In the press

zaterdag 6 augustus 2011

Flowers and vegetables

Hi everyone,

After some lovely sunny day's, it's raining heavily in Rotterdam. I don't really mind. It's evening now and the garden can use some water. The garden looks beautiful at the moment. I probably said this two weeks ago too, but to me it just is! It's full of pinks, oranges, purple's and yellow's. The Dahlia's, Zinnia's and Cosmea are in full bloom and so are the sweet pea's. I picked a little bunch of flowers today, to take home with me. A thing that always makes me very happy.

We found a huge orange pumpkin hiding in the herbal patch. What is it about pumpkins? They seem to be wandering around the garden. Sometimes we think we have lost them, to find them back one or sometimes even two metres further away. Do you have the same experience?  I also put a cucumber and a courgette in my basket to take home with me. They taste so delicious :-)! To me there's nothing nicer than harvesting and cooking home grown produce.

I am sorry for not leaving comments with you all, but we are changing things around the house. I bought a new (second hand) dresser this week, which meant I had to empty the old one and fill the new one. It was more work than I anticipated. As we live in a second floor apartment, and the dresser is huge, we had to hire a lift. With the help of a friendly neighbour, we finally managed to get the dresser inside.....pfff! It looks absolutely great though! I will show you some photo's soon. Now I am off to the couch to put my legs up!

Wish you all a Happy Weekend!

Lieve groet van Madelief x

54 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh,what beautiful photos. Fantastic. I showed my husband and said I need a new camera and lots of learning.

    Hugs Bente

  2. Wat mooi! en ja je hebt nu al een pompoen!! super!!
    mooie foto's hoor wat een prachtige bloemen.
    Fijne zondag

  3. De tuin ziet er prachtig uit, wat een schattig boeket! En ook nog lekker in huis bezig geweest, geniet van je weekend, lieve groet

  4. Daisy...sempre maravilhosas imagens trazes para nós,realmente não existe nada melhor do que cultivar nosso pró prio alimento...ele tem um sabor mais especial certamente!!!
    Beijos e um final de semana maravilhoso!!!

  5. Madelief - you deserve to keep you feet rested following all that work. Your dresser I will look forward to seeing. As for your garden, it is absolutely superb. The sweet pea stole my heart away.
    Wishing you a great weekend
    Helen xx

  6. Wat is er nou mooier en lekkerder dan bloemen en groente uit eigen tuin! Dat laatste moet ik toch echt kopen, maar ik vind het ook elke keer weer leuk om een boeketje uit eigen tuin samen te stellen, hoe klein dan ook!

    Hier hoost het ook, onze oudste kwam net als een verzopen katje binnen :-)!

    Een fijn weekend!! Veel liefs, Ingrid

  7. Geniet van een heerlijk weekend.....liefs van

  8. What a lovely,colourful,cheery post!
    It is great when you can pick flowers and veg that you have grown yourself!
    If you have time, please visit (Linda), she was given a new camera for her birthday recently and has taken some amazing macro shots of flowers and bark. one pic is of the centre of a Cosmos flower, like the ones you picked and the centre looks like it has tiny stars in...amazing!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend,

    Sandie xx

  9. Such lovely photos.I adore the one with the flowers in your hand and the following one below it.So lovely!

    Have a beautiful Sunday ahead!~~Becky

  10. Your garden is a Realm of Beauty, in all season.
    Nice sunday Madelief,

    Amitiés xxx

  11. your photos are stunning as usual madelief. i too apologize for not commenting lately. i always am reading though. sometimes life gets busy!

  12. Gezellig en fleurig ziet het er bij jou uit. Heerlijk hoor, pompoenen en zo uit eigen tuin.

    Fijne (misschien droge?) zondag.


  13. Hoi Madelief, ik vind regen ook niet erg, het scheelt een hoop gietwerk. Wij hebben dit jaar de pomp en het agregaat nog niet hoeven te gebruiken.
    Mooie plukbloemen, ze staan geweldig bij de kleur van je huisje. Ben benieuwd naar je nieuwe kast.
    Lieve groetjes Jannet

  14. Hi Madelief,

    Your flowers are so beautiful and such vibrant shades and yes, to have your own fresh picked vegetables you can't beat them.
    I look forward to seeing your new dresser.

