In the press

zondag 17 februari 2013

Snowdrops and Hellebores


After weeks of rain and frost, we had our first -not so cold- and sunny Sunday today. Perfect for doing a bit of much needed gardening. Although the thermometer did not go higher than 7 degrees Celsius, it felt much warmer. There was hardly any wind and when sitting on the veranda with my face in the sun, it could have easily been spring!

I had not realised how much I had missed the garden. The peace and quiet, the birdsong.  It was a joy being there.

There was a lot of clearing up to do. One of my favourite occupations is to get get rid of decayed leaves and stems. The surface of the soil is revealed once more and with it tiny green shoots and even some flowers, like snowdrops, Hellebore and cyclamen.

There is still a lot of work to be done, but while looking back over my shoulder on my way home, I was happy to see the difference. We did a good job today!

Have you been in the garden lately?

Wishing you a happy new week!


Madelief X

Thank you for your kind comments on my last two posts. They are much appreciated!

87 opmerkingen:

  1. Ha, that´s pretty nice to see ya ! So lovely pics - thanks for the ride in your springtime garden! Here still are 20cm snow and we can only imagine what dares already out of the ground ...

  2. Hello Madelief:
    What a joy it is to see these hardy harbingers of spring push through the soil. Hellebores are amongst our favourite early spring flowers, appearing so delicate and fragile and, yet, coping with the most hostile of weathers. And, when the sun shines, they do look absolutely glorious. Yours look truly beguiling!!

    It is so very satisfying to clear the debris of winter and make the garden ready for spring. So much hope and promise of the year to come.Wishing you a truly wonderful gardening year ahead!!

  3. I am so jealous. We are at MINUS 2º F here today! We have lots of snow on the ground and more coming tomorrow-UGH. Your gardens are beautiful- xo Diana

  4. I can imagine how lovely it must be to get back in the garden!
    It's a heatwave here. I divided my bearded iris yesterday, finally, and resembled a beetroot in a sauna afterwards!! x

  5. Hi Madelief,
    Love your photos, as always! It sounds like you had a perfect day in your garden. I can't wait for spring-I miss my garden too! Have a good week.

  6. Alhoewel heel voorzichtig zie ik bij jou toch echt voorjaar in de tuin...geweldig Madelief! En nu ik jou daar zo zie zitten én werken, krijg ik ook weer zo'n zin in mooie en zonnige dagen! Vanwege de slaapkamer hadden we vandaag geen tijd om naar buiten te gaan, maar we hopen de schade in te halen als deze klus klaar is. Ik heb genoten van je foto's en je post!

    Veel liefs, Ingrid

  7. Dearest Madelief,
    Lucky you for having that many blooms this early. Usually we do have thousands of daffodils, blooming from early, to mid- and late season but this spring there are no buds and no flowers. Sad fact and probably from the dry summers we've been having. Nature will restore itself eventually but we might have lost a big part of them.
    Well, enjoy your beauties, also for me!
    Hugs to you,

  8. Hi Madelief,
    I was out in the garden too this weekend doing some clearing and discovering signs of the new life emerging. I'm glad you enjoyed your spot of gardening too! How lovely to be able to see a windmill from your garden. Thinking of you all too.
    Sarah x

  9. Hopelijk hier ook snel zo'n zonnige dag...wat genieten, deze dag heb je maar weer te pakken.
    Lieve groet, Renny

  10. Wat een prachtige Helleborus, die met dat kransje van bloemblaadjes om het hartje, een juweeltje.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  11. Hoeraaaaa...eindelijk!!! Madelief,
    Your post is so wonderful,Spring:-)*
    I was also here in Bergen in the forest.....HOW amazing is SPRING!!!

    Wish you great week,


  12. Mooi Madelief !! heerlijk jou weer in de tuin bezig te zien !!! je je huis nou zachtgroen schilderen ???zo mooi !!!...liefs van

  13. It's funny because although we are so far away, your garden looks so much like mine! We have moved my parents into an apartment and so we are going to sell the house they have lived in and my mother has gardened in for the last 46 years. She moved the garden up the street when they moved the she dug out all her favourite plants and bulbs. It is the thing that my sister and I are currently doing in her garden to move to our gardens. So while it is very sad at the moment with my Mom in Hospice- there are little surprises under the leaves being revealed at this time of year. And when we tell her about them, she knows exactly which ones we are talking about or she will suggest where to find certain favourite things--and sure enough under those beach tree leaves, there they are--waiting!
    Thank you for the beautiful pictures..
    Lise-Lotte from Canada

  14. Lovely to see spring appearing, I really need to get outside and tidy up!
    V xxx

  15. Ja wat was het lekker weer vandaag hè. Fijn dat je alweer wat in de tuin kon doen en even in het zonnetje kon zitten . Mooie foto's als altijd Madelief. Liefs van Riet

  16. your garden looks lovely in it's sleepy-just-waking-up phase. i would love to wander and discover all those beautiful flowers. and the windmill!

