In the press

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Spring flowers

We had a glorious week in Holland. It was one of those March weeks, when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it's summer in the light and winter in the shade.

Unfortunately, the last sentence is not by me, but by Charles Dickens :-). Don't you think his description of a March day, captures it perfectly?! I thought it was appropriate for the fine weather we have been enjoying in Holland last week. I spent a few hours in the garden and even managed to sit in the sun for a little while. Sheer joy!!!

My granny square blanket is growing steadily. I still enjoy crocheting the squares, but now and then I like to make something else for a change. Last week  I crocheted some Spring flowers, which I used for a necklace and to pin on a bag.

The patterns came from a book I recently found, called 200 crochet flowers, embellishments & trims, which is really good. However, there are lots of tutorials to be found on the internet as well.

Tomorrow my brother will help me lay a new floor in our spare bedroom/craft room.  I found some old curtains in the loft from years ago, which I am shortening. I haven't found an old desk yet, nor a bedside table, but there are still a few changes I can show you. I will give you an update next week!

Happy weekend!


Madelief x


71 opmerkingen:

  1. Lieve Madelief!

    Wat was het lekker hè, de afgelopen week! Ik heb menig uurtje in de tuin doorgebracht, vooral met genieten van de zon. Tussendoor ook even het tuinhuisje opgeruimd, want daar was deze winter door muizen een ravage aangericht. In de herfst heb ik daar een grote zak met vogelzaad neergelegd, voor als het koud zou gaan worden...dat moet ik dus nooit meer doen! Op elke plank en op elke stoel lag van alles....maar nu is het er weer schoon en opgeruimd.

    Leuk dat je nog steeds enthousiast aan het haken bent!

    Succes met het leggen van de vloer en een heel fijn weekend! Veel liefs, Ingrid

  2. Bonjour Madelief,
    quelles jolie fotos !! Et quelles jolie s fleures que vous avait fait !! ;0) J`adore!! :0) Magnifique!! Vous avait fait un super sac avec les !! ;0)

    Bonne fête des femmes le 8 mars!! ;0)

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  3. Love all your spring-coloured crochet? :)
    It was lovely to feel a little bit of spring this week, sadly it's raining here again, hopefully not for long though!
    Happy weekend Madelief,
    V xxx

  4. Hoi Madelief,

    Aaahhhhh.....wat ziet er toch weer prachtig uit jou handmade ''crochet''!:-)*

    Ik heb ook in mij latste post een paar fotos geplatst met een lieve crocuses...
    Wens je een hele relaxde,harmonie vol weekend:-)))*

    Lieve groeten,

  5. Servus, my dearest Madelief!

    Your crochet flowers in spring colors look very pretty - I think they will also be a fine Easter decoration. Charles Dickens words about March are very true - recently, we had exactly the described weather...
    Good luck when building the new floor with your brother and with your search for beautiful matching furniture. The room will be wonderful!

    Warm hugs & Küschelbüschel, Traude

  6. Wat ben je lekker bezig, veel leuke dingen! Ik ben vandaag aan het kijken geweest voor wol om te gaan beginnen met haken van granny squares maar vond niets geschikts helaas...wel heerlijk in de tuin gewerkt op woensdag: spierpijn:)Fijn weekend en lieve groet

  7. GORGEOUS POST! I LOVE the colors- xo Diana

  8. Ja hè, wat een lente weertje hadden we. Ik heb vandaag mijn boot gepoetst, lekker bezig in de buitenlucht.
    Maar er komt verandering las ik, dus jij kan lekker doorgaan met je haakwerk, je hoeft nog niet naar de tuin ;)

    lieve groet

  9. Prachtig zijn je gehaakte bloemen,fijn weekend,lieve groetjes Musje.

  10. Succes met de kamer opknappen.....leuk hoor je haakwerkjes.......fijn weekend liefs van

  11. Happy Woman's Day Madelief! Love the colours of your crocheted flowers and the Paradise slices are so tempting...

  12. Lovely palette, good luck with refurbishing your craft room!

  13. What a sweet necklace you've crochet dear Madelief! And gorgeous flower pins :0) So cute colours! Thank you for the recipe of the Paradise slices as well, they sounds and looks so gooood, mmmmmmm..... Best wishes on Women's Day! Oh, and Charles Dickens so well described the Spring weather I'm absolutely agree :0)
    Kisses from Moscow

