In the press

zaterdag 20 april 2013

Girl power

Now that the sun came through at last, it's full speed ahead in the garden! Daffodils, lung worth and blue grape hyacinths are in bloom. One trying to outshine the other :-) The cherry tree is a cloud of little pink flowers. I can almost see the plants in my cutting garden grow a centimetre every day. 

My two youngest daughters and I did the last couple of jobs that had to be done. I planted and replanted and built a supportive structure for the sweet peas. My middle daughter got rid of the layer of algae on the greenhouse and my youngest daughter took care of the garden path, which is weed free now and has a straight line from the back to middle. We did so much! I am really grateful for all the work they have done. Thanks to them and my friend Ilse, who came to help last week, it all looks beautiful once more. The garden is ready for summer, tea and birthday parties and candlelight suppers! 

On Wednesday I popped over shortly. Eating my lunch on the veranda, in full view of the garden, felt absolutely fantastic!

Have fun this weekend!


Madelief x



73 opmerkingen:

  1. What helpful girls you have! Hurrah for pretty spring gardens! X

  2. Ziet er goed uit...ik zeg kom maar op voorjaar .... zomer...heerlijk genieten van al je posten !!...liefs

  3. Wat ziet dat er al goed uit! hier ook rode steeltjes van
    de pioenroos boven de grond...jaaa! Lente!
    Fijn ook de hulp, probeer ik hier ook maar met 7 jr, 5 jr en 3 jr wordt het toch minder
    netjes dan bij jou ;-)


  4. I love your lovely garden, and I can see it's not
    cold in Holland like here in Norway. The plants are
    higher then mine! ;) I love England, too.

  5. Heerlijk Madelief als alles weer onder controle is en wat leuk dat je dochters zo meehelpen. Het ziet er lekker voorjaarsachtig uit.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  6. Ziet er weer zomerklaar uit! Fijn dat jullie dit zo samen konden doen, en wat lekkers erbij na het hare werken. Wat een mooi boeketje heb je al geplukt, prachtig die kleurtjes. Ik hoop in de komende maanden eens bij je langs te mogen fietsen. Lieve groet en een fijn weekend.

  7. Heerlijk Madelief, genieten!! Ziet er toch zo idyllisch uit, maar ja, er schuilt wel veel werk achter... Enjoy!

  8. Pretty flowers and lucky you having such willing helpers. It's great that garden time has arrived again! :)
    Happy weekend Madelief,
    V xxx

  9. Wat fijn dat je aan je dochters en je vriendin wat werk over kon laten, dan heb je samen ook sneller eer van het werk en meer tijd om met elkaar in de zon te zitten en te genieten. Ik hoop dat manlief hier straks de hogedrukreiniger gaat pakken en het terras schoon spuit, dan kan het tuinseizoen voor mij ook 'echt' beginnen!

    Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend, Madelief! Lieve groet, Ingrid

  10. Your photos are just exquisite. I love each and every one. You have a wonderful eye for photography- xo Diana

  11. As always, beautiful flowers, classic arrangements and a little peek at your corner of the world Madelief! Lovely to stop by and enjoy (a little like looking into a shoppe's window!).
    All the best and enjoy the weekend!

  12. Lovely flowers Madelief. Your daughter is so hardworking and helpful. Have a good weekend.

  13. Well done, ladies. It all looks beautiful. We are no where near having so many flowers yet. Deb

  14. Je tuin ziet er nu alweer geweldig uit, het moet alweer heerlijk zijn om er te zitten. Fijn weekend, groetjes, Gerda

  15. Hi Madelief !
    I'm sure that all this job in the garden gave to you girls a great satisfaction. Me too I go crazy when I have to take care and transform verandas, garden, balconies. It will be wonderful to stay outside, in your beautiful garden for a long period from now and I wish you have fun, pleasure and relaxing time. Your bunches are so lovely, so real!
    Have a great week end !

  16. Ich sehe, ihr habt eine (echte) Schachbrettblume im Garten!! Ich kannte die Pflanze bis vor kurzem noch gar nicht, finde sie aber sooo schön! Mal sehen, wo ich eine auftreibe.

  17. how lovely! :D obviously we have the same weather over here in austria, because my peonies, daffodils and actually EVERYTHING is about the same size as in your garden *haha*

    and to do some work together with the family is so much more fun than doing it alone, isn't it? i always enjoy doing it with my mother, because my daughters still didn't believe me that it CAN be fun ;-)

    have a nice weekend!

