love the kings speech and can say that I love that it's slow and will happily watch it ten times. This is such a gorgeous giveaway and seeing that I'm a hopelessly in love with vintage china I would love this gorgeous pink set to be added to my collection so thank you for the chance to win. Wishing you a very relaxing Sunday xoxo

  43. Schitterend je kleurige en fleurige post,voor de film ga ik eens googlen,ben dol op films,fijn dat de woorden je een beetje steunen in deze zware tijd,ik ga ook een gokje wagen en ga voor pink,wens je een fijne dag,hier schijnt het zonnetje lekker,lieve groet Musje.

  44. Hello Madelief and a very happy New Year to you.

    I find it is a bit uphill this New year though as I have been so busy clearing up after a family visit and all the Christmas decorations and had little time for blogging so now I'm trying to make up on blogging time!
    The King's Speech is a great film and Geoffery Rush one of my favourite actors. He can stand in line with the great actors of the world anyday!
    Oh! how lovely and such a generous giveaway! Beautiful beautiful china which I so love!!! I would indeed like to enter your giveaway and if I am lucky I think the green set although ALL of these sets are beautiful and so fine!!!
    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  45. So love the green ones, as much as I love your blog:)

  46. Hoi Madelief, prachtige give away. Ik doe niet mee omdat ik juist aan het verminderen ben ;-) (wat redelijk lukt moet ik zeggen). Maar mijn hart blijft wel bij mooi serviesgoed natuurlijk.
    fijn weer van je te horen,

  47. Hi dear!
    What beautiful sets you picked!!! I like both of them... But the pin one is my favourite!

  48. Wat een mooie film is dat, ik zag m in de bioscoop en een keer op tv. Heel bijzonder. Wat een mooie foto's, met de nieuwe camera gemaakt? Ik doe niet mee met je giveaway want gun m aan iemand die dol is op serviesgoed maar vind je fotos wel weer super! Lieve groet

  49. wat een mooie collectie !
    ik heb het nogal voor goud tegenwoordig dus ik ga voor het groene setje want daar zit ene mooie tussen met goud !

  50. A beautiful colourful post for a grey day here in the UK....very cheerful to see your pretty giveaway cups! I love both sets very much, though I would choose the pink as my most favourite! Please put my name in the hat :)
    Wishing you a happy week, dear Madelief.
    Helen xx

  51. Such a pretty post. Happy New Year! I love green! ;)

  52. I think the green one for me. Its beautiful and very very unusual. Thank you for being so generous and having it open to all. Much appreciated.

  53. I love the pink and the green. Toss a coin for me! All tea cups are beautiful to me.

  54. The pink and green sets are equally lovely and I couldn't choose, so I'm happy to look at the photos! The floral panels in between the other photos (one with a light pink background and the other with a turquoise background) are so beautiful - are they paper or fabric? Have a good week.
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane,

      Thank you for your comment! The panels are wallpaper by Eiffinger. You can find a link to their website below my text.

      Happy Sunday!


  55. Uhm, ik dacht bij het vorige bericht nog stoer, ik doe niet mee, zo hebberig.
    Maar de geest is gewillig, het vlees is zwak. Nu ik het roze setje gezien heb zijn de goede voornemens plots verdwenen. Zo gaat dat wel vaker bij mij.
    Maar ook het bekijken van je foto's is al leuk en ik heb bovendien weer een goede tip voor een fijne film. Ik ben natuurlijk ook dol op Colin Firth (heb je hem gezien in Pride and Prejudice? heerlijke BBC serie!)
    Lieve groet, Kyra

  56. Een prachtige film Madelief, heb hem onlangs nog met mijn dochters heerlijk zitten bekijken.
    Wat een mooie kopjes zijn het, ze geven zo'n vrolijk gevoel, de sfeer ademt lente!!!
    Helaas heb ik totaal geen kleur:) nou ja, bijna geen kleur in mijn servies, maar uit de reacties te lezen wordt iemand hier heel blij mee!!!