  14. Your flowers are delightful...I just adore the colours as well...happy weekend to more to go and then I will be seeing you...I can't believe I just said that!!! Pinch ME!!! xoxo

  15. Such pretty flowers, in adorable colours. Spring looks to have arrived there ;)

  16. Looks like spring has sprung!!! Gorgeous.

  17. I love your crochet flowers and am envious as this is a skill I do not have! Also jealous of your Spring .... alas our little village is shrouded in rain and fog. Minerva ~

  18. Very pretty crochet flowers in pastel colours. You are so creative Madelief. Have a good weekend.

  19. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  20. I love your crochet flowers Madelief, they are so sweet!!! I also really love your beautiful teacup!!! Can you tell me who made it? I love the colors of the cup and the sweet roses!!!
    I can't wait to see your new floor for your bedroom!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Chris :o)

    1. Hi Chris,

      The cup doesn't really have a name, but it was made by Royal Imperial, England.

      Have a lovely day!

      Madelief x

  21. Sweet and Lovely, Madelief! Love the little glimpse into your new guest/craft room. Pretty, pretty! Love the flowers on the bag, too. <3 xx

  22. Ich sollte vielleicht auch mal farbenfroher dekorieren. Das strahlt so viel Fröhlichkeit aus! Hut ab vor Deinem Häkelprojekt!

  23. Wauw die bloemen ketting is prachtig...ook de kleuren die je hebt gebruikt!Love it!!!

  24. Those flowers are so scrummy and the colours are gorgeous. What yarn do you use?

    1. Hi Shirley,

      The yarn I use is 'Phil coton 3' by Phildar.

      Happy new week!

      Madelief x

  25. Lieve Madelief. Wat zijn je bloemetjes schattig. Leuk werkje hè. Ik zag er inderdaad ook een hele boel op het internet. Ik ben ook lekker bezig met mijn grannies maar kon een paar dagen niet veel doen na mijn operatie.fijn dat je hulp krijgt van je broer met de vloer. E dan kan je weer verder hè.
    Liefs van Riet

  26. Wat raak je snel gewend aan dat mooie lenteweer. Vandaag weer een stuk minder, echt een dag om een nieuwe vloer te leggen. Mooi en vrolijk haakwerk. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  27. I love the colours which all meld together so harmoniously - lovely!

  28. Wat een prachtige kleurencombinatie en mooie roosjes !

  29. Je gehaakte bloemetjes zijn schattig in echte Madelief kleuren. Je mist buiten vandaag gelukkig niets, kun je lekker rustig je nieuwe vloer leggen.
    Groeten, Janneke

  30. Hi Madelief,
    Your spring flowers are beautiful, I can see you´re becoming more and more a crochet expert! So far I have been successful in fending off the crocheting virus that goes round in the blogosphere but I´m afraid it won´t be long until I will crochet my first grannys...;-)
    We had a lovely week too, it was quite warm and we had no wind at all - perfect garden weather! I spent every spare minute in the garden and was able to cut most of the perennials. Unfortunately next week winter will come back again...:-(

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  31. How pretty and such beautiful colours ........ you are so clever Madelief.
    I love that piece from Dickens. I saw it used the other day on someones blog and have made a note of it so, you will probably see it on my blog !!!! You are so right, it really sums up the month of March. We had a taste of Spring this week but, today, we are promised snow flurries !!!! Never mind, Spring will be here before we know it and, at my age, I don't want to wish the weeks away !!!!!!!!!! haha.
    Have a lovely weekend Madelief ......... perhaps, in the next few days, you will find the desk and bedside table you are looking for. XXXX

  32. sounds like it was a wonderful week indeed! Your flowers are so pretty - I love them pinned onto the bag!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend Madelief!

