In the press

zaterdag 1 september 2012

August garden

Although it's the 1st of September today, I wanted to show you some photo's of my August garden. To me August in the garden is not only about harvesting, but about brightly coloured summer flowers as well, like:
Cosmea's, Echinacea, Zinnia's, gladiolus and Dahlia's

Normally the Zinnia's do well in my garden. Now we only have a handful. Somehow most of the seeds failed to germinate. On the other hand, the Dahlia's, which I covered with a thick layer of leaf mulch in the winter, survived the cold and look better than ever.

I wanted to show you some photo's of the different varieties of gladiolus I have in my garden too, but they all seem to be flat on the ground ;-) A gladiolus is a very pretty flower, but they do have a tendency to lie down. I am seriously contemplating to dig the bulbs up and replant them near the stream in the back garden. They can do whatever they like there.

Meanwhile inside the greenhouse my cucumbers are growing fast, my tomatoes are still green (?) and I have a huge amount of purple and green peppers almost ready to be picked. In one of my next post I will take you inside.

Wish you all a wonderful Sunday! It's perfect weather for gardening in Holland.

Madelief x

61 opmerkingen:

  1. A very beautiful August garden indeed, although your garden is beautiful all year round Madelief.
    I still have so many green tomatoes too, must be something about this summer as I've heard others say the same!
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  2. Wat staat de tuin bij jou nog mooi in bloei! Hier is het mooiste er nu eigenlijk wel af, blad wordt al bruin of begint al herfstkleuren af te geven. Maar het was vandaag heerlijk weer, lekker om in de tuin te werken!

    Ik wens je alvast een hele fijne zondag, Madelief!!

    Liefs, Ingrid

  3. Wat zijn je dahlia's prachtig madelief, heerlijk vrolijke kleuren. Het is wel een van mijn meest favoriete bloemen. Ik zag nog iets van je Grammy squares, heb je al een sprei?
    Liefs van Riet

  4. My gosh- What beautiful August flowers. Your gardens have produced some beautiful ones! xo Diana

  5. Wat een prachtige foto's Madelief maar zijn ze van nu? Je Dahlia's zijn prachtig, ik moet ze toch echt gaan zetten komend jaar. Ik zou graag nog eens een kijkje in je tuin nemen:) Ik ga de foto morgen aan je mailen, zit nu achter m'n laptop en de foto's staan op m'n pc. Vanmiddag ook lekker even in de tuin gezeten en gewerkt. Het wordt al echt herfstig...jammer hoor. DE zomer vliegt altijd voorbij voor mijn gevoel. Mooie zondag en lieve groet

  6. Mooi hoor Madelief weer echte geniet foto's !!!....fijne zondag liefs

  7. Hi Madelief:-)*

    Hoe fantastisch ze zijn.....................!!!

    Ik hou zoveel ervan en ja,Herfst komt eraan met zijn parchtige kleuren!

    Wens je een hele mooi weekend,


  8. Stunning! First day of Spring here and it's beautiful sunny day for a change.
    Just planning to order some Dahlias and plant Zinnia seeds, two of my favourites for summer.
    Penny x

  9. Hello Madelief
    I love the zingy colours, somehow dahlias all seem to go together no matter what colour they are, yes my tomatoes are still green but the Rubeckia's have been very good this year
    Thea x

  10. Dearest Madelief,

    Beautiful colors you show us here. You are so funny about your gladiolus in stating that near the stream in the back of your garden they can do whatever they like. But you 'cannot' make them stand up during the entire season. We have had the same problem over the years. As much as I do love them, there is nothing attractive about anything that lies flat on the ground and is covered with dirt, be it sand or mud.
    But I guess we cannot always have it our way!
    Enjoy this showcase of color for as long as it will last.
    Hugs to you,

  11. Your bouquets are wonderful once again. I love your dahlia's and am surprised they survive outdoors in winter-lucky! I have to dig mine up and save them in the basement here.

    Enjoy your weekend,


  12. Hello Madelief

    OOH Beautiful flowers you always make me SMILE :D
    And where did you get that hat...I mean the fantastic UNION JACK basket?
    I would love a patriotic bag like it
    Please do share
    Have a great week ahead

    1. Hi Julie,

      Hope your move went well? I enjoyed hearing from you again. I found the Union Jack bag in the shop at Pasley Manor gardens.