  17. O yes, I have been in the garden lately but it is far too swampy to do some work in it. Love the Hellebores! I wish I had some in our garden. aybe I'll try it one more time....
    have a great week,

  18. Your garden is your blog!! I'm your new follower!!
    Hugs Vicky

  19. wauw wat mooi :)! Dat zal zeker genieten zijn in je tuin! heerlijk was het vandaag, met dat zonnetje waande ik mij ook in de lente :)!

  20. Despite our milder Pacific NW weather only a few jonquils are popping up!
    Madelief, is this windmill so near your allotment? Oh, I envy you! I miss their sight more than I can say!

  21. You look very stylish even working in the garden! hug Anja

  22. How wonderful to see you in your garden again, as much a herald of spring as the snowdrops themselves :)

  23. Lovely winter garden... I've been enjoying some gardening lately too....

  24. Dear Madelief,

    Lovely to see you working in the garden and you look very stylish.
    I always love this time of the year when the little spring blossoms are waking up and appearing above the ground.
    How wonderful it is to see a windmill from your garden.

    Happy new week

  25. Hello Madelief
    How lovely to spend some time in your garden..the birds are beginning to sing again, and the days longer and lighter..I cannot wait to spend some time in mine, and have a good tidy up..
    Your Hellebore is beautiful and the delicate little snowdrops always make me feel happy
    Kind Regards
    Thea x

  26. Dear Madelief,
    I think I might have to move to Holland! It must have been such a joyful sight to have blooms in your garden already. We had rain here today but a blizzard warning for tomorrow-no gardening for me for quiet some time!
    I do enjoy seeing your early blooms though and am happy you enjoyed some time in your sunny garden today.
    Take care,

  27. Now that is a pretty sight! My garden is still covered in snow.

  28. You have a windmill practically in your back yard!
    Everything , especially those crocuses, just fill me with hope for the future.

  29. Dear Madelief, your day in the garden looks so wonderful - fresh air and sunshine restores your spirit so! Beautiful things happening there already with snowdrops and Hellebore, to cheer you up! I do think we have the exact same climate here, and in fact, many Dutch have settled here with large bulb farms. I went to one such farm just recently, named 'The Windmill' and know the Dutch family personally - absolutely lovely, generous people.
    I hope you get back to your beautiful garden soon. I have just started working outside, too. Hugs, xoxo

  30. Ja heerlijk dat weertje gisteren, heb maar eens de ramen gewassen na een hele tijd. Heerlijk als de bloemetjes weer uitkomen!
    Fijne week!

  31. Bei Euch ist die Natur schon weiter!! Am Mittwoch hatten wir hier Sonne und ich hab angefangen, die Gräser zu scheiden. Das ist immer eine Arbeit! Das war die erste Gartenarbeit in diesem Jahr! Abends hat es übrigens wieder geschneit.

  32. Ha Madelief; Heerlijk zonnetje was dat! En lekker even rommelen in de tuin;doet je vast goed! De verleiding is groot om al heel veel blad op te ruimen, maar pas op hoor; t gaat weer vriezen! Dat blader-dekentje is misschien nog wel nodig! Ik verlang ook wel weer naar de lente als ik al de sneeuwklokjes enzo zie!
    ps/ Anita´s zoon en mijn dochter wonen sinds dit weekend nu echt samen! Al zn spullen zijn nu over!Leuk hoor!
    lieve groetjes Fleur!

  33. Hi Madelief,
    I envy you so much!!! I wish I could have been in the garden lately, but it´s still unpossible here. It is still quite cold and there probably will be snow again this week...There is so much to do in the garden and I can´t wait to start cleaning up. It looks as if spring has arrived in your garden! Your helleborus is lovely, I´ve only got whites ones.