  18. Zo fijn dat je twee dochter je hebben geholpen in je tuin.
    Prachtig hoe je alles ziet ontluiken nu, en het gaat wel heel erg snel, al zeg ik het zelf. Wij zijn ook druk in de tuin in de weer. Gisteren een haagbeuk flink stuk lager gesnoeid en vandaag gaat bij een boom een flink stuk eraf. Tja nu is het de beste tijd ervoor voor dit soort grote klussen en ik, ik fruut nog flink wat in de tuin, al het onkruid eruit met van die heerlijk aarde zwarte handen...
    En morgen..heerlijk genieten van al het gedane werk!!

    Madelief, ik wens je een hele mooie dag, ook ik ga de tuin weer in..

  19. Those are the infamous colours I have been waiting for, The Madelief Spring palette. Now the fun can begin:) I am so excited that Spring is here.

    Your daughters have done an incredible job, the green thumb obviously runs in the family.

    So nice when you can sit back and admire the results of your hard work with a lovely lunch overlooking such a pretty garden.


    PS. Happy weekend, the sunshines here!!

  20. Ow wat geniet ik altijd van je tuin foto`s,ik word hier zo blij van,al die mooie bloemetjes,fijn weekend,lieve groet Musje.

  21. So very pretty. Love your garden. Guess what, here it has been snowing today.

    Have a great weekend.

  22. I feel your joy, Madelief! That first spring sun which warms your skin is a pure delight. If those are pictures of your daughter she is as beautiful as her mother and the flowers which surround you!

    Warmest wishes,


  23. A little bit help in the garden is wonderful.
    Your flowerarrangements are beautiful.
    Love, Ines

  24. Ziet er weer mooi uit, alles is snel omhoog gekomen de laatste week. De tuin is klaar voor vele uurtjes tuin plezier en daarna met de voeten omhoog in de zon genieten van alles dat groeit en bloeit en telkens weer boeit :).
    Liefs, Ilse

  25. Beautiful, full of the promise of spring and hope for better days ahead.

    xo jane

  26. Good morning Madelief! I AM SO THRILLED to see your garden finally coming alive! We are still waiting; we had a big snow storm come in on Thursday and we are completely covered in a very thick layer of snow! But I so long to see the green hedges come back and to plant my flowers! Your photos are just glorious!


  27. Your garden is just lovely!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Madelief, I can see that graceful, steady, beautiful girl power was in full force in your garden. The results are splendid. (The path-weeding photo brought back some childhood memories of my own...I used to weed the pathways in my Dad's garden. That was back when kneeling was much easier!)

    Isn't it great when all of a sudden the extra warmth and sunshine just bring on the annual flower show?


  29. i've never seen such beautiful gardening going on (your girls!) and in such a beautiful garden too. oh how i would love to have a space like this, but it is lucky i can see and enjoy yours here, thank you for sharing madelief!

  30. Oh your garden looks like a lovely oasis.....we have snow still with little patches of dirt here and there....spring is slowly coming! The moose are everywhere enjoying the patches of brown grass thats starting to peak through.
    our temps are reaching 40 during the day so it won't be long now.....until then I have your garden to look at....Heidi

  31. Beautiful, heart-warming and uplifting. Flowers and daughters!


  32. Oh Madelief your lovely daughters, bless them,
    your Peony shoots are much taller than mine, the Pulmonarias have been stunning this year,perhaps they like the cold... I love your little posy
    Your garden is all sorted and ready for the season
    Kind Regards
    Thea x

  33. Wat ziet je tuin er al weer geweldig uit Madelief. En wat heb je geweldige hulpjes gehad. Dan schiet het lekker op zo . Nu kan je genieten in de zon.
    Fijne Zondag.
    Lieve groet van Riet

  34. Wat heb je een prachtige tuin! Een fijne plek om te zijn. Leuk hè dat longkruid, ik heb het toevallig vanmorgen ook in een vaasje binnen gezet.
    Mijn man heeft vandaag héél veel dahliaknollen gepoot, kreeg hij van een collega. 'k Ben zo benieuwd.
    Groeten en fijne zondag,

  35. Your garden is looking so pretty and wonderful to have your lovely daughters helping you get it ready for the new season! Your flower pictures are stunning as always, Madelief...the colours make my heart skip a beat! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Helen x

  36. Another beautiful, colour coordinated post: pinks, purples and blues and... just beautiful! I love your garden, though I know it's a lot of hard work. Keep it up, because it's really worth it!

    I always love visiting your blog! Every post is a sweet little treat!



  37. Oh Madelief your garden is just heavenly!

  38. how wonderful that you have such great helpers. it must be nice working alongside them too. everything looks absolutely always my friend! xo janet

  39. Your garden helpers are lovely and such dears to help out their Mama! The flowers are exquisite and colors divine. Enjoy!

