In the press

zondag 10 februari 2013

How much is that doggie in the window?

Do you remember I told you about my youngest daughter and I doing some DIY? After my eldest daughter moved out, I decided to refresh her old bedroom and turn it into a quest room/craft room. The walls were painted shocking pink and lime green, which looked really sunny, but the colours were faded and the room looked tired.

As Annebelle, my youngest daughter, likes a new project just as much as I do, she offered to help.  My eldest daughters bed was going to stay, so that there would always be a place for her and future guests. Annebelle and I painted the walls duck egg blue and white. The new colours make the room look peaceful and the light is amazing. It will be the perfect place to paint, sew and store part of my porcelain collection.

There is still a lot of work to be done. The floor has to be replaced, I need curtains and I am on the lookout for an old desk, bedside table and comfortable chair. My aim is to use reclaimed materials and spend as little money as possible. So the thrift store and flea market it's going to be.

When I visited the thrift store last week, I spotted this little doggie in the window. I don't know why, but somehow it appealed to me :-) When I heard the price, which was less than one euro, the decision was easily made. However, my greatest finds were the two American Beauty cups by Royal Albert. I have been hoping they would turn up for some time now and when I saw them in the display last Friday, I could not believe my luck. I am confident my bedside table, desk and chair will turn up too. It's only a matter of time. I will keep you posted on my progress!

A happy weekend! Rotterdam is covered in a thin layer of snow and the sun is shining brightly. It looks magical!


Madelief x

93 opmerkingen:

  1. wat een geweldige foto's, krijg direct zin in zomer en huizen en kamers restylen! En dat hondje; inéén woord SUPER

  2. Jullie hebben de kamer een hele mooie metamorfose gegeven, helemaal in stijl. Wat staat dat vrolijk, al die kleurtjes en bloemetjes! En mochten er kapers op de kust komen, dan is hoe dan ook een waakhond niet verkeerd :-)!

    Een fijne zondag, Madelief! Liefs, Ingrid

  3. Dear Madelief,
    your photos looks magical, too! The colours of the room, the porcelain and the linen are so beautiful and inspiring! And the dog is really very cute!
    Have a nice sunday! - Siret

  4. Tres jolie photos Madelief!! J`adore vos tasses votre chien et la couverture sur le lit!!! ;0)

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  5. Hello Madelief

    I just love the cheerful colour of the bedding in your daughter's room.
    The dog is adorable. Have you named him?

    Happy hunting for the remaining pieces of furniture

    Helen xx

  6. Dear Madelief,
    I really have enjoyed taking a look into your new decorated room - what beautiful and fresh sprink-like colours you have choosed I like it!
    The litte dog looks nearly like our Fango!
    ... I have a pic espacially for you at my current post - I have founded something for you in my favourite decoration-shop at my meeting with a blog-friend ;o)
    Have a wonderful winter Sunday! It's also some snow here!!!

  7. Ik heb weer zitten genieten van je post,gaaf de slaapkamer al en het is nog niet eens af,ik maak van een logeer kamer een bed and breakfast kamer,gewoon omdat ik het leuk vind om zoiets waar te maken,je kopjes zo mooi! en het hondje vind ik heel lief,fijne zondag,lieve groet Musje.

  8. Ik blijf het maar zeggen hé, ik ben altijd weer met verstomming geslagen over wat voor moois jij in een tweedehandswinkel vindt. Dus dat bureauke, nachttafeltje en stoeltje, dat komt zeker in de sjakosj, zoals we hier zeggen.
    Lieve groet en geniet van een duidelijk mooie zondag bij jullie daar,
    hier grijs, barkoud en heel veel wind, ik blijf binnen vandaag ;-)

  9. What a very pretty and welcoming guest room. The little pottery dog was such a bargain, and sits happily in the room. The snow past over us, but sadly we have no sunshine today.

  10. Bellissime le tue foto, adoro le tazze!

  11. Cute dog, I can see how you could not have taken him home with you.
    Your guest room looks delightful - a real treat for your friends when they come to stay.
    Hope you have a lovely day,
    Liz x

  12. Wat zijn jullie heerlijk bezig geweest, ik ben dol op deze kleuren en je hebt de tuin een beetje naar binnen gehaald met het vrolijke servies en het bloemige beddengoed! Het is inderdaad weer een witte wereld, maar ik heb nu echt wel genoeg sneeuw gezien deze winter....lieve groet

  13. Wat een prachtige kleur blauw, daar zal je oudste dochter en loge's zich wel thuis voelen. En wat een mooie aanwinsten, je heb weer prachtige kopjes aan je al mooie verzameling toe kunnen voegen Madelief. En ja....zo'n lief hondenkoppie kan toch niemand weerstaan.
    Fijne zondag en liefs, Mea

  14. Wat wordt ik hier vrolijk van! Al die mooie kleuren en nieuwe aanwinsten!

    Fijne zondag!!