    Happy weekend

  15. Da hst Du aber reiche Beute gemacht, liebste Madelief ! Bei uns blüht gar nix, erst war es zu heiss, dann zu nass, heute regnet es wieder. Und darum hab ich beschlossen, nnur noch den Garten aufzuräumen und dann nix mehr zu kaufen, weils auch gerade zu anstrengend ist. Sieht nicht halb so schön aus, wie in Deinem Blumenparadis, aber wennn es nicht geht, dan muss es auch ohne Garten gehen.

    Ich finde es auch herrlich, eigenes Obst und Gemüse zu ernten. Und es schmeckt auch noch besser. Kürbis hatte ich noch nicht, weil mein Garten zu klein ist. Gehst Du eigentlich jeden Tag in Deinen Garten ???

    Und wegen der Umräumaktion: mach Dir keine Gedanken. Auch wenn es viel Arbeit ist, es ist auch eine Chnace, seine Sachen auszusortieren und damit wieder Ordnung zu schaffen. Beim Schlafzimmer Renovieren hab ich *hust* 4 Säcke Kleidung aussortiert. Da waren Sachen dabei, ich ich noch NIE gesehen habe, echt jetzt...


    Hab einen schönen Sonntag und erhol Dich mal !

    Lieve groetjes

  16. Wat weer een heerlijke traktatie van kleuren...
    Prachtig gewoon....en zie ik daar weer zo'n prachtig rokje bij je.....ben toch altijd weer verwonderd hoe en waar je het vindt.....
    Ben benieuwd naar je kast, vast prachtig met veel moois erin....zou ik graag eens doorheen snuffelen...;0)
    Fijne zondag

  17. Wat een prachtige bloemen in je tuin Madelief. Hopelijk blijven ze allemaal nog even staan :))). Je foto's zijn ook weer prachtig . Ben heel benieuwd naar je nieuwe kast.

    Lieve groetjes van Riet

  18. Bloemen en groente uit eigen tuin.... super toch.
    En zolang de regen 's avonds of nog liever 's nachts valt vind ik het ook niet erg. Kunnen we overdag toch nog genieten.
    Succes met de kast.

    lieve groet Lia

  19. Hi Madelief
    Well your garden looks stunning, it looks like my kind of garden mixture of flowers and vegetables - looks like you have the same weather as us! I really look forward to seeing photos of your new dresser, isn't it lovely when you found something different for your home.

  20. Kijk ik zou dus echt niet zonder je posten kunnen Madelief,ik word er zo vrolijk van,je foto`s zijn echt prachtig,zoveel inspiratie krijg ik ervan,ik reageer op het moment ook niet veel,heb vakantie,ben druk met van alles en gewoon geen zin haha,maar ik kijk wel altijd even wat er allemaal gebeurd in blogland,heb sinds gister ook wat nieuws in ons huis,ik heb onze oude eettafel set verkocht en nu hebben wij een brocante tafel van 2 meter bij 1 en ohh zo gaaf,nu gaan wij 6 verschillende stoeltjes verzamelen haha,die hebben wij dan weer niet,maaar geeft niet,ik wens je een fijne zondag en nieuwe week,liefs Joke.

  21. Hello Madelief:
    There is nothing in our book so wonderful as the scent of Sweet Peas around the house. And, of course, it is so satisfying to know that the more they are cut, themore they will continue to produce flowers. Such an obliging plant!

    Your garden is indeed looking wonderful and the clouds of frothy Thalictrum are really very attractive.

    We can fully sympathise with the efforts of bringing in large items of furniture when one lives in an apartment which is not on the ground floor. Such a performance, but we look forward to seeing pictures of your new dresser in due course. It sounds most interesting.

    Happy Sunday!

  22. Loooove those wonderful summer colors,
    you made my day!!!!

    a big hug,

  23. Hi Madelief,
    I always enjoy a peek at your lovely garden and your pretty bouquets
    I planted sweet peas but they didn't grow this year for me.
    We are having our garden tour this afternoon so we spent many hours getting it ready.We have hundreds of beautiful daylillies in bloom and they are lovely to have but need lots of deadheading-too bad they are self cleaning!It was a beautiful day yesterday but it rained last night but they promise some sunshine for this afternoon.

