In the press

zaterdag 30 maart 2013

A Vintage Easter


Unfortunately no photo's of my garden yet. I really hoped I would be busy planting, cleaning my greenhouse and outdoor kitchen, but alas. It's still cold in Rotterdam. A thin layer of ice is covering the car windows and plumes of white smoke rise up from the chimneys. The ground in the garden will probably be frozen. Violets, lupins and forget-me-nots are still waiting on our balcony, to be taken to the garden. I hope it won't be for much longer. Warmer temperatures must be on the way !

In today's post some photo's of my favourite teacups and vintage finds. I am very much into colourful necklaces at the moment and found some pretty ones from the 1970s. I can still remember my mother wearing similar ones. The memory makes me smile :-) In the background you can see some floral playing cards from an old quartets game. They are different from the ones I showed you last week.

We will stay at home for Easter. Celebrating with friends and family. I still don't know what to cook, but I hope I will get some last minute inspiration. What I know for sure is that our table will have a Vintage look, with handmade tablecloths and off course my floral china :-)

Will you be doing anything special?

A Happy Easter to you all! Have fun!


Madelief x


77 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik ben je 1149e volger! Wat ontzettend veel. Maar terecht want wat heb jij een mooie kleurrijke blog met prachtige foto's! Ik word er helemaal vrolijk van. Ik ga je volgen hoor.
    Groetjes van Aleta

  2. Hi Madelief! This wonderful feast of colors combinated with your beloved cups and items,displayed in a way that only you can make that keep us anchored on your blog!
    Happy Easter!

  3. hoi madelief wat jammer zeg van je tuintje je mist hem vast nu heel erg hopenlijk wordt het gauw echt lente en kun je straks echt van je tuin genieten mooie fotos van de oude theekopje en prachtige kleuren dat kwartet spel ziet er erg vrolijk en bloemrijk uit een hele fijne pasen gewenst met je familly en vrienden ik ga ook na familly toe groetjes en mooie sneeuwige dag gewenst leon10 trouwens weet niet of het in rotterdam valt maar hier in het noorden wel voelt aan als kerst? groetjes

  4. Happy Easter, dear Madelief !

    Vintage tableclothes are my favourites, too. Especially from my beloved Grandma.

    Enjoy your Easter!

    Greetings from Ines

  5. Good morning Madelief!

    Firstly, thank you so much for your very sweet comment recently on my blog! Your vintage china will look gorgeous on your Easter table......wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter together! I shall be doing the same, with a big family lunch here on Sunday.......which I love.

    Hope the weather warms up for us you say, much to do in the garden!

    Sophia x

  6. Wat heb je toch een geweldige collectie servies! Het ziet er prachtig uit. Je plaatjes maken deze koude dag weer zonnig.
    Liefs ilona

  7. Goeie morgen Madelief. Wat heb je weer mooie foto,s gemaakt. Heerlijk kleurrijk,ik wens jou en je familie prettige paasdagen.
    Lieve groet van Riet

  8. Ich liebe diese wunderschönen, floralen Tassen!! Ostern war bei uns noch nie so ein großes Fest. Da mein Sohn gerade einen neuen Schreibtisch samt PC bekommen hat, als vorgezogenes Ostergeschenk, gibt es außer Süßes auch gar keine Geschenke. Also eher ruhig :-)
    Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes Osterfest!!

  9. Lieve Madelief,

    Het is inderdaad erg jammer dat je niet naar de tuin kunt, het waren er ideale dagen voor geweest nu het weekend een dag langer duurt. Ik sta ook te popelen om het een en ander te snoeien en te beplanten, maar we moeten nog even geduld hebben. Voor binnen heb ik nu knalroze ranonkels, meestal heb ik niet zo'n felle kleur maar ik vond het buiten wel welletjes geweest ;-).

    Ik wens je een fijn paasweekend toe, ga zo dadelijk maar eens snel naar de bakker ;-). Lieve groet, Ingrid

  10. Happy Easter, sweet Madelief! Your vintage finds look very lovely and colourful. And I do love your pastel eggs as well :0) Hope you'll get a lovely weather soon and hope you've get my e-mail about seeds :0)

  11. Happy Easter Madelief!
    I can't imagine not being able to get out into the garden. Apart from days with heavy rain, it is always possible here.
    Your china collection is beautiful and I love the cards. Hope you have a lovely time with your family and friends.
    Penny x

  12. Your images are exquisite, such beautiful light and colour! I think everyone is just waiting to get out into their gardens. Happy Easter to you and your family, may it be a joyful occasion. Sharon

  13. Wat zijn het weer een heerlijke plaatjes. Tezamen met de zon die hier nu volop schijnt, krijg ik toch wel een instant lentegevoel (de sneeuw die gevallen is denk ik even weg). Geen speciale plannen met pasen, lekker relaxed weer eens even blogjes en tijdschriften lezen, denk ik.