  15. Hello Madelief:
    How very pretty this all looks. Just as your eldest daughter is having fun decorating her new home, clearly you and your youngest daughter are having a great time together with this redecoration project.

    It is such a good idea to make the room fit for a number of purposes. In that way, it will always be in use and not just sit empty for long periods. And, how charmingly you have already made it. The bedding works in so well with your vintage treasures and the colour palette you have chosen is so wonderfully light and peaceful. Any guest lucky enough to find themselves in this room will be in heaven!

    And, do we spot 'Enchanted April' by Elizabeth von Arnim on the bedside table? Just recently we watched the film and were totally beguiled by it. Perfect reading which might well mean that anyone in your newly decorated room may never wish to leave!!!

    1. You must have good eyes to be able to read those small letters :-)! You spotted it correctly. Enchanted April is one of my favourites. The film is a delight to watch. If only for the amazing villa, beautiful scenery and stylish women. However, what I like best is the story outline (imagine reading an advert like that and take the plunge) and the slow pace....

    2. Oh, wonderful! 'Enchanted April' is one of my favorite films - so deep, too! But, I never ever thought to read the book... =/ Good idea! =]


  16. Heerlijk sfeertje...en wat een liefff hondje....fijne zondag verder...liefs

  17. Your bed linens are lovely. The Royal Albert cups are so beautiful. I have always loved statues of dogs. I have some of Collies myself. Your blog is such a pleasure to come to on Sunday morning with my coffee. I enjoy it so much. We are buried in snow here and so longing for Spring. Hugs, Deb

  18. It's looking lovely! No snow here, sadly, just rain and more rain!

  19. Oh my goodness, how did I never find your lovely blog before..your china cups are so sweet and your photo stylin amazing! I will add you to my blog roll so I can stay in touch..wishing you a happy weekend.

  20. hallo, madelief wat is de hobby/ slaap en crea kamer mooi geworden zeg ziet er erg mooi uit daar hebben jullie vast veel werk aan gehad maar resultaat is dan uiteindelijk ook mooi wat een schattig hondje heel sierlijk snap dat je hem niet in de window kon laten staan erg lief de kopjes zijn ook weer erg mooi vooral de twee met de rozen prachtig! een fijne zondag en nu maar genieten
    van jullie nieuw gezellige hobby/ slaap kamer groetjes leon10

  21. Wow, wat mooi!! Heerlijk zo'n project! Veel succes en plezier ermee en hou ons op de hoogte!

  22. Such a pretty colour scheme Madelief! Enjoy finding the rest of the furniture.......

    Gorgeous china!


  23. Where have I been, I missed three of your posts. I was just catching up with my first cup of coffee. I love your new guest room/creative space. That doggie looks right at have a gift at finding beautiful china.....a girlfriend's daughter showed me pictures of her trip to the flea markets over there....there were stalls in her picture of the most beautiful dishes and teapots!
    Your dessert in the previous post looked so delicious.....Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and happy hunting for the desk and chair, I can't wait to see what you find! Heidi

  24. Hi Madelief,
    That looks like a fun project and I love the colors you have chosen. Your photos are always so pretty of your china etc. I love the thrill of the hunt too at thrift shops etc.
    We are having a snow storm here where everything is shut down. It has eased up some now and Andrew has shovelled out the walkway and the car.
    Enjoy your sunny day with a touch of snow.


  25. The bedroom is so charming, such pretty colors--your guests will never want to leave! It will be a pleasure also as a craft room. The dog is sweet--he looks like good company.

  26. Dear Madelief,
    You have both made a wonderful job of the guest bedroom ..... it is SO Madelief !!
    ..... and, I much prefer finding old pieces of furniture in junk shops and giving them a new lease of life. It looks so much better than furniture bought from the high street and cheaper too !!!!
    Your little dog was a bargain and has gone to the best home that it could.
    We are forecast snow tonight so it should look magical in the morning. XXXX

  27. Amazing finds Madelief. The bedroom renovation looks so pretty too. I like the floral bed sheets and pillow cases.

  28. congratulations to your great findings :D the cups are lovey as usual, and if you've waited for them for such a long time, then it's even more satisfying isn't it?! :)

    and your room-makeover is just amazing :D the colors look so lively and make me long for summer (or at least spring...) even more!

