In the press

zondag 28 juli 2013

Tom tom, Heritage and Orange delight

Temperatures are back to normal in Rotterdam, but last week was warm and humid. My husband and I went to the garden often, to water the plants. As we grow lots of plants in terracotta pots and have a greenhouse with cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers inside, this is really necessary.

We picked blackberries, raspberries and a few gooseberries. Due to the wet spring, part of our gooseberry crop has mildew, so no gooseberry jam or pie this year....

In the middle part of the garden, where there is a lot of sunlight, the roses are growing abundantly. The New Dawn rose is huge and covering large part of the veranda. Heritage, Tom Tom and Constance Spry have lots of flowers as well. The roses in the front part of the garden are having a difficult time. They do give flowers, but somehow don't grow that much. It's the part of the garden where the soil is rock hard (heavy clay). I added sand and fertiliser to the soil, but I guess this was not enough.

Does anyone know the name of the little orange bush rose on my sixth photo? I bought it in a supermarket last year, but it did not have a label attached. I call it 'Orange delight', but perhaps one of you knows it's real name :-). I would love to hear!

How do you and your garden cope with the heat?

Wishing you a lovely new week!

Madelief x


54 opmerkingen:

  1. We've been so lucky this summer to have had lots of rain so it's kept temperatures much more moderate. Even better, we haven't had to water so much!!!

  2. Hi Madelief, the photos of your garden are beautiful, I love the flowers in the coloured bottles! Our weather has changed and it was also humid in the week, but we had much needed rain and so much cooler today. Enjoy your garden! Sharon

  3. So, so beautiful!Amazing post, the photos of your gardem are beautiful! I am portuguese and i love your blog! Manuela

  4. We too have been busy watering our garden as the plants have looked so forlorn in the heat we have been getting. The last 2 days we have had very heavy rain so maybe it is heading in your direction too. All of our roses have gone over. Your orange bush rose is so pretty,I'm afraid I haven't across it before.
    Sarah x

  5. wieder einmal wunderschöne Bilder aus deinem Garten. Ich mag es sehr einzelne Blüten in kleine Vasen zu stellen. Vor allem das grün und trükis finde ich so sommerlich erfrischend. Und der Strauß auf dem letzten Bild ist auch wunderschön. So stellt man sich den Sommer vor.
    Wir fahren erst in den ersten beiden Septemberwochen nach De Haan. Wir haben ja keine Kinder mehr die mitkommen und sind deswegen flexibel ausserhalb der Ferien zu fahren. Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche, liebe Madelief.

  6. It all looks so lovely Madelief. :) The little orange rose and mauve one look so beautiful together.
    V x

  7. Het staat er prachtig bij. Zo jammer van die bui zaterdag...ik had het zo leuk gevonden om er even 'in' te zitten en bij te praten. Geniet van jullie dagen weg en zonnige groet

  8. Owww madelief wat een heerlijke pst weer.....mijn geniet momentje.....leuk hoor....liefs van mij....x!

  9. Beautiful Madelief! What an abundance of joy do flowers bring! Your garden is so bright and healthy, and it's good to know your temperatures have evened out! We are enjoying the most beautiful afternoon here as well! Roses have become one of my favorites this year, thanks to bloggers who really have photographed them so well, to make them even more appealing! Thank you for your art and the skills with which you communicate to the world. Anita

  10. I said it before, your garden is amazing. So many beautiful roses and other flowers. Love this.

    Hugs from me

  11. Your pale orange rose looks a bit like a David Austin Rose - Port Sunlight, but it is very difficult to identify roses as there are so many. However, yours is very pretty.
    We cope with our garden in the same way as you, watering, watering, and more watering.

  12. The roses are gorgeous Madelief! I could gaze at them all day. What beautiful photos of your bounty my dear.
    I can't help with the name of the orange rose but she's lovely!
    sending hugs...

  13. Wat is je tuin weer vol bloei Madelief. Prachtige rozen! Hier staan de rozen in potten en ze staan er gezond bij maar... al een hele tijd niets van bloei. Ik hoop dat dat nog moet komen.... Intussen geniet ik van jouw beauties.