    Fijne dagen!

    Groetjes, Pietrik

  14. Happy joyous Easter Madalief, your garden flowers are all around you, wherever you are, there is always beauty and colour.

    We are cold, but also lovely and sunny, so lots of walking and cosy toes in front of the fire for us too.
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  15. Ik zat net te denken of ik alvast de stoep schoon zou gaan maken, maar de zon is alweer verdwenen. Ik heb er ook zo'n zin in om alles weer in mijn stijl klaar te maken.
    Maar ja, het is helaas niet anders.
    Wie weet krijg je een hele lange zomer om in je tuin te zitten en te werken.

    Fijne paasdagen
    Lieve groet Lia

  16. Wonderful! Easter at the house of Madelief will be a vintage floral treat for the eyes!

  17. Fijne paasdagen Madelief!
    Wat vind ik die bloemenkaarten mooi!!!!

  18. Beautiful colours! :)
    Have a very happy Easter Madelief!
    Vivienne x

  19. Wishing you any your family a wonderful Easdter weekend Madelief. Enjoy your choccy treats.

  20. Hoi Madelief,
    Ja wat jammer hè, dat we nog steeds niets in de tuin kunnen doen. Hier liggen de Dahliaknollen geduldig te wachten tot ze in de grond kunnen. Ik had er al ruimte voor gemaakt...
    Je laat ons wel heel mooie, warme plaatjes zien. Wat een genot om naar te kijken.
    Ik wens je een heel fijn paasweekend,
    Lieve groet,

  21. Your table will be lovely I'm sure.
    We are staying home too - I'm going to grill a side of salmon for my husband and I and cook a small turkey breast for the children. I still don't know what side dishes I am preparing, but I will figure it out.

    Have a lovely Easter Madelief!!!

  22. Happy Easter! I love these spring tea time photos x

  23. Nogmaals proberen. Hele fijne paasdagen voor jullie allemaal. Kan zelf ook niet wachten om weer de tuin in te gaan. Voor nu op de bank eindeloos aan het haken.
    Liefs, Ilse

  24. Hi Madelief!
    It was so nice to hear from you. I LOVE your vintage china.
    The weather here in Newfoundland is snowy and cold, not at all yet like spring!
    My mom is in hospital but doing well so our Easter dinner may be postponed.
    Easter Blessings to you all.
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  25. Lieve Madelief,
    Het lijkt wel of jij de bloemenkleuren van de hele lente èn zomer hier bij elkaar gebracht hebt! Laten we hopen dat ook Rotterdam snel de lente zal zien. Hier is het sinds donderdag weer zacht en met temperaturen boven de 20°C dus hier is het ménens.
    Fijne Paasdagen - wij zijn ook gewoon thuis.

  26. Hello Madelief,
    Such gorgeous teacups and flowers! I especially love the first one with that pretty plate. Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Easter!


  27. Dat wordt vast en zeker een prachtig gedekte Paastafel Madelief.
    Ik wens je hele fijne Paasdagen toe.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  28. Kan me voorstellen dat dit favoriete theekopjes en gebakschoteltjes zijn, schitterend. Dat bloemenkwartet zo neergelegd is ook al zo leuk. Wij krijgen geen eters met Pasen, maar ik geef een High Tea, ben vandaag al druk aan het bakken. Je Vintage tafel zal er ongetwijfeld weer prachtig uitzien.
    Heel fijne Paasdagen toegewenst,

  29. Hey Madelief, beautiful photos, to brighten up chilly days...
    Love the floral cards.....hope you are able to start working in your garden soon.
    Wishing you some blue sky and sunshine over the Easter brea,.

    Claire X

  30. Hey Madelief,
    this winter is a big challenge for people who love the garden as much as we do.
    Keep holding on, I think the hardest days are already over.
    And your Photos made my day.
    Hugs Susa

  31. Happy Easter! I hope the sun emerges soon there, even tho it is arrived here, I still can't wait for the weather report every evening.
    Easter Sunday I have requested a drive over to the valley to see the wildfowers before coming home to Easter dinner.