    have a nice evening

  29. Dear Madelief,
    You and your daughter have made a perfect job...the room is looking amazing :))
    Duck egg blue!? is this a PTP-colour? It looks wonderful.
    Also wonderful are your porcellain cups...especially the rose cup :)))
    Here its cold and very stormy, so I drink a hot cup of tea and enjoy your lovely pictures :)
    Have a nice week

  30. it's all so beautiful madelief! what lucky finds, love that china pattern! i wish you could come here, i manage 2 vintage shops in the town i live in, they are full of treasures (it's where i find my tablecloths). happy searching and enjoy your beautiful wintry weather!
    hugs, lori

  31. Hi Madelief,
    wonderful... and I love the funny dog!!! February is perfect for renovation :-) (see my latest post)
    Have a great week

  32. Lovely things! And your doggie ist beautiful!

  33. Lieve Madelief. Laat ik nou een burotje over hebben. IK schreef net op mijn blog dat ik een hele boel aan het opruimen ben en dat burotje hoort er ook bij. Ik heb het zo.n 35 jaar geleden gekocht bij Jungerhans. Ik wil je wel een foto sturen als je tenminste zoiets zoekt. Ik had hem al helemaal leeg gehaald en ik wou er juist een foto van maken om op marktplaats te zetten. Mail me maar als je het wil zien.
    Je kamertje ziet er al prachtig uit. Mijn slaapkamer heeft ook die kleur op de muren.
    Liefs van Riet

  34. Liebe Madelief,

    das ist ein bezauberndes Mädchenzimmer geworden !!
    Dort würde ich mich auch sehr gerne zum nähen etc. aufhalten...sooo frische Frühlinsfarben und die Kissen / Deko passen perfekt !!
    Den HAund hätte ich auch mitgenommen, ich hab sowas als Hirsch..

    Dir wünsche ich einen schöne Woche, hier sind Ferien , wie schön ..

    Lieber Gruß,


  35. Dear Madelief I just love these delicious photos...the colours have brightened up a very grey rainy day! Your new room colour looks so pretty, and it is such a good idea to use it for other purposes now your daughter has her own place. Love the combination of the pretty pillows and the china...and that sweet book too. And how lucky you were to find that particular doggie in the window...I would have bought him too!
    Have a wonderful week.
    Helen x

  36. I so want a little dog like yours! He is very cute. And the bedroom looks heavenly!

    Pomona x

  37. Lovely photos, as always, Madelief.
    Duck Egg Blue and white is a very nice combination of colours for a bedroom. My bedroom was painted that colour when I was a child.
    I like the dog a lot and I also like the tureen (or is it two) in the photo before the writing begins. Do you know who made it?
    Bye for now

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! Just had a look. The tureen in front was made by Kahla, the one in the back by M&Z, Czechoslovakia.

  38. You made a good choice for the color of this room. It's really pretty! Good luck for the further work ;)
    I hope you will show us pictures of the finished room.

  39. Beautiful cups!! I have so many ideas on how to use cups as decorating pieces, candle holders etc...time to go on a hunt for some that look like these!!

  40. Dear Madelief,

    The newly decorated room is so beautiful and I love the pretty bed linen and cushions. Looks very fresh and good luck for finding your other pieces.
    The little doggie is adorable and can see why he came home with you.

    Wishing you a happy new week

  41. Het ziet er erg leuk uit. Een kamer waar het aangenaam verblijven is. Mooie combinatie van bedlinnen.
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  42. Even I would try sewing in that sweet,sweet room.

    And that doggie is priceless.

    xo Jane

  43. It's all so beautiful! I love your choice of room color!!!!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Chris :o)

  44. Your guest room is sweet as can be with it's robin egg blue walls and pretty linens! I do love redecorating with special 'finds', it makes the room so special and personally yours. Your new china cups are so lovely and that little dog is precious. I can't wait to see how this special room comes together. I know it will be beautiful. xxoo

  45. I know why that little doggie appealed to you - he's adorable! Who could resist?! Lucky-duck, you! =]

    Hello, dear Madelief! I am so happy to see a post from you - just the cheeriness I need! and, life is just fine here, although, I've been a terribly silent hermit (sorry! =/) I've been stretching to learn some things about photography. Day after day, I'm slugging through it - I'm a bit discouraged... and brain fried, too. =/ So! Thanks for the smile, right now! It reminds me to breathe and have fun!

    and, I have to say, I am completely squeakity-squeaking over your room - SO very, very pretty!!! You have been a busy bee! It looks like your daughter and you are having fun, there, with your new opportunities. and, how pleasant and handy to have a space for sewing (fabric?) and, especially, space for your china!!! (A puzzle, I am always trying to figure out... where to put it all! =P =D ) The project we have on deck, now, will open up some workspace and, possibly, become a room for guests but, right at the moment, I'm hard pressed trying to imagine how to make it pretty and not a jumble - it will also be the laundry room.