      Have a lovely Sunday!

      Madelief x

  13. Hello Madelief

    I love the arrangements in the ceramic jugs. Your flowers are at the peak and I always found this time a trifle sad in the garden. So much work through the summer and then it is time for the garden to sleep.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend
    Helen xx

  14. As usual thank you for the beautiful images

  15. Such an array of gorgeous colours Madelief! Love dahlias!
    Victoria xx

  16. Hoi Madelief,

    Inderdaad perfect weer om in de tuin aan de slag te gaan! Gisteren heb ik me bezig gehouden met de voortuin (dus of mijn spierpijn nu is van het in de tuin werken of van m'n eerste pilates-les, wie zal het zeggen). Vandaag ga ik in de achtertuin aan de slag (dinsdag nog een klein tuinfeestje, dus je weet wat er dan moet gebeuren!!).
    En ik zie bij jou een aantal Dahliasoorten die ik ook heb, wat zijn ze toch mooi en wat brengen ze perfecte kleur in de tuin nu! Wat de zinnia's betreft, op één plek doen ze het heel goed en zijn ze flink hoog (zo,n 1m2à denk ik, heb reuze zinnia's), op 2 andere plekken worden ze niet hoger dan 60cm en hebben ze ielige bloempjes... waar het aan ligt? Ik heb ze allemaal op hetzelfde moment uitgeplant, misschien toch meer of minder zon?
    Ik wens je een fijne zondag!
    Lieve groet uit het zuiden, chantal

  17. Wat een kleuren, het maakt je zo vrolijk op de zondagochtend. Het is nu heerlijk om te rommelen in de tuin. Het is zo mooi om te zien bij je, welke bloemen de maand brengt, fijne tips en altijd genieten!
    Ik wens je een fijne zondag en een goede start van de nieuwe week x Diana

  18. I loved seeing all the wonderful colourful flowers in these bright your garden is looking , Madelief! I love how you add some china or crochet to the flowers and make the picture a real visual delight! We have gardened a lot this weekend too....such lovely times!
    Wishing you a happy Sunday!
    Helen x

  19. Wat een prachtige foto's Madelief van alle bloeiers in je tuin. De kleuren zijn zo sprankelend, ze spatten van het scherm af.
    Ik vind de Dahlia's mooie nazomerbloeiers, wil ze volgend jaar ook in de tuin gaan planten.
    Geniet van de zondag en een fijne week.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  20. A lovely bright zingy post as a finale to the summer, autumn is not far around the corner.

  21. This is all very inspiring and making my sundaymorning filled with colours
    My garden is very very neglected .....
    I have to reorganise my life and my garden
    My children ( four ) all left the house now and
    I also had to stop my job I loved SO MUCH
    So here I am in my house filled with memories and with empty rooms
    My bad back made gardening impossible and so
    NEW PLANS are to be made
    Autumn will make space in my mind and my garden ....
    I am looking forward to a Flowerfilled garden next year
    so I can also put flowers in my house EVERY-WHERE !
    Thank you for showing and sharing
    Happy new week

    1. I am so sorry to hear that this year has not been good for you, let's hope you have a new start and are able to enjoy all your garden gives you after all your hard work therein!

    2. Hi Francis,

      I am happy to hear the photo's of my garden inspire you. I hope you will find the time and energy this autumn to do the work you want to do. Good luck!

      Madelief x

  22. Hello Madelief:
    What impresses us here is the absolute vibrancy of you images, especially those of the wonderfully coloured, late flowering dahlias which we have always associated with the onset of autumn. We are most surprised to learn that they came through the winter in the ground with, as you say, the addition of a thick mulch. In the past in Herefordshire we always had to lift the corms.

  23. Heerlijk die kleuren van de dahlia's, ik zou ze ook niet willen missen. Zinnia's zijn lastig, bij mij willen ze al 2 jaar niet terwijl ik ze toch vaak genoeg wel gehad heb. Wat betreft gladiolen, die zet ik altijd op een achteraf plek, want ik snij ze direct af voor de vaas omdat ze altijd omvallen.
    Fijne week weer,

  24. For a girl who loves pink, these are such fantastic pictures! I love the Union Jack bag as a big vase, too! Let's hope that Autumn doesn't come too quickly, and we can enjoy these lovely Summer blooms a little while longer!