  32. Hi dear Madelief,
    oh yes, this winter will not give up... today some little snowflakes are falling again - but I think, because of the long long winter, we will have a wonderful und really warm and sunny summer - I'll keep my fingers crossed for it...
    I love your colorful China and with the playing cards they will be a great decoration for your easter table. Wishing you a lovely Easter party with your family and friends.

  33. I love your beautiful dishes!!!! Happy Easter Madelief!!!!
    Chris :o)

  34. Je hebt het zonnetje in huis gehaald met je servies en de mooie kleurtjes. Hier is de tuin ook zo kaal en leeg, kan me niet voorstellen dat er ooit nog iets uit de grond komt...toch gaat het gebeuren en ook al gauw. Kan me niet snel genoeg gaan, ik wil zon en buitenlucht!!!
    Geniet van deze dagen samen thuis, lieve groet

  35. Happy Easter, hope the spring is on its way!

  36. Dear Madelief,
    dein Tisch wird mit diesem schönen Geschirr bestimmt wunderschön und farbenfroh aussehen. Wenn schon nicht draußen, dann muss man die Farbe reinholen. Ich hoffe du hast noch eine Impression für euer Mahl bekommen. Ich wünsche dir ein ganz schönes, fröhliches Osterfest- Ina

  37. so very beautiful, especially the second picture! Hug Anja

  38. Prachtige plaatjes,mooie kopjes, kortom weer helemaal geweldig, je post.

    Ik ga met pasen de tuin in, moet nog zoveel gebeuren, verheug mij erop. Tempr. is iets aangenamer.



  39. Thank you Madelief, I wish you a happy and beautiful easter time.



  40. I love your VINTAGE EASTER! Lovely cups, lovely photos... LOVELY! LOVELY! LOVELY!




  41. Joyeuses Pâques!!
    Meilleurs voeux !!

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  42. Have a very nice Easter,Madelief!

    Yes, that´s too cold and not so Spring feelings uitside....
    But I wish to you too lovely days with you friends and family:-)))*

    Warmly wishes,

  43. Dear Madelief,
    happy easter to you and your family.
    It's still winter here... I am also waiting for spring, working in my garden, spring-flowers... at show us with your wonderful and colourful teacups!
    Have a good time!

  44. I always enjoy all of the wonderful pastel colours in your posts. No gardening yet for us in our garden too. Happy Easter!

  45. Blessings to you and your family this Easter. We are having our family over tomorrow for our Easter roast beef dinner. I have set our tables with vintage china this year as well.It is staying cool here also but it has been sunny the last week days.

    Wishing you all the best this Easter.

  46. Wat een kleurrijke post weer madelief.....vrolijk Pasen liefs!

  47. Madelief, I send you lots of wishes for a very Happy Easter!

    Your beautiful sense of style does show admiration for vintage beauty, but I think that your talent is to bring everything right up to date. A true artist...that's you!

    New York is warming up just a bit...I was over in Central Park this afternoon and found the crocus have all got the message...Bloom. Perhaps in a week the daffs will be warmed up enough to perform.


  48. Love all your sweet dishes! Have a blessed Easter!

  49. Happy Easter to you and your family. Love your colorful photos and dishes. Sending springtime thoughts. Laurie

  50. Dear Madelief,

    Your photos are always so beautiful, so much colour and beauty.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Easter.
    We are having a nice quiet and relaxed weekend and the family have come home, which is wonderful.

    Sending hugs

  51. Happy Easter, Madalief! After a very cold and wet day yesterday I am enjoying the sunshine today, at home, by myself, with cups of tea and letters to keep me company. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  52. Have a lovely Easter, Madelief! Your china and necklaces are lovely as can be! They make me smile. Hope spring is just around the corner for you! Hugs, xoxo

  53. Dear madalief...YOUR pictures and beautiful china are a feast for the eyes...I could browse them all day.~And I have a great love also for the most colourful beads and jewellery.....I wish you and yours all the blessings of Easter time.....~ Take time to dream~ with kind thoughts....Maria x

  54. Hi Madelief, this cold weather is just going on too long isnt it, and like you I havent managed the usual enjoyable greenhouse and garden chores of spring.
    Thankyou for sharing such pretty images of your beautiful china and flowers, and I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter.
    I have lots of catching up to do here as I've had a break from blogging and visiting,and look forward to catching up on your colourful posts!
    Best Wishes Madelief!
    Gill xx

