In the press

dinsdag 30 april 2013

Long Live the King


Long live the King! After 123 years of Queens, we have our first male monarch, king Willem Alexander.

It was a glorious day in Holland, full of sunshine and happy people. We spent part of it in Delft to enjoy the festivities and snoop for vintage finds at the 'Vrijmarkt' (a huge flea market all through town). I came home with a bag full of books and china, but more about that next time.

It was not my intention to post today, but I just wanted to share some photo's with you :-) I hope they will give you and idea how our country looked like. I am off to sit behind the telly once more, to see the royal barge with our new King and his family on board crossing 'Het IJ' in Amsterdam.

Have a lovely evening!


Madelief x


60 opmerkingen:

  1. Congratulations of your new King Willem Alexander. I saw it on the TV news and it looked to be a really happy, colourful and sunny occasion as portrayed by your lovely photos. Love the photo with the new spring green appearing on the trees, the balloons and the flags - Long Live the King.

  2. Wow, looks like a fab day, one to remember! :) x

  3. Wat heb je de gezelligheid van deze bijzondere K(r)oningsdag prachtig vastgelegd! In ons kleine dorp was weinig te beleven, maar ik heb lekker genoten van alle beelden op tv. En nu natuurlijk van jou foto's!
    Groetjes van Aleta

  4. Terwijl de koning en de koningin net even bij Armin waren uitgestapt, kijk ik met plezier naar je feestelijke foto's. We zijn na de inhuldiging de stad in geweest, er hing een hele gezellige en gemoedelijke sfeer. Nu zijn we thuis aan het opwarmen want het werd wel koud. Ik denk dat het paar kan terugkijken op een geweldige dag en wij op een heel mooi feest!

    Liefs, Ingrid

  5. Thanks for sharing Madelief. Congratulations on King Willem Alexander. I will have to google him so that I can see a photo. My father said that when I was born I became his princess and gave me "Beatrix" as a middle name. Now I guess I'll have to be "Queen Mother." I love the photos you put in this post. They are beautiful and make me wish I could have been there for the festivities. As a child, I always loved the festivities of "Koniginnen Dag in Holland.

  6. I'm so glad the sun shone on this wonderful day of celebrations in Holland it was lovely to see your birthdays. I'm glad you had a good day and hope King Wilem Alexander will have a long and successful reign.
    Sarah x

  7. What wonderful news Madelief, we have also been following all the happenings on TV. Party time:)

  8. Wat een heerlijke dag he???.......liefs van

  9. How lovely to see such festive and colourful photos on such a day, it is wonderful that you are celebrating! thanks for sharing x

  10. Wat leven we toch in een wonderlijk land!
    Het was echt genieten vandaag!
    Wat een eenheid!
    Wat een feest!
    Wat een lange zit (tussendoor) bij de teevee........
    En wat geeft jou post het sfeertje goed weer.

  11. Fabulous festive pictures Madelief! Looking forward to seeing what you bought next time ...

    Love Claire xx

  12. What a splendid day for Holland Madelief!
    I've been watching the celebrations on BBC World here in Spain and everything looks so colourful and bright. You can see everyone is having a great time. It looks too as if the weather is being kind to you today too. I thought the royal barge and fleet looked fabulous.
    I think that's very wise of your Princess Beatriz to hand over the reins to her son, the younger generation. Queen Elizabeth should consider doing the same but to her grandson.
    I'm also looking forward to seeing what you have brought in the market as although I don't comment a lot here I do frequently read and follow your posts and drool over your lovely photos. I wonder if you managed to pick up any Delft china???

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  13. Send him victorious, happy and glorious! As we sing to our Monarch! I am sure he has learnt from his mother and grandmother to be a just, serene and popular King. We saw the pictures in our evening paper -it looks such a happy and joyful day. And orange is such a wonderful bright and celebratory colour!!

