In the press

zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

Paris for a day

Over the past year my train leaving for work left on the same platform (wrong side ;-) as the train leaving for Paris. Day in day out I have been looking at the crowds through my compartment window. I saw businessmen in fancy suits, backpackers, friends on a day out and children going on a school trip, hopping on the train. Such happy and fortunate people! If only I could join them.

This week something was different. I was on the right side of the platform .... among them. It felt simply great! When I told one of my colleagues how much I had been longing to step on the train to Paris, she decided to join me. We had a great day. Leaving at seven in the morning, see the sun coming up over the Seine and the Place de la Concorde.

It was our intention to visit the Monet exhibition, but the queue was more than two hours. We dediced to walk along the Seine, into the city centre and have coffee and macarons at Ladurée. It was a good choice. We visited the fashion department of Le Printemps, strolled through Le Marais and took the train back home at seven.

I realise our visit to Paris may have been a bit decadent, but now and then it's good to step out of one's daily pattern and do something crazy. I can recommend it!

Dear Chantal, thank you once again for the information you gave me about Paris. It was very useful!

Wish you all a great weekend!

Lieve groet, Madelief

70 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello Madelief

    How wonderful...I think it's good for the soul sometimes to just step out of your daily routine. A day in Paris a perfect choice!
    It looks like you had a perfect day.
    And Macaroons! Miam c'est bon
    Love the shop window views...perhaps you will play along next week TUESDAY THROUGH...THE WINDOW? I would soo love it if you do my friend:-)

    Have wonderful weekend

    P.S. I am off to S'holm tomorrow to stay with my big girly (miss her too much) AND then we both fly to London YAY! Off to pack now!

  2. Paris for the day, we have done that from the UK!!! It used to be simple when the Eurostar train left from Waterloo, not so easy now it is at St Pancras. My husband and I went to Calais through the tunnel for the day in September, see post

    It looks like you had lovely weather for your trip.Great photographs!!We have stayed in Paris for a few days in the Winter and it was lovely. I love the Musee d'Orsay and the Bateaux-Mouches.

    Have a great weekend, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  3. Nou ja, Madelief, wat ontzettend leuk!! Met de Thalys naar Paris!! Prachtige foto's, een geweldige sfeer impressie. Met een oud-collega ga ik hetzelfde doen one fine day. We zijn al een keer naar Groningen getreind, zomaar om het treinen en wandelen, lunchen in de stad. Het Groninger museum hadden we beiden al eens gezien ;)
    Een super idee van jullie! Nu lekker nagenieten van je leuke trip! xxx

  4. Oh its so nice to live so near many countryes that you do....I should live there...I am not fond og flying...but there I could drive around:)
    have a wonderful day my friend..

  5. HA toen ik in Purmerend werkte moest ik ook dagelijk langs die trein lopen! Hoe vaak ik niet gewenst heb om gewoon lekker DIE trein in te stappen ipv de trein naar mn werk :) GOED dat jullie dat hebben gedaan, gewoon lekker dagje parijs...heerlijk toch.

  6. Dear Madelief, how wonderful! Paris is my favorite Town!!!
    Your images are so beautiful!
    Have a great weekend,

  7. Geweldig dat je gewoon bent ingestapt!
    Ik ben dol op Parijs en ben vaak voor een dagje er geweest. Ik zou er zo graag een keertje met Roos heengaan, wie weet...
    Fijn weekend! liefs Jannet

  8. Das erste Mal, wo ich in Paris war, wurde mir mein Rucksack samt Geld, Fotoapparat und einem selbstgeschriebenen Roman einer Freundin gestohlen. Ich hasste Paris. Beim zweiten Mal zeigte mir ein guter Freund all seine Reize und ich beschloss, mich irgendwann mal an der Seine zu verloben. Hat aber nicht geklappt :-))
    Wundervolle Bilder eines erlebnisreichen Tages!!
    LG aus dem Urlaub

  9. Lovely, lovely Paris, thank you for taking us with you on train! Those macaroons made it onto my blog as well - they are such a treat. If you ever need one in London, head to Burlington Arcade!