  55. Happy Easter !

    Bonne semaine!! et merci de votre commentaire chez moi! :0)

    xxx Maria xxx

  56. SWEET friend....your photos are always. I want to send you some of our SUNSHINE...I can not believe how lovely it is...the weather I came home to is amazing! Your sun is on it's way...I have packaged it up for you.
    When I think of you these are the things that come to mind...warmth... generosity...kindess...a huge smile....and joy. I am sooo blessed to have met you....xoxoxo Happy Easter...may it be blessed with your sweet family...xoxoxo
    I rode my bike around Stanley park in Vancouver yesterday and thought that this is one of the places I want to bring you too when you come visit!!!! xoxo

  57. Zo anders dan buiten, maar het is toch een fijne gezellige sfeer met die vintage spulletjes in je huis. Hopelijk komen er nog vele momenten die je kunt doorbrengen in je tuin. Voor nu fijne Pasen, lieve groet

  58. Happy Easter Madelief, for you and family.
    God bless you.
    Nice week-end.
    Nath x

  59. I loved your colorful nostalgic post. Yes I too have been waiting to garden here in New England but surprise ~ today finally crocus and no snow, and peony shoots and I planted pansies Ah to play in the dirt was marvelous. My first fist to you , so enjoyed, I shall now follow along!

  60. Beautiful pictures--they should be in a magazine. Your love of flowers bursts from them! I love the little flower pictures--are they seed packets?

    1. Hi Jen, no they look like seed packets, but are cards from a quartets game.

      Have a lovely week!

      Madelief x

  61. Beautiful pictures Madelief! I love the vibrant springiness of them, even though it's not necessarily reflected outdoors ... Looks beautiful outside here today, but I've been told it's very cold ... I'm reclining on a sofa being a delicate little flower I'm afraid, but your gorgeous pics are giving me inspiration for a little project I have coming up!

    Have a lovely Easter Monday

    Love Claire xxx

  62. Heerrrrlijke plaatjes!! Mooi gedaan zo! Hopelijk heb je fijne dagen gehad! Hier vooral grieperige dagen, maar ach, morgen ook nog vrij, dat scheelt.

  63. Your pictures are great. I enjoyed the colours and brightness so much.
    Lovely hugs to Rotterdam

  64. Such very beautiful pictures, I would love to find some tea cups like yours, Madelief! Those flower cards are gorgeous too! I hope you and your family had a very Happy Easter, and that the weather is warming up for your gardening days!
    Helen x

  65. Hi Madelief,Such wonderful pictures :o)
    Spring is taking forever this year,its so cold here too :o(
    I've managed only a few hours in the garden so far this year,planting some primrose for colour,it makes me smile everytime I look at them.Hope the weather breaks soon lots of love julieXxXx

  66. Beautiful images. Happy Easter and I hope it warms up soon so you can enjoy your garden. xx

  67. Hi Madelief,
    Such happy images - Thank you!
    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter,
    Liz x

  68. Hallo Madelief,
    Wat een heerlijk kleurrijke blog heb je! Geweldig...ik hou ervan!
    Ik ga je volgen!
    Groetjes, Nicole

  69. Wonderful, colourful images in total contrast to the cold greyness outside. Love the pretty teacups.

  70. Your posts are always so very visually pleasing, delightful in fact!

    It is the same here, as you know, nothing is growing. And yet the sun has been shining, but it is bitterly cold. Such odd weather for April.

  71. Every visit of mine here is a gift to me. Your photos are so rich, and beautiful, and colourful, and cheerful ...
    I hope you had a blessed Easter!

  72. Hello dear Madelief! Your beautiful photos are a blessing to see this night. I feel Springtime in each one of them. Soon we will both be back in our gardens and planting away.
    sending hugs...

  73. It is all so bright and cheery! and I've already heard from you what you made. ;) Honestly, I sort of felt like I'd really like to tuck myself in at your table! =D

    But, now, already... what a difference a week has made, eh?!! Spring!!! (Although, there isn't a leaf on a branch, yet, but the buds are definitely swollen. and the wind is brisk and COLD coming down off the hill and there's a nasty bit of snow pile left on the other side of the road where the woods shade it.) But, to my shock, there are crocus and pansies just starting to bloom! =)

    It's all so wonderful, isn't it?



Thank you for your lovely words.