  14. .....and may he rule well and wise.
    blessings, jill

  15. .....and may he rule well and wise.
    blessings, jill

  16. Hi Madelief,
    I was thinking of you today when I saw the news stories on television and all the festivities. I am glad that you and your family are enjoying them. Your photos impart such a buoyant mood! Happy King's Day
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  17. Must certainly be a nice atmosphere there! I like this smiling couple of king & queen, they are very much sympathetic!

  18. Dear Madelief,

    Loved seeing all your photos of the festivities and looks like a happy and joyful day.
    Long may the King reign and rule your country well.
    thanks for sharing your photos.

    Happy May

  19. Congratulations to you and all of Holland. It is a special day for you and I am glad to have seen some of it on our local TV. I send good thoughts to you form the USA. Jack

  20. Congratulations to everyone in Holland. The ceremony and so forth were televised on the news channels here too. A great day :)

  21. How exciting for you and your country. Enjoy the celebrating.

  22. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your fellow citizens from the USA! Kay Moser, novelist

  23. I read about this today, and am so glad to see your pictures--they really do convey the festiveness of this special day. xo, Jen

  24. Wat een mooie impressie van deze feestelijke dag Madelief.
    Ik heb ook zo genoten, grotendeels voor de buis, waar ik ook menig traantje heb weggepinkt.
    Wat ontroerend soms en wat een mooi Koningspaar.
    Ben benieuwd naar je aankopen.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  25. Das sieht so toll aus!! Ich sah ein wenig davon im Fernsehen! Aber natürlich nicht den schönen Flohmarkt!! Ihr hattet ja Glück mit dem Wetter, den Regen habt ihr einfach zu uns geschickt - gestern hat es nur geschüttet.

  26. I thought of you, yesterday :-)
    Thank you for sharing your inspirations...
    Love, Ines

  27. Congratulations to your new King. Enjoy the festivities.

  28. hallo madelief de fotos zijn prachtig wat leuk idee delft ook omdat het in de historie veel met de oranjes te maken had ik ben ook even over de vrijmarkt gelopen alleen was het zo drukt dat het zwart van de mensen zag maar het grootste gedeelte toch wel voor de tv gezeten ben ik bang was een super mooi dag daar heeft het konings paar maar geluk mee gehad groetjes en fijne week leon10

  29. Super mooie dag hé en je hebt vast heel erg genoten gisteravond!
    fijne dag

  30. Ja leuk Delft! Heb je nog iets leuks gevonden op de rommelmarkt? Vast wel!
    Mijn moeder was ook jarig; dus wij zaten bij ons thuis gezellig bij de buis met oranje tompouce...En er is ook een koningspaar geboren hier in de polder!!!
    Wat loopt de tuin lekker uit; he?!
    Groetjes Fleur

  31. Wat sfeervol in Delft!! Gelukkig was het mooi weer!
    Je hebt weer mooie foto's geplaatst.

    Miriam ('t Bezige Bijtje)

  32. Wat een heerlijke foto's. Gisteren heb ik lekker thuis voor de tv doorgebracht, wat heb ik genoeten! Maar volgend jaar staat Delft denk ik op het programma:) Lieve groet

  33. Good morning Madelief! I am so late here, but the festivities are just WONDERFUL! I love your country and my Dutch friends so much. Your orange décor is lively, your new KING and QUEEN are surrounded by wonderful admirers!


  34. 'a bag full of books and china' - I like that !
    I saw some of the coronation on tv and it is in all the newspapers here as we are not far from the Dutch border. Many of our Dutch family returned for the happy day.
    And now it is May Day and the sun is shining!
    I hope you are having a lovely day

  35. "Send him victorious ..."
    Looks like such fun! M x

  36. How very exciting....thanks for sharing a different view with us lets see your china???
    bestest daisy J x

  37. Madelief, thank you so much for giving us a glimpse of the festivities celebrating your new King. It's grand to see all that sunshine on the happy day.

    I've never been to Delft, and do like what you've shown of it. Perhaps some day I'll be able to wander around there myself. Meanwhile, I'm also looking forward to seeing the china and books you found.