    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel

  34. Oh ik kan niet wachten om de 'tuin' in te gaan.
    'Tuin omdat het superklein is.
    Maar als ik zo de 'tuin' inkijk denk ik altijd; Dat komt nooit meer goed!
    Geduld is niet mijn sterkste punt.
    Er zijn wel al wat sneeuwklokjes zichtbaar, dus het begin is er.
    Fijne week.

  35. Liebe Madelief,

    deine Bilder machen Hoffnung !!!!
    So schön, wenn alles wieder zu leben beginnt !!!
    Hier ist die Natur noch lange nicht soweit, es ist frostig und ich hab vergeblich nach Schneeglöckchen bei uns im Garten gesucht....ich kann gut verstehen dass du den Garten vermisst hast und dich jetzt freust..

    Wünsche dir eine wundervolle Woche und schick dir liebe, kalte Grüße,


  36. Oh, wat is het weer fijn om lekker buiten te zijn hé.
    Vandaag (tenminste hier) schijnt de zon alweer volop. Laten we er maar lekker van genieten.

    Fijne week
    Liefs Lia

  37. Yes, it is really on its way - welcome Spring - before you know it there will be so many flowers around. I love the fact that you have a windmill nearby.

  38. Beautiful hellebores! I rescued some but have no idea what colours they are yet....

  39. O, ik weet zeker dat in mijn verweg tuin ook alles staat te bloeien, de sneeuwklokjes zijn, als wij komen alweer uitgebloeid maar de Helleboris zal zeker nog pronken met haar bloemen.
    Mooie foto's Madelief, zo heerlijk voorjaarsachtig.

    Lieve groet

  40. Your garden is beautiful
    Spring is coming, we must have patience.
    Have a nice week
    Greetings Hetty

  41. Prachtig!! heerlijk het zonnetje schijnt hier ook en als ik jou zo zie heb ik ook zin om in de tuin aan de slag te gaan :-)

    Liefs en een fijn week.

  42. Het genieten dat straalt van je af Madelief, wat een leuke eerste foto.
    Heerlijk hè om na zo'n lange periode weer wat in de tuin te kunnen doen en die eerste bloeiers zijn zo mooi. Dat is echt weer genieten.

    Ik wens je een fijne week.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  43. It's so lovely to see you back out in your garden Madelief and all of those fresh green shoots emerging too. We must have had the same weather as you at the weekend. Clear blue skies and sunshine, although, in the shade it was still quite chilly !! Our hellebores are a little behind yours but, I can see the buds emerging. We managed to cut back some of the dead wood and tidy up a little this weekend...... I'm a bit of a fair weather gardener and don't usually venture out until March !!!! haha
    The last of our snow has disappeared now and, as much as I LOVE the snow, I am ready for Spring and the warmer weather. XXXX

  44. pfff ik kan er altijd zo tegenop zien dat tuinieren..als ik jou dan zo bezig zie in je tuintje kan ik daar bijna jaloers op worden...nee ik heb nou eenmaal geen groene vingers...
    liefs hannie

  45. Hoi,hoi,Madelief!

    Ben ik weer....:-)*
    Het is ZO mooi buiten.....and bij jou helemaaaaaal met alle prachtfoto`s!!!

    Wens je een hele mooi week,

    Met hartelijke groet,

  46. How wonderful! Spring arrives early where you live, and I feel the joy with you of being out in the garden (even though it is very cold and snowy here). :)
    Enjoy, and thank you so much for sharing these pretty photos!

  47. Such a beautiful fresh spring garden post! Your pictures really capture the early season, I love the new flowers and the catkins on the tree. It is lovely to begin gardening again too.....I have only begun to look at my garden so far, not to actually start the cultivation just yet! Maybe next weekend though!
    Have a happy week, Madelief!
    Helen x

  48. Hello Madelief,
    You have put me to shame.
    I must get out into the garden, there is always so much to do and the recent snow did a little damage to some trees and shrubs. We have some tidying up to do, but I'd like it to warm up first.
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Liz x

  49. Oh yes...I was just in my garden this weekend...and I planted some Spring pots for my front was so sunny and lovely here! Pure joy...happy week to you...ONE month today I will be landing on Dutch soil...I am sooooo excited! xoxoxo

  50. Dearest Madelief,
    there is really SPRING in your garden! It looks so
    soothing for winter-tired eyes. Here it had about 0 degrees on Sunday (and we went skiing - I think it was the best we could do ;o)). So I have to confine myself to "indoor gardening"... ;o)
    Warm Küschelbüschel-hugs and a happy new week,

  51. Gorgeous pictures Madelief........We have been enjoying similar weather here in England, and it has been so lovely to get out in the garden and tidy up in preparation of Spring!


