In the press

vrijdag 24 mei 2013

Source of inspiration

About a year ago my friend Ilse picked up her crochet needle, after more than twenty years. It wasn't long before she made her first dog. Next an amazing blanket, followed by a rug, more dogs, cats, bears and lots and lost of colourful bunting and pillow cases. 

Together we roam haberdashery stores and thrift stores, in search of yarn and vintage and contemporary textiles, which she uses for her creations. She is not only a sweet friend, but a source of inspiration to me as well. Below you can see some of the pillow cases she made for my garden house.

Ilse opened up an Etsy shop recently. Please have a look at the lovely things she makes! Her shop is called 'Eigenhandig'.

Wishing you all a happy weekend! We have a plant fair at our allotment complex tomorrow, with a cookery workshop (garden produce only), music and several stalls. Hope it will be dry and fun!


Madelief x

59 opmerkingen:

  1. The crochet trim on the pillows is so pretty and the dogs are so cute xx

  2. This is so much like relaxation therapy... I thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog and contemplating all the lovelies you always show us here. Crochet,beautiful fabric,beautiful makes,beautiful flowers and of course bone china. I so love china ... actually the two big Cs ...crochet and china.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  3. Jullie passie voor kleur en creativiteit sluiten bijzonder goed op elkaar aan. Wat leuk dat Ilse naast vriendschap jou zoveel inspiratie heeft kunnen bieden, nadat zij na jaren zelf het haken etc. weer heeft opgepakt!

    Ik wens jullie morgen een hele gezellige dag op de tuin. Volgens mij wordt het nog best aardig, het zou vanuit het noordoosten gaan regenen dus mogelijk komen jullie pas laat op de dag aan de beurt.

    Fijn weekend! Veel liefs, Ingrid

  4. Wat een heerlijke kleuren....echt mooie inspiratiefoto's!!
    Liefs Theetje

  5. Wat leuk die kussens ...oww die kleurtjes helemaal te gek.....!!..fijn weekend...liefs Ria...x !

  6. Je vriendin maakt prachtige dingen! Ik vind de hondjes ook zo schattig. En jij hebt er weer prachtige foto's van gemaakt!
    Fijne weekend.
    Groetjes van Aleta

  7. You know how to treat us Madelief. Your colorful world is source of optimism and a lesson of beauty. I personally thank you for this although I would like to learn your secrets ...
    Enjoy your week end !

  8. It is so nice to have a friend that inspires! She has made some very lovely things - I love her choice of colors! Your little room is so pretty with the pillows, enamelware and of course, your beautiful flowers. I will put her Etsy shop into my 'favorites'. Hope your weekend is lovely, Madelief! Hugs, xoxo

  9. Zoo wat een geweldige spulletjes zie ik voorbij komen,heerlijk al die kleurtjes,fijn weekend,lieve groet Musje.

  10. Wat een leuke spulletjes haakt ze Madelief. Dat is zeker een inspiratiebron. Die gestreepte teckel vind ik helemaal het einde.
    Ik wens je een fijne week. Lieve groet van Riet

  11. Liebe Madelief,

    so ein schöner und farbenfroher Post, die fröhlichen Farben tun richtig gut bei der momentan herrschenden Kälte draußen. Nicht weit von uns hat es sogar geschneit! Es ist doch Sommer!
    Vor allem die gehäkelten Hunde finde ich sehr süß, aber auch die Stoffe sind wunderschön. Ich glaube, ich muß gleich mal Wolle bestellen.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und Sonne,

  12. Thank you Madeleif your friends Etsy is really pretty and I love her crochet work, the colors are just fabulous.
    Wishing us all some sunshine this weekendxx
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  13. Hoi Madelief,
    Je hebt er iets heeeeeeeel moois van gemaakt! Mijn dank is groot.
    De kussentjes staan heel mooi op je werkkamer en ik weet zeker dat ze op de tuin ook een mooi plekje zullen krijgen.
    Ik hoop dat jullie een heel gezellig weekend op de tuin hebben en veel leuke aankopen kunnen doen.
    Liefs, Ilse

  14. I have never seen crochet work on pillow slips before and it is really pretty.
    I am sure your friend will do well with her Etsy shop.
    Congratulations on winning the cake dish from the Magical Christmas Wreath blog - it was definitely mean't for you.

  15. Dearest Madelief,
    Loved that blue bear very much! Don't know about the dimensions that you show us here but it looks very lovely. Great combinations with that kind of fabric.
    Lovely photos as usual à la Madelief.
    Hugs and happy weekend.