    Special days, where we find ourselves stepping out of our normal routine, make life more fun and fillled with colour. Fun can be underrated in our busy grown-up lives! xx

  10. Hoi Madelief!

    Heerlijk zeg, om je wens in vervulling te laten gaan en een andere trein in te stappen! En dan ook nog eens naar Parijs! Het is inmiddels lang geleden dat wij daar geweest zijn, maar Parijs heeft mijn hart gestolen en we willen er zeker nog eens met de meiden naar toe!

    Ik heb genoten van je post en je foto's! Ben trouwens wel benieuwd of je nu anders naar de trein kijkt die richting Parijs vertrekt en of je die kriebels om mee te mogen kwijt bent. Ik kan me zo voorstellen dat dat juist níet het geval is, nu jullie daar zo'n heerlijke dag hebben gehad!

    Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend! Lieve groet, Ingrid

  11. wat geweldig zeg. ik heb laatst ook al eens zitten kijken of het te doen was in 1 dag op en neer. ik wil met mijn zoon een keer iets doen...echt met zijn tweeen. als je met 6 mensen in een huis woont is even tijd voor 1 kind wel heel leuk. nu denk ik dat ik het toch een keer ga doen. in het voorjaar of zo. door je fotos heb ik er echt zin in. bedankt voor het delen. wat geweldig dat jullie het zo leuk hebben gehad
    gr hannie

  12. Bonjour Madelief,
    So glad you had the chance to take the other train. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Fantastic images, especially the one inside with the sunshine streaming through the window.
    Bon weekend,

  13. 'n Kadootje voor jezelf met prachtig weer in die mooie stad geeft het leven extra kleur.
    Foto's van aankopen volgen wellicht nog :-))

    Goed weekend, lieve groet, Carina

  14. Hi Madelief,
    I bet you have a wonderful time there in Paris... If I got a chance I wanna go there too and see Paris with my own eyes...
    but your pictures were already quite please me as if i go there with you... hehe..
    Thanks for those beautiful photos.

    Wishing you the best, dear friend!

  15. Wat goed, dat je er nu ingestapt bent. En ons weer trakteert op die mooie foto's.

    Hoop dat je weekend net zo mooi is.
    lieve groet Lia

  16. Hello Madelief,
    a day in Paris sound wonderful to me!Sometimes it's nice to do something on the spur of the moment!
    Loved your last 2 posts on your's and your parents gardens! I can see it runs in the family, stunning plants!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Rachel x

  17. 22 years ago I went to Paris on my honeymoon.

  18. Dear Madelief,
    What a wonderful day out and, I think, one that you should do more often !!!!
    We are lucky, like you, that we can hop on Eurostar to Paris, have a wonderful day and be home that evening. We are very lucky, living where we do, aren't we ?
    Have a lovely weekend remembering your day in Paris. XXXX

  19. Het lijkt me heerlijk om zo een weekendje naar Parijs te gaan.

    Misschien moet ik het gewoon gaan doen!

    fijn weekend!


  20. Lucky woman, lovely day. beautiful city.

    Any shopping?

    xo jane

  21. Hi!
    So if you're looking at the crowd now from your compartment window, it will be a different feel, won't it?
    Paris like every big city has his very own atmosphere, doesn't it!? Been there years ago, before marriage and kids. I seamed to end up there on the most different occasions with the most different people, as if it wasn't anything special, but it is of course, I've come to realize that now that I'm older. Hope I'll end up there once again sometime...
    I have to discover those macaroons everybody talks about!

