In the press

woensdag 17 augustus 2011

China cabinet

In one of my last posts I promised to show you the second hand china cabinet I found on Marktplaats (sort of an auction site like Ebay) recently. Well, here it is! It fits into our dining room perfectly and looks as if it has always been there. One of the advantages of having a big cabinet is, that you can stack heaps of china inside :-)! Today a 'blue selection'. From Staffordshire chintz ware, vintage glass, Moroccan earthenware to porcelain from St Petersburg in Russia.

Our old cabinet went to the garden house. This means that the cabinet I had in the garden house, has to go. If you are interested, please let me know. You can see a photo in this post.

I also promised to show you the apron I finished recently. It looks bright, cheerful and a perhaps a bit too much, but I like it!

Have a lovely evening!

Lieve groet, Madelief x

55 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Madelief, wat een mooie kast vol servies schatten, blauw wit en roze, ik hou daar zo van. Net als de dahlia's in je vaas.
    Het schort is leuk en die kast uit je tuinhuis, ook zo leuk, daar kan je vast iemand heel blij mee maken
    Lieve groetjes jannet

  2. Goeie morgen Madlief. Wat een mooie kast heb je daar en inderdaad heerlijk dat je alles kan laten zien. Mooi dat blauwe servies en het roze is ook mooi. Gezellig schortje heb je gemaakt. Ik ben gek op deze stofjes. Het wordt prachtig weer dit weekend.:))
    Lieve groetjes van Riet

  3. hello! ooo i love your china! Your apron is so pretty! i had a go at making one and would love to make more...just need more time!

  4. Hello:)
    You have such many beautifuel china things...much more than I ever will get,I just sell it:):)
    And your apron so pretty...
    have a wonderfuel day ...
    hgs to you..

  5. Hallo liebe Madelief,

    der Schrank ist der Hit ! Ich mag auch die klaren geraden Linien bei Möbeln sehr und der da passt wirklich hervorragend in Dein esszimmer. Das Problem an großen Schränken ist, dass man Platz hat. Und wenn man Platz hat, dan sammelt man solche herrlichen Geschirre, weil man ja Platz hat.

    Und dann sieht man noch eins und schöne Tassen und den herrlichen Krug da nimmt man auch mit, weil man ja Platz hat und - schwupps ist alles voll und man hat keine Platz mehr und braucht einen neuen, noch größeren Schrank....


    Und Deine Schürze hast Du wundervoll bunt und fröhlich hinbekommen, denn Schürzen müssen so sein, weil kochen und backen ja Spaß machen soll. (Und Schürzen nehmen überhaupt keinen Platz weg :-)

    Eine sonnige Woche wünscht Dir
    Eve, die sich nun gleich mal Euer Ebay da ansieht

  6. love your apron- its so beautiful, its inspired me x love your blue and white china cabinet, full with lovely things- your posts are always so uplifting and beautiful, thanks for sharing lovely madelief xxxx

  7. Ideaal om zo'n mooie kast in de kamer te hebben waar je alles mooi en zichtbaar neer kunt zetten!

    Je schort is ook erg leuk, lekker vrolijk!!

    Het lijkt er trouwens op dat we niet kunnen vertrekken, mijn dochter zit misselijk op de bank :-(! Saampjes zitten we daar enorm van te balen!

    Ik wens je een fijne dag, het wordt mooi weer de komende dagen :-)!

    Lieve groet, Ingrid

  8. Beautiful china in the lovely new cabinet!! Love the retro apron. Have a great day, Jackie in Surrey, UK.x

  9. Wonderful colours and a very chic and lovely apron
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  10. what beautiful china you have!!!Love the cabinet! Hughs Anja

  11. That looks great and fits in so well. Do I spy some Johnsons Greydawn there too?
    I love your apron, I am even inspired to make myself a new one. Too much...not at all!!

  12. Mooie kast heb je gevonden, en met al dat mooie servies erin extra mooi.

    lieve groet Lia

  13. Wat een mooie kast !! en je short is geweldiggg...geniet van een heerlijke dag !! liefs van

  14. Dear Madelief,
    Your china is lovely......I love the way that, although it is from all different parts of the world, it all blends beautifully together and looks so good in your cabinet.
    .....and, your apron is so pretty. It actually reminds me of your garden !
    Have a lovely day Madelief. XXXX

  15. Dear Madelief,

    Your apron is, in my opinion, perfect and NOT too much. So pretty. Is this your own design? Funnily enough I am also intending to make an apron during the holidays. Perhaps I too should show my final results on my blog. We could have an apron design festival ;-)

    I love your china and have a soft spot for your blue teapot. Do you drink a lot of tea?