    Lieve groet, Eefie

  57. I too collect teacups and would find it very hard to part with any of them. Both sets are beautiful but I prefer the pink set. Thanks.

  58. oh my, the green & gold tea cup! So pretty. Your photographs are really wonderful. I'm bookmarking your blog now (I found my way here from Pinterest).

  59. This is so vry generous of you!
    The pink set would be a better match for my small vintage collection, but I would enjoy the green one just as much.
    A great Sunday afternoon to you!

  60. Dear Madelief, you are so kind to give away your cherished vintage china! You are such an inspiration to others, though you might not always be aware of it. I have a preference for the pink very generous and kind you are to give them away! Have a lovely week. Sharon x

  61. What a kind giveaway. I am so happy to have the opportunity to win, thank you so much. I don't have much of a preference, I like them both very much, but maybe slightly more the pink. Thank you again, have a lovely week.

  62. Hoi Madelief,

    Ik wil heel graag een gokje wagen voor de "pink set"
    Heel erg mooi!
    Krijg helemaal zin in de lente :)

    Groetjes Eef

  63. Dear Madelief,

    You have an amazing talent for colour composition and a flare for photography which manage to lift our hearts and inspire us all in one! Life without 'Madelief' would be a little less beautiful for sure.

    I have had so much pleasure looking at the pictures in this post. EVERYTHING is stunning. I would love to try my luck with the pink cups....

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.


  64. So many pretty dishes and my favorite...tulips. Your blog cheers me up on this dreary, wet day. Deb

  65. Wat een prachtige Give-Away geef je weg, lieve Madelief!
    Ik sta wel even in dubio, maar ik heb best wel veel give-aways gewonnen, pas geleden nog twee, dus ik geef toch een ander graag de kans! Zo te lezen is er veel belangstelling, dus ik hoop dat iemand er heel gelukkig mee wordt!

    Veel liefs, Gerry

  66. Dear Madelief,
    Even though my collection of vintage cups, saucers and plates is quite huge, too, I´d love to win some original "Madelief" vintage cups! :-) They are all very beautiful but I think I´d prefer the green ones because I simply like the colour green very much and these cups look so very special! Thanks for this lovely give-away and these wonderful pictures!

    Colin Firth is one of my favourite actors and the King´s Speech is a wonderful film!

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  67. hello dear Madelief,
    what a great surprise and a gorgeous giveaway, I always love your colorful and sweet posts...
    The pink cups were perfect to me ;-)
    Happy week for you

  68. Prachtige kop en schotels Madelief, diegenen die ze winnen zullen daar zeker heel blij van worden. De vaas met de leeuwebekken vind ik schitterend, maar volgens mij heb ik al eens eerder mijn lof over die vaas uitgesproken. Ik doe niet mee met de Give-away actie, gewoon omdat ik nooit aan dit soort dingen meedoe, ik schrijf alleen maar stukjes met foto's en dat is het dan. Ik wil alleen maar even zeggen dat ze gewoon heel mooi zijn en dat ik van jou blogposten altijd heel vrolijk word.
    Lieve groet,

  69. Ik heb thuis in mijn verzameling nog HET perfecte plekje voor de groen!
    Dus.....IK DOE MEE!
    Enne.....ik vind dit soort films ook helemaal geweldig!

  70. Hallo! Ik las de titel van je post en zag toen je foto's en ik dacht: zou ze echt dit mooie servies weggeven? Ja dus! Wat een leuke give-away! Ik doe heel graag mee voor het roze setje!
    The King's Speech is inderdaad een prachtige film, ik heb hem nu 2 keer gezien. En Colin Firth een leuke acteur die ik ook wel vaker wil zien :-)
    x Margriet

  71. I love the Kings Speech too- both for how the King worked to overcome his difficulties and also because of Colin Firth! I would love to join your giveaway and would be happy for either of these beautiful sets.
    Sarah x

  72. I love the King's Speech too--good idea to watch it again. You are a sweetheart to do the giveaways, but I will keep my name out of the hat as I am trying to streamline my belongings.