  22. Liebe Madelief,

    was für eine wundervolle Idee !!
    So ein Ausbruch aus dem Alltag tut soooo gut und dann hast Du Dir das schönste Ziel
    PARIS ausgesucht !!!
    Wunderschöne Bilder hast Du für uns mitgebracht ( so waren wir ein bißchen dabei....)
    Danke dafür....für nur 12 Stunden ( und nur weniger Aufenthalt....wie lange dauert die Fahrt von Rotterdam nach Paris ? )
    hast Du den Paris-Flair sehr gut eingefangen...wie gerne wäre ich dabei gewesen...
    Und jetzt fährst Du wieder mit dem anderen , dem Alltagszug...
    Wünsche Dir viele schöne Erinnerungen an den Ausflug und ein gemütliches Wochenende,
    ganz lieben Gruß,

  23. So pretty images YoU bring us today, sweet Madelief!!! Paris is adorable and charming. So many good memories came up while loooking at all these images, sweet friend!!

    Kisses!!! Bela.

  24. Bonjour!!! Just to say hello! Lovely post. I enjoy it very much , especially les petits macaraons. :). Have a nice WE.

  25. Hello, dear Madelief! It is a cold, rainy, blustery morning and we have the wood stove going in the family room. It spit snow, yesterday! The trunks of the trees are dark from the rain and very apparent through the last bits of yellow and red leaves that are clinging there. I've been having my cup of coffee on this early Saturday morning and saw that you have just posted. The miracle of the way the world turns, however, is that you already have 27 comments!

    What an adventure to hop on a train to Paris and to see where it leads you. I just had my first real macaron, just last week. It was so delicious!!! I am sure that I will be making them for the next Ladies' Tea! Did you get anything fun, while your were in Paris??? =]

    I so enjoyed your description of your garden. Somehow, though, when I envisaged what you were saying, I saw summer colors. I had a shock of joy when I saw your rich colored bouquet. So beautiful and autumny! I love the blousey, overgrown, soft green grassed autumnal garden! My garden is still dirt, at the moment. I have finished double digging the top part. It was brutal! Now, however, the dirt is glorious. My plants that I got on sale, this summer are all ready to go into the ground. I am hoping that it won't be too muddy, tomorrow afternoon. Your parents garden is truly like a little pocket of paradise. I saw some lovely inspiration in there because I, also, have some conical evergreens. It's given me an idea! =]

    In the meantime, today is my oldest son's 13th birthday. My parents will go back to California, tomorrow, too. This, now, is the calm before the storm of riotous fun!!!

    Much love to you,

    Katy Noelle xo

    P.S. One of my long time dreams is to take a walking tour in England. To end it with a lovely cream tea - happiness!

  26. what a wonderful post Madalief, it is amazing that you can get on a train and two hours later you are in Paris! PARIS!!! A two hour train ride from here puts us in the adventurous New york city. I think I am due for a buggy ride through cental park.
    Have a wonderful day.

  27. Volg je hart en dat heb je dan ook gedaan! Heel goed!
    Ik geloof dat ik dit voorbeeld ook maar eens ga volgen...mmm goed idee! Fijn weekend!

  28. Dearest Madelief,

    Quite a great idea to actually LIVE out your dream, together with a dear colleague. Paris is always fun and I've had many fond memories. The last time we did tour the city by night which is incredible. Than the meaning of City of Lights becomes REAL.

    Have a great weekend and cherish those great memories for a long time into winter.

    Sunny greetings from Georgia/USA


  29. Are you kidding me!!! How fantastic. How I wish I could simply hop on a train and be in Paris. I love that city and can't get enough of it. Bravo for straying from the norm, and having an adventure. That is what life is about.

  30. Hello Madelief,
    A wonderful day in that stunning place.I love PARIS in every time,

  31. How exciting to be that close to such a beautiful place and to be able to go with a friend and share. I can't belive it's so close, must get my map out everything seems so far away from me way up here.
    Your photos were beautiful!

  32. Dear Madelief, It is so good to do these impromptu things and they are always, at least in my mind, rather better in so many ways than the events one plans for months ahead.