  16. DELIGHTFUL! Great cabinet! and you got it on ebay? wow!! this is excatly the style I like, without frills!!! and of course the apron is superb!!!! I made one but... I need to make it nicer, now I got some ideas!!! beautiful!

  17. Mooi zeg! dat heb je super op de kop getikt en de kopjes ooh mooi hoor! je schort is echt een hebbeding!
    fijne week

  18. prachtig dit china blue ... en dan verrassing hollandse klompjes en een kleurig schort ... mooi! liefs, @nne

  19. Your china cabinet is just lovely, and your apron is gorgeous! I love the bobble trim and the colours. Fab! (Thanks for entering my giveaway and for posting a link. x) Em xx

  20. Liebe Madelief,

    das passt wirklich total guuuut zu euch , das Buffet, aber der INHALT ist unglaublich !!!
    Wunderschöne Porzellan hast du, zeigst du jetzt , wie bei einer Wanderausstellung verschieden Farben im Monatswechsel...tolle Idee !!!!!!!!
    Lieder habe ich keinen Platz für dein Gartenbuffet -:)))
    Und die Schürze ist sooo süß, da backt man ja gleich lieber...

    Schick dir viele Grüße,

  21. I absolutely agree that your new cabinet fits perfectly into your dining room. What a gorgeous collection of china you have!

    I also think that new apron is great...a very jolly collage of colors and textures.

    Best wishes.

  22. A bit two much of what? I adore that apron!

  23. Oh what a cabinet full of treasures Madelief!

  24. I knew your china cabinet would be too good to be true..and it is.

    Every carefully arranged stack is a thing of beauty.

    And your apron is cute as the dickens. love the cups and saucers on the table.

    xo jane

  25. Oh wow what a dreamy cabinet filled with treasures.....I love your blue dishes! those orange polka dot cups are perfect also.....then those adorable shoes with your fabulous apron......I could see that as a skirt for summer it needs a back panel though or your neighbors might talk.....enjoy your week!

  26. Dear Madelief,

    your post has just made my day! you know how the sight of china makes me all wobbly and happy, of course! Then, there's that *perfectly* adorable apron with the cute red shoes and the retro tea cups - I am in domestic bliss, today!

    We have just spent a crazy, whirlwind twenty four hours, getting all of my "men" and the sailboat ready for a three day trip to Lake Champlain. They've just left and I have three days to myself. I can get something done (and have it stay that way for more than a brief moment.=]) See??? Domestic bliss! your post just puts wind in my sails and I'm off....

    Love, Katy Noelle xxo

  27. Madelief, the China is perfect, but your apron is something!!! I simply LOVE the patterns!! Congratulations!!
    Much love to you! Bela

  28. O wat leuk, wij hebben exact dezelfde kast! Al jaren geleden bij Woonstore gekocht! Bij mij staat -ie grotendeels vol met boeken en de onderste plank is voor t glaswerk maar ik wil eigenlijk al een tijdje de boeken eruit en naar boven. Wat leuk om dit zo te zien bij je, krijg er een goed idee van, je serviesgoed is supermooi!
    En je schattige schortje zien we vast zaterdag, Lia en ik hebben er heel veel zin in! Lieve groet

  29. Echt prachtig alles zo bij elkaar! Erg mooi al die blauwtinten,
    Je kast is werkelijk een plaatje!!

    groetjes van Ria

  30. Prachtig hoor, je nieuwe kast!
    Heb zelf ook n tijd heel veel blauw-wit servies gehad, maar inmiddels niet meer.
    Fijne avond!

  31. Prachtige kast en wat mooi je servies op kleur erin,echt super,zoo moest zoeken naar je tuin kast haha,de link werkte niet bij mij,die is trouwens ook supergaaf,wat zonde,er kan zoveel in en je schort vind ik echt schitterend geworden,liefs Joke.