  40. Hé! Ik zie Kievitsbloemen. Ik herinner me dat je ooit vertelde ze te willen proberen. Zo te zien is dat inmiddels ook gelukt. Zoveel Narcisbloemen samen (zoals ik in je foto's zie)vind ik zo mooi. Hier zijn er best wel wat narcissen maar er is toch altijd veel meer loof dan bloemen. Ook iets typisch voor zware klei naar het schijnt, veel groen, minder bloei. Dit jaar valt het mee maar er zijn jaren geweest met bijna geen bloemen en dat was niet omdat de pollen te groot werden zoals je ook wel leest.
    Je tuin ligt er weer picobello bij. Het moet plezant zijn met dochters en vriendin aan de slag te gaan. Hier moet ik het allemaal alleen aanpakken. Soms wou ik dat manlief toch wat meer tuiniergenen door zijn aderen vloeien had ;-) want met deze zware grond zou dat echt wel van pas komen. Zo heb ik onlangs in de border een bredere boog gemaakt(zou liefst in het gras 'bedden' maken maar dat kan ik helemaal niet alleen) en dus gras verwijderd maar nu moet ik nog de grond zelf zien te 'bewerken' want zoals het er nu bijligt is er geen plant die daarin overleeft en ofwel krijg ik de spade geen cm diep ofwel wordt die opgeslorpt en krijg ik ze er bijna niet meer uit. Benieuwd hoe dit avontuur af zal lopen.... Intussen moet ik dan wel weer de potten op terras al beginnen gieten.....
    Fijne zondag,

  41. Hi Madelief,
    I am turning a little green with envy-your garden is already so beautiful and two lovely helpers too!We had a couple of warm days and I have a few things blooming but you are quiet a bit ahead (as always)!Also,I have mostly been stuck indoors painting,scrubbing and cleaning but I am almost done-then we are off to England for a couple of weeks!
    Enjoy your beautiful garden,

  42. Oh my friend...your garden is growing! So lovely to have your daughters to help...and I recognize those runners of yours!
    Molly told me she got a sunburn must be having lovely weather...happy birthday to your sweet daughter. xoxoxo

  43. Dearest Madelief,
    Good for you and the girl power! Now you can enjoy the colorful season again in your lovely garden!
    Happy Sunday.

  44. Dear Madelief,

    How beautiful the photos of your gorgeous garden and pretty flowers are - love the daffodils and the grape hyacinths. Must be great to get the help from your lovely daughters. Spring is a wonderful time of the year when the garden wakes up after the winter ~ enjoy.


  45. I'm in love with these days and with your garden!

  46. Wat leuk om te zien dat je dochters zo lief meehelpen! het was gisteren ook heerlijk weer. Heb gisteren de schuur wit geverfd.. Ik geniet van je blauwe boeketje. Love that colour.


  47. ~ Dear Madelief...For those of us who only have a small forecourt garden, like me....Yours is a delight to see...How lovely to see 'spring' has finally pushed her way forward...and also lovely that you had great help from your girls! ENJOY! I hope your Sunday is as lovely as YOU are...~ Love Maria x

  48. Hi Madelief,
    I love how you say that: "The garden is ready for summer, tea and birthday parties and candlelight suppers!" - that just sounds so wonderful!
    Your garden already looks lovely in the spring sunshine.
    Have a great Sunday,
    xoxo Ingrid

  49. Dearest one,

    THANK YOU for coming to visit my post. And your garden is making me very happy right now! We are getting more snow tomorrow!

    Love to you, Anita

  50. Madelief, you all did a fantastic job and your garden already looks wonderful and filled with colors and life... Isn't it the most satisfying feeling when you enjoy the fruits of your labor!?? It makes me think of this small seed that will grow and change to become something great ... slowly, patiently, quietly, taking its time. I always marvel in this earth and sun, these wonders from which all life grows. They nurture every seed so it can grow strong, mature and create new life; the same way as we humans... Thank you for these wonderful photos!

  51. hallo madelief, wat een werk zeg maar je tuin begint er alweer mooi en erg uitgeslapen en wakker te worden en ontwakent uitezien naar een lange winter slaap hoop dat het weer as woensdag erg mooi is met een beetje zon enzo dan wordt het vast een mooie dag groetjes en fijne zondag leon10

  52. Oh how I wish I had the sunshine to celebrate my birthday (on Tuesday) but I have the sunshine of friends around the world. DANK U VOOR coming to visit !!! Anita

  53. Hi, Madelief :0)
    Glad to see you have had a lovely time with your Family in the garden :0) Great pictures and flowers as well!
    Wishing you all the best for coming week
    Kisses to your girls
    Natasha & Fam.