  25. What a wonderful and brightly coloured August garden - I really love it!


  26. Completely stunning. What a wonderful place to spend your days.Enjoy your gorgeous Sunday!

  27. prachtig!!!!!!!!wat een plaatjes:-))

  28. My goodness, what a show those dahlias are giving! The colors and variety are a delight to see. It's interesting to read your thoughts about why these performers have excelled while others have had a more difficult season.

    Gardens are very unpredictable places, aren't they?

    I smiled when I read about your plans for those glads!


  29. The flwoers are so beautiful with their intensive cheerful colours!
    Thanks and regards, Siret

  30. How lovely!
    And such vibrant colours still.
    Happy days,

  31. Your garden looks lovely Madelief... have a wonderful week ahead!


  32. I am simply speechless!!! how adorable colors, your garden must be a color festival!!! Lots of kisses sweetie!

  33. Your dahlias are so colourful. I didn't grow any this year and looking at yours I now wished I had!
    Sarah x

  34. Your August flowers are so bright and cheery! I do love your bistro set and your bright satchel full of these gorgeous flowers! I am looking forward to seeing inside your greenhouse, too! Have a lovely weekend, Madelief! xx

  35. What a fabulous injection of colour! I'm afraid that most of the colour has left my garden now, in preparation for the Autumn, so it's such a joy to see a garden that is still flourishing. You have inspired me to plan a little better for late flowering next year - I always seem to concentrate on Spring and early Summer blooms, and then feel bereft when the colours fade in September.
    Best wishes,
    Paula xxx

  36. Dear Madelife,
    You have a magic eye! Tanks for the pictures...So much beautiful!!!
    Happy hugs
    Camomila Rosa and Alecrim

  37. Your August flowers are so beautiful. The colours are very powerful. Lovely.

  38. Your dahlias are beautiful. Maybe you could stake the gladioli - I use pea sticks of hazel to stake tall plants - as everything grows they don't really show, and they cost nothing to buy.

    Pomona x

  39. Hi dear Madelief,
    wonderful pictures as always... I love the beautiful Dahlias in pink. This year I dont plant Dahlias because in our little garden there is not so much space :-( but as every year, most of the flowers are faded, so I have to enjoy the last Roses, the Hydrangeas and Sedum, so it is very peacefull in our garden. Wishing you many wonderful hours in you garden

  40. Hello Madelief! Blogger has not been very hospitable to me recently; I have been valiantly trying to leave you a comment over the past two days but it was simply impossible!

    It has not been a good summer for tomatoes this year; we were lucky to be able to tend my parents-in-law's beautiful kitchen garden during our holidays in southern Brittany and whilst green beans, pumpkins, carrots, strawberries, and raspberries were growing in profusion the tomatoes was surprisingly scant and diseased.

    I love your union jack bag full to the brim with late summer flowers; a very joyful image indeed.

    Dear Madelief, now that my children have returned to school I am happily stitching my hares again. I simply wished to know if you would mind or not your hare having the deep mauve/purple fabric for her trousers and the liberty material for her top? My reason for this is that I find the mauve fabric, which is slightly heavier, would be better for the trousers. IF you prefer her to be exactly the same as the one I have already made there is, of course, no problem at all. Just let me know when you have a spare moment.

    Warmest wishes,


  41. Just beautiful, it's always a pleasure to come here.

  42. Liebe Madelief,

    was für eine wundervolle , bunte Blumenpracht !!!
    Ja, Galdiolen liegen gerne am Boden...ich mag sie auch nicht besonders für die Vase, mir sind kurze , dicke Sträuße lieber..
    Tomaten sind in deiesem JAhr seltsam...aber ich habe eigenen , die Nachbarin versorgt uns immer...
    eine tolle Englandtsche hast du dir mitgebracht !!!

    Schick dir sonnige ,warme Grüße und wünsche dir eine schöne Woche,


  43. Wow! Those are really lovely blooms. It is really refreshing seeing those blooms. I just can't help but smile.
    Excellent job! Happy Gardening!