  38. Stunning sunny and happy, and I love the bright colours! We watched some of the celebrations in Holland on tv and everyone looked so happy seeing the new King and Queen!
    Helen x

  39. Congratulations!
    I remember celebrating the Queen's Day in 2004 in Amsterdam))) It was really nice;)
    p.s. Dear Madelief, I'm from Ukraine by the way, not from Russia:)

  40. Het was een prachtig feest, geweldig weer, een mooi paar zo samen.
    Ik heb voor de buis gezeten en vond het af en toe echt ontroerend!

    Mooie impressie!

  41. Dearest Madelief,
    As ex-Dutchmen we were in awe at how they celebrated on the island of Curaçao! We were fortunate to be able to view the ceremony, straight via NOS and even around 4:00 AM we got to see the signing by Princess Beatrix and King Willem Alexander. That was 10:00 AM your time. We managed to watch till about 11:00 AM (15:00 your time) when we had to leave the room and go to the airport. At the airport there was a sea of orange and passengers were offered delicious Tom pouce with orange glazing; orange cupcakes; poffertjes; bitterballen and even oranje bitter.
    What a festivity! Slightly bigger than my husband's birthday from the previous day... But we celebrated it grand style with Rotterdam daughter Liz and husband Hans! We're all home today... after 10 days of paradise.
    Hugs to you,

  42. Looks so festive. The new King Wilhelm Alexander and his Queen Maxima is such a gorgeous couple. Their three daughters are so pretty little princesses. All the best to them.

  43. Netherlands is in my bucket list of countries to visit this year. I was reading your posts with the best markets for some vintage finds. I can't wait to stroll around your beautiful cities! Delft is definitely on the list. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of King Willem Alexander's festive celebration. I
    Everything was very vibrant with orange!

  44. What a wonderful and unforgetable day! Thank you for sharing your inspirations and kind regards

  45. Dankjewel om wat van de festiviteiten te delen. Zo zonder Tv al voor 14 dagen en volop aan het werk, weinig computeren ook, lijkt het wel of ik op een eilandje leef ;-) Ben benieuwd naar je nieuwe aanwinsten.

  46. What a wonderful day of celebrations you must have all had in Holland!
    Great photos, thank you for sharing, and I hope you all had a special day to remember.
    Gill xx

  47. Wonderful images of a happy time. I love the colors! Best of luck to your new king and happy spring!

  48. A wonderful new era for your lovely country! Congratulations on your new King! The celebrations are so colorful. Wish I were there. Can't wait to see your new 'finds'. xoxo

  49. Looks lovely my nice that the sun was shinning that day....Molly was in Amsterdam enjoying all the sights! I am so happy she was there. Hope you are very well...think of you often. xo

  50. Wonderful photographs... Astonishing colors... Splendid celebration!

  51. Thanks for posting-- these photos really give a sense of the celebration! So lovely the weather was also so cooperative


  52. Hello Madelief
    Oh yes - Congratulations and best wishes for King Willem!
    We watched all the festivities on television - the dutch know how to celebrate and party!
    I loved seeing all the colourful costumes and balloons and flags everywhere!
    Queen Beatrix is very loved all around the world - she made a brave decision to abdicate in favour of her son.
    Your photos are beautiful!
    Love from New Zealand
    Shane ♥

  53. What a lovely day..looks like a great event!

  54. Wat ziet dit er gezellig en sfeervol uit; een geslaagde dag!

    Fijn weekend. Lieve groet, Miranda

  55. Congratulations on your new King. That was a great thing for his mother to do. Love your photos. Saw pictures of the family and the little girls all dressed up looking so sweet.
    Long lIve the King!
    Ruthie from:

  56. My husband is working in the Netherlands since a few years. We live near the border and have had a wonderfull and sunny day in Winterswijk on Thursday. All streets were still solemnly decorated.
    And we do like the new song for King Willem.


Thank you for your lovely words.