  52. Your garden looks beautiful already! I really love your snowdrops, I have never seen any in person and I think they are just so sweet! Thank you for sharing!

  53. Dear Madelief,
    I have not been into the garden because alas at the moment we do not have one - just a balcony. There are some hellebores in pots, some daffodils and the other day we bought a pot of aconite.
    This morning however, while walking to work I saw a lot of snowdrops coming up and that made me happy!

  54. I love it when the garden comes out of hibernation, and yours has the promise of a glorious Spring show!

  55. Ik heb net weer lekker zitten neuzen op je Pinterest boards, zoveel leuke dingen!
    Je foto's zijn weer prachtig en je tuin is vol belofte! Ik ben zelfs een beetje jaloers, hier in het hoge noorden lopen we bijna twee weken achter en ik heb ook zo'n zin om blad weg te halen en de nieuwe puntjes boven te zien komen.
    Het geeft me wel weer twee weken meer tijd voor woldingetjes, je ziet, ik probeer het positief te zien!

  56. We had a balmy day just last Friday and I was able to enjoy some garden cleaning for an hour... I felt just as you described. Didn't know what I was missing! :)

  57. Thank you for your nice comment on my photo. Your post today makes me long for Spring more and more.What beautiful photos. I will love to follow you as you create magic in your gardens. It will soon be here. Yah!

  58. Dear Madelief,
    BEAUTIFUL and yes it's time for the garden :) The weekend weather was perfect, clear blue sky and sunshine. So it was lovely to be outside.
    Hope spring is coming soon :)
    Have a nice week
    lieve groetjes

  59. This is fabulous - you've inspired me to go and brush away the fallen leaves and see what I can spy. I hope some beauties like yours,

    Nina xxx

  60. Hoi Madelief,
    Wat heerlijk dat je weer een keer naar je tuin kon, en er ook daadwerkelijk al lekker aan de slag kon gaan. Zo zalig dat er al van alles uit de grond omhoog komt. En er bloeit ook al aardig wat. Super mooi...
    Hier in de tuin ook van alles te zien, maar nog geen bloeiers hoor, behalve de sneeuwklokjes dan... Ik GENIET!
    Ik wens je een fijne week verder,
    Lieve groet,

  61. De tuin zat vast op een bezoekje van jou te wachten, er is genoeg te doen. Wat bloeit er ook al veel. Fijne week, lieve groet

  62. It's good to see you gardening....I wish!!!
    I'll be doing what you are in about 3 months.
    Keep posting those garden photos Madelief, it makes me feel like I'm
    out gardening as well, lol!!
    Chris :o)

  63. Hello Madelief, it must have been a relief to you to go out in the garden and do some cleaning. It's a refreshing break from winter. The flowers are lovely.

  64. Your garden is becoming really so beautiful. You took some wonderful pictures. You are a hard working person and should clean your garden. Your garden is really nice. PlantWerkz

  65. I love snowdrops. It's lovely when the garden starts to come back to life!

  66. ~ The new life of spring is breath taking after the starkness of winter...ahh deep sighs for Snow drops. Springs promise of more to come...Thanks for sharing your first signs of spring! ~ Take time to dream ~ love Maria x

  67. is that you in the photo pretty lady?
    I just love the little snowdrops poking up - I'm not a fan of winter and LOVE when Spring feels like it's just around the corner.
    fee x

  68. I love snowdrops. These were in the back of my grandmothers house when I was a girl. I remember running out to check everyday to see if they had poked their heads out--my grandmother told me that when they did that spring would come soon.

  69. Hey Madelief wat leuk je weer even te zien en je tuin beloofd weer prachtig te worden deze zomer.....geniet van het zonnetje....liefs

  70. Oh wonderful ! Snowdrops and héllebores, I like I like I like ! Thank you Madelief for share these marvellous photos !Very very very beautiful Nature...
    Nice evening Madelief,
    Nath xxxx

  71. Ik vind deze bloeiers ook geweldig en heb ze ook in de tuin,van de sneeuwklokjes helaas niet zo veel,ik ben blij dat het tuinseizoen er weer aan komt,dan kan ik weer zo genieten van je foto`s,fijne avond,lieve groet Musje.