    Ladurée was an excellent choice. When travelling from London to Budapest by train, I find myself in Ladurée for lunch. Always terribly crowded, one needs to be there early, but filled with the most interesting of people. And, yes, the macaroons are delicious!

  33. Oh my! How perfectly wonderful! I am so happy that you went - and so happy that you brought us along as well. Sigh. It's all so very lovely!
    Happy weekend to you, dear friend!
    ~ Zuzu

  34. What a perfect way to spend a day! Gorgeous pictures, I've always wanted to go there.....maybe one day! Have a lovely weekend!

    Best wishes

    Vanessa xxx

  35. Et oui on aurait pu se rencontrer...
    Je suis allée aux puces aujourd'hui ,super.



  36. Heerlijk dagje Parijs!! al doe je het alleen maar voor die heerlijke macarons van Laduré smaken zo heeeerlijk.....Ik ben al een paar keer in Parijs geweest maar ga zeker nog een paar keer terug !!,...heerlijke stad !! geniet van je weekend liefs Ria....

  37. Dear Madelief,
    a day in Paris.... wonderful!!
    Sometimes it's nice to do something crazy ;-))
    have a lovely weekend

  38. Wat een heerlijke dag zal je gehad hebben Madelief en wat een geweldig idee. En je foto's zijn weer zo mooi.
    We zijn nog steeds niet klaar in ons huis. We doen het erg langzaam want het viel niet mee en we hebben de tijd.
    Lieve groetjes van Riet

  39. oh my dear Madelief. I really want to sometimes travel to Paris.
    Your pictures are beautiful. These chocolates in the pastel shades look so delicious. I embrace you and wish you a beautiful Sunday. Susi

  40. Dat gevoel ken ik Madelief. Ging jaren met de D-trein die naar Parijs ging terug naar huis vanuit Utrecht na een avondcursus. Was altijd bang dat ik in slaap zou vallen en in Parijs wakker zou worden. En jij hebt het gewoon gedaan!!! En nu lekker nagenieten van je avontuur :-) Lieve groet, Anja

  41. I would LOVE to go to Paris for the day! Oh well, I guess I can go to San Francisco for the day instead. It's only 1 1/2 hours away. Beauitful pictures! Marcia in California

  42. Hello there. Happy Saturday. I think it's wonderful that you got off the train and enjoyed your day so much. It was not indulgent - a treat well deserved. Those little macarons have made my mouth water!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment - it meant a great deal.

  43. Hi Madelief,
    I am so happy for you that you were on the right side of the train-Paris for a day would be a wonderful adventure. that is a benefit of living in Europe -so many lovely places to go in just a couple of hours.
    I enjoyed your beautiful photos as always.

    Take care,

  44. Madelief, wat fijn dat jullie dit hebben gedaan. Heerlijk lijkt me dat. Ik ben er nog nooit geweest. Mijn dochter ging er vorig jaar naar toe als backpacker.
    Leuk om d.m.v. je foto's even in Parijs te zijn geweest.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  45. Ooohhhh...dear Madelief:-)*
    I see the same pictures from Paris...I mean,I was 3 weeks ago in Paris and it brings me so lovely feelings again!!!
    Just amazing post,thank you SO very much for share tjis,my dear friend!
    And many,many thank's for you visit and you kindnest words by me:-)*


  46. I knew I had seen a recipe for macaroons and here it is

  47. Heerlijk zo'n dag en geweldig die rust! Dat het kan in Parijs!!!

  48. You're more than welcome Madelief!!
    Jammer dat het zo druk was bij Monet, ik heb online kaartjes besteld... voor december! Oktober en half november zaten al zo goed als vol :(
    Maar de Marais én Laduréé maken natuurlijk veel goed!
    Je hebt dus (gelukkig) geen last gehad van de stakingen?
    Geniet nog even lekker na & een heerlijke zondag gewenst!
    Bisous vanuit Versailles, Chantal

  49. dear madelief,
    oh dream...thanks for the loveley
    have a nice week,
    groetjes regina