  33. What fun to crochet so many different flowers!

  34. Liebe Madelief,

    wunderschlön hast du deinen Blumen gehäkelt !!1 Sie gefallen mir sehr als Brosche oder als Kette...das ist wirklich FRÜHLING !!!Ja, CH. Dickens trifft es war es hier , einen HERRLICH Sonnenwoche liegt hinter uns und im Garten gabs viel zu tun...
    Dann viel Freude bei deinen Renovierungsarbeiten...bin gespannt auf die Bilder ...

    Wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende,


  35. Dearest Madelief,
    Love your crocheted roses; especially the violet tones. It is pure bliss to sit in the sunshine and do some favorite craft. Good luck with the flooring and the hunt for the missing pieces of furniture.
    Hugs to you,

  36. As I was looking at your first images I was thinking the word 'glorious'! The colors are glorious and the images luminous! Then, I scrolled far enough down to see that this is the first words in your post! ;)

    Well, I think that you know what I think about any shade of purple in any way shape or form! Your crochet flowers are BEAUTIFUL, Madelief!

    After almost a month straight of cold and wind and clouds, clouds, clouds (which has been wonderful for photography ;)) we are having the EXACT kind of day that you describe. We woke up to bright sun and blue sky and Toby and I were just standing on the front porch in bare feet - soaking in the warmth! No wonder the word 'glorious' is hovering in my mind! =]

    Thinking very much of you, dear woman!


  37. This is just beautiful and very, very delicate! Wonderful Springtime shades. I love it!




  38. Hoi Madelief,

    Wat een prachtige bloemen in fantastische kleuren... Zo fleurig, zo lente-achtig!
    Ben al een aantal keren op zoek gegaan naar een leuk patroontje voor granny squares, maar nog niet tot actie overgegaan... Moet er toch maar eens van komen...
    En wat was het lekker afgelopen week om iets in de tuin te doen... Had je nog een dag vrij genomen?
    Ik wens je alvast een fijne zondag!
    Lieve groet uit het zuiden!
    Chantal X

  39. Love your crochet roses, such lovely colours.
    M xxxx

  40. Beautiful crochet colours, Madelief! Your roses are so lovely. I also love the quote from Dickens which so perfectly captures the March weather, and thought of it last week too!
    Wishing you a happy weekend!
    Helen x

  41. Hello Madelief! It's so lovely to stop by and visit your little corner of Heaven here! Yes, Charles Dickens had a way with words, didn't he?:-) His description of March is absolutely spot on!

    I smiled when I saw your beautiful crochet flowers because these days I am instinctively drawn to mauves, lilacs and violet hues. You chose well, my friend.

    I am thinking of you and hoping the sun continues to shine for you.


  42. Oooh Madelief
    Those colours are so pretty and full of spring..I am sure you will find your furniture in time for room, usually when one is not looking it turns up!
    Enjoy your spring weather, it has turned cold again here in the Moorlands, pity as it was lovely last week
    Kind regards
    Thea x

  43. Dear Madelief,

    How really pretty all your Spring flowers are and they look so cute on the bag.
    The quote from Charles Dickens is great and sums up how often the weather can be.
    Wishing you a happy weekend and good luck with laying the new floor.


  44. Madelief, your crocheted posies are full of springtime colors and do celebrate the change in seasons that is gradually taking place. The lavender colors remind me of crocus and hyacinth colors, and that sweet green yarn makes a wonderful accent.

    Yesterday was grey here in NYC with snow, freezing rain. Today it's brilliant blue sky and temperature up to 10 degrees C.

    When I get my next day off on Monday, I am looking forward to seeing how green might be advancing into Central Park.


  45. Goedemorgen lieve Madelief,

    Je haakwerk is mooi, en de kleuren al evenzo mooi! Ik zag dat bij Elle Aime in de Zwaanshals (dat is een opkomend hippe buurt heb ik me laten vertellen . ) een haakcursus voor beginners wordt gegeven, ik heb mijn gedachten daar al even over laten gaan. Het schijnt verslavend te werken he, dat haken.