  72. Dear Madelief,
    what a delightful post about your vernal garden! A day full with winter sun, Madelief working in her garden, the pretty snowdrops and Hellebores and even a dutch windmill!
    Here' still winter: snow all over my garden (and also some more at weekend), all flowers hidden under snow.
    But some day we also can say WELCOME SPRING ;o)
    Nice day and a good time!

  73. How wonderful springtime is with snowdrops and helleborus,
    I am waiting, but here it's -10 and a very cold wind...

  74. Ook hier komt er stilaan weer wat leven in de tuin! Wat heb jij mooie helleborussen! Bij ons willen die niet echt... Maar net als jij heb ik ook nog heel wat opruimwerk. En in deze kou ben ik al een hele tijd bezig met een binnenhuisproject: het herbehangen en herschilderen van onze wachtkamer. Ik wou per se een chinoiseriebehang en na en lange zoektocht heb ik gevonden wat ik zocht. Van zodra het helemaal klaar is (behalve de gordijnen, ik zoek van die oude olijfgroene velours, of van die zijde met moiré-effect) maak ik een blogpost.

  75. I hopped from another blog, because of your name, because it's so Dutch!

    Have lived in Los Angeles for more than 20 years, and it so happens that I've posted a post about Holland this week...Sneeuwklokjes sounds much prettier to me than snowdrops:)

  76. Hello Madelief, I love the snowdrops and hellebores. I have been trying to get the purple ones, but the garden centres only have white. I will need to go to a Nursery I think.
    Thank you for your visit. I did enjoy the wedding fair and am hopeful that it will bring in some business. A lot of couples seem to be planning very far ahead ( I suppose they have to save?) Much love to you, Linda xx

  77. Gosh wat is het al ver daar bij jou...hier wil het nog steeds niet zo vlotten in de tuin, veel te koud, het vriest nog steeds.
    Alleen sneeuwklokjes en helleborussen, maar nog geen crocus te zien..

  78. Genieten van de eerste zonnestralen en de eerste voorjaarstekens... een prachtige post, die mij nog meer naar de lente doet verlangen ;)

    Fijn weekend. Lieve groet, Miranda

  79. My hellebores popped up but now they are snow covered again. We still have several long weeks before any real gardening will begin. I can't wait. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  80. Thank you for allowing us an early visit your magical garden Madelief. I had no idea you had a beautiful windmill nearby, how lovely! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. Paul

  81. Quelles jolie fotos Madelief J`adore !! Les fleures c`est MAGNIFIQUE !! Chez nous il neige encore!!

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  82. Ah! It reminds me of 'The Secret Garden' when Mary - not knowing a thing of what she was doing - pushed away the decay and gave space to the little miracle of growing shoots so they could breathe and get the sun! And that sounds like what you were doing - soaking in the pale spring sun! WONDERFUL! SPRING! Alas, there's still quite a bit of snow, here, and more forecast but, still, the snow isn't very deep at all and the temperatures keep hovering above freezing. There was some MUD today! Yay!

    Even better yet, there was no chill wind and there was bird song and fog on the pond. Delicious! It is just time for me to order my seeds. Our last frost and planting date is the beginning of June.

    Take care! I have been thinking of you and your family!!!

    Hugs and best heart wishes to you all!!!

    Me xxo

  83. How nice to get out in the sunshine and spend time in the garden......
    Lovely photos, beautiful's always so satisfying to spend time in
    the garden, surrounded by nature.
    I received a Spring bulb catalogue today ......a reminder for last orders!!
    Our garden has suffered with the heat this Summer, lots of burnt leaves and sad plants, but
    in the last 24 hours we have had some desperately needed rain. I can imagine all the plants letting
    out a huge sigh of relief....

    Claire x

  84. Hi Madelief,
    Oh how fabulous it is to see those tiny shoots pushing up!! I am always surprised at all the flowers we share, blooming at the same time too!! We are so far apart and yet right in sync! I have never noticed your windmill before in the background, LOVELY!!
    Hugs and happy gardening:-)

  85. Hi Madelief,
    There is certainly something very satisfying about clearing away the dead leaves to reveal fresh soil and little green shoots underneath - I spent a few days doing just that too a week or so ago - too cold now!
    Your hellebores are lovely, and your garden just waiting to burst into colour in the next few months!

  86. What a lovely garden you have! Here in Sweden it is still cold and snow. I am sick of winter!!!
    All the best Mari


Thank you for your lovely words.