  50. Hey Madelief heb weer meegenoten van je dagje Parijs,prachtig je foto's weer hoor....

    fijne zondag nog

  51. I am very happy that you like my city ! (I live now in another city, in Auvergne -south-west- of France, but I am a Parisian girl ! And I love love love Paris, this town is my heart. Your pictures are marvellous. Ah Ladurée ! Le Printemps store ! I was living near it. I go certainly in Paris next time for see Monet Exhibition at Grand Palais, yes : 2 hours of queue, i will go in january. :D
    Lieve groet,

  52. Lieve Madelief,
    of course it felt simply great! :o)
    What a wonderful idea, what a wonderful trip!!! I really would have loved to join you, too!
    Warm hugs, Küschelbüschel & groetjes,

  53. Thank you Madelief
    For your beautiful visit.
    I love your post and a beautiful visit to Paris. My daughter thanks you for your visit as well.

    Beautiful soulful photo's, keep inspiring us all.

  54. Wat geweldig gedaan van jullie Madelief. Een dagje Parijs ik heb ook zo zin om weer eens door die geweldige stad rond te lopen. Helaas zit het er verlopig niet in!
    Fijne week
    Liefs Michaja

  55. Such a lovely luxury! I think you should do this more times. It will give you new energy to face the daily life.
    xo Poppins

  56. Dear Madelief! I love Paris!!!!Your pictures are sooo great!! Hughs Anja

  57. Hi Madelief,
    I absolutely love Paris. One of my favorite places of all time. What a treat to just go for a day. Your pictures are a wonderful reminder of how beautiful Paris is. Great!!
    Best wishes,
    Ingrid xx

  58. Heerlijk om zomaar een dagje Parijs te doen. En prachtige plaatjes laat je ons weer zien.
    Lieve groet, Renny

  59. Heerlijk! Dochter en ik zijn net terug van een paar dagen Londen met de trein, alleen staakten ze vandaag in Belgie en was de terugeis dus minder...stap jij morgen in de goede trein?! Wat heerlijk zo'n dagje erop uit!
    lieve groet

  60. Ah Madelief, that is what I love about Europe; being able to visit different places with all the wonderful history to it. It was good to "shake up" the day, to be able to hop on the train and do what you have been wanting to do for a while. It was a wonderful thing that you were able to share the day with your co-worker; it is always more fun when you can share! Your photos show a happy day, and I hope that the two of you enjoyed some of those pastries that you showed to us.
    When I go to sleep tonight I'd like to have such dreams of travel even if they are only dreams.
    Take Care,
    P.S. There was one girl younger than me, Jennifer, but we all had a blast!

  61. Tausend Dank, liebste Madelief für die herrlich romantischen Impressionen!!!! Ich wünsch dir eine wundervolle Woche und schick dir allerliebste Grüße,

    herzlichst Jade

  62. Paris for a day - this could be a title of a movie...and indeed some of your photos (especially the first one) have a very special atmosphere and could originate from a movie.
    In the late 80s I spent 3 month in Paris as an au pair. I was very much impressed by all the different museums of art, I think I visited all of them. Standing in front of an original painting from Monet, Degas, Van Gogh etc. was a great experience.
    What a great idea to do such a crazy thing, I don´t think that it is decadent at all. I´m sure you had a lovely time in this wonderful city.

    Liebe Grüße von Bärbel

  63. Dat is geweldig,gewoon even een daagje Parijs,ben er nog nooit geweest,maar aan je foto`s te zien,is het er schitterend,lieve groet Joke.

  64. Hello Madelief,
    hope you had a nice time in Paris.You have been lucky, just before the strikes! here it's terrible now.Hugs Catherine

  65. Your photos are great, they make me feel like I'm there. All we see in the states are the commercial/tourist aspects of paris. Take as many trips as you can, you only live once.

  66. Beautiful blog, photos...I lake it!!!
    Big kisses from Croatia.

    Zondra Art


Thank you for your lovely words.