    Oh, oooops! It's a bit after midnight. I should probably go to sleep, now, eh? Well, this has been wonderfully cheerful note to 'hit the pillow' with. Do you realize that your post is an encouragement?! =D

    Best thoughts and love to you all!! =]


  46. Hallo Madelief,
    Wat een heerlijke, lieve, gezellige logeerkamer is het zo. En als je dan die spullen hebt gevonden waar je nog naar op zoek bent, zal het helemaal geweldig mooi worden. Love your doggie...
    Ik wens je een heel fijne nieuwe week,
    Lieve groet,

  47. Ha Madelief! Ik dacht eerst foto's van een webside of magazine te zien!
    Maar deze mooie lichtblauwe kamer is dus JOUW kamertje! Prachtig! Heerlijk zo'n extra gast-knutselkamer! Liefhondje ook!Deze week gaat Jip ( van Anita) ECHT m mijn dochter samen wonen; dus zij heeft ook een extra kamertje over; Leuk!
    groetjes Fleur

  48. Your 'new' room looks amazing, I do love duck egg blue!
    Very cute doggie indeed, you were so right to bring him home with you!
    V xxx

  49. pssst! It's just me, again, in the morning (with my coffee... still trying to wake up. ;) ) Apparently, I forgot to pin that picture of you bedroom! teehee! =D

    Also, there's something that I can't quite put in to words but... I love hearing you say that your needs for a chair, fabric, etc. will 'turn up'. They will, too, won't they?! And, because they're 'vintage' they'll have a character and charm that you couldn't imagine right at the moment and, also, it's such a joy when just the right thing shows up, isn't it? =]

    xxo Hope you're having a lovely day! =]

  50. Prachtig vind ik je kleurige post weer Madelief.....en de slaapkamer is ook al zo mooi......liefs

  51. What a lovely spring post, Madelief!;)

  52. So pretty. The room looks lovely. Beautiful color!

  53. Zo mooi deze kleuren en weer mooie kopjes. Het is toch zoveel leuker om voor weinig met succes te slagen, daar geniet ik ook zo van... Dit hondje had ik ook zeker mee naar huis genomen hoor! Succes met je speurwerk...komt vast helemaal goed, even geduld hebben haha Een fijne week, lieve groet Diana

  54. Dearest Madelief,
    reading the title of your post made me smile - I loved the song "How much is that doggie in the window?" when I was a little girl - and I think, your doggie is a really good investment! :o) Oh, and this room! It has a beautiful appearance, light and airy and cheerful. I'm sure: Here will both guests and your pretty collection of china feel good!
    Warm Küschelbüschels, Traude

  55. I love duck egg blue. Our dining room is the same colour and I've added tiny accents of yellow, green and cream.

    Nina x

  56. Madelief, your DIY is developing so beautifully. Duck egg blue is a beautiful color for one's surrounding space. Your china and textiles are charming in this setting.

    Lucky you to find the china cups and saucers, and that little dog (who surely had been patiently waiting for you to turn up!)

    I keep forgetting to mention to you that Fleur did send me links to lots of info about the very interesting Netherlands reclamation project. I also passed the info on to my brother who also thanks you and Fleur.

    Best wishes, xo

  57. I love the colours of your guest/craft room they look very similar to our bedroom!
    That dog was a bargain,I'm not surprised it came home with you!
    Sarah x

  58. Another winning post Madelief which testifies again to your awe-inspiring energy and creativity! I agree; that little dog has a winsome expression and reminds me of the wonderful Whimsie small china animals which were around when I was a child growing up in the UK (if you don't know them just look them up on Google Image). Oh, the hours of fun I used to have playing with those. One of them looked a little like your new friend here :-)

    Thinking of you.


  59. So much the wall colours and linens my friend...and of course that doggie.
    Hugs and love to you for a very special Valentines WEEK! xoxo

  60. Hi Madelief,
    I was admiring your wall color, before I read it was new! I LOVE it, so cheerful, and a perfect backdrop for your pretty rosy cups:-)

  61. Hi Mandelief,
    My husband has an similar dog sitting in his study.
    It belonged to his Grandparents and is called Snifter!
    Liz x

  62. Dear Madelief,
    Once again, another stunning set of pictures. I think the duck egg blue is dreamy. Blue is always soothing and I love the bedding. The colors really pop against that blue. Did you sew those? Love all the patterns. Everything is coming up roses! (to mention another song, as you did).
    Happy you got your teacups. Three new (old) ones came home with me this weekend too. Sweet little doggie went to a good home.
    Happy hunting for your furniture. That is the fun of it. I hope you will share what you find.
    Xo Ruthie from:

  63. It all looks so pretty ... bright and fresh! I love it. M x

  64. can I move it with you! : ) everything is so colorful and happy! Hurry spring!!!!