  14. I very much enjoyed viewing the photos in your posting today. Great combinations of colors and blooms. Very nice. I survive the heat - by being lucky enough to live here on the shore of Lake Michigan. Usually it is 15 - 20F degrees cooler than even 1 mile inland. Love it! And I think the plants love it too!! JC

  15. Lieve Madelief,

    Wat is het totaal plaatje met het tuinhuisje mooi, maar ook de andere foto's zijn erg genieten. Ik heb momenteel een buurvrouw die goed voor onze planten zorgt, ze heeft er veel werk mee om alle planten fris en groen te houden. Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe alles er bij staat als we thuis komen.

    Vandaag zijn we in Orlando aangekomen, na een lange reis met files en noodweer. Ook de komende dagen worden (zware) regenbuien verwacht. Ik hoop dat ze vooral 's nachts zullen vallen ;-).

    Geniet maar lekker van jullie mooie tuin!

    Liefs, Ingrid

  16. Dearest Madelief,
    You got me thinking about a GPS as Tom-Tom... NOT about roses!
    Lovely green bottles you have for vases, they make perfect contrast with the flowers in them. Can't help you with your rose question.
    We had again RealFeel 41°C yesterday and we are lucky that it has NOT rained for two days. On Friday however we had the worst thunderstorm and rain we've ever seen. Our creek became about 12 meters wide... The back of our garden is still too soggy to even walk in, so is the entire wood garden. We hope it will stay dry and a bit windy for letting it finally dry. Looking forward to some normal summer weather without the wet and humid aspects.
    Hugs to you,

  17. so spectacular. i could live in your stunning photos. i hope you and your sweetie enjoy many more summer days in your lovely garden madelief!

  18. Ziet er weer prachtig uit, maar je hebt er vast ook veel werk aan gehad. En wat een mooie kleur vaasjes. Hier in het oosten van het land was het nog warmer, ik ben blij dat het wat is afgekoeld. Groetjes, Gerda

  19. Wat heb je weer mooie foto's gemaakt Madelief. Prachtige bloemen in je tuin. .Ja gelukkig is het wat afgekoeld, alleen hier boven is het nog erg warm. Ik heb de warmte er niet zomaar uit.
    Fijne week!
    Lieve groet van Riet

  20. Wonderful flowers, your garden is an inspiration to me! :) x

  21. Dear Madelief,

    Love your beautiful roses and flowers, your garden must be looking its very best with all the colour.
    Wishing you a happy new week

  22. You live a very lovely life. Mine seems to be brimming over with angst and worry over things in which I have no control over. I LoVe when I see a new post by you. You make me smile ... Much Love from one of your newest followers from the USA!!! xx

  23. Wat een heerlijke zomerse post, Madelief. Prachtig al die bloemen in de tuin en de boeketten die je er van maakt.
    Ik vind rozen soms moeilijk uit elkaar te houden, maar je zou eens kunnen googelen op Rosa Westerland of gewoon op oranje rozen.
    Gelukkig is het wat koeler, hoewel we donderdag weer naar de 30 graden gaan.
    Ik wens je een mooie week!

    Lieve groet,

  24. Dearest Madelief,
    Your photos spread real Caribbean flair through their coloration! Beautifully! Unfortunately, I do not know the name of your orange rose, but the name you chose fits PERFECTLY! :o)) In your garden everything looks so healthy, green and blooming: Here ist was very dry for two weeks and very hot (yesterday it was 37 degrees in the shade) - and supposedly it will be still some time so - therefore our garden looks a bit "ratty" at the moment. We are watering a lot, but for more gardening I feel too deenergized in this heat...
    Lots of Küschelbüschels from "the deep hot south" ;o))

  25. Lieve Madelief,
    Wat een plaatje is het zo bij elkaar. En zo te zien na het genieten van de mooie bloemen in de tuin, hup in de fietsmand voor een mooi plekje thuis om er nog langer van te genieten.
    Fijne dagen toegewenst.
    Liefs, Ilse

  26. Your berries look delicious! I can't help with the rose name but I love seeing your scabious photos. I had it growing in my garden in Western Australia and it brings back such lovely memories x

  27. Such beautiful flowers ... glorious roses ... summer distilled :D

  28. Your pictures are lovely and that one near your verandah could be my garden it looks so similar. We have been having a veritable heat wave here and my DH is spending a lot of time watering to keep our garden blooming. He's doing a great job! I'm afraid I don't know the name of your rose, but I like the one you have chosen!

  29. Hello Madelief. I have been away for a while but what a comeback, Wow! Your garden is looking gorgeous with those towering foxgloves and such an abundance of fruit too.

    The rose growing over the veranda looks so romantic, what a triumph!
    I too have been admiring the roses in our garden this week, I am addicted now.