    Take care,

  24. You look pretty, dear Madelief!!! Your flowers are lovely!!!
    I wish you have a wonderful week!

  25. Je tuin ziet er prachtig uit! En de oogst uit eigen tuin smaakt dubbel zo lekker! Heerlijk om zo' n mooi boeket uit je eigen tuin in huis te halen. Ik ben benieuwd naar de nieuwe kast...


  26. De kleuren spatten weer van je scherm, heerlijk om naar te kijken. Leuke sjaal en rok met geborduurde accenten.
    Succes met de kast.
    Lieve groet

  27. What a BEAUTIFUL post ...I so needed this and I adore your outfit!

  28. beautiful photos, so sunny and bright, just what I need as it's raining here. I can't wait to see your new dresser. victoria x

  29. Liebe Madelief ,

    du hast ja eine richtige Farbenpracht in deinem Garten !!!!!!! Wahnsinn !! Und eigenes, biologisches Gemüse ist wirklich das BESTE !!
    Wir haben ja einige Obstbäume ( Kirschen, Birnen, Miraebellen, Äpfel, Pflaumen ) und geben davon unseren Nachbarn, wir bekommen von ihnen Tomaten und Gurken & Kürbis, so wie du, also Obst/ Gemüsesharing...
    Wirklich sehr gut ...
    Ja, du hast recht, ich mussste so lachen wegen deiner vermutung , dass die Schlange bei Anne Frank-Haus lang war ...sie war wohl seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehtr lang, ist das immer so ?!
    Wir haben in Frankfurt auch ein Anne Frank- Museum, da sie ja dort auch gewohnt hat , als sie klein war..Es ist interaktiv ,auch sehr beeindruckend und sehenswert...du hast recht, jedes Kind sollte die Geschichte kennen...meine Tochter liest gerade alle Bücher, die mit Anne zu tun haben...
    Die Aktion mit dem Buffet kann ich mir gut vorstellen...aber es war ja wohl alle Mühe wert, wenn es schön aussieht, bin gespannt auf Bilder...

    Wünsche dir eine schöne , neue Woche,
    liebe Grüße,

  30. The colors of those flowers from your garden really do sing! I have to also compliment you on that little yellow pumpkin...delightful.

    And bravo to you on getting that massive new piece of furniture upstairs to your apartment!

    Best wishes.

  31. Wat een prachtige bloemen en dan nog wel uit eigen tuin! Liefs Lia

  32. Hallo MADELIEF,

    wat leuk je fotos met al de mooien bloemetjes.
    ja ik leef in Nederland.
    Een ik heb het hier erg naar mijn zin.
    Ik weet ook hoe het is een komode naar een andere etage te krijgen ook omdat in Nederland de trap niet so breed is dan in Duitsland...:(

    groetjes Conny

  33. Is die pompoen ook al uit je tuin? Wist niet dat die nu al tevoorschijn waren gekomen. Blijkt dat ik nog veel moet leren :-))
    Zalig die kleurenprachtig aan bloemen, leuke boeketjes heb je er van gemaakt.

  34. Dearest Madelief,

    What a joy to visit you and see the abundance of your lovely garden! Both, flowers and veggies. By the way, isn't it funny that for courgette (= Dutch and French!) we say here zucchini. After 28 years I still don't get fully used to it!
    But the Dutch climate for sure beats our, as flowers is concerned. The first summer ever that I don't have sweet peas, roses or whatsoever for filling our vases... Let's hope that next year we will have; starting with new roses all over as they died.
    You commented that it would be lovely to walk our garden early moring. But the 7:30 PM that I mentioned refers to Post Meridiem = Latin for 'After Midday'. If I wrote 7:30 AM that would be Ante Meridiem = Latin for 'Before Noon'.
    Confusing and I prefer the 24 hour system as they also use for airlines. We saw once an Australian couple come to the check-in counter and they'd missed their plane by 12 hours because of this complication. That's awful!

    Lots of love and success with your new dresser. Trusting you, it will turn out to be something spectacular.