  16. Dear Madelief,

    Wonderful photos as usual, I love all the gorgeous colours.
    Your friend is very talented and how cute are the sweet bear, dog and all the pretty cushions and wish her well with her Etsy shop.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a fun time at the Allotment Fair.


  17. oh how i would love to join you and your friend on your treasure hunts! beautiful sewing and crochet and photos too madelief. enjoy your new cushions :)

  18. Oh, these animals are wonderful. I am always impressed when somebody is able to create such wonderful things. Your flowerarrangements are beautiful as always!
    Love, Ines

  19. Just love those pillows! Your friend has a real eye for colour. Good luck with your fete, hope the sun keeps shining.

  20. Ha Madelief! Wat ziet het er mooi uit allemaal; JOUW blog is voor velen ook INSPIRATIE hoor! Met die leuke gehaakte beesten , zou ik bijna wensen dat ik al Oma was!( Nog even wachten hoor) Ik heb ook genoten van je (oude)fotos van de Cotswolds!- Ik heb gisteren een tuinreis ( met gardentours)naar Cotswolds geboekt en we bezoeken heel veel plekken waar jij ook bent geweest! Ik verheug mij er vreselijk op! Groetjes Fleur

  21. My goodness, your world is SO COLORFUL AND FUN!!!!!! Madelief, your friend's talents are extraordinary my dear! I know some people (ME INCLUDED) who would just love to have one of these sweet dogs!

    You are inspiring me to take even better photographs. How you get such clarity is a mystery, but I do think that bit of mystery is part of the art. It's like poetry. You admire someone who can manipulate a tool of the trade (words, a camera, a paintbrush....) and you wonder HOW they manage to create such gorgeous work. Thank you for all the loveliness you share! Anita

  22. What fun you two must have shopping together....will now pop over and have a look at your friends shop...her crochet dogs are adorable.....Daisy j x

  23. Hello!Another beautiful post! Wow! So colourful and full of beautiful things to look at! your friend is really very clever! I love her dogs and the cushion covers she makes are quite "delicious" like pretty little fairy cakes! I used to do crochet and maybe I should give it another try. Your friend has really inspired me!
    Good luck with your weekend activities!

    :) ANNA xx

  24. Wat een mooie stoffen, Madelief!

    Fijn weekend

    Groetjes, Pietrik

  25. Hello Madelief, your friend Ilse is so talented. The pillow case with the crochet are so pretty. Will check out her store at Etsy. Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Such a beautiful collection of delightful items from your friend Ilse ..... she is very clever. I am a lover of whites, greys and very pale colours but, when I come here I am in love with all of your bright colours !!!
    Hope you are well Madelief and are having better weather than we are !! I have been a bit of a bad blogger lately as I have been a little busy .... hopefully I'm back on track now.
    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the plant fair etc. XXXX

  27. Madelief...your friend does lovely work. It is good to resurrect long ago talents! Your photos are spectacular as always! Your eye for color is exceptional! Thank you for sharing with us! Happy weekend! Susan

  28. She is quite talented I agree and I love the color and details......inspired! Heidi

  29. Hallo Madelief,wunderschöne Sachen zeigstDu uns.Ein bunter Frühlingstraum,Die gehäkelten Teilchen sind allerliebst.Ich wünsche Dir ein ganz zauberhaftes Wochenende liebste Grüsse Belinda

  30. Hoi Madelief,
    Ik vind de kussensloopjes met het gehaakte randje echt heel erg mooi, wat staat dat prachtig bij jouw spullen... heel erg vrolijk allemaal...
    Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend,
    Lieve groet,

  31. I love the crochet edged pillows they are so pretty and unusual and look wonderful in your garden house. Your flowers always are so beautiful and inspirational too.
    Sarah x

  32. Ja Madelief heeft mijn zelf gemaakt,terwijl het niet zijn werk is,maar hij doet het gewoon,ben er zo trots op,liefs Musje.

  33. Sweet Madelief!

    That's the secret! THE LENS! YES! And that you got one second-hand is extra special, not having to spend too much on the lens...Thank you for sharing! There are just some things that you try to figure out HOW someone got such a great effect, and that's it. Again, opening up your page here is a wonder; it's like stepping into a fairytale, and that is where I would always rather be!