    Met welke gedachten en herinneringen zullen we over 14 dagen op zondagochtend aan de koffie zitten? Ik heb er zin in! xxx

  46. Dear Madelieve,
    your wonderful chrochet spring flowers refreches cloudy days like this, you are busy like a bee!
    We also had some wonderful days and a foretaste of Spring last week. I enjoyed every free minute working in my garden.
    Have a nice sunday and a wonderful new week!

  47. Ik zag net ook al ergens gehaakte zonnetjes voorbij komen. Ook al zo gezellig!

  48. Kom even bij je aan op deze winter witte dag in het noorden. We kunnen echt zo buiten een sneeuwpop maken......
    Deze bloemetjes kleuren mijn dag....en ja....vind de kleuren zo mooi.
    Ben helemaal om.....jouw kleur op de achtergrond is nu one of my favorite!
    Weer een nieuwe verzameling is geboren ;)

    FIjne zondag


  49. Het was inderdaad heerlijk weer, maar vanmorgen was de wereld weer wit... Leuke bloemen heb je gehaakt! Succes met de vloer, ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.

    Fijne dag. Lieve groet, Miranda

  50. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat een heerlijke kleurtjes katoen heb je voor deze lente-bloemetjes uitgezocht. Lekker materiaal hè, dat katoen. Ik ben ook ze druk aan het haken. Maar dan wel wat andere dingen...
    Ik ben heel benieuwd naar de vorderingen in je logeerkamer...
    Ik wens je een heel mooie nieuwe week,
    Lieve groet,

  51. What a wonderful blog you have! Contratulations!

  52. Your crochet flowers are so lovely and such wonderful colours,you have inspired me to have a try. I haven't picked up a crochet hook for years! Sending you hugs and good wishes.
    Sarah x

  53. just found your beautiful blog via Down by the Sea, love your description of's perfect! we have snow again here today, last week I gardened and got HOT! and ate my lunch outside! love your pretty crochet and vintage goodies! Emmax

  54. GREAT POST:)
    Your blog is so you have twitter or fb??

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria at

  55. Love your crochet flowers, gorgeous colours! The vintage tea cup is so carefully painted.

  56. The colours are gorgeous - like spring violets and violas.

    Nina x

  57. Bringing you warm thoughts and positive energy from Newfoundland, Madelief!
    My goodness, your crochet flowers are, indeed, blooming! :-))) Talent AND Beauty = Madelief
    Spring is a long way off yet in this part of the world, but it will come - eventually...
    Big Hugs,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  58. OH! I love your new little flowers, Madelief! So many great crochet projects... so little time!
    Have a wonderful day, my friend! :)

  59. Your necklace must have looked gorgeous, it's something I would love to make sometime! x

  60. Love your color choices and the teeny glimpse of your bedroom!

  61. You are so very creative and talented Madelief. The first image of your flowers are very are very Coco-esque. Have a wonderful weekend. Paul

  62. You make me so happy with your pictures they are always so cheerfully coloured!!!

  63. Was für wundervolle Farben, liebe Madelief, die Häkelblümchen finde ich ganz besonders zauberhaft!!! Damit muss es doch endlich mal Frühling werden! Ein himmlisches Wochenende und viel Sonnenschein,

    bis bald, herzlichst Jade

  64. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

  65. Hello Madelief, you sound very busy, and your craft room is coming along nicely. I love your flower necklace and the colours are just so pretty.
    Many thanks for your comments, you are so right about the birdsong, it is just wonderful at the moment. Love Linda x

  66. I know that I've said it before but.... oh, my gosh!!! These colors are SO pretty! =P

    =) xxo

  67. Bonjour Madelief! Deb from Just Cats sent us over. Your blog is beautiful. Your photographs are incredibly uplifting and I too love all those colours-the beautiful powder blues, vibrant pinks and bright greens. They are like light piercing the dark , n'est-ce pas?!

    We will drop by again :)

    Sophie + the critters in the cottage xo


Thank you for your lovely words.