    Loren @ CheapSheds

  44. Your garden is a riot of fabulous colour Madelief.
    I have not grown dahlias for many years, something I must change, my grandfather would grow showstoppers like these that we used to marvel at as children. A wonderful memory that your post has rekindled!
    Have a beautiful week.

  45. Hoi Madelief, Je hebt echt een wàààànzinnige tuin! Wij hebben een moestuintje op een moestuincomplex hier in de buurt. Hierop groeit vooral groente. Nu gaat mijn man ook bloemen erbij doen. Leuk om zulke mooie boeketten uit eigen tuin te kunnen maken. De inspiratie haal ik uit jouw foto's. Ik heb nu heel mooie witten en roze dahlia's. De eerste 'oogst'.

  46. Oh wow. Beautiful from start to finish! Such gorgeous flowers. Makes me smile! :)

  47. great garden, great flowers and great colors, hug Anja

  48. Your garden looks so vibrant and beautiful. Sadly, a lack of sun here meant our garden remained a sea of green! M x

  49. Fleur en kleur in je prachtige tuin! Hier doen de Zinnia's het juist heel goed, ze bloeien nog steeds volop, een feestje om te zien.

    Fijne avond. Lieve groet, Miranda





  51. Dear Madelief,
    I am thrilled with the insights into your beautiful late-summer garden. The colors are gorgeous and inspiring!
    Lots of Küschelbüschel, Traude

  52. Hallo Madelief,
    Wat bloeit het toch allemaal prachtig in jouw tuin. Heerlijk om naar te kijken en het moet fantastisch zijn om daar steeds bosjes bloemen uit te kunnen plukken. Ik ben helemaal weg van de Zinnia´s en de Dahlia´s. Ik had zelf Zinnia´s gezaaid en die hebben heel aardig gebloeid, maar om ze te plukken, daar waren het er echt veel te weinig voor. Dan is het gelijk leeg. Volgend jaar wil ik ook graag Dahlia´s planten in de tuin. Weet jij wanneer je dat het beste kunt doen? En kun je die gewoon bij het tuincentrum kopen?
    Ik wens je een heel fijne avond,
    Lieve groet,

  53. Yay! A surprise post that I completely missed! (bonus! =])

    Edith had once posted about dahlias.... since then, I've been wanting to try growing them but it's been a couple of years. Finally, this year, I bought the tubers but....where to put them? I didn't know what to expect at all and when I read that they're very hungry plants, I decided not to tuck them into my border, after all. The season was getting late so, finally, about five weeks ago, I just mixed some manure and peat moss in plastic pots and stuck the tubers in. I thought it would be better than them rotting. They're growing and the buds are swelling! I cannot wait to see what happens - I bought what looks like the prettiest purples and pinks - four different kinds. I'm hoping that they'll blossom for the fall foliage fair. I'll wrap the plastic pots in burlap and twine and it will be so lovely!

    I, also, planted sunflower seeds, at the same time. The chipmunks kept digging my seedlings up out of the garden - it was the fourth time planting them and I put them in pots on the porch. Even still, I caught one chipmunk ON THE PORCH digging one out of the pot!!!!!! They're still growing, however, and have buds starting to swell. I have this funny feeling that I might have sunflowers for Christmas! =/


    btw, My tomatoes from the garden have been lovely - really wonderful! I'd forgotten how good they are when they're vine ripened and so fresh. It's the first time in six years that we've had any veggies from the garden - since we moved, in fact. Have yours ripened, yet?

    and, speaking of the raised beds.... Tom HAS said that he would build me two more boxes for flowers (and two more for more vegetables and herbs) - I'm taking your advice and encouragement about a cutting garden!!! =] and speaking of.... zinnias are such a beautiful and dear cut flower! =] as are dahlias....according to Edith! ;)


  54. Your blog is beyond lovely! It really brightens my day whenever you post! Thank you for sharing with all of us!

  55. Dit bericht is zeer interessant en het is ook nuttig voor ons. liking dingen zoals dit blog en dit is nu geeft me wat inspiratie Om te slagen, ooit zo stel het op prijs.


Thank you for your lovely words.