    Have a fantastic weekend sweet Madelief! Anita

  34. Hello, my name is Marina and I live in Jerez Spain, Yesterday I found a photo in pinterest and I couldn't find the origin. I published in my blog and today I've found your blog and I've read that pictures are yours so I've made a link to your blog. I'm so sorry, Yesterday I didn't know the pictures were yours.
    Hugs from Spain

  35. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and colourful pictures with us!
    Have a lovely Sunday, Madelief!

  36. Ilse's creations are beautiful! No wonder you're such great friends, two creative people!

  37. Hello Madelief
    Your friend has a real talent, I love the colours she uses, very special to have homemade..I love little ted too
    Happy Weekend
    Thea x

  38. It is nice ! Very beautiful créations ! Colours are happy, It is perfect for springtime. In this moment, in France, Spring is not here, it is cold with snow... I hope it is not the same case in Nederland. Spring where are you ? :D
    I wish you a wonderful sunday in your marvellous fairy garden.
    Nath xxx

  39. Wat n leuke spullen maakt je vriendin!
    Vandaag hier veel regen, jammer, ik hoop bij jullie beter weer!
    Lieve groet,

  40. Vriendschap en elkaar inspireren, ik hou daar van!
    En ik verheug me nu al om binnenkort al dit moois weer in het ECHT te zien!
    Deze hondjes zouden ook heel erg leuk in de winkel staan...........
    Ik hoop dat je een leuke dag op de tuin hebt, ik vond het altijd bijzonder om te zien hoe iedereen anders met zijn tuinopbrengsten om gaat!

  41. Wat mooi gemaakt Madelief die kussenslopen met het gehaakte randje. Prachtige stoffen hebben jullie hiervoor uitgezocht. Dat staat prachtig in je mooie zomerverblijf.
    Ik ga nu even een kijkje op haar site nemen.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  42. WOW, your friend Ilse's dogs are just adorable and so colorful! Love the crocheted edging on the pretty cushions!
    So glad I found your wonderful blog, looking forward to many more visits!
    Have a great weekend!

  43. Oh my goodness! Your friend's Etsy is full of beautiful things. I also loved all your lovely photos of her things. She really makes wonderful things. How delightful they all are!

  44. Mooie aanwinsten voor je tuinverblijf! Het ziet er ook gelijk zo vrolijk en zonnig uit... ga snel even een kijkje bij haar nemen.

    Fijne week. Lieve groet, Miranda

  45. Beautiful post just zinging with vibrant colour!

    Love Ilse's creations, so inspiring and original ... I'm going to pop over to Etsy right now ... I may be gone some time

    Love Claire xx

  46. Beautiful! Especially the cushions are so amazing, love them. :-) Hugs Yvonne

  47. Your friend is so talented! Thank you for sharing her shop--I just picked up a pillow cover for myself. :)

  48. Thank you for sharing this Madelief...your friend is very talented. Hope you have had a lovely weekend and also fun at the allotment sale? Sounds like fun!

    Thank you so much for the very kind comments you have left on my blog is so appreciated!

    Sophia x

  49. Hello Madelief, your allotment sale, workshop etc., sounds like great fun! I think your friend is very talented, her work is lovely, as are your photos.
    Many thanks for your lovely comments, I am working hard, but having fun too! Much love to you, Linda xx

  50. ~ Dear Madelief....A beautiful post, such a feast for our eyes....I will be popping into , Lise's Etsy to have a browse shortly! Thank you for sharing with us all...Have a lovely rest of week, won't you! ~ With hugs Maria x

  51. Hi Mandelief,
    the colourful cushions with it´s crochet borders are so lovely!
    When I look at your pictures, everywhere I can see your nice touch, to put all these things together.
    Just a few minutes ago the postman give me a huge packet with books (one about crocheting!!), and with your inspirations and the book instructions,
    I´m looking forward to do some crocheting this weekend.

  52. Simply pretty! The colors makes me smile. Love this summer inspiration in your post. Got my eye on your next posts.

  53. Your pictures are so pretty... and the crocheted items are so beautiful, your friend is one talented person.

  54. Hier word ik altijd heel blij van ....van Passie en van vrouwen die iets echt heel leuk vinden om te doen en daar dan een geheel eigen invulling aan geven .
    Mijn nieuwe tuin is al een stuk gevorderd .....
    Ik ben er zo blij mee .... het biedt weer zoveel nieuwe mogelijkheden Heerlijk
    Nu de lentezon nog .......
    Veel tuinplezier gewenst


Thank you for your lovely words.