  35. Prachtige foto´s Madelief! Al hou ik niet van zo bont, het ziet er prachtig uit!
    Fijne dag nog!

  36. Wat staat je tuin er prachtig bij! Lief kleurrijk boeketje heb je geplukt! Heerlijk is dat!

  37. Oh, Madelief, the colours are just fabulous! I have tried to grow vegetables but don't seem to be too good at it! Your garden looks beautiful. Em x

  38. So wonderful garden/flower images. Great colours!!! Hugs Yvonne

  39. LOVE pumpkins my sweet friend...your images are always so pretty. Hugs and love to you. Thank pumpkin means Fall is on her way! I love love fall flowers and colours. xoxoxox

  40. Well, now, you understand perfectly where I've been. We got one cupboard for CDs which has meant that I could, now, empty the closet that holds them. Then, because that closet is empty, I can use it for china and knick knacks! This means that I can move the corner hutch out of the dining room where it didn't belong - into the space that the bookshelf was residing and the items between all of them will get shuffled between them all....then, we had puppies. Possibly, this has something to do with bad planning...or, was just time. Then, the oddest thing started happening. For a month and a half, people have kept stopping by. I can hardly think straight, it's so constant. I hope that it doesn't sound like I'm complaining. It's all unbearably fun. It's just...why does it go like this???=] I'm laughing (with tears), at the moment, Madelief. What a summer!!!

    Your garden is beautiful. I thought that my was lovely, earlier in the season, but still, new looking. Then, somehow, in the last week, it's filled out and is starting to come into it's own. I'm sad that I never got my zinnias or sunflower seeds in the ground. We switched plans. Also, I bought some Dahlias because of Edith's urging, last year, but, I never put them in. I wonder, now, do they grow in pots? That would be fun!=]

    Oh, I have all sorts of thoughts but am afraid that I'm just wiffling on, here, and, I see that I've missed a post. Off I go to read some more.

    Love, Katy x0

  41. Beautiful pictures as always! I just love the colors and the flowers*smile* pumpkins! They are both decorative and good to eat...*smile* I have never had one in the garden though, so cant say I have had the expereience you have..with the "walking" pumpkin I mean*hihi* funny that they suddenly pops up another place than last time...I got images from alice in wonderland in my head right now*smile*

    ...congrats on the new dresser! I have done the switch between old and new, all the packing out, the washing, the packing in...not to mention the painting/decorating of the new furniture...*puh* But i imagine it will look great once you are done!*smile*

    Wish for a great new week for you!
    Best whishes!

  42. Vandaag was het weer goed weer voor de tuin ;) Wat een prachtig boeketje uit eigen tuin en ook nog groente... smaakt toch allemaal net iets lekkerder dan uit de winkel.

    Fijne avond! Groeten, Miranda

    ps. Prachtige foto's!

  43. youa re such a stylish lady, don´t you know it? I am very curious about your new dresser!!!A big flowerful kiss!

  44. Die cosmea doet me denken aan onze allereeste tuin. Daar stond zoveel cosmea in dat ik elke week een vaas vol kon plukken. Tjonge das al weer 22 jaar geleden. Maar wat een heerlijke foto's weer!
    Fijne dag!

  45. Dear Madelief,
    it´s so wonderful, that you can pick so many beautiful flowers from your garden!!!!
    Love this images :-)!

  46. Dear Madelief,

    Your garden does indeed look beautiful. I love the garden after gentle rain - everything looks so luscious and green.

    Your outfit is just the kind of thing I love to wear - I have a similar scarf in fact!

    The photos from your previous post in Paris are fantastic. I'm going back for a further read now!


  47. What beautiful photos - as usual! Your hydrangea is a lovely colour. I've got a white one which is just starting to turn dark pink. Hx

  48. Your garden is indeed looking beautiful Madelief and the photos really do it justice. I look forward to seeing photos of your new furniture purchase, Love Linda x

  49. Just too lovely for words. You must be so pleased that all your work has produced something so beautiful. I am just a little envious!

    Hugs, Stephie x

  50. Hi Madelief, many thanks for your visit and kind comments. I don't know how you keep up with all the reply's and reading! I just noticed your sign 'In the garden with Madelief''s great! Have a lovely rest of week, love Linda x

  51. I wanted to say hello from Raleigh, NC. The photos on your site are gorgeous. Just stunning.

  52. Madelief your garden is stunning and I can relate to the wandering pumpkins, it is like they play hide and seek. No need to apologize for not leaving comments, we fully understand how life can take over.
    Wishing you a week of sunshine and a garden full of joy
    Helen xx

  53. I love fresh veggies from the garden although this year it was ridiculous! Well, the fall garden has been started so we shall see. Your basket is adorable, and I like your outfit with that wrap too!
    Take Care,


Thank you for your lovely words.