  73. Such beautiful colors in both the cups and wallpaper. The pink sets are my favorites. Thank you for allowing overseas entries!

  74. Oh. They are all so beautiful. I think I like the pink ones just a little bit more. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I enjoy looking at your photos.

  75. Dear Madelief, your photos are so beautiful. I am awaiting every week for your
    delicate colours and decor photos and nice words. If I can, I think I like the
    green/purple. I have all the life loved pink very musch, but this time I think I will
    say green :-D Greeetings from Unn:)

  76. Dearest Madelief,
    Lovely teacup & saucer sets for a giveaway but you don't need to mail them all the way to the USA. Guess somebody living closer to The Netherlands will appreciate winning them!
    Sending you sunny greetings, we just got back from a long walk and I found out that my Internet connection was disrupted so my previous comment got lost...
    You did the very best what you can do on a winter day for watching those movies; just folding up cozy inside your living room and let them take your mind all the way to England. Best winter medicine one can possibly get.

  77. Dear Madelief,

    Such gorgeous photos and I marvel every time I see your wonderful eye for taking photos.
    You are so kind and this is such a beautiful and generous giveaway. I have never seen the Kings Speech and always intend to watch this, so will have to do it. Thanks for sharing a lovely post.
    Wishing you a happy new week

  78. Wat een super leuke give away! Ik doe graag mee voor het roze setje!

    Groeten Maaike

  79. ~ Always an absolute pleasure to visit your pretty blog, dear Madelief...
    LOVE all your pretty photographs... and china tea cups have always been the perfect way to take tea, for me...
    LOVE the "Kings Speech" and my young daughter thought like yours..a bit slow, but then their world is soo very fast now..
    ~ Take time to dream my lovely friend..
    I adore the beautiful rose pink cup and saucer, if I may be entered, please and thank you!
    Love Maria x

  80. Hier voel je weer de lente aankomen Madelief.....prachtige kleuren in al je posten weer.....veel liefs...x

  81. Zulke beauties, heel mooi op elkaar afgestemd Madelief! Heb een fijne nieuwe week xx

  82. The kings speech is such an emotive film, I love it. I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon! can you please enter me for the cups giveaway, They are both lovely colours so I would be happy with either. Best wishes to you. Jane.x

  83. I would love a little piece of your collection, Madelief!! No contest, it would be the pink for my choice! Thankyou so much for this sweet offer, and pleased to hear life is busy in a pleasant way for you!

  84. oh Madelief, your cups are gorgeous, are you really sure you want to part with them?
    please enter my name, i'd so love to become the lucky owner of your PINK set.
    the king's speech is actually one of my fav movies.

  85. I loved the movie The Kings Speech as well. All your china is beautiful but I especially love the pink set.
    How are you enjoying your new camera ~ I love mine!
    Thank you also for your lovely card.

    Take care,

  86. Wat een prachtige give-away Madelief, weet je dat wel zeker? ;)
    Ik hou mezelf natuurlijk ook aanbevolen maar ik kan niet kiezen hoor...vind allebei de kleuren prachtig...

    Succes met de vele reacties, lieve groet, MJ

  87. Thanks for such a generous giveaway. I will choose the pink set - it's my daugher's fave colour! I have been reading your blog for some time now and I love all your photos! Have a good week!

  88. Madelief, this is a beautiful and generous post. Yes, The King's Speech is a remarkable film, and gives us a history lesson among its other values.

    You already know how lovely I find your tea cup collection. I do love the pink assortment, but ... if I were to have my name drawn, would defer that prize. What I would really love to do is to visit that marvelous market where you show your treasures...every so often. That would be a true prize for me.


  89. Oh this is so nice... thank you Madelief! Although I don't comment often, I love coming by from time to time... Love your tea collection. Any thing with roses is my preference. Oh and I have move... come visit me in the here and now! Would love to see you there.