  32. Your new china cabinet looks very lovely stacked up so beautifully with the blue and white china and the shelf of pink below....and the extremely delicious pink flowery teapot really caught my eye! I love your apron, it captures that charming playful textile trend of the moment, mixing colours and decoration and textures - not too much at all - it would make me smile to wear it.
    Helen x

  33. Hello Madelief,
    Love your your apron and...looove your wonderful pictures.

    Hope you are spending a great summer days.


  34. Wat een mooie ruime kast voor je mooie serviesspullen. De schort is lekker fleurig en het boeket op tafel ook, mooi!
    Lieve groet

  35. Beautiful cabinet!I adore the dishes and the Morocan earthenware,thanks for sharing these lovelies!~~Becky

  36. Dear Madelief
    I love your new China Cabinet and also the blue china, it is beautiful! You are so talented...what a creative and pretty apron you made...great job!

  37. Hi Madelief,
    Your new cabinet looks great with all your pretty china stacked inside.
    I love your apron and your pretty shoes too.

    Take care,

  38. Loving all your china! wow!
    Especially that pretty pink teapot!
    Loving the cabinet too!
    Becca x

  39. Nice cabinet! And I love the blue and white patterns! Great colours in summer!
    And your new apron is so lovely!
    Have a wonderful day,

  40. Your new cabinet looks perfect, I love your teacups with the orange spots on and your apron is wonderful. have a great day x

  41. China and apron is very beautiful,I lake it!
    Great photos!

    Kisses and greetings, Zondra...:)

  42. Sorry, must be something to do with my occupation, but I love those dahlias! Are they home grown???
    I had to chuckle when I saw the pair of klompen! I've got them too! Have got them on the window seal in the kitchen (met de poten van een klein metalen spaarvarkentje erin).
    Your apron looks very good! Very Cath Kidston! Well done you!
    Martin x

  43. Oh Madelief,
    your china is so beautiful, but the little pink teapot is my absolutly favorite :)) I love him!!
    Thanks for your nice comments, it's a great pleasure for me!
    Have a nice weekend and enjoy the sun :))
    lieve groetjes

  44. Suas louças são maravilhosas impossível não olhar e se encantar!!!!Beijocas da Eliete

  45. Wow Madelief, wat een mooie verzameling heb je! Om jaloers op te worden!!
    En je keukenschort is heerlijk fleurig & zeker niet 'too much'!!
    Wat de puinhoop bij ons in huis betreft... we zitten midden in een verhuizing... vanaf volgende week wonen we weer in Nederland (na 8 jaar buitenland!). Dus wie weet... tot ziens in NL!
    Bisousuit (nu nog) Versailles,

  46. Wauw zeg wat een mooie spullen in je kast, en ik ben verliefd op je schort!
    Lieve groetjes Ilona

  47. Oh my goodness..such JOY! Love your blue china and now that apron is a beautiful...and your shoes...oh how I love red shoes.

    Hugs for a great weekend my friend. oxoxxoxo

  48. Hello Madelief!
    Love the "new" china cabinet, and your beautiful china collection is wonderful!
    Love all the blue and white chintzy types especialy.
    Your apron is so cheerful and kitsch!Love it!
    Thanks for visiting my blog - yes that is my daughter, she loved the lily ponds walk ton the beach as she remebers going there when she was younger.
    Now i have a few posts to catch up with here I think!
    Gill xx

  49. Was für eine wundervolle Geschirrsammlung, liebste Madelief - ich hab auch noch sehr viel blaues Geschirr und liebe es sehr!!! Und du siehst richtig süß aus, mit deiner zauberhaften Schürze!!!!! Ein himmlisches Wochenende und allerliebste Grüße,

    herzlichst Jade

  50. Hi Madelief,
    Thank you for your visit today and for sending a card for my Mom. I will let you know when it arrives.
    We are having a hot day today-but I won't complain as we have not had many.

    Enjoy your weekend,

  51. Your new cabinet is wonderful Madelief and I just love all your blue and white. Your apron is gorgeous, I love the bobble trim on it! Much love Linda x

  52. Thank goodness I have a ton of cabinets along with two china cabinets! One can never have too many dishes, and you have such pretty ones. Love, love, love the apron!
    Take Care,


Thank you for your lovely words.