    I really am so thrilled that the petit four stand you won in our giveaway arrived in one piece and that you have put it too good use at your tea party and photographed it beautifully too. Thank you Madelief.

    The tea party looks wonderful, my friends saw the pictures over my shoulder in the studio today and I quote.... "Now that's what I call a tea party!"

    Our garden is constantly evolving mainly to cope with having to water so much every year. I spent years straining to grow plants that were not really suited to this garden. Now I let the garden show me what does well and then I just grow more of those types of plants, only occasionally buying something that I know I will have to nurse through a summer but hey that's the fun of gardening.

    Wishing you a floriferous week.

    Paul X

  30. Your photos and blog are so lovely, I can never think of anything else to comment. Today's tea party photo makes me miss my mom and aunt and all the women in my life I've been close to over the years. Just beautiful.

    Thank you, ♥


  31. My dearest Madelief!
    Your roses are gorgeous.
    Sorry but I don't know the name of the orange rose, but the name you chose is perfect :)))
    Now I enjoy the summer with a good cup of tea and an interesting book on my balkon.
    Have a nice and sunny week

  32. soooo much summer beauty in all your wonderful garden pics, its like a secret garden i could only dream about# beautiful xx

  33. Your roses are simply sensational, Madelief! As are your photos - such lovely flower portraits. Our roses are not doing well this year. Unfortunatley, we do not know why. The weather has been very unusual in DC this year. Hope our roses will bloom more in August!

  34. Ik krijg flash backs van al het werk dat een volkstuin met zich meebrengt!
    Jacques had er een naam voor, werkkamp! Maar als ik dan jouw foto's zie denk ik wat een feest! En gelukkig hebben we nu weer wat regen gehad!
    Het is een uitbundig jaar voor de rozen, ook hier bij mij in de tuin is de New Dawn nog nooit zo mooi geweest! Geniet er van, en van dat boeketje dat mee gaat naar huis........! DAT is zomer ten top!
    Tot snel

  35. Schitterende foto's Madelief!
    Groetjes, Sonnja

  36. Ein TRaum ,Dein neuer Post.Wunderschöne Impressionen!Liebste Grüsse Belinda

  37. I so enjoyed all your gorgeous flower filled photos, Madelief! How pretty the roses are, and the orange delight is so refreshing. I love the posies in the coloured glass vases too.
    Wishing you a happy and flowery week.
    Helen x

  38. Your garden looks so lush and beautiful! I love all your would be wonderful to have roses like that growing right outside the door, ready for cutting :)

  39. So many lovely flowers and you have them displayed so beautifully! I love the blue glass and your little blue enamel tea pot. I hope you find the name of your pretty orange roses! xo

  40. Wat een prachtige foto's heb je weer gemaakt..En wat een mooie bloemen in je tuin (wou dat ik een tuintje had)
    Die schaal waarin je bessen liggen is echt prachtig!

    <3 liefs

  41. Love your photos! I just signed up for a Photography 101 class. I received a new Nikon D7000 for Christmas last year and am totally scared to death of it! Hope one day to be able to take lovely photos like yours!

  42. Hello! I just found your blog. Your pictures are so beautiful! I have started following you on Pinterest too. Do I have your permission to pin photos from your blogs or should I ask on a case by case photo? I wanted to check with you first. Thank you!

    1. Hi Missio, Rhank you for your kind comment! I really don't mind if you pin my photo's, as long as you mention they are mine, with a link to my blog. Happy day!

      Madelief x

  43. Dear Madelief,

    such beautiful flowers - I love the colours and the different sizes!

    And I adore the little turquoise vases - just amazing!


  44. Hallo Madelief, wat een prachtige foto's weer.
    groetjes, Ymme

  45. Every thing looks magical in your garden and I love your colorful sweet vases....Heidi

  46. loved sharing your beautiful garden Madelief,dreamy,xxx

  47. Seu blog, um sonho! Lindo assim como a vida!
    Inspiração sem fim, para criar, amar, viver...
    obrigada e parabéns!!!

  48. Seu blog, um sonho! Lindo assim como a vida!
    Inspiração sem fim, para criar, amar, viver...
    obrigada e parabéns!!!

  49. Just beautiful!!! Your garden is just beautiful and your bouquets in the lovely vases! I always appreciate your love of color - so pretty!! and I have so much more to say but I am out of time and must go - phooey!

    Later Gator! =)


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