  90. Hallo Madelief, Ik heb zelf heeeel veel kop en schotels maar ik doe mee voor mijn dochter, zij is gek op roze. Dus ik ga voor de roze. Ik vind je foto's altijd prachtig, ga je nu ook 'officieel' volgen want heb nu zelf een blog. Misschien vind je het ook leuk om mij te volgen? Groetjes Esther

  91. Dear Madelief - visiting your blog is always like bringing lots of colour and sunshine into the room - such stunning colours and combinations of flowers, china, printed papers and materials.
    I am always struck by the fact that we all start off with the same blog template, and yet we all end up with our own unique style.

  92. Happy New Year to you and your girls Madelief, and such a colourful post.
    Your photos are beautiful!
    I would love the chance to win the pink set, such gorgeous china, and what a wonderful and generous giveaway!
    Have not seen the film yet, somehow never made it to the cinema when it came out, and I'm glad you enjoyed it after your busy day.
    Have a good day Madelief!
    Gill xx

  93. Prachtig zijn ze.
    Ik hoop dat ik nog kan mee doen.
    Ik ben dol op service .
    Wat een geweldig mooi gebaar lieve Madelief.
    Ik wens je een hele mooie week toe.
    Liefs Margarita Xx

  94. Greetings from Finland! I am a big fan of flowers, tea cups and vintage so I think this suits me perfectly! I just adore the pink one.

  95. Lief Madelief, en ook erg mooi, maar ik heb al een keer kopjes van je mogen winnen. Deze keer doe ik dus niet mee. De film heb ik gezien en vond 'm ook prachtig. Lieve groet,

  96. Your stunning blog photos always cheer me up - always so beautiful! I love pink china :). X

  97. I love the pink set! Your pictures and yard are lovely

  98. Please keep me in mind :-) Would love to be considered. I just love your photos. So colourful. I used to follow a blog called Color me Katie. Your blog reminds me of hers! :-)

  99. « La sagesse de tout l’univers se trouve dans une tasse de thé »
    bonne journée
    edith (iris) France

  100. Oh my so lovely! I love The Kings Speech....I think I have watched it 4 or 5 times as well. You are so sweet to have this giveaway...not sure if you will ship all the way to Canada...but if you do...please enter me...PINK for sure...but both sets are lovely. Happy Hugs

  101. Dear Madelief,
    Well, all your teacups are lovely and I love both the green and the pink but I will pick from the pink teacups as pink is what makes me swoon! The King's Speech is a marvellous story and well done. Thank you for your generosity, my friend, and for all your lovely visits to my little blog.

    Blessings and hugs,

  102. I think we would all have been happy to receive one of your beautiful photographs as a giveaway, so a chance to win a set of the actual cups is very generous of you. If I'm lucky enough to be picked, I would love the pink set please. Take care. x

  103. I always love your teacups and this is hard to choose. I think I would choose the pink set.
    They are just lovely.

  104. Dear Madelief! What a lovely post and a beautiful giveaway ... please don't put my name in the hat, even though the china is to die for ... I hate to think what it would cost to ship to England, and like you, my home is groaning under the weight of flowery vintage china!

    You and your beautiful girls are often in my thoughts, dear sweet lady ...

    Love Claire xx

  105. Thank you for this lovely opportunity, Madelief! You know how much I adore your photography and blog so it's already a win for me. :) (My favorite is the 'green set') By the way, I love The Kings Speech, too, and have seen it a bunch of times. Isn't the imagery so gorgeous? The faded and worn wallpaper and the beautiful light found in Logue's office is divine. Thanks again!

  106. How generous of you!
    I vote the pinks set - lovely for a winter hot chocolate :) x

  107. Hey Madelief!

    Wat een prachtige Give Away! Hoe kan het nu dat ik deze gemist heb?
    Het is twee voor twaalf...echt...en ik ben vast te laat...
    Mocht ik toch kans maken, zou ik voor de roze set gaan!
    En zo niet, was het weer een blogpost om van te genieten, jouw mooie foto's maken me
    altijd blij.

    xx succes met zóveel reacties x


Thank you for your lovely words.