  54. Dear Madelief,
    Your garden is lovely, as are your two daughter's! How nice of them to work so hard and the garden reflects all that love and dedication. Your garden bouquet is also a beautiful reflection of your labors. I am looking forward to spending more 'time' with you in your garden. It is enchanting. xoxo

  55. Owhh, jij hebt ook zo'n grote tuin (nog groter als die van mij!). Wat een werk he, maar je krijgt er ook zoveel voor terug. Je hebt echt een prachtige tuin, en nou moeten de echte 'bloemenmaanden' nog komen!!!
    En je kas,
    dat staat ook op mijn verlanglijstje..! Ik droom even verder..

    Groetjes en een fijne week,

    't Bezige Bijtje

  56. Oh, Madelief! It sounds like pure joy!!! =) I'm so glad that you could get so much done - wow! I'm impressed! and, isn't a little helping hand the most wonderful thing, though?

    My garden is a MESS! and, there it is! But, we're just back and the weather is still brisk and cool. At the moment, I'm very subdued because it's late and I really ought to be in bed but, yesterday, when I went out and took a tour of the garden after being gone for two weeks, I was brimming with joy and excitement! So many plants are up! So many have survived the winter - even the ones that seemed to disappear because of the drought! They're back!! =)

    In the meantime, I've just gone and looked through all of your pictures again. It's all so very pretty!!

    Well, goodnight to you! I'm sure there's a post that I've missed but it will have to wait for another day. You've just been on my heart and in my mind and I wanted to say, 'hello!' =)


  57. Nothing quite like seeing such beauty emerge and change daily,
    how lush and lovey it is!

  58. omg~ Love these beautiful springy pictures!


  59. Fijn dat je hulp had. Het is ook gezellig om zo samen in de tuin te werken.
    Ik wens je veel leuke tuinmomenten voor het komend seizoen, daar genieten wij dan d.m.v. de foto's weer van mee ;)
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  60. Ohhhh - are those red shoots peonies? I planted one last year and can't remember where, but I have a shoot exactly the same as yours....I'm wondering if it is my peony.

    Go girl power!

    Nina x

    1. Those red shoots are definitely peony Nina :-)!! Have a lovely time in your garden! It's going to be a warm and sunny week in Rotterdam. Hurray! x

  61. Hooray for girl power! It is so lovely to see your beautiful garden again, just bursting with life. Your little posies are so bright and cheerful on their blue doilies, just gorgeous!
    Many thanks for your visit and kind words, the turn in the weather did indeed do me good. I was able to get out in the garden for some sorting and planting, and I even had my coffee outside, which I love.
    Have a happy week my friend, love Linda x

  62. You've been busy, ladies! Your garden looks wonderful. Enjoy :)

  63. Hello Madeleif.....
    I am so glad you found my blog because now I have found yoursand I love it...You garden is inspiring and very beautiful....I will be doing some gardening today because the sun is out....Hurrah!

    bestest wishes to you and yours

    Daisy j

  64. Dear Madelief,

    ja, schade das du nicht näher wohnst, dann hätt eich dich sicherlich schon einmal eingeladen oder hätte mich in deinem bezaubernden Garten versteckt. Wie schön ist es jetzt alles wieder i.O. zu bringen und es zu genießen den Pflanzen den Weg frei zum Wachstum zu machen. Eure Zeit im Garten sieht sehr idyllisch aus. Herzlichste Grüße und viel Sonnenschein- Ina

  65. Hi Madelief,
    Your garden looks very beautiful already! You have so many daffodils! Unfortunately this is not a good year for the daffodils in our garden, there are only about 4 in bloom...Please could you send your daughters over to my place, I could do with some additional "girl power" in the garden!;-)

    Enjoy this wonderful springtime!

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  66. Your garden is beautiful - love all the flowers and pops of colour!

  67. Hello Daisy,
    yes before a new garden season starts you have to do (woman) all kinds.
    Nice if the family goes with the hand ... makes it more fun.
    How beautiful colorful everything is the same, if only a few days the sun is shining and the temperatures are right.
    Yesterday we did a lot in the garden uff I just say;) the back, knees oh ggg.
    But it was great to potter about in the garden again to enjoy the fresh air, enjoy the first grass cutting and a delicious coffee.
    Boy, do we have girls but this secretly missing.
    Wish you a sunny week and enjoy your garden kingdom.
    GGLG Moni

  68. Maintaining a garden is hard work. Fortunately, your girls are here! Your garden will become more and more beautiful over the weeks. Thank you for these beautiful colorful photos :)

  69. What a lovely garden you have to play an create in Medelief Oh I love to hear people mention being on their verandas :))

  70. So pretty, lovely to look at a northern hemisphere garden in the early spring time.

  71. Als je weer eens hulp nodig hebt, dan kom ik je graag eens helpen en denken aan mijn volkstuinverleden..........
    Wat heerlijk dat je zo zomerklaar bent!
    En dan nu afentoe even gaan genieten van het moois!
    Tot morgen


Thank you for your lovely words.