  65. Hello Dear,

    The datails of the room were beautiful!!! Colors are perfec! And once again you have used all your good taste. Congratulations!! By the way, I would like to have a thin layer of snow here ahahahahhahahahah
    Happy hugs
    Keila Gon (Blog CamomilaRosa e Alecrim)

    **Ps.: I have a new Blog for my book and would love to put the link "Madelife" in it. I await your permission : )
    Have a great week!

  66. Hello Dear,
    I always have many inspirations with yours pics! I have absolutely sure, that the room will stay amazing.
    Ohhh snow... we would like some for here... ahahhahah

    happy hugs: )

    Camomila Rosa and Alecrim

  67. Ik geloof best dat deze kleur op de wand prachtig staat, wat leuk om dit samen met je dochter te doen. Ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat van het kamertje..

    Fijne avond!

    Groetjes, Pietrik

  68. Hello Madelief, love the little guest room makeover. Such a great project to do with your daughter and to create a beautiful space for yourself as well as a guest room! I always admire your lovely china, most beautiful! Have a lovely day. Sharon




  70. Dat ziet er gezellig uit! En wat een leuke vondsten heb je gedaan ;)

    Fijne avond. Lieve groet, Miranda

  71. Love the little dog - I would have bought it too!
    Good luck with your new gust/craft room - sounds lovely.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!
    xoxo Ingrid

  72. Sweet little doggie and very pretty guest room. It's always good to have a makeover. xx

  73. The smallest cup in your pictures is from a set which my grandmother used to have! I had totally forgotten the pattern but it triggered a rush of memories. Your decorating sounds rather fabulous. I love duck egg blue but somehow can't find a way of using it here.

  74. It is amazing what you can find if you look hard enough.

  75. a Cheery wonderful room, I like your combination of fabrics so much, and the new china is gorgeous!

  76. So wonderful cups! Have a nice Valentine´s Day!

    Sari from Puumuli

  77. Was für herrlich farbenprächtige Schätze, liebe Madelief, einfach traumhaft schön und schon richtig frühlingshaft!!! HAPPY VALENTINE und allerliebste Grüße,

    bis bald, herzlichst Jade

  78. Wanneer kan ik komen logeren????? Het ziet er geweldig uit,ik denkdat je hier heel veel inspiratie gaat uitleven Liefs LIA

  79. It is always a joy visiting your bright and colorful space in the blogosphere. Thank you for writing kind comments on me blog! Celebrate love today perhaps with a nice cup of tea in your hand :)

  80. Beautiful! Sweet doggie, lovely teacups, wonderful robin egg blue.

  81. Oh, the doggie is a adorable but the teacups are making me swoon! Love the look of stacked teacups. Hope you're having a delightful weekend.


  82. Hello,dear Madelief!

    Bij jou hier alltijd zoveel fantastische kleuren en zo mooi sfeer....:-)*
    En hoeveel mensen uit het hele wereld genieten daarvan!!!

    Ik wens je een hele fijne Zondag,


  83. Wat een prachtige aankoopjes, vooral de kopjes!

  84. For some reason these pictures make me look forward to spring :)

  85. Dear Madelief, your bedroom makeover is so fresh and pretty. Well done to both of you. I love all your bits and bobs and the gorgeous bedding...very inviting indeed. In your previous post your apple and almond tart looks most professional and I am sure tastes divine, I like Annie Bell's recipes, but you are also an excellent baker I can see. I love the flowering quince and your photographs are just divine.
    I do apologize for not replying to your comment, I have been away from the computer for quite a while, but am very pleased to be back visiting my blogging friends again. I managed to snatch a little time in the garden last week, when we had a day free of rain, like you, I had forgotten how much I missed being in the open air, and making my garden pretty again. A big hug to you, love Linda x

  86. Wow, it looks beautiful. You have inspired me loads too. i'm working on my guest room at the moment and funnily enough I'm working with the same colours.

    While I'm here I also just want to say how much I love reading your blog. Your photos are always such a joy to look at, your china collection is something I envy big time, it is truly, truly beautiful. I can;t wait for the weather to warm up so we can see more of your gorgeous garden :)

    Lots of love x x x x x

  87. what a beautiful blog ! I just HAVE to join!!! so gorgeous and inspiring! hello from Australia. xx


Thank you for your lovely words.